The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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As I figured you ignorant piece of crap.....
The expected response from angry, highly emotional but poorly educated ISIS supporters.

You clearly haven't a clue as to who the Moors were, nor where the Moorish empire was. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn in your squalid life moron. And, it is you and your moronic, uneducated ilk that are ISIS supporters.

The quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." was developed for people like you.
You clearly haven't a clue as to who the Moors were, nor where the Moorish empire was. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn in your squalid life moron. And, it is you and your moronic, uneducated ilk that are ISIS supporters.

The quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." was developed for people like you.
LOL. Go back to ranting about the Jews and supporting Islamic Jihadic, Monte.

....I contend that Zionists, that are latter day Nazis in their mindset, are evil.
It is the Zionists that believe that their child murdering is justified. They cannot fathom the thought that bombing a school filled with children or an apartment building housing women and children is a murderous act. The Zionists are psychopaths and they feel no guilt when they cause thousands of innocent deaths. It is the rule in a Zionist state. The Zionists hope to achieve their political objectives through the murder of innocents. But, the worlds is turning against them.

You don't know who the Moors were nor where their empire was. Stop changing the subject.
LOL. Go back to ranting about the Jews and supporting Islamic Jihadic, Monte.

....I contend that Zionists, that are latter day Nazis in their mindset, are evil.
It is the Zionists that believe that their child murdering is justified. They cannot fathom the thought that bombing a school filled with children or an apartment building housing women and children is a murderous act. The Zionists are psychopaths and they feel no guilt when they cause thousands of innocent deaths. It is the rule in a Zionist state. The Zionists hope to achieve their political objectives through the murder of innocents. But, the worlds is turning against them.

You don't know who the Moors were nor where their empire was. Stop changing the subject.
Truth hurts, eh? LOL
LOL. Go back to ranting about the Jews and supporting Islamic Jihadic, Monte.

....I contend that Zionists, that are latter day Nazis in their mindset, are evil.
It is the Zionists that believe that their child murdering is justified. They cannot fathom the thought that bombing a school filled with children or an apartment building housing women and children is a murderous act. The Zionists are psychopaths and they feel no guilt when they cause thousands of innocent deaths. It is the rule in a Zionist state. The Zionists hope to achieve their political objectives through the murder of innocents. But, the worlds is turning against them.

You don't know who the Moors were nor where their empire was. Stop changing the subject.
Truth hurts, eh? LOL

It may hurt you as you haven't figured out who the Moors were nor where the Moorish empire was located. As far as your libelous accusations. Reported. I despise the Islamic cult, by the way.
LOL. Go back to ranting about the Jews and supporting Islamic Jihadic, Monte.

....I contend that Zionists, that are latter day Nazis in their mindset, are evil.
It is the Zionists that believe that their child murdering is justified. They cannot fathom the thought that bombing a school filled with children or an apartment building housing women and children is a murderous act. The Zionists are psychopaths and they feel no guilt when they cause thousands of innocent deaths. It is the rule in a Zionist state. The Zionists hope to achieve their political objectives through the murder of innocents. But, the worlds is turning against them.

You don't know who the Moors were nor where their empire was. Stop changing the subject.
Truth hurts, eh? LOL

It may hurt you as you haven't figured out who the Moors were nor where the Moorish empire was located. As far as your libelous accusations. Reported. I despise the Islamic cult, by the way.
I know who the Moors are, but you are free to spin it as another of your Jihadist, antisemitic, anti-Zionist rants.

No you didn't know who the Moors were nor where their empire was. You conflated the Muslim conquests with the Moorish Empire. Libel reported again.
... Libel reported again.
It's not libel if you posted multiple pro-Palestinian terrorist/anti-Zionist posts.

I posted only two examples, you have dozens on this forum.

However, since you only claim to know more about the Moors, yet are oddly evasive about proving it, I can see there is nothing to be gained from discussing the topic with you.

Have a really nice anti-Zionist/Pro-Palestinian day, Monte!
... Libel reported again.
It's not libel if you posted multiple pro-Palestinian terrorist/anti-Zionist posts.

