The Newest Big Lie


^ Iraq Under Saddam


^ Iraq Under Bush

^ Iraq Under Obama

Any questions?
It's called trying desperately to dig up shit to smear your enemy with well after the fact. It looks like the Dims don't have anything positive to run on. And btw, WMD were found and Saddam kept his cards close to his chest so everyone would think he had a production going. This is all really old news and a little humorous to see the libtards grope for some traction before the election.

Spoken ^^^ like a true Contard. At the time, no WMD's were found (Sect. Powell's dog and pony show before the world has been shown to be ridiculous), so your dirty little partisan spin is irrelevant.

And, it's not the Democrats who are re-litigating the Iraq invasion and occupation, it's the members of the clown car, each trying to runaway from their parties responsibility for laying the foundation for ISIS, and the collapse of Iraq.

Candidates struggle with Iraq political quagmire -

Of course the willfully ignorant and partisans will deny the case presented in the link above, it's the MSM which they have been told is in the pocket of the "leftists".
It's called trying desperately to dig up shit to smear your enemy with well after the fact. It looks like the Dims don't have anything positive to run on. And btw, WMD were found and Saddam kept his cards close to his chest so everyone would think he had a production going. This is all really old news and a little humorous to see the libtards grope for some traction before the election.

Spoken ^^^ like a true Contard. At the time, no WMD's were found (Sect. Powell's dog and pony show before the world has been shown to be ridiculous), so your dirty little partisan spin is irrelevant.

And, it's not the Democrats who are re-litigating the Iraq invasion and occupation, it's the members of the clown car, each trying to runaway from their parties responsibility for laying the foundation for ISIS, and the collapse of Iraq.

Candidates struggle with Iraq political quagmire -

Of course the willfully ignorant and partisans will deny the case presented in the link above, it's the MSM which they have been told is in the pocket of the "leftists".
Your seedy non functioning brain is of no consequence. Proving it doesn't further your case. Yes, WMD were found, regardless of anything Powell. Spinning it doesn't change anything.

An op-ed from CNN to back up your assertions? How cute! obama fucked it up, blaming Republicans while pretending what's going on isn't going on doesn't further your case either.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Ask them.

In 2003 I was at a LE Management training in Sacramento with other members of Command Staff from law enforcement agencies in California, and most of them parroted the fears the neo cons were beating on their war drums. Most were gung ho for the fight after watching Powell's dog and pony show at the United Nations.

I wasn't impressed, the evidence wasn't probative and I said so. The only others who agreed with me were a combat vet and a women whose son was in the Marine Corps.

The Iraq War Resolution was voted upon in Oct. 2002, a time where the population and members of congress were in a hightened state of emotion, a time when Homeland Security System,

Homeland Security Advisory System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

was being manipulated by the Bush Administration solely for political reasons. Connect the dots people, it's easy once one begins to examine the evidence. Bush & Co. LIED and the vast majority of citizens, including pols, were fooled.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Ask them.

In 2003 I was at a LE Management training in Sacramento with other members of Command Staff from law enforcement agencies in California, and most of them parroted the fears the neo cons were beating on their war drums. Most were gung ho for the fight after watching Powell's dog and pony show at the United Nations.

I wasn't impressed, the evidence wasn't probative and I said so. The only others who agreed with me were a combat vet and a women whose son was in the Marine Corps.

The Iraq War Resolution was voted upon in Oct. 2002, a time where the population and members of congress were in a hightened state of emotion, a time when Homeland Security System,

Homeland Security Advisory System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

was being manipulated by the Bush Administration solely for political reasons. Connect the dots people, it's easy once one begins to examine the evidence. Bush & Co. LIED and the vast majority of citizens, including pols, were fooled.
So the atmosphere was an artifical creation by Bush and the entire country fell into it? The same Bush you claim is the dumbest son of a bitch ever to occupy the White House?
How about that little incident on 9/11? You know, the one that capped the failure of the Clinton Administration to contain and defeat Islamic Terrorism? The culmination of a long series of terrorist attacks against American targets, the one that demonstrated the US was in fact vulnerable to terrorist attacks planned half way across the world.
Yeah, forgot about that, eh? Must have been sucking cock in the john while that was going on.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Ask them.

