The Only Black GOP Senator senator delivers speech on policing and race

I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise.

Really? It's about how blacks are discriminated against and you dismiss it as race baiting? Lmao! I mean what do you without taking sides? There's racism is bad and what other position? And why you cannot choose a side on racism or discrimination says more than I could ever
I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise.

Really? It's about how blacks are discriminated against and you dismiss it as race baiting? Lmao! I mean what do you without taking sides? There's racism is bad and what other position? And why you cannot choose a side on racism or discrimination says more than I could ever

I could tell you EXACTLY where the root of this law enforcement burden on minority/poor communities really is. BLM can't. All they KNOW is that ALL their problems are racial bias.. Not even close to the truth.

I'm starting a thread -- will invite you in. Then you'll see the diff between WHINING and PROTESTING and actually working on policy changes and fixes.

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

Pretty stupid theme here CC. First of all -- there's only TWO black Senators. So what is the significance of him being the only GOP black senator.. Other than you hate his guts for his views and principles?.

Sorry Flacal- I don't think you are being entirely honest here.

First of all this is news because he is a black Senator speaking of his experiences as a black man.
Secondly this is significant as a GOP black senator because he is a conservative who is speaking against the conservative meme that calls the Black Lives Movement 'racist'.

Finally- why doesn't anyone want to actually address what Senator Scott said?

Over the course of a year in office, the 50-year-old Republican Senator says he was stopped seven times, the “vast majority” of which were for “nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial.” He also detailed the similar experiences of his brother, a sergeant major in the U.S. army, and one of his former staffers.

“I have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you’re being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself,” Scott said, according to Politico. “Recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exis

Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge what he actually said of his own personal experiences?

I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise. It's just YOU guys who are all amazed and taking cheap shots like in the title. AND love the race baiting as a byproduct. Good for your political corporation...

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?
You could ask me if you cared to hear more reason on the topic of justice in minority poor communities.

This topic is regarding the issue of justice and minorities- as presented by an African American Senator.

Seems like an ideal starting point for any discussion.
This is the Republican's attempt at an honest discussion on race, where they can't call the Black Man a thug or criminal...
You do know what they want to call him....

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

Pretty stupid theme here CC. First of all -- there's only TWO black Senators. So what is the significance of him being the only GOP black senator.. Other than you hate his guts for his views and principles?.

Sorry Flacal- I don't think you are being entirely honest here.

First of all this is news because he is a black Senator speaking of his experiences as a black man.
Secondly this is significant as a GOP black senator because he is a conservative who is speaking against the conservative meme that calls the Black Lives Movement 'racist'.

Finally- why doesn't anyone want to actually address what Senator Scott said?

Over the course of a year in office, the 50-year-old Republican Senator says he was stopped seven times, the “vast majority” of which were for “nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial.” He also detailed the similar experiences of his brother, a sergeant major in the U.S. army, and one of his former staffers.

“I have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you’re being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself,” Scott said, according to Politico. “Recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exis

Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge what he actually said of his own personal experiences?

I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise. It's just YOU guys who are all amazed and taking cheap shots like in the title. AND love the race baiting as a byproduct. Good for your political corporation...

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?

U guyz? Why the race baiting corporation known as the Dem Party. Weren't they suppose to have SOLVED this shit like about 40 years AGO? U guyz still waiting for them to get off their fat asses and FIX IT? U guyz are pretty damn gullible.

I bought it all. Sincerity, Insight and emotionally. Didn't use it as a weapon did he?

I believe it's the general ineptness and incompetence of Govt services that cause an undue burden on poor and minority communities. When they SCREW UP warrants and arrests. When they HARASS folks with life-ruining fines and sentences. A $250 car towing or a FALSE warrant can literally end the economic survival of a LOT of folks and send into an unresponsive and uncaring system of "justice".

The libertarian in me says that govt ought to be PUNISHED when they chronically fuck up people's lives due to ineptness and DontgiveaCrap attitudes. But YOUR blessed DNC and BLM actors take to streets and declare.


----- - MORE GOVT.


---- NOW !!!

More layers of official oversight ROT. THat's what you been given. The watchers to watch the watchers.
And you're still buying that shtick after 40 years?

How stupid is it to jump to the conclusion that the only problem is "the pigs" and bias?
Wonder what Sen. Scott thinks about this bum bullshit

Well you know what Senator Scott thinks about his own racial profiling.

Yet you are too scared to address his actual comments.

I wonder why that is?
I am not afraid. But not everyone agrees with Scott. Do you know what happens when Sheriff Clark voices his opinions? He is labeled as a nut case, an Uncle Tom a traitor. How was Chris Darden treated by the black community post OJ trial? It was not pretty. Wise up.

