The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

I see no evidence of these claims
I found it in 5 minutes. You just don't want to look because, for some reason, you seem to want to blame America. Here's a hint: Go online, read material, etc. without trying to find stuff that agrees with your POV. All I did was use a search engine and just typed in 'Eisenhower and the Bomb.' Do some research, actually read articles, etc. before you come here and claim you know anything. With Leahy all I did was search his bio. You, apparently just took someone else's word for it because it agreed with your opinion.
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Should be very easy to link then

And I never blamed America
Find it yourself. For Leahy, go to Wiki, for Eisenhower type what I told you to type. Read it for yourself. I am not your babysitter. At that time there were plenty of people that doubted the bomb or were questioning it's use. The FACT is that Japan surrendered AFTER the bomb was dropped. You can try to play retrospective arm-chair general all you want but it's nothing but a fantasy.
I see. So the very military leaders that got us to that point are now idiots because YOU say so.

The japanese surrendered so surrender was ALWAYS an option
I thought that I was very clear----I was very specific that atleast one of the idiots (the admiral) that you listed was completely inept at his job---caused the death of several of our soldiers on atleast two documented occasions, was put up for criminal review on for these two occassions, and should have been put in the brig----------he like McCAIN was given a command because of WHO his daddy was instead of his ability. His comments mean less than nothing---he actions were not honorable.
I thought that I was very clear----I was very specific that atleast one of the idiots (the admiral) that you listed was completely inept at his job---caused the death of several of our soldiers on atleast two documented occasions, was put up for criminal review on for these two occassions, and should have been put in the brig----------he like McCAIN was given a command because of WHO his daddy was instead of his ability. His comments mean less than nothing---he actions were not honorable.
And you have an opinion on that admiral.

Yet his opinion is backed by many other military leaders.

Just a coincidence I guess. Lol

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