In 2003 I was at a LE Management training in Sacramento with other members of Command Staff from law enforcement agencies in California, and most of them parroted the fears the neo cons were beating on their war drums. Most were gung ho for the fight after watching Powell's dog and pony show at the United Nations.

I wasn't impressed, the evidence wasn't probative and I said so. The only others who agreed with me were a combat vet and a women whose son was in the Marine Corps.

The Iraq War Resolution was voted upon in Oct. 2002, a time where the population and members of congress were in a hightened state of emotion, a time when Homeland Security System,

Homeland Security Advisory System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

was being manipulated by the Bush Administration solely for political reasons. Connect the dots people, it's easy once one begins to examine the evidence. Bush & Co. LIED and the vast majority of citizens, including pols, were fooled.

Doesn't this belong in the CT forum? If it doesn't it is rapidly getting there.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Ask them.

In 2003 I was at a LE Management training in Sacramento with other members of Command Staff from law enforcement agencies in California, and most of them parroted the fears the neo cons were beating on their war drums. Most were gung ho for the fight after watching Powell's dog and pony show at the United Nations.

I wasn't impressed, the evidence wasn't probative and I said so. The only others who agreed with me were a combat vet and a women whose son was in the Marine Corps.

The Iraq War Resolution was voted upon in Oct. 2002, a time where the population and members of congress were in a hightened state of emotion, a time when Homeland Security System,

Homeland Security Advisory System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

was being manipulated by the Bush Administration solely for political reasons. Connect the dots people, it's easy once one begins to examine the evidence. Bush & Co. LIED and the vast majority of citizens, including pols, were fooled.
So the atmosphere was an artifical creation by Bush and the entire country fell into it? The same Bush you claim is the dumbest son of a bitch ever to occupy the White House?
How about that little incident on 9/11? You know, the one that capped the failure of the Clinton Administration to contain and defeat Islamic Terrorism? The culmination of a long series of terrorist attacks against American targets, the one that demonstrated the US was in fact vulnerable to terrorist attacks planned half way across the world.
Yeah, forgot about that, eh? Must have been sucking cock in the john while that was going on.

Yep, Bush is the dumbest evil genius who ever existed.

Iraq is Obama's Vietnam. period

Yep. He invaded an innocent country, killed and maimed hundreds and hundreds of thousand innocent people, decimated their economy, drove the US economy into ruin, lost millions and millions of jobs, drove world financial systems to the brink of disaster, killed the auto industry and more - all so he could prove to daddy he could get the oil. Which he failed at doing and now we're stuck with the mess he left.

'cept, it wasn't Obama who did that.

Its just amazing to me that RWs are now saying Iraq is Obama's fault.

What seems to be overlooked by almost everyone is that even if the 'W' administration had been right about the WMD and hadn't been lying in order to enrich certain interests, the invasion was wrong. It was a waste of American military resources, destructive to American diplomatic interests and totally unnecessary. Adding in that it was against international law is just additional weight against it.
There was no conceivable threat that could not have been managed from outside Iraq by US Armed Forces. We only diminished the strength and respect we had in the world.
Militarily, it was unprofessional to utilize assets that way.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Because they were fooled, because they worried they would look weak, because the emotions of 911 clouded their judgment - a question you might ask each of them, not me.

Your post is as usual dishonest, for you fail to mention that 126 D's voted against the Iraq Resolution, and 86 for it; 21 D's senators voted against it, and 26 for it. On the other side, 215 R's voted for it, and only six vote against it; in the Senate 48 R's vote for it and only 1 against it. It was fully owned by the Republican Party. Once again Rabbi(t) lied by omission.

You are defending the democrats by saying they were "fooled" and they sent 4000 soldiers to their death because they did not want to look weak?

The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
There are so many new, big lies coming from the right, such as the Bush is not responsible for Iraq lie, it's impossible to keep track.

