The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

First of all this is how liberal lie so it is not surprising that his "official" paper came about.

Second, The author of the blog I started a thread on admits that Obama graduated from Columbia because Columbia made the statement that he did and they wrote a bio about him. BUT that does not change anything from no one remembers him except maybe his roommate which does not relate stories about school but about his love of Museums and such. Again, liberals lie so to there is nothing saying this guy claiming to be his roommate isn't lying. Don't know.

We do know that the professor who would have taught Obama over those years, and has a fantastic memory, would have remembered seeing a black man with a name like BO's in class. It would be just too odd not to notice at the time.

Next question is, how does a self professed poor student doing drugs get a transfer from Occidental to Columbia? That is simply not believable. UNLESS Obama lied about being born in Kenya making him a desired diversity student. Which would make him the first birther and why Hillary started the whole birther crap. We do know for an undisputable FACT that Obama lied, or let a lie stand, for 12 years that he was indeed born in Kenya. That is until the Constitutional scholar had it pointed out to him that he could not run for POTUS and not be a natural born citizen. THEN everything changed.

So what we have is a person we know for an absolute fact has lied about his past or at the very least has not told all the truth. Position that against a Columbia professor who has no reason to lie.

Did he graduate for Columbia? Yes, Columbia says so. Did he attend Columbia??? Up for debate.
First of all this is how liberal lie so it is not surprising that his "official" paper came about.

Second, The author of the blog I started a thread on admits that Obama graduated from Columbia because Columbia made the statement that he did and they wrote a bio about him. BUT that does not change anything from no one remembers him except maybe his roommate which does not relate stories about school but about his love of Museums and such. Again, liberals lie so to there is nothing saying this guy claiming to be his roommate isn't lying. Don't know.

We do know that the professor who would have taught Obama over those years, and has a fantastic memory, would have remembered seeing a black man with a name like BO's in class. It would be just too odd not to notice at the time.

Next question is, how does a self professed poor student doing drugs get a transfer from Occidental to Columbia? That is simply not believable. UNLESS Obama lied about being born in Kenya making him a desired diversity student. Which would make him the first birther and why Hillary started the whole birther crap. We do know for an undisputable FACT that Obama lied, or let a lie stand, for 12 years that he was indeed born in Kenya. That is until the Constitutional scholar had it pointed out to him that he could not run for POTUS and not be a natural born citizen. THEN everything changed.

So what we have is a person we know for an absolute fact has lied about his past or at the very least has not told all the truth. Position that against a Columbia professor who has no reason to lie.

Did he graduate for Columbia? Yes, Columbia says so. Did he attend Columbia??? Up for debate.

If he told Columbia he was from Kenya in order to get some sort of preferred (made up in your head, btw) status, then why would he tell a national newspaper he was from Hawaii?
First of all this is how liberal lie so it is not surprising that his "official" paper came about.

Second, The author of the blog I started a thread on admits that Obama graduated from Columbia because Columbia made the statement that he did and they wrote a bio about him. BUT that does not change anything from no one remembers him except maybe his roommate which does not relate stories about school but about his love of Museums and such. Again, liberals lie so to there is nothing saying this guy claiming to be his roommate isn't lying. Don't know.

We do know that the professor who would have taught Obama over those years, and has a fantastic memory, would have remembered seeing a black man with a name like BO's in class. It would be just too odd not to notice at the time.

Next question is, how does a self professed poor student doing drugs get a transfer from Occidental to Columbia? That is simply not believable. UNLESS Obama lied about being born in Kenya making him a desired diversity student. Which would make him the first birther and why Hillary started the whole birther crap. We do know for an undisputable FACT that Obama lied, or let a lie stand, for 12 years that he was indeed born in Kenya. That is until the Constitutional scholar had it pointed out to him that he could not run for POTUS and not be a natural born citizen. THEN everything changed.

So what we have is a person we know for an absolute fact has lied about his past or at the very least has not told all the truth. Position that against a Columbia professor who has no reason to lie.

Did he graduate for Columbia? Yes, Columbia says so. Did he attend Columbia??? Up for debate.