I posted only two examples, you have dozens on this forum.

However, since you only claim to know more about the Moors, yet are oddly evasive about proving it, I can see there is nothing to be gained from discussing the topic with you.

Have a really nice anti-Zionist/Pro-Palestinian day, Monte!

Anti-Zionism has nothing to do with antisemitism, just as being anti-fascist has nothing to do with being anti-Italian. Supporting the Palestinian Christians has nothing to do with terrorism. Your libel has been reported.
You clearly haven't a clue as to who the Moors were, nor where the Moorish empire was. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn in your squalid life moron. And, it is you and your moronic, uneducated ilk that are ISIS supporters.

The quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." was developed for people like you.
And the grand wizard, monti, has spoken. We only wish we could be as 'educated' as you, good sir.
A slide back to the topic, there was a lot more going on in the rest of the middle east during this time that had some effect on the Mandate period on down.
You clearly haven't a clue as to who the Moors were, nor where the Moorish empire was. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn in your squalid life moron. And, it is you and your moronic, uneducated ilk that are ISIS supporters.

The quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." was developed for people like you.
And the grand wizard, monti, has spoken. We only wish we could be as 'educated' as you, good sir.

I wasn't responding to you, but since you feel it important to accuse others of being members of the KKK if they criticize a racist and nationalist ideology such as Zionism (what's the difference between Zionism and Nazism when you come down to it), yes the world would be a better place if people were as educated as I am. They wouldn't fall for the Hasbara propaganda that they have fallen for.
What is your avatar a picture of? Looks like a wizard to me. I used the adjective 'grand' because you so often boast of being smarter than anyone else. That is all.

If you want to think I meant something else, that's all on you, pal.
What is your avatar a picture of? Looks like a wizard to me. I used the adjective 'grand' because you so often boast of being smarter than anyone else. That is all.

If you want to think I meant something else, that's all on you, pal.

I never boast. I state fact.
Tell me, is it the Jews or the Palestinians that strap on suicide belts and blow up city buses full of noncombatants or markets?

Isn't that what happens during American and Zionist Israeli drone strikes? The delivery systems may be different but the effect is the same.
It depends on both the target and intentions. In one the intention is a military target but involves collateral damage such as civilian casualties. In the other it's a deliberate attempt to commit mass murder against civilians including children.

Really? Given the pervasive militarisation in Zionist society, the bus network, for example, plays is an integral part during periods of mobilisation, the Palestinian Resistence can legitimately argue that they have always pursued military targets who just happened to be surrounded by "civilian" human shields...




...I Just speak the truthful and actual Moron

So take your Terrorist Zionist Inspired Bullshit and SHOVE IT IN YOUR LYING GOB
Awesome....and exactly what I expected. The war will be short, but interesting. It's time the West destroyed the archaic remains of the Moorish Empire and replaced it with modernity. Many citizens of the ME will agree.

So what has Spain and North-west Africa got to do with the conflict between Zionist colonists and the indigenous native peoples of the Levant? Oh and as for those Moors, here's an interesting article for you.

I suspect many nore citizens of the ME will tell you where you can shove your version of "modernity".
Tell me, is it the Jews or the Palestinians that strap on suicide belts and blow up city buses full of noncombatants or markets?

Isn't that what happens during American and Zionist Israeli drone strikes? The delivery systems may be different but the effect is the same.
It depends on both the target and intentions. In one the intention is a military target but involves collateral damage such as civilian casualties. In the other it's a deliberate attempt to commit mass murder against civilians including children.

Really? Given the pervasive militarisation in Zionist society, the bus network, for example, plays is an integral part during periods of mobilisation, the Palestinian Resistence can legitimately argue that they have always pursued military targets who just happened to be surrounded by "civilian" human shields...




Nice spin. Fine. You can continue to support flying airplanes into buildings, beheading journalists and suicide bombers on public transportation. I'll continue to support Western ideals. We'll see who wins in the end. :D
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