These RW lies just make my jaw drop. Bush/Cheney are most certainly responsible for Iraq. If nothing else, why did they react to 9/11 by invading a different country?

Another lie - that Bushs not directly responsible for the formation of ISIS.

But, to be fair, there have always been terrorists, will always be terrorists. Saying any one group is the total and complete fault of any one president ignores the many other factors involved.

Nonetheless, Bush was one of our worst presidents.
What seems to be overlooked by almost everyone is that even if the 'W' administration had been right about the WMD and hadn't been lying in order to enrich certain interests...
What you've overlooked is that the libtards have been saying that all along, yet no hearings about it. Odd with all the enemies he had/has. Bitter rage filled enemies. That should speak to you but it can't.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?

The biggest lie is that the far left actual believes they have choice in their nominee..

If anything this proves the DNC does not care about choices and wants to dictate to the masses..
It's called trying desperately to dig up shit to smear your enemy with well after the fact. It looks like the Dims don't have anything positive to run on. And btw, WMD were found and Saddam kept his cards close to his chest so everyone would think he had a production going. This is all really old news and a little humorous to see the libtards grope for some traction before the election.

Spoken ^^^ like a true Contard. At the time, no WMD's were found (Sect. Powell's dog and pony show before the world has been shown to be ridiculous), so your dirty little partisan spin is irrelevant.

And, it's not the Democrats who are re-litigating the Iraq invasion and occupation, it's the members of the clown car, each trying to runaway from their parties responsibility for laying the foundation for ISIS, and the collapse of Iraq.

Candidates struggle with Iraq political quagmire -

Of course the willfully ignorant and partisans will deny the case presented in the link above, it's the MSM which they have been told is in the pocket of the "leftists".
Your seedy non functioning brain is of no consequence. Proving it doesn't further your case. Yes, WMD were found, regardless of anything Powell. Spinning it doesn't change anything.

An op-ed from CNN to back up your assertions? How cute! obama fucked it up, blaming Republicans while pretending what's going on isn't going on doesn't further your case either.

I'd suggest you've been brainwashed, but your denial of such obvious evidence is such that no working brain is evident. You don't trust the MSM, so where do you get your opinions from?

Much of what I've posted has been gleaned from the Horse's Mouth. I watched Powell, live on TV; I watched Rice, Cheney and Rumsfeld, live and on TV; I've read the Statement of Principles, ginning up a cause for war in Iraq years before 911; I watched the neo cons, members of the RNC and Bush himself lie about WMD's, much like the pols did during press conferences warning of the dangers of Vietnam falling - the Domino Theory. Fear mongering was prevalent then and now.

[We've seen a flood of the Red Scare; fear and hate mongering on political message boards has been common since the first partisan spoke the word "socialism" early on in the the debate to reform health care during the first term of the Clinton Administration.]

I have second hand knowledge that the event in the Gulf of Tonkin, used to justify the escalation of force in SE Asia was a non event [I ran into a guy I knew from High School on base - 32nd St. in San Diego - in the summer of 1967]; he told me he was on Turner Joy when the event in the GoT was supposed to have occurred and it did not.

To distrust the Government is healthy, to whine, complain and blame all government is ridiculous and paranoid. To excuse obvious mendacity, as Bush & Co. engaged to gin up war in Iraq, was criminal; those who try so hard to rewrite history many of us viewed as a current event is foolishly absurd.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?

As blatantly false as the lies the Bush Admin told to dupe the American people into going to war on faked intel.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Because they were fooled, because they worried they would look weak, because the emotions of 911 clouded their judgment - a question you might ask each of them, not me.

Your post is as usual dishonest, for you fail to mention that 126 D's voted against the Iraq Resolution, and 86 for it; 21 D's senators voted against it, and 26 for it. On the other side, 215 R's voted for it, and only six vote against it; in the Senate 48 R's vote for it and only 1 against it. It was fully owned by the Republican Party. Once again Rabbi(t) lied by omission.
You ARE aware that more soldiers have died in Afghanistan and Iraq under Obama than under Bush.....

