The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

I don't know of anyone who disputed him going to college.. Red is correct.. we want to know who paid his tuition? What does he application say? Did he come as a foreign exchange student seeking grants, government monies reserved for FOREIGN students?

Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

Foreign Exchange Student Program - TWO WORLDS UNITED Study Abroad Programs - Take part in a foreign exchange program with Two Worlds United
High School and College Student Exchange
CIEE?Nonprofit, NGO leader in international education and exchange since 1947

You're an idiot.. Just like most libruls.. don't even know what the hell you're spewing.. Sit down and STFU dummy.

Those are links to websites offering opportunities to study abroad.
Whatever you do, Sallow, DO NOT....I repeat DO NOT ever ever ever ever, under any circumstances question George Bush's attendance in the National Guard. It makes the righties collectives shit their pants over your Un American behavior!

Booooooooooooooooooosh.. No one gives a rats flying asshole about George Bush who was a ROTTEN ASS President too.. I don't doubt he lied about his service, etc either.. BUT that's not what this thread is about, now is it liberal? It's about your god Obama, lying his ass off, getting busted constantly and about where he got his loans, money from to finance a Harvard education? He himself stated his single mother was poor..

Actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said Obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

Was it anyone's business where Al Capone got his money?
Booooooooooooooooooosh.. No one gives a rats flying asshole about George Bush who was a ROTTEN ASS President too.. I don't doubt he lied about his service, etc either.. BUT that's not what this thread is about, now is it liberal? It's about your god Obama, lying his ass off, getting busted constantly and about where he got his loans, money from to finance a Harvard education? He himself stated his single mother was poor..

Actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said Obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

OK, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.
Booooooooooooooooooosh.. No one gives a rats flying asshole about George Bush who was a ROTTEN ASS President too.. I don't doubt he lied about his service, etc either.. BUT that's not what this thread is about, now is it liberal? It's about your god Obama, lying his ass off, getting busted constantly and about where he got his loans, money from to finance a Harvard education? He himself stated his single mother was poor..

Actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said Obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

Was it anyone's business where Al Capone got his money?

Stupid analogy.
Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

Foreign Exchange Student Program - TWO WORLDS UNITED Study Abroad Programs - Take part in a foreign exchange program with Two Worlds United
High School and College Student Exchange
CIEE?Nonprofit, NGO leader in international education and exchange since 1947

You're an idiot.. Just like most libruls.. don't even know what the hell you're spewing.. Sit down and STFU dummy.

Those are links to websites offering opportunities to study abroad.

OMG.. You're really stooopid.. almost too stupid to even exchange posts with.. COLLEGE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS exist in every country you damn idiot.. Especially in America wherein studies such as International Studies, seek to exchange students with Central and South American, European, Asian exchanges. You really are an assclown.
Beautiful Straw Man argument. :clap2:

What strawman argument? The far-right has been crying over this since 2008. They're crying over it right now on this very board.
actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

ok, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


and there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a black guy into the white house. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are way more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the us citizenship of their child.

racisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt racismmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm racistttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
Actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said Obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

OK, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.

I think you have it backwards. YOU worship him BECAUSE he is black. YOU are the racist here.

Asking how he paid the very expensive tuition at those schools is a legitimate question. Asking about Bush's national guard time was also legitimate, asking about Clinton's sexual escapades while governor of Arkansas was also legitimate.

We are entitled to know everything about the guy that we put in the most powerful job in the world.

Why don't you care ?
ok, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


and there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a black guy into the white house. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are way more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the us citizenship of their child.

racisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt racismmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm racistttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

I'm not the one who first injected Obama's race into this, you fool.
Actually, this thread is about the collective right acting like idiots. I've never said Obama was god. And it's not your fucking business what grants, loans and scholarships he received to work his way through college and law school. Do you have a problem with a person not born with a silver spoon up their ass becoming successful?

OK, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.

You just don't understand the issue. IF he was an Indonesian citizen then applying as a foreign student would be legitimate. If he was an american citizen then it would not be, and he would have to commit fraud to get aid reserved for foreign students.
OK, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.

I think you have it backwards. YOU worship him BECAUSE he is black. YOU are the racist here.

Asking how he paid the very expensive tuition at those schools is a legitimate question. Asking about Bush's national guard time was also legitimate, asking about Clinton's sexual escapades while governor of Arkansas was also legitimate.

We are entitled to know everything about the guy that we put in the most powerful job in the world.

Why don't you care ?

Clinton grew up poor. No one asked how he paid for his education. I wonder why.
OK, we get it. You don't care if he committed fraud by claiming to be a foreign student. Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions. He is your hero, your savior, your god. So you will never question or challenge him on anything. He is never responsible for anything that happens on his watch. He is beyond reproach.


And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.

You just don't understand the issue. IF he was an Indonesian citizen then applying as a foreign student would be legitimate. If he was an american citizen then it would not be, and he would have to commit fraud to get aid reserved for foreign students.
Where's your evidence that he applied for grants as a foreign student rather than an american one.

OMG.. You're really stooopid.. almost too stupid to even exchange posts with.. COLLEGE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS exist in every country you damn idiot.. Especially in America wherein studies such as International Studies, seek to exchange students with Central and South American, European, Asian exchanges. You really are an assclown.

Do you understand the definition of the word "exchange" in the phrase 'foreign exchange student?" It means you are enrolled in school in one country, but get credit for attending a school in another country. I get that people are allowed to study abroad. That's different. As is using the phrase 'foreign student." A foreign student is one who is a citizen of another country but wants to attend college here as a non citizen.
Those are links to websites offering opportunities to study abroad.

OMG.. You're really stooopid.. almost too stupid to even exchange posts with.. COLLEGE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS exist in every country you damn idiot.. Especially in America wherein studies such as International Studies, seek to exchange students with Central and South American, European, Asian exchanges. You really are an assclown.

Do you understand the definition of the word "exchange" in the phrase 'foreign exchange student?" It means you are enrolled in school in one country, but get credit for attending a school in another country. I get that people are allowed to study abroad. That's different. As is using the phrase 'foreign student." A foreign student is one who is a citizen of another country but wants to attend college here as a non citizen.

Do you realize what an absolute FOOL you're making of yourself?? STFU and stop digging..:dig:
OMG.. You're really stooopid.. almost too stupid to even exchange posts with.. COLLEGE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS exist in every country you damn idiot.. Especially in America wherein studies such as International Studies, seek to exchange students with Central and South American, European, Asian exchanges. You really are an assclown.

Do you understand the definition of the word "exchange" in the phrase 'foreign exchange student?" It means you are enrolled in school in one country, but get credit for attending a school in another country. I get that people are allowed to study abroad. That's different. As is using the phrase 'foreign student." A foreign student is one who is a citizen of another country but wants to attend college here as a non citizen.

Do you realize what an absolute FOOL you're making of yourself?? STFU and stop digging..:dig:
I'm not the one claiming Obama perpetrated a fraud on this country without providing any evidence to support my claim other than Obama was SWB (studying while black).

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