The Newest Big Lie

Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

Are you sure we need to be in those places?
Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

So you want to add a perpetual US troop presence in Iraq, and Afghanistan, to our already overstretched budget busting foreign interventionism,

and then what? Go after Boko Haram and begin the process of putting US troops into every sore spot in Africa? Troops in Libya. Troops in Somalia. Troops in the Congo.

As a foreigner, why are you so keen on seeing the US go broke policing the world?
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Evidence was missing and no one but Bush & Co. went on the airways to make a case for war without real evidence. Several of the signers of the Statement of Principles (Project for a New American Century, 1997) were members of the Bush Administration, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby and Wolfowitz. And let's not forget Jeb Bush, not part of the Bush Administration, but obviously a member of Bush & Co. also signed this infamous document.

Do your homework, war with Iraq was the goal of the Bush Administration from day one of the election of Bush and Cheney, they simply needed an excuse.
So why did dozens of Democrats say the exact same thing as Bush&Co?

The Serial sexual predator bill clinton said the same things long before Bush was in office, then his wife and the other dimocrats demanded they be allowed to vote to go to war...all on their lonesome.....and the Congressional leadership had the same evidence as Bush....

The war was a good one but got fucked up by obama when he pulled our troops....

AWK, polly want a cracker, AWK

You don't have any understanding of current events, probably because you're dumb as a box of rocks. Prove you're not, I've posted evidence, and you post right wing talking points.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.
You guys must've got the same marching orders the Rightwinger did.
The USS Hillary is starting to sink so, instead of "Forward", we need to look behind us.

We knew Saddam had WMDs.
We sold them to him.

We told Obama, in December 2011, not to telegraph our withdrawal to enemy forces so that they can know when they can move in and take over.
Well they HAVE moved in and took over.
And it's not just ISIS.
Do a quick Google search for "defense minister lands in Baghdad" (which is right down the road from Ramadi) and check out what country he's from
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
There are so many new, big lies coming from the right, such as the Bush is not responsible for Iraq lie, it's impossible to keep track.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

For that, you can thank those RW heroes, Big Insurance companies.


They reacted to a rule created by Obama and his minions in Congress. you can't pass the buck on this one. Actions have consequences, something progressives love to ignore.
The Iraq war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

True or False?
If anyone lied it was ALL the politicians from both parties, that said Saddam had WMD's.

Well, no... it was the WH and CIA that said that.

The Dems in Congress didn't do their due diligence.

But given the fact that the CIA was following Cheney's agenda, then no one could have guessed how deep the lie went.
There is no defending the invasion.

1991 Cease Fire meant "Desert Storm" was never over till Saddam was deposed.
Not sure how come many of you don't recognize that simple fact.
Obviously people like you don't like to keep any agreements just as Saddam which to me means you are just as devious, dishonest and above all
prefer people of Saddam's ilk rather then good honest people... which you are not!

So, it is your belief that the United States should police the world, and when we see fit we have the right; no, the obligation to change a sovereign government by force (Regime Change). Is that a foreign policy you support?

President H. W. Bush stop short of occupying Iraq and seeking regime change, likely because he knew when we broke it, we would be there for decades.
It's called trying desperately to dig up shit to smear your enemy with well after the fact. It looks like the Dims don't have anything positive to run on. And btw, WMD were found and Saddam kept his cards close to his chest so everyone would think he had a production going. This is all really old news and a little humorous to see the libtards grope for some traction before the election.

Spoken ^^^ like a true Contard. At the time, no WMD's were found (Sect. Powell's dog and pony show before the world has been shown to be ridiculous), so your dirty little partisan spin is irrelevant.

And, it's not the Democrats who are re-litigating the Iraq invasion and occupation, it's the members of the clown car, each trying to runaway from their parties responsibility for laying the foundation for ISIS, and the collapse of Iraq.

Candidates struggle with Iraq political quagmire -

Of course the willfully ignorant and partisans will deny the case presented in the link above, it's the MSM which they have been told is in the pocket of the "leftists".
Your seedy non functioning brain is of no consequence. Proving it doesn't further your case. Yes, WMD were found, regardless of anything Powell. Spinning it doesn't change anything.

An op-ed from CNN to back up your assertions? How cute! obama fucked it up, blaming Republicans while pretending what's going on isn't going on doesn't further your case either.

I'd suggest you've been brainwashed, but your denial of such obvious evidence is such that no working brain is evident. You don't trust the MSM, so where do you get your opinions from?