In Afghanistan yes, Iraq, not even close.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

Because they were fooled, because they worried they would look weak, because the emotions of 911 clouded their judgment - a question you might ask each of them, not me.

Your post is as usual dishonest, for you fail to mention that 126 D's voted against the Iraq Resolution, and 86 for it; 21 D's senators voted against it, and 26 for it. On the other side, 215 R's voted for it, and only six vote against it; in the Senate 48 R's vote for it and only 1 against it. It was fully owned by the Republican Party. Once again Rabbi(t) lied by omission.

You are defending the democrats by saying they were "fooled" and they sent 4000 soldiers to their death because they did not want to look weak?


Let me first say if you choose to build a straw man it is best not to do so with wet straw in a rain storm.

That said, the vote on the Iraq Resolution occurred before anyone knew Bush & Cheney would take the military action they did. Still, many more Democrats in the H. of Rep. voted against the resolution, and 21 senators did too. 215 Republicans voted for the Resolution, and only six voted it down; in the Senate, 48 voted for the Resolultion, and only one voted it down.,

Today, the Republicans in the clown car, and those who hope to hop on, are blaming President Obama for the Fiasco that is and was the Iraq invastion and occupation. Remember, Bush said he would not engage in nations building and then did; Obama promised to get us out, and did.

Though, in all honesty he would have kept troops in theater, but the Iraqi leadership elected by the people wanted us to leave,

Try to keep up with reality, this constant parroting of propaganda is boring and makes the author appear out of touch with reality.
It's called trying desperately to dig up shit to smear your enemy with well after the fact. It looks like the Dims don't have anything positive to run on. And btw, WMD were found and Saddam kept his cards close to his chest so everyone would think he had a production going. This is all really old news and a little humorous to see the libtards grope for some traction before the election.

Spoken ^^^ like a true Contard. At the time, no WMD's were found (Sect. Powell's dog and pony show before the world has been shown to be ridiculous), so your dirty little partisan spin is irrelevant.

And, it's not the Democrats who are re-litigating the Iraq invasion and occupation, it's the members of the clown car, each trying to runaway from their parties responsibility for laying the foundation for ISIS, and the collapse of Iraq.

Candidates struggle with Iraq political quagmire -

Of course the willfully ignorant and partisans will deny the case presented in the link above, it's the MSM which they have been told is in the pocket of the "leftists".
Your seedy non functioning brain is of no consequence. Proving it doesn't further your case. Yes, WMD were found, regardless of anything Powell. Spinning it doesn't change anything.

An op-ed from CNN to back up your assertions? How cute! obama fucked it up, blaming Republicans while pretending what's going on isn't going on doesn't further your case either.

I'd suggest you've been brainwashed, but your denial of such obvious evidence is such that no working brain is evident. You don't trust the MSM, so where do you get your opinions from?

Much of what I've posted has been gleaned from the Horse's Mouth. I watched Powell, live on TV; I watched Rice, Cheney and Rumsfeld, live and on TV; I've read the Statement of Principles, ginning up a cause for war in Iraq years before 911; I watched the neo cons, members of the RNC and Bush himself lie about WMD's, much like the pols did during press conferences warning of the dangers of Vietnam falling - the Domino Theory. Fear mongering was prevalent then and now.

[We've seen a flood of the Red Scare; fear and hate mongering on political message boards has been common since the first partisan spoke the word "socialism" early on in the the debate to reform health care during the first term of the Clinton Administration.]

I have second hand knowledge that the event in the Gulf of Tonkin, used to justify the escalation of force in SE Asia was a non event [I ran into a guy I knew from High School on base - 32nd St. in San Diego - in the summer of 1967]; he told me he was on Turner Joy when the event in the GoT was supposed to have occurred and it did not.

To distrust the Government is healthy, to whine, complain and blame all government is ridiculous and paranoid. To excuse obvious mendacity, as Bush & Co. engaged to gin up war in Iraq, was criminal; those who try so hard to rewrite history many of us viewed as a current event is foolishly absurd.
LOL. You're the one claiming the government fabricated the war. Retard.

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