The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Actually..they are something to worry about.

A coworker, who fell on his head from a roof, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day.

That was fatal.

And yet, you just got done saying:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

I'm pretty sure you'll just argue what you want without regard to consistency or logic.

Well no.

Zimmerman, The Police and the EMT workers all seemed to think Zimmerman's "near fatal" injuries didn't require a hospital stay.

You know something different?

Actually, they did offer him a hospital stay and he declined.

And in the first place, even one blow to the head can cause death. So, if you're suggesting that GZ should have waited to take more blows then you're categorically wrong.
The prosecution knows what it is doing, man. It's not there first rodeo. If they thought they could score points with it, they would have brought it up.

From my observation, Zimmerman is left handed. I saw him taking notes. The officer that disarmed him said he carried his KelTek on his right side meaning he had to reach across his body to get to the gun and the grip would be facing forward. This practice is common for southpaws because left handed holsters are rarely stocked in gun shops.
I doubt that anyone would reach across their body to get to their phone. I carry mine in my left rear pocket. I retrieve it with my left hand. How about the rest of you? Do you reach across your body to get to your sail foam?

I am doubting the competence and motive of the prosecution team...I have already expressed that. They are taking the pressure off of them and passing the buck to 6 female jurors...monkey is off their back and on the jurors...we tried him like you wanted and they let him off...brilliant!

You make a great point about being left handed. No I would not reach across my body.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

Good points, ernie...I definitely need to consider the southpaw thing. I will look into it for sure.

This is a career making case for all of the attorneys involved. Think about Christopher Darden and Rudy Julianni. Hear much about Darden since he blew the OJ trial?
I can't see them intentionally blowing the case, especially in light of what may happen if Zimmerman is acquitted. I stubbornly hang onto the notion that any evidence the prosecution has that they are confident couldn't be torn up or used effectively for the defense, will be presented.

Many attorneys would like a high profile case. But they don't always 'make' you as a lawyer. I know one who took a high profile case in a large city and it was so controversial that rather than 'make' her it 'broke' her. She is about to starve.
No actually it is.

Zimmerman is a murderer who beat up a woman..and hit a cop.

And you are calling Martin a "thug"?

Really now..why is that?

Even though the witnesses are contradicting Zimmerman's fabrication, that his head was being "slammed" into the concrete, along with the pictures and Zimmerman's own behavior, you folks cling to this 'self defense' thing.

Gotta be a reason for it.

Nope. I don't much care if you think GZ is the salt of the earth or the scum of the pond. I know he has a right to defend himself. And frankly, you haven't offered any proof that GZ attacked Travis.

Martin is dead.

And Zimmerman admitted to killing him.

That's proof enough.

Simple minded fool.

Having used the same technique myself?


Heads are pretty hard.

Well then, there's the problem. You don't get that if you're getting your head bashed against concrete then you're likely to suffer brain damage and very well could die. Perhaps, you should learn these basic life lessons and then you'll understand justified lethal force and won't go around crying that an innocent man should be indicted for murder.

Having been hit in the head with a crowbar, a baseball bat, fists, and having had my head whacked into concrete myself..I have a real good appreciation for how much punishment a head can take.

First hand.

I think it did more damage then you realize. Go get that noggin checked out,the crowbar may still be lodged in your skull.
Sallow, just so you know...using your personal example as an example of how head injuries are nothing to worry's not working. Every person who reads that goes "Omg, that so explains it." and is struck by how damaging non-lethal head injuries can be.

Actually..they are something to worry about.

A coworker, who fell on his head from a roof, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day.

That was fatal.

That's what happened to Natasha Richardson.
Thought about it a lot.

Zimmerman killed a kid with a gun.

And you folks want to give him a medal.

Or maybe you think he should take Martin's head as a trophy?

You know, like big game hunters.

You jumped the shark with this post.

How about, like Trayvon, you go attack an armed man, you think you can get the better of....then come back and tell us how it turns out?

If an armed man, who is not a cop, is following me in the dark and looks like he means me harm?

Yeah..I will defend myself.


Please do this frequently. The odds will eventually fall in our favor.
Martin is dead.

And Zimmerman admitted to killing him.

That's proof enough.

Simple minded fool.

It also has nothing to do with the trial.

We all know that,sallow not so much. I think it's from the repeated blows to the head he received.
I've gotten to where I cant take sallow seriously. To get to his point of view you have to ignore the obvious,bend the truth and flat out lie.
It's comical.
You jumped the shark with this post.