Much of what I've posted has been gleaned from the Horse's Mouth. I watched Powell, live on TV; I watched Rice, Cheney and Rumsfeld, live and on TV; I've read the Statement of Principles, ginning up a cause for war in Iraq years before 911; I watched the neo cons, members of the RNC and Bush himself lie about WMD's, much like the pols did during press conferences warning of the dangers of Vietnam falling - the Domino Theory. Fear mongering was prevalent then and now.

[We've seen a flood of the Red Scare; fear and hate mongering on political message boards has been common since the first partisan spoke the word "socialism" early on in the the debate to reform health care during the first term of the Clinton Administration.]

I have second hand knowledge that the event in the Gulf of Tonkin, used to justify the escalation of force in SE Asia was a non event [I ran into a guy I knew from High School on base - 32nd St. in San Diego - in the summer of 1967]; he told me he was on Turner Joy when the event in the GoT was supposed to have occurred and it did not.

To distrust the Government is healthy, to whine, complain and blame all government is ridiculous and paranoid. To excuse obvious mendacity, as Bush & Co. engaged to gin up war in Iraq, was criminal; those who try so hard to rewrite history many of us viewed as a current event is foolishly absurd.
LOL. You're the one claiming the government fabricated the war. Retard.

I'm sorry, the "retard" you choose to insult is tired of your bullshit and inability to comprehend simple sentences. Yes, Bush & Co fabricated reasons to invade Iraq; it is painful obvious that as early as 1967 members of W's administration were calling for the disposal of Saddam.

I don't believe you are a retard, or stupid; but it is clear to me that you and so many others who claim to be conservative on this message board are dishonest.

It is hard for me to fathom how someone can be so stupid as to buy the propaganda which places blame on the Democrats and President Obama for the war of choice in Iraq, or the near collapse of our economy. Some do; others are simply liars.

replace 1967 and insert 1997, above
Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

The European Occupation army were not fighting an insurgency in the host countries like we fought in Iraq for years(the highest death toll was in 2007, 4 years after the toppling of Saddam's regime), they were there initially to protect those countries from the Red Army.
We told Obama, in December 2011, not to telegraph our withdrawal to enemy forces so that they can know when they can move in and take over.
Well they HAVE moved in and took over.

Since it was President Bush who made the agreement in Nov. 2008, the telegraph had already been sent. It was the Central Government in Iraq that shit all over the Sunnis in Anbar Provence that caused them to align with their former partners al Qaeda in Iraq (re-branded as ISIS). It is a civil war facilitated by the failed US/UK led occupation and it now threatens the entire region.
So Obama was stuck?
"Well, shucks, W said we gotta leave so I shouldn't even try to negotiate leaving a stronger presence because these people won't need our help anymore.
I'm just gonna focus on the largest middle-class tax increase in history.
This whole terrorists thing will go away"

Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

The European Occupation army were not fighting an insurgency in the host countries like we fought in Iraq for years(the highest death toll was in 2007, 4 years after the toppling of Saddam's regime), they were there initially to protect those countries from the Red Army.

Doesn't alter the fact 150,000 troops still in Europe/Asia TODAY!
But our military tried to get Obama to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement and he wouldn't because to do so would be counter to his promise..withdraw all troops!
Consequently whatever gains our military had in Iraq would as they are doing now be for naught!
Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

The European Occupation army were not fighting an insurgency in the host countries like we fought in Iraq for years(the highest death toll was in 2007, 4 years after the toppling of Saddam's regime), they were there initially to protect those countries from the Red Army.

Doesn't alter the fact 150,000 troops still in Europe/Asia TODAY!
But our military tried to get Obama to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement and he wouldn't because to do so would be counter to his promise..withdraw all troops!
Consequently whatever gains our military had in Iraq would as they are doing now be for naught!

The same thing that happened during the Bush negotiations in 2008 happened during the 2011 ones. The Iraqis wanted us out. They want the war with the Sunnis.
Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

The European Occupation army were not fighting an insurgency in the host countries like we fought in Iraq for years(the highest death toll was in 2007, 4 years after the toppling of Saddam's regime), they were there initially to protect those countries from the Red Army.

Doesn't alter the fact 150,000 troops still in Europe/Asia TODAY!
But our military tried to get Obama to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement and he wouldn't because to do so would be counter to his promise..withdraw all troops!
Consequently whatever gains our military had in Iraq would as they are doing now be for naught!

The same thing that happened during the Bush negotiations in 2008 happened during the 2011 ones. The Iraqis wanted us out. They want the war with the Sunnis.

