The official where is a black person at gop convetion

YOUR Medicare and social security, bitch.

Who said "replace" them....I just want you fucking idiots to understand that they aren't Gods to be worshiped and that their never ending need to grow, reduce their costs and maximize profits is making life very fucking tough on those who work for them....but they don't give a fuck about that.

Patriotism goes beyond waving a fucking requires sacrifice....seems to me that the only people who are sacrificing are the people who can afford it the least.

So yeah....if they can't see that their self serving and incredibly greedy, gluttonous ways are really hurting this country as a whole and it's people, or just simply don't give a shit....Let the government tax the piss out of them. Not my preference by a long shot...I'd rather them come to their senses and bring family sustaining jobs and wages back to this country....but the truth of the matter is, they probably aren't going to....are they?

Mitt knows ALL ABOUT capitalism's "race-to-the-bottom" in the search of cheap labor to boost corporate profits at the expense of the middle class. There are very few co's that will produce in-country but the one's that do need to be recognized, in word & policy, just as the President said. Repubs put profit before people and party before country.

you're damned right....that's what kills me...they talk about America and freedom and prosperity, but they do everything they can to keep those ideals in the hands of as few people as possible. Gotta give them credit though, they've done a masterful marketing campaign to convince almost half the country that their greed, quest for power and the desire to make as many Americans serfs as they can is great for the country. Then they complain about "entitlements" because of our debt....but they don't say that their actions reduced the tax base that used to pay for those programs.

It almost seems to me that they WANT Socialism and Communism for some unknown reason...they certainly are trying hard enough to make things that tough on a hell of a lot of people.

Carlin was right. They won't rest until they get everything INCLUDING your social security.
First one to find a black person at gop convention wins. Where is the black waldo?

Only racists keep asking these types of questions, you should be ashamed.

Here is one BTW that the democrats have not smeared, yet:

Utah’s Mia Love Gets Enthusiastic Reception in Tampa

Utah’s Mia Love Gets Enthusiastic Reception in Tampa - Washington Wire - WSJ

Why don't they ever ask people like her why the other "blacks" choose to be slaves? Why don't you ask them how they overcame their desire to be slaves on the democratic plantation, so you can free the rest of the good for nothing slaves and make them upstanding citizens who actually have their own willpower?

Oh wait... you mean that might offend an individual even like herself?

I think it's great that the conservative party has some black individuals that are a part of it. It would be even better if they were less fucking fundamentalist and offensive to black people that they attracted more.

I'd love to see a republican party that has a great diversity of individuals because of policy shifts that moved to attract them. Fiscal conservatism without the wacky social conservatism might even steal a lot of the individuals out of the democratic party.

But no... Barry Goldwater types are an absolute enemy to your party now.
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Yes, there is black people at the RNC but let's be honest. The over whelming majority is white people.
Overwelming majority of Dems are white too. Caucasions are the largest segment of the population in this nation. That's why they are the majority.
Two questions
1# When did 13% of the country dictate policy?
2# There was like 3-4 blacks at the GOP convention. :eusa_silenced: Speaking.

My god your hatred for whites is showing. Get help!
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The bigotry against white people is becoming very clear this election. Democrats wish this country wasn't a 70% white nation with all their little hearts. They can't wait to make us a second class citizen within our own country.

STOP the hate. Let's talk about policy.
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The bigotry against white people is becoming very clear this election. Democrats wish this country wasn't a 70% white nation with all their little hearts. They can't wait to make us a second class citizen within our own country.

STOP the hate. Let's talk about policy.

Second class citizens? Bigotry towards white people?
Do you feel oppressed as a white male?
I spotted Condi Rice, tearing up after Ann Romney's heart moving speech.

I don't recall any racist rhetoric___ Hmmm. Guess libtards just have to cling to their delusions.
Allen West is there, but most blacks have refused to come to Tampa, the racists!
You see, the GOP would love to have more black members, but unlike the Democratic Party, we allow them to make that decision for themselves. We call it "Freedom of Choice".

They have Freedom of Choice, and what party do they choose?

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