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

but it's not like he's a token or anything..... right?

did you see Michael Che running around the convention center with his phone as it he was playing Pokémon Go looking for minorities at the RNC?

...and looking for sane people at the DNC... Bet'cha ya can't find one. Lol
I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise.

Really? It's about how blacks are discriminated against and you dismiss it as race baiting? Lmao! I mean what do you without taking sides? There's racism is bad and what other position? And why you cannot choose a side on racism or discrimination says more than I could ever

I'm starting a thread -- will invite you in. Then you'll see the diff between WHINING and PROTESTING and actually working on policy changes and fixes.

Was Senator Scott whining and protesting when he spoke?

If EITHER Of you think that I'M too scared to discuss this -- and my response at post #69 wasn't enough -- I just laid it out in a new thread.

Johnson - A libertarian view of "oppressive justice" on the streets.

You're welcome to comment. But follow the sticky rules for the Candidate's Forum. It's not a brawl..
Now we fall back on Fox and friends. Why do libtards see fox and friends as the cause of all their problems? If it was not for fox and friends their world would be just Oakes dokey! Libtards are demented people.

What is a 'libtard'?

It appears to be just anyone you disagree with.
A retarded liberal.

Ah like I said- anyone you disagree with- or uses too complicated of language for you.
No, a retarded liberal because libs are retards.

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

Pretty stupid theme here CC. First of all -- there's only TWO black Senators. So what is the significance of him being the only GOP black senator.. Other than you hate his guts for his views and principles?.

Sorry Flacal- I don't think you are being entirely honest here.

First of all this is news because he is a black Senator speaking of his experiences as a black man.
Secondly this is significant as a GOP black senator because he is a conservative who is speaking against the conservative meme that calls the Black Lives Movement 'racist'.

Finally- why doesn't anyone want to actually address what Senator Scott said?

Over the course of a year in office, the 50-year-old Republican Senator says he was stopped seven times, the “vast majority” of which were for “nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial.” He also detailed the similar experiences of his brother, a sergeant major in the U.S. army, and one of his former staffers.

“I have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you’re being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself,” Scott said, according to Politico. “Recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exis

Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge what he actually said of his own personal experiences?

I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise. It's just YOU guys who are all amazed and taking cheap shots like in the title. AND love the race baiting as a byproduct. Good for your political corporation...

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?

U guyz? Why the race baiting corporation known as the Dem Party. Weren't they suppose to have SOLVED this shit like about 40 years AGO? U guyz still waiting for them to get off their fat asses and FIX IT? U guyz are pretty damn gullible.

I bought it all. Sincerity, Insight and emotionally. Didn't use it as a weapon did he?

I believe it's the general ineptness and incompetence of Govt services that cause an undue burden on poor and minority communities. When they SCREW UP warrants and arrests. When they HARASS folks with life-ruining fines and sentences. A $250 car towing or a FALSE warrant can literally end the economic survival of a LOT of folks and send into an unresponsive and uncaring system of "justice".

The libertarian in me says that govt ought to be PUNISHED when they chronically fuck up people's lives due to ineptness and DontgiveaCrap attitudes. But YOUR blessed DNC and BLM actors take to streets and declare.


----- - MORE GOVT.


---- NOW !!!

More layers of official oversight ROT. THat's what you been given. The watchers to watch the watchers.
And you're still buying that shtick after 40 years?

How stupid is it to jump to the conclusion that the only problem is "the pigs" and bias?

I am confused. What post are you replying to?

Because your post has nothing to do with my post.

Here is what my post that you hit 'reply' to said:

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?

And my post still stands. You still are not talking about the content of what Senator Scott said.

You have gone off on some bizarre tangent about the Democratic Party and 'race baiting'.

You want to talk about whether we need more government or less government- well go ahead and start a topic on that.

You want to rant about how much you hate the DNC and Black Lives Matter- well go ahead and start a thread on that- that will just be another of the dozens of those started by the RWNJ' here every day.
Now we fall back on Fox and friends. Why do libtards see fox and friends as the cause of all their problems? If it was not for fox and friends their world would be just Oakes dokey! Libtards are demented people.

What is a 'libtard'?

It appears to be just anyone you disagree with.
A retarded liberal.

Ah like I said- anyone you disagree with- or uses too complicated of language for you.
No, a retarded liberal because libs are retards.

That is the mantra of the retarded Right Wing Nut Jobs like you. Anyone you disagree with must be retarded.
Wonder what Sen. Scott thinks about this bum bullshit

Well you know what Senator Scott thinks about his own racial profiling.

Yet you are too scared to address his actual comments.

I wonder why that is?
I am not afraid. But not everyone agrees with Scott./QUOTE]

You appear to be completely unwilling to talk about what Senator Scott said- you know the topic of this thread.

