The Only Thing Protecting These Protesters Is The Decency Of Those They Attack

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
My buddy here in the picture wants blacks to stop listening to the Massa's of black people who control what they think.

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

George Floyd killing: peaceful protests sweep America as calls for racial justice reach new heights

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis."

Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete.

Mental patient.

On prescribed drugs.............DEAD...............No RIOTS...........NO LOOTING.........NOTHING.......NADA........

Why you might ask.....................

HE WAS WHITE..............doesn't fit the Narrative.

They damn sure killed that guy, though. Bad training?

Possibly...............they were joking like it was normal.........I did shore patrol training and battle triage..........there are things you don't do..........he was already need to put full weight on the guy for a long time...........Was not needed.........and the police were joking about it til they went OH SHIT WE KILLED HIM.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.

How do you know they are innocent?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
Looters are one thing. But protesters that prevent commerce or stop people from getting to work are going to be in for a horrible surprise if they don't stop.

But I think that is the goal of these troublemakers.
They want the authorities to arrest anyone who pushes back.
The day will come that nobody will be around to arrest us.....and we'll be unleashed on your dumb asses.

Business owners have insurance for their losses. Donald Trump shut down all of the police reforms against violence when he took office. He castigated Colin Kapernick and demanded his firing for taking a knee. The USA is now more segregated than it was in 1960, via "Christian" schools, Charter schools, and red lining.

How long are the American people supposed to tolerate being brutalized and killed by the police at the rate of 1000 people per year - with black and brown people making up a far greater percertage of those being victimized by the police?

Republican since Ronald Reagan have demanded the militarization of the police, and the subjugation of black and brown people to the police. They have surpressed minority votes, both by using federal laws to charge black and brown men with crimes, thus permanently stripping them of the right to vote, for life. Along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, this is how Republicans have stayed in power.

Police have been allowed to brutalize and kill American citizen with impunity, which means the police forces attract racists and those with violent tendencies, because as cops, these people have no restraint on how brutal they can be. I've met these guys, and they're no different than the criminals they're arresting. But they're legally allowed to beat people up and even kill them enforcing laws for petty crimes, like selling cigarettes, or passing a $20 bill.

An economy which overwhelming rewards the wealthy class over the working class, requires a police state to enforce order. They especially need to brutalize and frighten those at the bottom of the economic scale to keep them in line.

You're being sold the false notion that property and the economy matter more than people, and their lives. The people being forced to go back to work in the pandemic, with no protections, are the serving class, who work in transit, health care, child care, and teachers, restaurants and public services - overwhelmingly low wage jobs where minorities are more likely to be working.

The people dying in the pandemic, are overwhelmingly minorities and elderly. People who don't matter to you.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. Until you can say that and mean it, the protests will continue until your entire nation is in flames, because if the only way that fools like you will understand the people come first.

What will it take for you to stop killing people of colour and start putting people first?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

What a small mind.
Freedom of speech isn’t just for issues you like or support based on how your ideology.tells you how to think.
Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support.

"Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support."

Below is ME using this Freedom of Speech thing that ALL OF A SUDDEN you Leftists aka Communist filth now seem to AGREE that we Right-Winger's ALSO have a RIGHT to:

Considering the Leftists aka Communist filth are mainly a group of fucked up faggots, Soy Boi's and Tranny weirdos when they DON'T have the police to run crybabying to anymore they are going to be used as Target Practice and then they should be utilised as Industrial Fertiliser:


Hey remember the below is me using my RIGHT to Freedom of Speech:

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
Looters are one thing. But protesters that prevent commerce or stop people from getting to work are going to be in for a horrible surprise if they don't stop.

But I think that is the goal of these troublemakers.
They want the authorities to arrest anyone who pushes back.
The day will come that nobody will be around to arrest us.....and we'll be unleashed on your dumb asses.

Business owners have insurance for their losses. Donald Trump shut down all of the police reforms against violence when he took office. He castigated Colin Kapernick and demanded his firing for taking a knee.

How long are the American people supposed to tolerate being brutalized and killed by the police at the rate of 1000 people per year - with black and brown people making up a far greater percertage of those being victimized by the police?

Republican since Ronald Reagan have demanded the militarization of the police, and the subjugation of black and brown people to the police. They have surpressed minority votes, both by using federal laws to charge black and brown men with crimes, thus permanently stripping them of the right to vote, for life. Along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, this is how Republicans have stayed in power.

Police have been allowed to brutalize and kill American citizen with impunity, which means the police forces attract racists and those with violent tendencies, because as cops, these people have no restraint on how brutal they can be. I've met these guys, and they're no different than the criminals they're arresting. But they're legally allowed to beat people up and even kill them enforcing laws for petty crimes, like selling cigarettes, or passing a $20 bill.

