The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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i have been pretty lucky so far

both of my hands are just fine

and shoot equally well with either

I find shooting a handgun left handed awkward. I think it has more to do with which eye to use. A rifle, I have no problem I can shoot equally as well from either side. A rifle kind of automatically decides which eye to use.
Kilt me a bar left handed.

Mine is so stupid.

Well it would make sense to anyone that's old enough to remember Ed Sullivan. My dad bought me this BBgun. My mom bought me a Barbie. My birthday is in August and this is how this moment came to be.

My Baba loved Ed Sullivan and it just happened that Ed had a woman on that her husband spun her on a wheel and shot at her and she lived. It was an Ed Sullivan thing. Don't ask me:eusa_angel:

So my grandmother, my baba thought we should take Barbie out to the end of the driveway and she could spin her and I could shoot at her. I hit the ground and shot from my right.

I learned to fire from my right. Always have from that moment. No idea why. But I can hit the ground running that way so comfy.

Your baba sounds like my kind of woman. I like them slightly warped.
You jumped the shark with this post.

How about, like Trayvon, you go attack an armed man, you think you can get the better of....then come back and tell us how it turns out?

If an armed man, who is not a cop, is following me in the dark and looks like he means me harm?

Yeah..I will defend myself.


But we're dealing with the GZ case not your imagined happenings to play race defender.

Oh, I forgot TM said he was a rapist. :eusa_hand:

Which speaks to his mind set.

And nicely shows that Martin was engaged in self defense.

Imagination aside.
Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

I agree...grabbing or reaching for something in the dark when asked why you are following could be a big problem...and it was. The prosecution is making a huge mistake not addressing is only us in here discussing the reaching.

The prosecution knows what it is doing, man. It's not there first rodeo. If they thought they could score points with it, they would have brought it up.

From my observation, Zimmerman is left handed. I saw him taking notes. The officer that disarmed him said he carried his KelTek on his right side meaning he had to reach across his body to get to the gun and the grip would be facing forward. This practice is common for southpaws because left handed holsters are rarely stocked in gun shops.
I doubt that anyone would reach across their body to get to their phone. I carry mine in my left rear pocket. I retrieve it with my left hand. How about the rest of you? Do you reach across your body to get to your sail foam?

I carry my cell phone in my cleavage. :)
Not that it matters. If someone has you on the ground bashing you, it doesn't matter the degree of the ultimate injury. You are correct to fear for your life.
Sallow, just so you know...using your personal example as an example of how head injuries are nothing to worry's not working. Every person who reads that goes "Omg, that so explains it." and is struck by how damaging non-lethal head injuries can be.
Perhaps, all of those alleged hits has you failing to grasp the simplistic nature of head trauma. :lmao:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

All head trauma is potentially fatal. And the thing about having your head bashed on affects your consciousness. When you feel you are losing, or might lose, consciousness, you fear for your life.

And during that minute or so long struggle, Zimmerman..who nearly lost consciousness, managed to pull his gun from the holster and shoot Martin. Almost immediately, while still groggy mind you, he straddled Zimmerman and was restraining the dead kid's arms. Then Zimmerman, who nearly lost his life from fatal head trauma, was able to coherently and calmly answer questions..and refused to go to the hospital.

Gotta love it.
Sallow, just so you know...using your personal example as an example of how head injuries are nothing to worry's not working. Every person who reads that goes "Omg, that so explains it." and is struck by how damaging non-lethal head injuries can be.

Actually..they are something to worry about.

A coworker, who fell on his head from a roof, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day.

That was fatal.
Sallow, just so you know...using your personal example as an example of how head injuries are nothing to worry's not working. Every person who reads that goes "Omg, that so explains it." and is struck by how damaging non-lethal head injuries can be.

Actually..they are something to worry about.

A coworker, who fell on his head from a roof, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day.

That was fatal.

And yet, you just got done saying:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

I'm pretty sure you'll just argue what you want without regard to consistency or logic.
Then why does he throw these theories out there as though they were truth incarnate when they are neither supported by the facts of the case nor the evidence.