Is it because
  1. You are just too scared to address what Senator Scott said or
  2. You have no idea what Senator Scott said or
  3. You are a troll who just wants to derail the thread
I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise.

Really? It's about how blacks are discriminated against and you dismiss it as race baiting? Lmao! I mean what do you without taking sides? There's racism is bad and what other position? And why you cannot choose a side on racism or discrimination says more than I could ever

I'm starting a thread -- will invite you in. Then you'll see the diff between WHINING and PROTESTING and actually working on policy changes and fixes.

Was Senator Scott whining and protesting when he spoke?

If EITHER Of you think that I'M too scared to discuss this -- and my response at post #69 wasn't enough -- I just laid it out in a new thread.

Johnson - A libertarian view of "oppressive justice" on the streets.

You're welcome to comment. But follow the sticky rules for the Candidate's Forum. It's not a brawl..

Why did you start a thread regarding Johnson- to address what Senator Scott said?
Pretty stupid theme here CC. First of all -- there's only TWO black Senators. So what is the significance of him being the only GOP black senator.. Other than you hate his guts for his views and principles?.

Sorry Flacal- I don't think you are being entirely honest here.

First of all this is news because he is a black Senator speaking of his experiences as a black man.
Secondly this is significant as a GOP black senator because he is a conservative who is speaking against the conservative meme that calls the Black Lives Movement 'racist'.

Finally- why doesn't anyone want to actually address what Senator Scott said?

Over the course of a year in office, the 50-year-old Republican Senator says he was stopped seven times, the “vast majority” of which were for “nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial.” He also detailed the similar experiences of his brother, a sergeant major in the U.S. army, and one of his former staffers.

“I have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you’re being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself,” Scott said, according to Politico. “Recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exis

Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge what he actually said of his own personal experiences?

I think ALL reasonable folks acknowledge the value of what he said WITHOUT taking sides in a race baiting exercise. It's just YOU guys who are all amazed and taking cheap shots like in the title. AND love the race baiting as a byproduct. Good for your political corporation...

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?

U guyz? Why the race baiting corporation known as the Dem Party. Weren't they suppose to have SOLVED this shit like about 40 years AGO? U guyz still waiting for them to get off their fat asses and FIX IT? U guyz are pretty damn gullible.

I bought it all. Sincerity, Insight and emotionally. Didn't use it as a weapon did he?

I believe it's the general ineptness and incompetence of Govt services that cause an undue burden on poor and minority communities. When they SCREW UP warrants and arrests. When they HARASS folks with life-ruining fines and sentences. A $250 car towing or a FALSE warrant can literally end the economic survival of a LOT of folks and send into an unresponsive and uncaring system of "justice".

The libertarian in me says that govt ought to be PUNISHED when they chronically fuck up people's lives due to ineptness and DontgiveaCrap attitudes. But YOUR blessed DNC and BLM actors take to streets and declare.


----- - MORE GOVT.


---- NOW !!!

More layers of official oversight ROT. THat's what you been given. The watchers to watch the watchers.
And you're still buying that shtick after 40 years?

How stupid is it to jump to the conclusion that the only problem is "the pigs" and bias?

I am confused. What post are you replying to?

Because your post has nothing to do with my post.

Here is what my post that you hit 'reply' to said:

Who is 'you guys'?

Here is one of the gems in this thread from Willow
Now the bum knuckle turds think it's white privileges to walk down a sidewalk. Too funny.

Nobody has actually talked about what Senator Scott said- or the value of what he said. Not you. Not Willow.

You want to talk about 'cheap shots' because the title says 'the only black gop senator'? By USMB standards that is hardly a 'cheap shot'- it is entirely accurate- and it is relevant.

The very first response was Willow- who has done nothing but race bait this entire thread.

So why doesn't anyone want to talk about the content of what Senator Scott said?

Do you believe that he has experienced targetting because of his race?

Do you believe that his experience is relevant in the current discussion of race in the United States?

And my post still stands. You still are not talking about the content of what Senator Scott said.

You have gone off on some bizarre tangent about the Democratic Party and 'race baiting'.

You want to talk about whether we need more government or less government- well go ahead and start a topic on that.

You want to rant about how much you hate the DNC and Black Lives Matter- well go ahead and start a thread on that- that will just be another of the dozens of those started by the RWNJ' here every day.
You dearie do not want to talk about race relations unless we talk about it your way. I have already mentioned that Scott is not always agreed with and I pointed out how another black, Clark, has been referred to as an Uncle Tom, a nut job, a traitor. Then you hit us with the rwnj label. You know don't you that there is no chance of a rational discussion on race don't you. You know it within your heart of hearts. Dearie.
I commented. You quoted it and asked for a comment

Didn't see a comment on my post #69.. Tho I must have made a bunch of single minded race baiters very uncomfortable with what i said. Because I love them funnies. Means they were speechless.

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