The NRA Said "The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun,..

That can't be right. The shipyard was a gun free zone, as is all of the District of Columbia. A Gun Free Zone. They have signs and everything!

There were armed guards, which he obtained the pistol from. Nice job lying again,..

we they're repub-lie-tards ...what can one expect ... the truth????
that will never happen

Billy, your Village called. They want their idiot back.

Go away
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

That can't be right. The shipyard was a gun free zone, as is all of the District of Columbia. A Gun Free Zone. They have signs and everything!

There were armed guards, which he obtained the pistol from. Nice job lying again,..

Should they have unarmed guards walked up to him and ask him for his weapons? WTF! You want to take guns away from guards? How about those nasty cops? We should unarm them also. Then the guy could have shot up the building, taken hostages and he could have killed others. And then the cops could negotiate with him and when all is said and done, he could surrender, everyone pat him on the back and let him go home.

I swear, liberals get dumber everyday.
That can't be right. The shipyard was a gun free zone, as is all of the District of Columbia. A Gun Free Zone. They have signs and everything!

There were armed guards, which he obtained the pistol from. Nice job lying again,..

Should they have unarmed guards walked up to him and ask him for his weapons? WTF! You want to take guns away from guards? How about those nasty cops? We should unarm them also. Then the guy could have shot up the building, taken hostages and he could have killed others. And then the cops could negotiate with him and when all is said and done, he could surrender, everyone pat him on the back and let him go home.

I swear, liberals get dumber everyday.

They regress as they become more liberal. They become more childish, more petulant, more immature.

Look at that exchange..... Does that sound like a mature adult? No way. It sounds like a 10 year old girl.

And that's about the IQ of most libturds.

No, I'm honestly not being snarky.
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

He passed your prescious government background check.

He was in a gun free zone, patrolled by armed security guards.

He voted for Obama.

And yet you're attacking "gun nutters".

It must really suck to be a liberal these days.

you just know they are twisted up in knots over how to spin this one...
sick people they are
I'm a good guy who will soon have a gun, thanks to good people who stood up to the state of Illinois.

Hmm............................................................................................................................................. pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual minority that must be approached with compassion ....... not hatred.
In the name of tolerance sake ................ we must all learn to tolerate a pedophile's rights to have a consensual SEXUAL relationship with your child.
We can't have angry parents running around with guns hunting pedophiles, as this does not demonstrate tolerance.
We need to remove guns from the people so that pedophiles can explore their SEXUAL fantasies in the name of tolerance.

Remember this sir ............. every time someone goes out there and buys a gun ............. they are infringing upon a pedophiles rightssssss tS tS tS tS tS tStStStStStStStS
:eusa_eh: and I thought I was the insufferable drunk around here...
Then we need to revise the HIPAA laws.

Agreed, whatever it takes to keep guns out of the hands of whackjobs. No one who is a potential danger to others has a "right to privacy" about firearms in my opinion. Too many innocent people have died because of it. The right to privacy stops when it infringes on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of others.

Then the first thing we need to do is to certify who the whack jobs are.

I doubt you're old enough to remember but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and Hollywood (same thing) got all up in arms a few decades ago about people being incorrectly and arbitrarily put away for being nuts.

I can understand it. Especially when you consider that women made up a significant, and I'm talking around 90% or more, of the patients in Asylums.

Some of them were just having a bad time with hormonal issues and some were put there by dirtbag husbands and some were just whacko.

In any case, that was the impetus. Had it been 90% men, there would have never been a big deal about it (Men make up 95% of Prison Inmates and nobody cares).

So anyway, to get someone certified as nuts today is a long and hard process.

And even if you do, they'll keep them for 24 hours under observation and release them.

Most of these nutbags have been through the system so many times that they know exactly what to say to get released.

Plus the fact that State Facilities are under-funded and under-manned.

Then there's the problem with scumbag lawyers.

Can you imagine the lawsuits that would happen if a Doctor certifies somebody as nuts and he goes and gets a fucking dirtbag lawyer?

I can hear the commercials now, "Hah, I'm Dewey Cheatum of Dewey Cheatum and Howe. If you've been thrown in a padded room because a Doctor certified you as nuts, call us at 1-800-MONEYGRUBBINBITCHES. There is not fee unless we cheat, er, er, recover damages"

We need the State to take over certifying these nut jobs.

Will they do it?

No, they won't.