It seams as though he has made up his mind and let the facts and evidence be damned.
In fairness, I think he tosses turds out there that are a semi plausible alternative that he wants to bring up for discussion. I can dig it, but I think a lot of his conjecture flies in the face of logic.

Lol Ernie.....aside from the BM part.....25 looks at all sides. The site that we all came here together from.....??? Well, we could talk should have known a few there. I mean, damn. It was bad. I've known 25 for quite awhile.

Can you get him back on his meds?
He seems mostly sane. Maybe he is doing a poor Richard Castle imitation?

As far as talking about defecation... It's not popular here, but occasionally there is talk of polishing turds. (might be all shined up, but it's still a turd)
Sallow, just so you know...using your personal example as an example of how head injuries are nothing to worry's not working. Every person who reads that goes "Omg, that so explains it." and is struck by how damaging non-lethal head injuries can be.

Actually..they are something to worry about.

A coworker, who fell on his head from a roof, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day.

That was fatal.

And yet, you just got done saying:


It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

I'm pretty sure you'll just argue what you want without regard to consistency or logic.

Well no.

Zimmerman, The Police and the EMT workers all seemed to think Zimmerman's "near fatal" injuries didn't require a hospital stay.

You know something different?
Zimmerman had his hands free enough to take the gun out his holster and deliver a near perfect shot to Martin's chest which killed him instantly.

That doesn't sound like he was blacking out or near death.

So you consider hitting the "near perfect shot" from inches away an accomplishment.....?
Do you think before you type? Or maybe you're just a really bad shot.

Or maybe he identifies with Trayvon because he's a low class hoodlum who has beaten people's heads into the grounds too.
Or maybe he has no familiarity with guns whatsoever.

All of the above.
If nothing else,sallow is entertaining with the theories he pulls out of his azz.
But then I've always been a fan of fiction.
I think they called this defense expert so they can call the mom or the dad to say it was TM on the 911 call.

And that's going to be quicksand.

It's the only strategy or logic I can think of with this.
I think I'll take the word of the doctor over that of the ironically named "truthseeker."
Family doctor= conflict of interest.

Family Doctor=conflict of interest?
How so?

Docs must be honest or they lose their license, you krakah!

Yes, doctors are called upon to testify and give their expert opinion all the time. And there is no physician/client privilege. There is psychiatrist and psychologist/client privilege. Staff level nurses are held to a standard of confidentiality, but they do not have 'privilege' either. Only NPs who practice in psychiatry have 'privilege.' And the privilege belongs to the client not the provider. It is the client who decides if the psychiatrist, psychologist, or NP testifies. The family doctor and the nurse can be compelled to testify in court. Further what the patient tells the doctor is considered to be true because he is seeking help and not motivated to lie as that would hinder the process of his getting help. (Except when the patient is an addict seeking controlled substances, and contrary to what Dr. House on TV says.)

The medical provider cannot pull things out of thin air. All they can testify to as fact is what is in the record. If you noticed, the PA acknowledged that the only injuries she charted were the ones on the back of his head. That is significant. The other injuries were either resolved by the time she saw him or she didn't consider them very significant. Medical people are taught from the very first day in school that the record is your sworn testimony and can be used to impeach you in a court of law if you lie.
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So you consider hitting the "near perfect shot" from inches away an accomplishment.....?
Do you think before you type? Or maybe you're just a really bad shot.

Or maybe he identifies with Trayvon because he's a low class hoodlum who has beaten people's heads into the grounds too.Or maybe he has no familiarity with guns whatsoever.

Yep..and like Trayvon?

I never killed anyone.

And you're not likely to if you never leave your mothers basement. Stay safe....
Zimmerman had his hands free enough to take the gun out his holster and deliver a near perfect shot to Martin's chest which killed him instantly.

That doesn't sound like he was blacking out or near death.

So you consider hitting the "near perfect shot" from inches away an accomplishment.....?
Do you think before you type? Or maybe you're just a really bad shot.

Thought about it a lot.

Zimmerman killed a kid with a gun.

And you folks want to give him a medal.

Or maybe you think he should take Martin's head as a trophy?

You know, like big game hunters.

You're one strange dude.
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