The Obama Economic Disaster Revealed in a Single Glance

The evidence is undeniable. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis put it into an easy to understand form.

The Obama Economic Disaster Revealed in a Single Glance

Trump, Obama, and the Misleading Charts
So your source originated on facebook. The person in the link went through them all. Bottom line misleading and bullshit. I especially like the money printing. How pray tell is the president responsible for it?
Yes I know it's funny. Somebody who actually is capable of researching a source. It must be hilarious if you are just interested in rhetoric.
you did no such thing. why is there no link then? Did you just lie? are you a sad little fk that can't seem to get his own way today? need a tissue?
Trump, Obama, and the Misleading Charts
I linked. Go ahead read and see if you can see anything in the link that you disagree with.
Anything containing "Drumph" can be safely dismissed as partisan hackery.
Nobody can dispute the debt.

W and O were the two worst ever Presidents.

So sayeth the truth of the US Federal Balance Sheet.

W and O had a lot in common. Both were big big BIG GOVERNMENT big spenders. Both were hardened habitual liars. Neither did anything real or honorable prior to taking the Oval Office. And the US is now 4 times in debt what it was before them....

Only my cocksucking "husband" buried the US under more debt than you did, W....


Michael Robinson

Both real bad. I didn't vote for either. Course the only reason I didn't support Obama is I'm "racist". I mean shit, how can you criticize Obama, he was so black and amazing? I know a con when I see one. He's got a screw loose too, I know the type. He figures he's smart cuz so many are rock dumb.
How much you figure our liberal immigration policy plays into these numbers?

FKN-A bet your butt a bunch. A 3rd world people take over a first rate country, sponsored by the world's elite for one world order. Welcome to the beginning of the end, suckers.
The evidence is undeniable. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis put it into an easy to understand form.

The Obama Economic Disaster Revealed in a Single Glance


All of the graphs end in 2012 or sooner.

One of the more dishonest things you have posted, and that is saying a hell of a lot
That's a flat out lie. Only a couple of them end in 2012. "Worker's Share of the Economy" ends in 2014, for example.

When did Obama leave office?
And the workers share of the eoconmy has been coming down since the 1950s...for some reason your graph left that off...


Obama sucked enough that you do not need to be dishonest about him. All it does is make you look bad.


After the smoking pile of embers Bush left behind, criticizing Obama for the economy is wilful ignorance in the extreme.

at least Obama let everyone know he was a big spender


Trump budget projects four straight deficits over $1 trillion

Never stop reminding everyone of that TRUTH.



The US today has TWO BIG GOVERNMENT parties. Since the GOP sold out to Zionism in 1998, the US Federal debt has gone from $5 tril to $22, and neither "major" party has any interest in slowing it down....

We need a SMALL GOVERNMENT PARTY in power or we are on course to repeat what happened to Greece....
I think these charts do not tell the whole story. I do not claim that Obama did a great job on the economy, but I think he did a decent job on it. Some of the charts show declines that were not Obama's fault. The following positive points, which I adapted from an online article, should be kept in mind when judging Obama's economic record:

The U.S. economy was shrinking when Obama took office in the first quarter of 2009. By the end of his presidency, the economy was growing at about 2 percent in inflation-adjusted terms. In fact, Obama’s second-term economic growth per person was higher than the growth of several previous presidents, specifically President George W. Bush in both his terms, President George H.W. Bush in his term, Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford in their combined term, President Nixon in his first term, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his second term.

Job growth logged its longest winning streak in the modern era under Obama. The economy lost close to 800,000 jobs in January 2009, when Obama took office. The job market started to expand by early 2010. And it consistently added jobs from October 2010 to January 2017, when Obama left office; it continued to do so during the first months of President Trump’s term. There has not been a consistent job market expansion on record, dating back to 1939, that lasted longer than Obama's expansion.

The share of people working expanded as the economy added new jobs. That is, job growth was faster than population growth—a key measure of a healthy job market expansion. When Obama took office in January 2009, 77 percent of people between ages 25 and 54 had a job. This share dropped to 74.8 percent in the aftermath of the Great Recession by December 2009, before climbing to 78.2 percent in January 2017, when President Obama left office.

Wages and incomes rose under Obama. The typical weekly pay of U.S. workers began increasing in early 2013 and reached its highest level on record up that time, dating back to 1979, at the end of 2016. Household incomes, while still relatively low, also experienced an upward trend since 2014.

Household debt levels fellas employment opportunities and wages went up. Household debt fell relative to after-tax income during both of Obama’s terms. Total debt amounted to 105.9 percent of after-tax income, the lowest level since mid-2002. The massive and rapidly rising household indebtedness that characterized the years before the economic and financial crisis of 2007 to 2009 are behind us.

Government finances improved during the Obama years. The deficit rose to 9.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal year 2009. By FY 2016, the deficit had fallen to less than one-third of that, at 3.2 percent of GDP.

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