The NRA Said "The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun,..

Bureaucratic snafus can lead to good people not being able to buy their guns. The system not being down can lead to good people not being able to buy their guns. Sure the messes might be sorted out later(and probably at great expense to the poor guy who didn't do anything wrong), but remember a right delayed is a right denied.

I'm sure treating every citizen like they are criminals is all fine and dandy to you, but unless I've done something in the first place, I shouldn't even need to jump through any hoops. We haven't even gotten into the arguments about the ATF using the 4473s to create an illegal registry of who owns what, and what is the point of a registry except to know where to go when it comes time for a confiscation. See also, New Jersey and California's actions against AR-15s after requiring registration.

So you oppose ALL background checks.

You're typical of the nuts on this board, although most aren't nutty enough to admit it as you have.

I'm fine with background checks so long as the process is equally applied to every other civil right. Want to buy a book? Get a background check. After all, ideas are dangerous. Want to have a jury trial? Get a background check. After all, we don't want bad people to get off on a technicality. Want to pick a church? Background check. Want to not self-incriminate? Background check. Want to vote? Background check...oh wait, that one is racist.
Bureaucratic snafus can lead to good people not being able to buy their guns. The system not being down can lead to good people not being able to buy their guns. Sure the messes might be sorted out later(and probably at great expense to the poor guy who didn't do anything wrong), but remember a right delayed is a right denied.

I'm sure treating every citizen like they are criminals is all fine and dandy to you, but unless I've done something in the first place, I shouldn't even need to jump through any hoops. We haven't even gotten into the arguments about the ATF using the 4473s to create an illegal registry of who owns what, and what is the point of a registry except to know where to go when it comes time for a confiscation. See also, New Jersey and California's actions against AR-15s after requiring registration.

So you oppose ALL background checks.

You're typical of the nuts on this board, although most aren't nutty enough to admit it as you have.

I'm fine with background checks so long as the process is equally applied to every other civil right. Want to buy a book? Get a background check. After all, ideas are dangerous. Want to have a jury trial? Get a background check. After all, we don't want bad people to get off on a technicality. Want to pick a church? Background check. Want to not self-incriminate? Background check. Want to vote? Background check...oh wait, that one is racist.

So you have no problem with felons voting, or publishers selling child pornography, or pedophiles teaching kindergarten?

You're quite a sick little man.
The shooting happened in a gun free zone, in a gun free city. That's really all you need to know.

So the shooter took two imaginary guns off people he killed.

God you get more retarded every single day.

gun free zones only apply to non-government agents. Progressive statists want the government to be the only authroized user of deadly force.

Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.
So the shooter took two imaginary guns off people he killed.

God you get more retarded every single day.

gun free zones only apply to non-government agents. Progressive statists want the government to be the only authroized user of deadly force.

Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

And there you have a brief moment of unguarded truth from a dimocrap scumbag.

They don't want YOU to have any say in how our Country is run.

And to accomplish that mission, they must first disarm you.

That is your enemy, my fellow Patriots. Right there. In that bolded quote.

The worshipers of Hitler and Stalin don't want us involved. Only they know what's best for us.
So you oppose ALL background checks.

You're typical of the nuts on this board, although most aren't nutty enough to admit it as you have.

I'm fine with background checks so long as the process is equally applied to every other civil right. Want to buy a book? Get a background check. After all, ideas are dangerous. Want to have a jury trial? Get a background check. After all, we don't want bad people to get off on a technicality. Want to pick a church? Background check. Want to not self-incriminate? Background check. Want to vote? Background check...oh wait, that one is racist.

So you have no problem with felons voting, or publishers selling child pornography, or pedophiles teaching kindergarten?

You're quite a sick little man.

If a felon has completed his sentence, then he should have his rights restored. Otherwise keep him locked up indefinitely just in case.

Child pornography laws don't require background checks. Try again.

Teaching is not a civil right. The employer can set whatever conditions they like on potential employees.
Anyone else notice that all the gun nuts in this thread are arguing FOR the right of this latest mass murderer,

a genuine mental case,

to legally buy any gun he wants??
The NRA opposes stricter gun safety laws for the exact same reason the alcoholic beverage sellers lobby opposes stricter drunk driving laws.

Please provide evidence to support your asinine statement.

Or be a typical libtard coward and run away!!

The evidence is the money that the NRA gets from gun manufacturers. The NRA has become nothing more than a marketing and PR branch for the gun industry.

Let's see the evidence.
So the shooter took two imaginary guns off people he killed.

God you get more retarded every single day.

gun free zones only apply to non-government agents. Progressive statists want the government to be the only authroized user of deadly force.

Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

So you want to deny my ability to have an opinion, and vote on said opinion, soley due to the opinion itself? Thats basically what you are saying.

Go fuck yourself with a tire iron, you facist asshole.
I'm fine with background checks so long as the process is equally applied to every other civil right. Want to buy a book? Get a background check. After all, ideas are dangerous. Want to have a jury trial? Get a background check. After all, we don't want bad people to get off on a technicality. Want to pick a church? Background check. Want to not self-incriminate? Background check. Want to vote? Background check...oh wait, that one is racist.

So you have no problem with felons voting, or publishers selling child pornography, or pedophiles teaching kindergarten?

You're quite a sick little man.

If a felon has completed his sentence, then he should have his rights restored. Otherwise keep him locked up indefinitely just in case.

Child pornography laws don't require background checks. Try again.

Teaching is not a civil right. The employer can set whatever conditions they like on potential employees.

Actually employment is protected by non-discrimination laws.

You're flip flopping like a boated fish.
Anyone else notice that all the gun nuts in this thread are arguing FOR the right of this latest mass murderer,

a genuine mental case,

to legally buy any gun he wants??

Talking out of your ass again, you pathological lying sack of fucking shit?

Gimme some quotes or admit what a lying scumbag you are.
Anyone else notice that all the gun nuts in this thread are arguing FOR the right of this latest mass murderer,

a genuine mental case,

to legally buy any gun he wants??

Where does anyone say that you fucking facist asshole?

How about the State does its job and tries to adjuticate someone with mental defects, using the courts to protect the person and everyone around him?

But no, progressive fucks like you are lazy bastards, and would prefer to ban law abiding people from getting guns just so you can say you are "doing something"
gun free zones only apply to non-government agents. Progressive statists want the government to be the only authroized user of deadly force.

Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

So you want to deny my ability to have an opinion, and vote on said opinion, soley due to the opinion itself? Thats basically what you are saying.

Go fuck yourself with a tire iron, you facist asshole.

Crazy people like you only exist to the detriment of this country.
So what was the direct answer to my question?

We already have background checks moron!!

So you're saying that the universal background check bill that was defeated earlier this year by frantic lobbying by the gun nuts

had no background checks in it that weren't already in place?


The universal background check you're speaking of included a national registry. That it what the NRA and most American opposed.

Do try to educate yourself.
Anyone else notice that all the gun nuts in this thread are arguing FOR the right of this latest mass murderer,

a genuine mental case,

to legally buy any gun he wants??

Talking out of your ass again, you pathological lying sack of fucking shit?

Gimme some quotes or admit what a lying scumbag you are.

Do you support universal background checks, including background checks being required for private transactions?

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