If he told Columbia he was from Kenya in order to get some sort of preferred (made up in your head, btw) status, then why would he tell a national newspaper he was from Hawaii?

What time frame are you talking about? When did he make that statement? He was born in Hawaii that is why he may have said it. The question is why did he let it stand for 12 years that he was not?

Let's make this easy, how do you think a poor student, as he admits, who is using drugs, as he admits, get transferred into Columbia when such transfers RARELY happen? What was his selling point?
Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, does not remember him.
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Let's make this easy, how do you think a poor student, as he admits, who is using drugs, as he admits, get transferred into Columbia when such transfers RARELY happen? What was his selling point?

I have no idea and neither do you. Now please provide a link that shows foreign students get preferential treatment when it comes to being admitted to universities. You keep claiming this is a fact and you have yet to show any evidence of it being true.

I can show you where scholarships and grants are way more easy to obtain for a US citizen than a foreign student. So, it doesn't make any sense for a US citizen to try and pose as a foreigner. It just doesn't.
Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, remembers him.

Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?
And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.

You just don't understand the issue. IF he was an Indonesian citizen then applying as a foreign student would be legitimate. If he was an american citizen then it would not be, and he would have to commit fraud to get aid reserved for foreign students.
Where's your evidence that he applied for grants as a foreign student rather than an american one.

his records are sealed. don't you wonder why?
You just don't understand the issue. IF he was an Indonesian citizen then applying as a foreign student would be legitimate. If he was an american citizen then it would not be, and he would have to commit fraud to get aid reserved for foreign students.
Where's your evidence that he applied for grants as a foreign student rather than an american one.

his records are sealed. don't you wonder why?

Those records are private. Mine are private, yours are private and so are the Presidents.
Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, remembers him.

Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?

The more exotic the better may be the reason. Plus there was financial aid for foreign students. I don't really know.
Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, remembers him.

Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?

And in the "we need to see Obamas transcripts" that is the reason. All this "secret foreign exchange student" nonsense is a lot of bunk. What it comes down to is wanting to know if affirmative action played a part in how he paid for and got into college.
Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, remembers him.

Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?

The more exotic the better may be the reason. Plus there was financial aid for foreign students. I don't really know.

No. You don't. And you are using your ass as a reference manual. Scholarships and grants for foreign students are not nearly as abundant as those for US citizens. And "the more exotic the better" is total utter crap.
This has to fall in the top 5 complaints about Obama that don't matter, at all.

After Clinton's lying under oath and pretty much getting away with it I understand the lack of concern about the truth. That is why I say Clinton did the country wrong more so then any president I can remember. Nixon lied but paid the price, Clinton lied UNDER OATH, and go a slap in the hand. Now truth matters not at all. Sad really.
Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?

The more exotic the better may be the reason. Plus there was financial aid for foreign students. I don't really know.

No. You don't. And you are using your ass as a reference manual. Scholarships and grants for foreign students are not nearly as abundant as those for US citizens. And "the more exotic the better" is total utter crap.

Whow, I at least admitted that I don't know. You on the other hand speak with authority that you can't possible have. YOU have no explanation of how, at best, an average student using drugs gets a very rare transfer to Columbia. There is no rational explanation of how Obama got into Columbia. Obama offers no explanation he doesn't even talk about his time at Columbia. There is very little record of his time at Columbia so whatever we discuss is mostly speculation. Yours is based on what you want to believe, mind is based on what I see.
Whow, I at least admitted that I don't know. You on the other hand speak with authority that you can't possible have. YOU have no explanation of how, at best, an average student using drugs gets a very rare transfer to Columbia. There is no rational explanation of how Obama got into Columbia. Obama offers no explanation he doesn't even talk about his time at Columbia. There is very little record of his time at Columbia so whatever we discuss is mostly speculation. Yours is based on what you want to believe, mind is based on what I see.

He graduated with honors from both Harvard and Columbia. So, I'm not sure why you are harping on his time at Occidental. What was his GPA while he was there, btw?

And you have yet to provide any proof that foreign students get preferential treatment never mind that "the more exotic the better" bullshit.

But I guess in your mind, it would be irresponsible not to speculate, right?

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