And there you have it, folks. Some people on the left may mean well :lmao: but even those very few who honestly do have no idea how badly this society is fucked up and how little chance there is of fixing it.

At least with dimocraps in office. With dimocraps in office, there's NO chance of fixing our society.


Edge, great post and true. However, you haven't mentioned the giant, humongous, elephant in the room that no liberal wants to get near.

In most states, if you adjudicate a person mentally incompetent, i.e. a whackjob in order to take their second amendment rights away, that person would also not be allowed to be a registered voter.
Another liberal lie.

There were no good guys with guns in the building. Alexis shot the guards at the entrance. When the good guys with the gun showed up he stopped killing people and ended up dead himself. He was able to kill 12 people because it took the good guys ten minutes to get armed and it only took 7 minutes to murder 12 people.

How come the killing stopped when the good guys showed up with their guns?
Still not a reason to deny me the right to own a firearm. Keep trying Joebutthurt.

No one wants to deny you the right to own a firearm. What We the People need to do instead is make sure that whackjobs like Alexis don't have access to guns.

It's been asked over and over, but I'll ask again.

Please present your laws and policies that would have prevented the DC incident.

If Alexis' doctors had been able to release his mental health records indicating he wasn't of sound mind and that information was accessible during a background check he would not have been able to purchase a firearm or get security clearance.

Currently there is no law that would have prevented this tragic event.
This incident is just another incident of the sickness among black people that they are owed something. This is the end result of the outsized sense of entitlement.

Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was 'not happy with America,' friend says - U.S. News

"He felt a lot of discrimination and and racism with white people especially," she said.

There was also a growing sense of entitlement and disrespect, she said. "He did have the tendency to feel like people owed him something all the time."

He got annoyed when she couldn't give him rides, and he started eating the couple's food without permission, and ignoring her when she complained, she said

Aaron Alexis was nothing more than an exaggeration of indulging black thuggery. Add the spice of being generally unbalanced and mass murder is what you get.
No one wants to deny you the right to own a firearm. What We the People need to do instead is make sure that whackjobs like Alexis don't have access to guns.

It's been asked over and over, but I'll ask again.

Please present your laws and policies that would have prevented the DC incident.

Already done so in other posts but to summarize;

The "good guys with guns" need regular proficiency training.
HIPAA laws need revising so that there is no right to privacy if you are being treated for mental disorders that make you a danger to others.
If you need armed security then it needs to be done properly with redundant layers.

From your response I will assume that your laws would not allow a person to own a weapon unless they are trained proficiently and are not being treated for a mental disorder.

How would you be able to enforce those laws? You would have somewhat of a chance if we were starting new and nobody yet owned any weapons. In my view these would be impossible to enforce.

As for proper armed security, you and your kind do not have the stomach for it.
never let a tragedy or dancing on the graves of the dead go to waste, for their hate agenda ON the NRA...

are these the most pathetic shameless people ever?

What was that?

It was IN RESPONSE to a thread posted...or you are just so dumb of a snot you don't see the difference...whatever little child, carry on with your self or get back school, recess soon
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never let a tragedy or dancing on the graves of the dead go to waste, for their hate agenda ON the NRA...

are these the most pathetic shameless people ever?

I take it you're referring to Wayne LaPierre politicizing the Sandy Hook tragedy.
never let a tragedy or dancing on the graves of the dead go to waste, for their hate agenda ON the NRA...

are these the most pathetic shameless people ever?

I take it you're referring to Wayne LaPierre politicizing the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Considering states like NY and Conneticuit passed idiotic increases to thier already unconsitutionally strict gun laws, politicizing seems to have started with the progressive hacks in those states.

At least in Colorado they are punishing the gun grabbers, I doubt we will have the courage in NY to do the same.
The bodies of the kids weren't even cool and the Brady Bunch and the Feinsteins of the world were already making political hay out of Sandy Hook. It isn't unexpected that the NRA did what it did just as a defense measure.
never let a tragedy or dancing on the graves of the dead go to waste, for their hate agenda ON the NRA...

are these the most pathetic shameless people ever?

What was that?

It was IN RESPONSE to a thread posted...or you are just so dumb of a snot you don't see the difference...whatever little child, carry on with your self or get back school, recess soon

So now you're over it? That was fast
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

Great question! Great post! Yeah, Alexis goes into a fucking armed camp and showed us all that the NRA is full of shit.

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