The new "Normal"

That's a worthwhile comment to note. Your doctors are trying to stay on political safe ground, instead of being honest.

How far will America's doctors go for the sake of politics?
When they were nagging me to get the vaccine I always thought they were being political instead of honest. I have always had a nagging feeling that the covid Vax was unsafe. At first I took a wait and see attitude. The more I waited and saw, the more I was convinced that this is something I should not do. I shared my suspicions with my doctors. I doubt they want to tell me I was right all along.
Then Trump lied, and Americans are faced with the choice of either not being vaccinated and the suffering and death, or accept that Trump was telling the truth because of the repercussions if he finally didn't be truthful.
Trump didn't lie. He believed Dr. Fauci who was lying. How many people believed Fauci?
I never said the vaccine was the cause. But I do find it rather odd that this perfectly healthy 31 year old woman suddenly had a heart attack. It's not like her job was overly stressful or required a lot of physical exertion...
Then we agree that the vaccine wasn't the cause.

You can debate that with Concerned American now and maybe convince him that we're right.
Then Trump lied, and Americans are faced with the choice of either not being vaccinated and the suffering and death, or accept that Trump was telling the truth because of the repercussions if he finally didn't be truthful.
Trump just repeated what Dr. Fauci told him.
It has nothing to do with the covid vaccines. They've been tested and found to be safe throughout the world.

Recent statistical evidence is now showing that R supporters are dying of Covid at a higher rate than D supporters. This has got to be the R's reaction to Trump's original condemnation of the vaccines, before he did his 180 with 'safe and effective'.

Swallow a horse dewormer pill and die for Trump!
That is a lie. The more they test the more dangerous we find out the serum really is...
Vaccine denial is a gigantic collective puss-out. I had you people telling me it was some depopulation scheme and that I would be long dead by now. Still here. Still no identifiable side effects. Didn't get covid. Pretty sure there were no microchips in the syringe. Fear of the vaccine absolutely cost lives but apparently they were acceptible losses in your purely political opposition to the vaccine.
It has been proven refusing the vaccine was the right thing to do. I feel fine. And whatever kills me will not have the vaccine's help.
The vaccine is responsible for deaths and heart issues.
Much more than that. Organ failure, blood clots, weakened immune systems, and the deaths from no known causes. Those deaths having only taking the vaccine in common.
You didn't understand. The doctors are obviously afraid of making a political statement, when they know very well that the vaccines are 'safe and effective' on saving lives and preventing severe symptoms.

Why are you afraid to answer the question I actually asked?

What benefit is the for a doctor to not recommend a vaccine if the vaccine is safe and effective?

When was Trump lying to you? When he promoted horse deworming pills or when he said the vaccines were 'safe and effective'?

Again, dipshit, a lie is a statement made with the intent to deceive. I don't believe Trump did that...

Get back to reality or you will be ignored again.

LOL!! Get over yourself, douchebag. Putting me on ignore as a threat? LOL!!

You're a fucking retard.

Fuck off...
Then Trump lied
Wrong again, duck. You must have Trump living in your empty head. The WHO lied, The CCP lied, The CDC lied, The FDA lied, Turdeau lied. None of those are Trump. They were globalist shills who should have been able to competently and morally advise Trump--a point, on which, every one of them purposely failed. But you keep spouting your uninformed ignorance, we understand.
Jesus, you people don't even try anymore.
choice of either not being vaccinated and the suffering and death
LMAO, I didn't get vaxxed and no one in my family did either. I have had two strains of the ChiCom flu and I am in the "vulnerable population." We are all surviving quite nicely, could even say thriving. In spite of you and the globalist/democrats warnings to the contrary. According to the news, many of those that received the genetic modification are not.
Then we still agree. You can help convince Concerned American that we're right.
I don't think putting your words in another poster's mouth is going to further your assertion either, duck. BTW, are you also schizophrenic? Just a few posts back you were threatening that poster with being ignored. Now you want to be buddies. Consistency--ANOTHER something you should work on.

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