
Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
While I sit here watching Dims and the GOP attack Trump for wanting to restrict elements within Islam from entering the country because they have declared war on it, something that is not unconstitutional, I can't help but think of past Constitutional violations both the Dims and GOP have inflicted upon us over the years.

FDR locked up Japanese Americans simply because they had a genetic link to a nation that was at war with the US. These were US citizens that had a right to due process and denied due process. Both parties were complicit with these acts. There was no major outcry from the GOP to stop FDR. SCOTUS did not come down from their high horse and declare it unconstitutional even though today all concede it was a violation of their rights.

Today we have a similar plight. Obama signed into law the NDAA which grants the US federal government to round up it's citizens, again without due process. They can just be taken and never heard from again if they are labeled "enemy combatants" by the political elite. Again, both parties are in bed together as they continue to violate our Constitutional rights. No candidate in either party is saying this, why? It's not like anyone can defend the NDAA as being anywhere remotely Constitutional, so they just ignore it altogether, much like the GOP did during FDR's rule.

Why is Trump not saying these things? Does he not know or does he not care? All the man has to do is point this out and the election is his. Hillary nor Bernie Sanders nor any other GOP candidate will stand up to the NDAA and it is an issue that they are not able to defend in any coherent manner.

And what about Carson? I thought these guys were suppose to be political outsiders . Why are they all silent? The election is theirs if they simply open their mouths and speak the truth.
While I sit here watching Dims and the GOP attack Trump for wanting to restrict elements within Islam from entering the country because they have declared war on it, something that is not unconstitutional, I can't help but think of past Constitutional violations both the Dims and GOP have inflicted upon us over the years.

FDR locked up Japanese Americans simply because they had a genetic link to a nation that was at war with the US. These were US citizens that had a right to due process and denied due process. Both parties were complicit with these acts. There was no major outcry from the GOP to stop FDR. SCOTUS did not come down from their high horse and declare it unconstitutional even though today all concede it was a violation of their rights.

Today we have a similar plight. Obama signed into law the NDAA which grants the US federal government to round up it's citizens, again without due process. They can just be taken and never heard from again if they are labeled "enemy combatants" by the political elite. Again, both parties are in bed together as they continue to violate our Constitutional rights. No candidate in either party is saying this, why? It's not like anyone can defend the NDAA as being anywhere remotely Constitutional, so they just ignore it altogether, much like the GOP did during FDR's rule.

Why is Trump not saying these things? Does he not know or does he not care? All the man has to do is point this out and the election is his. Hillary nor Bernie Sanders nor any other GOP candidate will stand up to the NDAA and it is an issue that they are not able to defend in any coherent manner.

And what about Carson? I thought these guys were suppose to be political outsiders . Why are they all silent? The election is theirs if they simply open their mouths and speak the truth.
Because people with power have little to no interest in ceding that power.
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.
The decision to intern Japanese living on the West Coast during WW2 was made in the context of fearing an invasion by Japan (who had received assistance in planning the Pearl Harbor attack from some Japanese living in Hawaii). A compounding factor was the deification of the Emperor within the predominant Japanese religion.. With the benefit of hindsight, these fears appear to have been unwarranted.

However, to compare this situation to the current world-wide jihad movement within Islam is equally unwarranted. Not only are continuing terrorist attacks a clear and present danger, the very tenets of that religion prescribe conversion by force, the killing of apostates and imposition of Islamic law over entire countries. The deafening silence of opposition to these principles within the Islamic community, combined with elements of radicalization within many mosques, provides a legitimate justification for closer scrutiny of its adherents, particularly of those seeking entry into the U.S.
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.
“While I sit here watching Dims and the GOP attack Trump for wanting to restrict elements within Islam from entering the country because they have declared war on it, something that is not unconstitutional…”

This is a lie, neither are doing any such thing.

Criticism of Trump is both warranted and appropriate – he’s seeking ‘exclusion’ of all Muslims, including citizens and LPRAs, which is in fact un-Constitutional.

The thread premise fails as a red herring fallacy, what Trump advocates is wrong, reprehensible, and contrary to the fundamental principles of our Nation.

Those condemning Trump are absolutely correct.
“While I sit here watching Dims and the GOP attack Trump for wanting to restrict elements within Islam from entering the country because they have declared war on it, something that is not unconstitutional…”

This is a lie, neither are doing any such thing.

Criticism of Trump is both warranted and appropriate – he’s seeking ‘exclusion’ of all Muslims, including citizens and LPRAs, which is in fact un-Constitutional.

The thread premise fails as a red herring fallacy, what Trump advocates is wrong, reprehensible, and contrary to the fundamental principles of our Nation.

Those condemning Trump are absolutely correct.

The GOP is not attacking Trump? Hillary is not attacking Trump? Really?

Lindsey Graham said that Trump can go to hell and he is not supporting him, Others within the GOP say that Trump should step down after his comments.

Hillary.......well......Hillary is Hillary. It matters who the GOP nominee will be she will attack them.

So how is stopping foreigners from coming into a country not Constitutional? Where in the Constitution does it say that this will not be permitted, especially if some of the people from the said country have declared war on the US?

Is immigration a Constitutional right? Put another way, is American citizenship a Constitutional right for anyone in the world who desires it? When you listen to Hillary and the rest of her Prog groupies you would think it was, especially since she has forbidden the use of the term "illegal alien", as if it's hate speech.