An economy which overwhelming rewards the wealthy class over the working class, requires a police state to enforce order. They especially need to brutalize and frighten those at the bottom of the economic scale to keep them in line.

You're being sold the false notion that property and the economy matter more than people, and their lives. The people being forced to go back to work in the pandemic, with no protections, are the serving class, who work in transit, health care, child care, and teachers, restaurants and public services - overwhelmingly low wage jobs where minorities are more likely to be working.

The people dying in the pandemic, are overwhelmingly minorities and elderly. People who don't matter to you.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. Until you can say that and mean it, the protests will continue until your entire nation is in flames, because if the only way that fools like you will understand the people come first.

What will it take for you to stop killing people of colour and start putting people first?

Nobody cares what Communist Traitors like you think. You are supporting CRIMINALS rioting and looting and destroying buildings. You have NO Moral High Ground. If you support CRIMINALS then the time is coming that you ALSO will be treated as a CRIMINAL and when you cannot go crybabying to the police anymore, I suggest you learn how to get on your KNEES and PRAY for mercy you will NOT be getting.

The rest of your demented rant, you should just stick with what you know - pushing the unhinged Russian Conspiracy Theory and accusing EVERYONE who is a Conservative of being a Russian Troll and/or Russian Bot.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
You talk about freedom when all you do is create mobs to take everyone's freedom away.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
Looters are one thing. But protesters that prevent commerce or stop people from getting to work are going to be in for a horrible surprise if they don't stop.

But I think that is the goal of these troublemakers.
They want the authorities to arrest anyone who pushes back.
The day will come that nobody will be around to arrest us.....and we'll be unleashed on your dumb asses.

Business owners have insurance for their losses. Donald Trump shut down all of the police reforms against violence when he took office. He castigated Colin Kapernick and demanded his firing for taking a knee. The USA is now more segregated than it was in 1960, via "Christian" schools, Charter schools, and red lining.

How long are the American people supposed to tolerate being brutalized and killed by the police at the rate of 1000 people per year - with black and brown people making up a far greater percertage of those being victimized by the police?

Republican since Ronald Reagan have demanded the militarization of the police, and the subjugation of black and brown people to the police. They have surpressed minority votes, both by using federal laws to charge black and brown men with crimes, thus permanently stripping them of the right to vote, for life. Along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, this is how Republicans have stayed in power.

Police have been allowed to brutalize and kill American citizen with impunity, which means the police forces attract racists and those with violent tendencies, because as cops, these people have no restraint on how brutal they can be. I've met these guys, and they're no different than the criminals they're arresting. But they're legally allowed to beat people up and even kill them enforcing laws for petty crimes, like selling cigarettes, or passing a $20 bill.

An economy which overwhelming rewards the wealthy class over the working class, requires a police state to enforce order. They especially need to brutalize and frighten those at the bottom of the economic scale to keep them in line.

You're being sold the false notion that property and the economy matter more than people, and their lives. The people being forced to go back to work in the pandemic, with no protections, are the serving class, who work in transit, health care, child care, and teachers, restaurants and public services - overwhelmingly low wage jobs where minorities are more likely to be working.

The people dying in the pandemic, are overwhelmingly minorities and elderly. People who don't matter to you.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. Until you can say that and mean it, the protests will continue until your entire nation is in flames, because if the only way that fools like you will understand the people come first.

What will it take for you to stop killing people of colour and start putting people first?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
Happens every dang election cycle with you clowns...............hyped up by the need to rile up the base...............pre mature this the Corona BS was causing people to GO AGAINST YOUR LEADERS.........LOL

They needed something to shift the Narrative away from DNC leaders and their Draconian laws against the people..........Hell they were protesting Dem leaders in LOS ANGELES...........

Pretty funny.........Your side went full Fascist......and your own people turned on you.......LOL

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

George Floyd killing: peaceful protests sweep America as calls for racial justice reach new heights

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis."

Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete.

No one is surprised that you defend criminals.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
You talk about freedom when all you do is create mobs to take everyone's freedom away.
I don't remember creating any mobs lately. Personalizing your dumbfounded rage on an anonymous internet poster is stupid.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

The 1st amendment has NOTHING to do with property destruction, or physical injury of shop owners, and bystanders.

Yeah, I heard about that...As a seasoned driver myself, I have to wonder what kind of special retard gets inbetween the cab, and the trailer, or even the two trailers in the case of doubles....? Darwin exists.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.

You have completely lost your mind.
No, you're an indoctrinated useful idiot. To be discarded once they get power.

Yes and so the most IMPORTANT thing is to use ANY method on the table to STOP the Communist filth getting power.

Josef Stalin their Spiritual Leader = Communist filth who had 20 MILLIONS murdered and then we have General Augusto Pinochet = Among the GREAT Anti-Communist HEROES of the 20th Century:




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