FACTS... Why not do some research rather then spout an unsupported OPINION????
NO it didn't! The Bush negotiations went on even after Bush was out of office.
President Obama’s announcement on Friday that all American troops would leave Iraq by the end of the year was an occasion for celebration for many, but some top American military officials were dismayed by the announcement, seeing it as the president’s putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

And for the negotiators who labored all year to avoid that outcome, it represented the triumph of politics over the reality of Iraq’s fragile security’s requiring some troops to stay, a fact everyone had assumed would prevail.
But officials also held out hope that after the withdrawal, the two countries could restart negotiations more productively, as two sovereign nations.

This year, American military officials had said they wanted a “residual” force of as many as tens of thousands of American troops to remain in Iraq past 2011 as an insurance policy against any violence. Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that at least about 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain.

At the end of the Bush administration, when the Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, was negotiated,
setting 2011 as the end of the United States’ military role, officials had said the deadline was set for political reasons, to put a symbolic end to the occupation and establish Iraq’s sovereignty.
But there was an understanding, a senior official here said, that a sizable American force would stay in Iraq beyond that date.

Over the last year, in late-night meetings at the fortified compound of the Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, and in videoconferences between Baghdad and Washington, American and Iraqi negotiators had struggled to reach an agreement.
All the while, both Mr. Obama and the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, gave the world a wink and nod, always saying that Iraq was ready to stand on its own but never fully closing the door on the possibility of American troops’ staying on.
Do you dipshits realize we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan...and we actually won that war in 1945.....and we have troops in South Korea as well......

And you guys think just pulling out troops when the fighting isn't over...just ends guys are real geniuses.....

The European Occupation army were not fighting an insurgency in the host countries like we fought in Iraq for years(the highest death toll was in 2007, 4 years after the toppling of Saddam's regime), they were there initially to protect those countries from the Red Army.

Doesn't alter the fact 150,000 troops still in Europe/Asia TODAY!
But our military tried to get Obama to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement and he wouldn't because to do so would be counter to his promise..withdraw all troops!
Consequently whatever gains our military had in Iraq would as they are doing now be for naught!

The same thing that happened during the Bush negotiations in 2008 happened during the 2011 ones. The Iraqis wanted us out. They want the war with the Sunnis.

FACTS... Why not do some research rather then spout an unsupported OPINION????
NO it didn't! The Bush negotiations went on even after Bush was out of office.
President Obama’s announcement on Friday that all American troops would leave Iraq by the end of the year was an occasion for celebration for many, but some top American military officials were dismayed by the announcement, seeing it as the president’s putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

And for the negotiators who labored all year to avoid that outcome, it represented the triumph of politics over the reality of Iraq’s fragile security’s requiring some troops to stay, a fact everyone had assumed would prevail.
But officials also held out hope that after the withdrawal, the two countries could restart negotiations more productively, as two sovereign nations.

This year, American military officials had said they wanted a “residual” force of as many as tens of thousands of American troops to remain in Iraq past 2011 as an insurance policy against any violence. Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that at least about 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain.

At the end of the Bush administration, when the Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, was negotiated,
setting 2011 as the end of the United States’ military role, officials had said the deadline was set for political reasons, to put a symbolic end to the occupation and establish Iraq’s sovereignty.
But there was an understanding, a senior official here said, that a sizable American force would stay in Iraq beyond that date.

Over the last year, in late-night meetings at the fortified compound of the Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, and in videoconferences between Baghdad and Washington, American and Iraqi negotiators had struggled to reach an agreement.
All the while, both Mr. Obama and the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, gave the world a wink and nod, always saying that Iraq was ready to stand on its own but never fully closing the door on the possibility of American troops’ staying on.

And the reasons why President Bush was not able to secure a long term deal for US Troops was........the same reason President Obama wasn't able to keep troop there any longer than the final SOFA. The Iraqis didn't want us there.
We told Obama, in December 2011, not to telegraph our withdrawal to enemy forces so that they can know when they can move in and take over.
Well they HAVE moved in and took over.

Since it was President Bush who made the agreement in Nov. 2008, the telegraph had already been sent. It was the Central Government in Iraq that shit all over the Sunnis in Anbar Provence that caused them to align with their former partners al Qaeda in Iraq (re-branded as ISIS). It is a civil war facilitated by the failed US/UK led occupation and it now threatens the entire region.

Yes Obama has more time logged dealing with Iran to bow to them, yet would not give any time to negotiating Iraq. His goal was to appease the drones like you, instead of actually leading..

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