The official where is a black person at gop convetion

poor racist democrats brag that blacks vote only for them and the pity is the blacks never benefit from voting democrat. That's the pity.
First one to find a black person at gop convention wins. Where is the black waldo?

It took all of 23 minutes tonight for MSNBC's coverage of the convention
to play the race card....

Rachel Maddow host with

Chris Mathews
Ed Schultz
Lawrence O Donnell

Lawrence ODonnell plays it.

John Boehner was telling a story about throwing someone
out of a bar if you don't like the way they are acting...
So let's throw Obama out of the WH....

That's when the race card was played.
And of course Larry was there to play it
with the rest of them jumping in.


I have heard the term throw them out of office so many times in Politics...
Now when it's Obama it's racist... :confused:
Can't help out. I'm not watching except an excerpt or two here and there on the news. I did hear the black woman from Utah I believe who is major and running for congress is supposed to speak.
First one to find a black person at gop convention wins. Where is the black waldo?

Wow, another racist starting a thread, how heart warming to see them all lining up, this is quite a day for the hate the skin your in crowd.
Wanna watch Christie tonight but he's gonna be on pretty late...
10:40 or there about.
Allen West is there, but most blacks have refused to come to Tampa, the racists!
You see, the GOP would love to have more black members, but unlike the Democratic Party, we allow them to make that decision for themselves. We call it "Freedom of Choice". used to call it.....

....States' Rights.

I guess that doesn't sell, so well, anymore......

Sorry pal. States' rights have nothing to do with the Republican National Convention or the number of blacks who attend it.

You know something? Stripped of your ridiculous colors and the large font, your posts are still idiotic and irrelevant.
Allen West is there, but most blacks have refused to come to Tampa, the racists!
You see, the GOP would love to have more black members, but unlike the Democratic Party, we allow them to make that decision for themselves. We call it "Freedom of Choice".

Again with the "blacks don't make their own decisions, they're forced into democratic slavery" bullshit.

Can't wait until you assholes die off.

gettin whiter & whiter every year. Good luck w/ that, you're going to need it.
gettin whiter & whiter every year. Good luck w/ that, you're going to need it.

Actually no. It isn't. Wait until the numbes come back in November and you see how many blacks have abandoned obama. No. I'm not saying the majority of African Americans will vote for Romney, but he will get substantially more black votes than John McCain.
Odd, there is one speaking right now. Not very difficult to find.

I guess the Republican policies are good if they are attracting people from all races.
There's a black man speaking on the stage right now.

Artur Davis.


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