How about, like Trayvon, you go attack an armed man, you think you can get the better of....then come back and tell us how it turns out?

If an armed man, who is not a cop, is following me in the dark and looks like he means me harm?

Yeah..I will defend myself.


Actually, he didnt know he was armed and likely b/c of the Unconstitutional concealment laws. Otherwise, he would have hopefully been smart enough to know that you don't screw with an armed man.
Listener bias was evident nationwide with the "fucking punks" segment of 911 recording of Zimmerman's call. The word was truly unintelligible, but NBC suggested it was "coons" so that is what most people herd. I did analysis of the recording & it sounded like "punks", but I would never say that in court or on national TV to bias a jury or convict a person because it is not hearable & should be disregarded.

Zimmerman has sued NBC for that crap & will win.
Now I know a lot of Florida. And lord help you people my dad in law looks like he's getting ready to give us his house in Cocoa....

But someone help me on this particular gated community. Tell me about this place.

Go cruise around late at night and early in the morning. You will see what you need to know.
Listener bias was evident nationwide with the "fucking punks" segment of 911 recording of Zimmerman's call. The word was truly unintelligible, but NBC suggested it was "coons" so that is what most people herd. I did analysis of the recording & it sounded like "punks", but I would never say that in court or on national TV to bias a jury or convict a person because it is not hearable & should be disregarded.

Zimmerman has sued NBC for that crap & will win.


But if West just got him to say that (this is West's expert, lol, he know up and down back and forward what he's going to say and he already testified at Frye) and then the state thinks they're going to bring one of the parents up to say it was TM. That kinda went right out the window.

I am so very confused on what the prosecution is doing right now. They seem to be drifting with no paddle.
You jumped the shark with this post.

How about, like Trayvon, you go attack an armed man, you think you can get the better of....then come back and tell us how it turns out?

If an armed man, who is not a cop, is following me in the dark and looks like he means me harm?

Yeah..I will defend myself.


Actually, he didnt know he was armed and likely b/c of the Unconstitutional concealment laws. Otherwise, he would have hopefully been smart enough to know that you don't screw with an armed man.

What makes concealment laws unconstitutional? Oh yeah, because you say so.
Listener bias was evident nationwide with the "fucking punks" segment of 911 recording of Zimmerman's call. The word was truly unintelligible, but NBC suggested it was "coons" so that is what most people herd. I did analysis of the recording & it sounded like "punks", but I would never say that in court or on national TV to bias a jury or convict a person because it is not hearable & should be disregarded.

Zimmerman has sued NBC for that crap & will win.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape you can hear George knocking or taping on a door and if you listen closely you can hear George say: "Keep an eye on my truck." Who did George say that to, and why did he edit those words out of the Transcript he filed with the Court?

Daily Kos: #Zimmerman Edits out "F'cking Coon" from 911 Tape He Filed with Court in lawsuit against NBC
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Listener bias was evident nationwide with the "fucking punks" segment of 911 recording of Zimmerman's call. The word was truly unintelligible, but NBC suggested it was "coons" so that is what most people herd. I did analysis of the recording & it sounded like "punks", but I would never say that in court or on national TV to bias a jury or convict a person because it is not hearable & should be disregarded.

Zimmerman has sued NBC for that crap & will win.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape you can hear George knocking or taping on a door and if you listen closely you can hear George say: "Keep an eye on my truck." Who did George say that to, and why did he edit those words out of the Transcript he filed with the Court?

Daily Kos: #Zimmerman Edits out "F'cking Coon" from 911 Tape He Filed with Court in lawsuit against NBC

Do you see what this says in that link you posted?

George knocking or taping on a door and if you listen closely you can hear George say: "Keep an eye on my truck." Who did George say that to, and why did he edit those words

That is

Have you ever tried your hand at unsolved murders?

Speculation gets so out of control that you lose the thread of what is true and what is pure conjecture.

It's a nightmare of epic proportions.

Everyone has a theory...

And they defend it like some here do, using the age old techniques... illogical and irrational.

Stick to what you can prove, it will lead you to what is true and what isn't true much more surely than half baked theories with no supporting evidence.
There's a new reality show called "Whodunit?" Has anyone seen it? Not great, but it might appeal to a lot of us here on this thread.
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