Throughout American history, people have been turned away from the US. For example, at the turn of the 20th century people were turned away if they had a medical condition or if they had not skills or failed intelligence tests. In other words, they only let in people who were going to contribute to the said society, so they would discriminate based upon such things as intelligence and health condition.

Trump is only saying that immigration needs to be stopped until the US can properly vet these people so that Muslim refugees don't do what they just did to France.

And yes, Trump is targeting Muslims, but guess what, that is because certain groups within Islam have declared war on the US dingleberry.

We don't need no stinkin' fascists as President.

No Trump.

No Cruz.
I just read this little gem.

The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) was passed by Congress late Thursday night (84-15-1). It received $609 billion dollars in funding. Carl Levin, D-Mich. stated, “the bill before us is not a Democratic bill and it is not a Republican bill. It is a bipartisan, bicameral defense bill.” Those who didn’t vote for it were the outliers with very strong and differing positions from the likes of Senator Bernie Sanders, a socialist, to Senator Ted Cruz, representing the far-right-wing of the Republican party.

Notice how they peg Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz as the radical extreme?

How I hate the media! One of the few who voted against violating the Constitution and they are the radical extremists?

How does one fight the power of the fascist media?

More importantly, why is Bernie and Ted not pounding this issue into the ground?
Just to remind everyone of what the NDAA actually says.

This pernicious law poses one of the greatest threats to civil liberties in our nation’s history. Under Section 1021 of the NDAA, foreign nationals who are alleged to have committed or merely “suspected” of sympathizing with or providing any level of support to groups the U.S. designates as terrorist organization or an affiliate or associated force may be imprisoned without charge or trial “until the end of hostilities.” The law affirms the executive branch’s authority granted under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and broadens the definition and scope of “covered persons.” But because the “war on terror” is a war on a tactic, not on a state, it has no parameters or timetable. Consequently, this law can be used by authorities to detain (forever) anyone the government considers a threat to national security and stability – potentially even demonstrators and protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.

Sorry, gotta disagree. Most Americans have been sufficiently dumbed-down. They don't care about things that matter. They're distracted. They're busy getting fatter, watching their porn/reality tv, shopping till they drop, etc etc...
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.

Sorry, gotta disagree. Most Americans have been sufficiently dumbed-down. They don't care about things that matter. They're distracted. They're busy getting fatter, watching their porn/reality tv, shopping till they drop, etc etc...

If that is the case then the GOP needs to run on a platform for free porn.

Do you think that would work?
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.

Sorry, gotta disagree. Most Americans have been sufficiently dumbed-down. They don't care about things that matter. They're distracted. They're busy getting fatter, watching their porn/reality tv, shopping till they drop, etc etc...

If that is the case then the GOP needs to run on a platform for free porn.

Do you think that would work?

Freebies do seem to work. So maybe? I do hear what you're saying and i respect your optimism, but i have to be real. Most Americans just wanna stuff their fat faces and shop till they drop.

They've become fat, greedy, and dumb. Just the way Big Brother likes it. They don't care about the Constitution. I hate being the one to break it to ya, but that is the sad reality.
hitler in shorts.jpg
Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.

Sorry, gotta disagree. Most Americans have been sufficiently dumbed-down. They don't care about things that matter. They're distracted. They're busy getting fatter, watching their porn/reality tv, shopping till they drop, etc etc...

If that is the case then the GOP needs to run on a platform for free porn.

Do you think that would work?

Freebies do seem to work. So maybe? I do hear what you're saying and i respect your optimism, but i have to be real. Most Americans just wanna stuff their fat faces and shop till they drop.

They've become fat, greedy, and dumb. Just the way Big Brother likes it. They don't care about the Constitution. Sorry to break it to ya, but that is the sad reality.

Then it's decided.

Free porn it is!!

Now that we have decided on porn and Trump is a Nazi Prog, they may want to start with Nazi porn.
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Sadly, they know most Americans don't care. Most are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports/reality tv, and lining up at Walmart to buy more cheap Chinese shite they don't need. That's what they care about. I know it's very sad, but it is the reality. The Government understands that perfectly.

I disagree.

I think that the average person has no idea what the NDAA is. All Trump has to do is say that both the Dims and GOP have joined forces to pass it and to let people know they can now be arrested and disappear forever because of it.

In an election that is based upon anti-establishment feelings, this is a no brainer. There is not one Prog lawyer who could remotely try to defend this as Constitutional, and it would secure the election for Trump.

Sorry, gotta disagree. Most Americans have been sufficiently dumbed-down. They don't care about things that matter. They're distracted. They're busy getting fatter, watching their porn/reality tv, shopping till they drop, etc etc...

If that is the case then the GOP needs to run on a platform for free porn.

Do you think that would work?

Freebies do seem to work. So maybe? I do hear what you're saying and i respect your optimism, but i have to be real. Most Americans just wanna stuff their fat faces and shop till they drop.

They've become fat, greedy, and dumb. Just the way Big Brother likes it. They don't care about the Constitution. Sorry to break it to ya, but that is the sad reality.

Then it's decided.

Free porn it is!!

Just another distraction. Keeps the dummies in line. And most Americans are drugged up too. Dumbed-down high zombies don't care much about things like the Constitution. Take a closer look around sometime. Most Americans really are just dumbed-down greedy fat asses.

Head out to stores today if you wanna see the real America. Their who you're talkin about. They'd bludgeon their fellow American to get that last shitty Chinese-made blender at Walmart. That's what they care about. It is what it is.

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