The one 2016 election photo that should make you vomit.

I get it. A good 40% of our population are full retards who will vote Democrat until we are a 3rd world shithole.

But God damn....IS THIS what you want in full control of the world's lone superpower:

View attachment 79680

Since dumb ass Republicans went and nominated Trump it's pretty much inevitable.

I's inevitable. Trump is merely the symptom. The broader movement is people are sick of the corrupt establishment. The Brexit vote is part of that same feeling that's sweeping Europe and the West.

Hillary represents that corrupt elite political oligarchy more than any candidate in US history...and Dems are ecstatic to line up behind her.

My main disagreement with you is saying people who "support" Trump...actually support him. I support the broader movement his nomination represents. Not necessarily HIM.

But yeah....when North Korea, Iran, Putin, ISIS, etc decide to test America....THIS IS what will lead our response:

I get it. A good 40% of our population are full retards who will vote Democrat until we are a 3rd world shithole.

But God damn....IS THIS what you want in full control of the world's lone superpower:

View attachment 79680

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ - that is the scariest thing I have EVER seen......I'll have nightmares tonight. Hillary (the murderer) and Fauxcahontas.....both dressed in blue - when they should both be in orange jumpsuits.....
Seriously folks. I don't even need to respond much. Just have to really want us to face off against Putin, Iran, ISIS, domestic gangs, with THIS:

View attachment 79684
This picture might cut down on ISIS rapes. It's the ultimate boner shrinker.
You're not voting for them to pick them up as sorority dates.

You're voting for them because they have brains and The Donald does not.

They do?

Lyin Liz doesn't even know what ethnicity she is.
Crooked Hillary was dumber than 66% of her college class taking the BAR and failed it.

How ironic....that Crooked Hillary....admittedly by her own supporters to be a colossal gonna pick Lyin Liz as VP...bitch old hag who lied about her race and ethnicity for 20 years to get a Harvard job.
Go Hillary!!!!! Go Liz!!!!!

Question for you Chief Shitting Bull...if Fauxcahontas is NOT on Hillary (the murderer) Clinton's ticket, do you think that Fauxcahontas should call a war party together?

You are one stupid fuck.
I get it. A good 40% of our population are full retards who will vote Democrat until we are a 3rd world shithole.

But God damn....IS THIS what you want in full control of the world's lone superpower:

View attachment 79680

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ - that is the scariest thing I have EVER seen......I'll have nightmares tonight. Hillary (the murderer) and Fauxcahontas.....both dressed in blue - when they should both be in orange jumpsuits.....

Haha....what is it?? I can't pinpoint exactly what about that photo is so degrading and offensive to the eyes. I've seen uglier women. I've seen more radical commies. But something about that damn photo just makes my eyeballs do this:

the girls in blue.....awwww....:rolleyes::lmao:

:puke: LOL

I've heard the stories about Hillary's "volcanic temper".....there have been 4-5 books written about how evil the bitch is. Can you imagine those two together on a bad day!?!? Jesus Christ, they'd have to amend the budget to allow for all the breakage in the White House!

Two of the most despicable women to have ever walked upon the earth.
I get it. A good 40% of our population are full retards who will vote Democrat until we are a 3rd world shithole.

But God damn....IS THIS what you want in full control of the world's lone superpower:

View attachment 79680

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ - that is the scariest thing I have EVER seen......I'll have nightmares tonight. Hillary (the murderer) and Fauxcahontas.....both dressed in blue - when they should both be in orange jumpsuits.....

Haha....what is it?? I can't pinpoint exactly what about that photo is so degrading and offensive to the eyes. I've seen uglier women. I've seen more radical commies. But something about that damn photo just makes my eyeballs do this:

View attachment 79689 View attachment 79690

Indeed. You are looking at pure, unadulterated EVIL right there...
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.

No doubt. Honestly, I believe that America would enter into a civil war. How much more of this shit do we have to endure!?!?
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.

No doubt. Honestly, I believe that America would enter into a civil war. How much more of this shit do we have to endure!?!?

I have to say.....if my choice was give Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz their shot for 4 to 8 years....OR....give Obama/Biden 1 more term and hit reset in 2020 and redo this election....I'd have to say let that motherfucker Obama stick around 4 more years.

Now....let me go vomit....
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.

No doubt. Honestly, I believe that America would enter into a civil war. How much more of this shit do we have to endure!?!?

I have to say.....if my choice was give Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz their shot for 4 to 8 years....OR....give Obama/Biden 1 more term and hit reset in 2020 and redo this election....I'd have to say let that motherfucker Obama stick around 4 more years.

Now....let me go vomit....

In this case, I would have to agree. The thought of that no-good piece of shit Clinton sitting in the Oval Office makes me ill. The bitch should be in jail.
That Bucs90 is against it means it must be best for the nation. He clearly is among the most hateful and useless people I've ever encountered. That the normal peanut gallery all chimed in with their dime store "humor" confirms it.

And quite the ironic OP considering his avatar...

Do you know who my avatar is?

The guy from The Jeffersons dressed as a colonist?
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.

No doubt. Honestly, I believe that America would enter into a civil war. How much more of this shit do we have to endure!?!?

I have to say.....if my choice was give Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz their shot for 4 to 8 years....OR....give Obama/Biden 1 more term and hit reset in 2020 and redo this election....I'd have to say let that motherfucker Obama stick around 4 more years.

Now....let me go vomit....

Last week you were content to ride out her 8 years with humor and wit in suburbia. What changed?
Never thought I'd say this. Ever.

But......Crooked Hillary/Lyin Liz in the White House would actually be WORSE....yes....WORSE than Obama/Biden.

Its too bad the GOP isn't fielding a candidate this year for President. Make a note to do better in 2020 little man.
What's the point of this thread ? We should choose a prez based on looks ? Have you ever taken a look at trump ?

Another example of right wing war on women .
it isn't their looks that makes people want to vomit. It's the witches brew swirling around in their heads.

Well you sure proved me wrong on that woman hating thing!
How did anything I posted indicate I hate women?

What you just proved is that any criticism of Hillary will be portrayed to mean sexism. Typical leftwing smear.
Future president and vice president of the US.

Even if they were not the best for the jobs, it would still be fun to watch the RWNJ traitors' heads exploding.
The right wing does not care who is best for the job. The believe that whatever the cost, women should not be leading this country simply because they are women.
Future president and vice president of the US.

Even if they were not the best for the jobs, it would still be fun to watch the RWNJ traitors' heads exploding.
The right wing does not care who is best for the job. The believe that whatever the cost, women should not be leading this country simply because they are women.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say. I'm glad there aren't any of those people around. They sound scary.

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