The National Archives smacks Donnie down again

You don't know that Trump ever HAD documents.

Yeah. NARA is in charge of them, that's why they sorted them all out, packed them up and delivered and stored them in Trump's house approving of the location and the lock these past two years.

I bet you could hide a lot in there.

Trump already did that and saved them the trouble.

Neither you nor I know why, but I'm guessing Trump has been a little busy the past 26 months fending off continual attacks and investigations by every leftwing nutcase in the country.

You don't know that Trump ever HAD documents

You idiot, Trump himself said he took them just before leaving office.

He knows it would not get anywhere. Your lie is accepted as truth in our corrupt system. And you fucking know it. Time you stop your bullshit and just claim the cover up has been successful so far. The truth never should hurt but it has knocked the shit out of you.

Bullshit. He knows no such thing. According to you, every judge in every jurisdiction is corrupt and has it in for Trump. Your conspiracy nonsense is growing worse.
If there was no fraud why didn't he get one?
Is this a serious question? You don’t get evidentiary hearings for frivolous claims. The court has serious work to do. It doesn’t have time from crazy people and their fringe theories.
I haven't read the DNC platform but I think I disagree with most democrats and liberals on the following: Here are the top four.

  1. Nuclear Power...the Navy has shown it can manage it in every conceivable environment for 60 years. We should expand it radically in the US, let the Navy run the plants with navy personnel.
  2. Electoral College...the only thing keeping the DNC relevant but currently it's not favoring DEM candidates so they want to get rid of it in some cases. If the question is to have it or go to a straight popular vote...I say keep it. But I would prefer it be strengthened to include the President elect also get a plurality of the Popular Vote.
  3. Armed Guards on every school campus...if your first call during a school shooting is to a cop who you hope shows up with a gun and friends with just makes more sense to have an armed guard already there--but I'm not for teachers with guns.
  4. Keep the filibuster... Some democrats want to get rid of it. I prefer we keep it if the question is to get rid of it or not. I'd prefer we have a REAL filibuster though...all Senate business stops until the filibuster is removed.

Your turn.

Tell us where you've disagreed with something Trump did.

C' up and tell us where you disagreed with what Tump did?
Prove it.

The FBI already has by providing a rough list of things stolen by Trump the brained from the warrant.

Trump admitted he had the documents when he said he declassified them.

"The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) administers the Barack Obama Presidential Library, located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. The library holds records from the Obama presidential administration and is leased, controlled, managed, and used exclusively by NARA. The Obama Foundation, an independent entity, has never had control over the records in Hoffman Estates. All records in that facility are stored and managed by NARA in accordance with archival storage standards, and all classified records were stored in an appropriately secured compartment within the facility. NARA moved these records at the end of the Obama administration to the Hoffman Estates facility under the assumption that former President Obama and his Foundation would be building and transferring to NARA a traditional, physical Presidential Library in the Chicago area. When former President Obama decided that he would not build a physical, NARA-operated Presidential Library, NARA transported the classified records back to secure locations in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. The Obama Foundation provided NARA with funds to help convert the Hoffman Estates facility and to cover some of the expenses of moving the classified records, but the foundation has never had possession or control over the records."

Odd, democrats do it every day with total impunity.
More victim hood greivences in the form of deflection.
Libs want National Archive stormtroopers.
They live in cartoon land
Then defeat it with facts instead of simpering, whimpering name calling
The archives doesn’t need to have police powers. That’s what the DoJ is for.

Trump doesn’t have any real power anymore.
Hillary Clinton used the wrong email account but you guys acted like it was the end of the world.
I managed secure email servers and networks in my last couple years in the Army and if anyone had transmitted any of the data over an unsecured network like Clinton did, they would have been breaking big rocks into little rocks for a while.
Gee, they must have worked overtime making it up! Too bad they don't have more important things to work on like all of the terrorists coming into the country across Joe Biden's wide open border!
Lol. All your right wing media provided arguments failed so now you resort to just plain denial mode...followed by a deflection about the border.

Your desperation is palpable.
Lol. All your right wing media provided arguments
What right wing media? Do you know I don't even get cable?

...followed by a deflection about the border.
One hardly needs to deflect about the border, it is one of our biggest problems and demands massive attention by the FBI, not when Trump will be out of town so they can break into his house to sniff Melania's panties and plant microphones.

Your desperation is palpable.
Not nearly as much as my desperation to see our border secured and Joe Biden put on trial for treason for crimes against the American people.
"That is life in the cult.... Its often funny the depths they sink to."
Which, CC, is the primary draw for my attendance at this version of the Mos Eisley Cantina. I have found it tedious too many times, oh sure, .... but....
But I have also found it re-affirming of the societal cliché about the QMAGA's that exist in our world. And very visibly on this gossip-room.

And sometimes it is really funny. In sort of satirical SNL way.

Their is no conflict of interest or weaponization in carrying out a legal warrant. ..... He was issued a grand jury subpoena for the documents that he ignored and then had a his lawyer lie about it on an official document.

You know, poster Catsnmeters, I have not seen many of your postings in my year and a half on this gossip-room, so I read your stuff in this thread with interest.

In my personal humble opinion as a non-partisan Independent voter, I think you do good work.

A hat-tip.

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