The Only Thing Protecting These Protesters Is The Decency Of Those They Attack

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

They are going to overreach and yes when they do these American cities will resemble the old Wild West, it will be a free for all and a bloodbath.

Our local citizenry protected our own here... ANTIFA arrived and quickly left when they found out they and their unlawful acts would not be tolerated. We had groups all over the cities here in Wyoming that would not of allowed their crap.

View attachment 347003

Antifa did not arrive there.

Says You.... I was there... Were You?

Show me some pictures of Antifa in your town.

You said they went here... Prove it bitch! I was there and they left. The leader was arrested and taken to jail because they had weapons and had placed bricks and other items around town in the days before. Go fuck yourself...

Some evidence, please.
The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

They are going to overreach and yes when they do these American cities will resemble the old Wild West, it will be a free for all and a bloodbath.

Our local citizenry protected our own here... ANTIFA arrived and quickly left when they found out they and their unlawful acts would not be tolerated. We had groups all over the cities here in Wyoming that would not of allowed their crap.

View attachment 347003

Antifa did not arrive there.

Says You.... I was there... Were You?

Show me some pictures of Antifa in your town.

You said they went here... Prove it bitch! I was there and they left. The leader was arrested and taken to jail because they had weapons and had placed bricks and other items around town in the days before. Go fuck yourself...

What was the leader's name?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

What a small mind.
Freedom of speech isn’t just for issues you like or support based on how your ideology.tells you how to think.
Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support.
The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

George Floyd killing: peaceful protests sweep America as calls for racial justice reach new heights

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis."

Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete.

Mental patient.

On prescribed drugs.............DEAD...............No RIOTS...........NO LOOTING.........NOTHING.......NADA........

Why you might ask.....................

HE WAS WHITE..............doesn't fit the Narrative.

They damn sure killed that guy, though. Bad training?
The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

People are getting fed up with being canon fodder for the American police. When police are brutalizing and murdering civilians on the street in broad daylight when bystanders watching say "You're killing him", the American people are being endangered by those hired to protect them

Police officers kill over 1000 American citizens every year, in the performance of their duties. That makes you #1 with a bullet. The next most deadly first world police force: The French. French police killed 26 people last year. Admittedly, the population of France is 1/3 of that of the USA. German police killed 16 citizens, the British police killed 3, and Canadian police killed 8 people.

The USA is rapidly turning into a police state where black and brown people are being killed and subjugated by the state at alarming rates. Your police forces are highly militarized, and use force first and ask questions later. The shooting of a white yoga teacher reporting a prowler was very telling.

When citizens cannot safely report crimes to the police without becoming victims of the police, such as the black home owner shot in his own garage by officers responding to his 911 call about a prowler, or when police rough up a man on his own porch who accidentally locks himself out, your police forces are not serving or protecting.

When an unarmed black citizen cannot flag down police for assistance after breaking down on the highway, without ending up shot dead by the cops, you have a serious problem.

1004 people died at the hands of the police in 2019 in the USA. That makes you #1 in first world countries. France is #2, with 26 citizens killed by police. Great Britain - 3, Canada - 8, Norway - 0, Germany - 16.

Norway isn't the only country with 0 police killings either. There's lots of them. But what there is not is another first world nation with a militarized police department indiscriminately murdering citizens on the streets in broad daylight or hunting them down with pick up trucks, or bursting into their homes as they sleep and shooting them in their beds.

Even the worst banana republic dictators had the decency to drag the citizens away and murder them where no one could see it happening.

Let's see the link on the 1004 people.

Does that include those who shoot at cops and then were shot ?

There are tens of millions of interactions with police officers every year. If you don't provoke are 99.99% sure not to have issues.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

What a small mind.
Freedom of speech isn’t just for issues you like or support based on how your ideology.tells you how to think.
Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support.

How is your post in any way a response to hers ?

She's talking about looting and you are giving a 2nd grade level lecture on application of basic constitutional law.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.

You have completely lost your mind.
No, you're an indoctrinated useful idiot. To be discarded once they get power.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
I live in a fly over the country...........they don't come here for a reason.........they do this shit mainly in DNC controlled shitholes.......

It's your problem............not mine..........Quite Frankly I'm at a point where I don't give a damn if you burn anymore............It's what you want right............Oh well.

Maybe the firemen can go on strike along with the police and let the box be opened.

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
My buddy here in the picture wants blacks to stop listening to the Massa's of black people who control what they think.

So you are saying that the first amendment should be neutered because it sometimes causes an inconvenience?
Your an IDIOT of the highest order.. Speaking your mind does not give you the right to assault others or destroy property.. You speak if inconvience as if its your right to deprive others of thier earnings and property... Entitled little bitch!
Civil unrest occurs in even the most brutal police states. The best course of action is to just let these things play out like a natural disaster. No one can make this end one minute before it ends. Paradoxically, the more the authorities attack the protesters the longer it lasts.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

What a small mind.
Freedom of speech isn’t just for issues you like or support based on how your ideology.tells you how to think.
Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support.
We are learning from you guys about so called Freedom.........Don't like shit we burn and pillage Loot and steal.................

Well..........shit there are just some things decent people will not ...........I tried EMPATHY for the Devil.............JUST DIDN'T WORK.

It's all you bro............just don't test your luck for too dang long.........we might really get will not like us if we get angry.

So you are saying that the first amendment should be neutered because it sometimes causes an inconvenience?
Your an IDIOT of the highest order.. Speaking your mind does not give you the right to assault others or destroy property.. You speak if inconvience as if its your right to deprive others of thier earnings and property... Entitled little bitch!
Civil unrest occurs in even the most brutal police states. The best course of action is to just let these things play out like a natural disaster. No one can make this end one minute before it ends. Paradoxically, the more the authorities attack the protesters the longer it lasts.
Let it play out , until they get into your hood, then you will be calling for the police to stop the insurrection.

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

George Floyd killing: peaceful protests sweep America as calls for racial justice reach new heights

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis."

Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete.

"Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete."

No the protests aka rioting and looting would not become obsolete, this is because they WANT Whites and ESPECIALLY White males and White Christians basically DEAD, they do NOT want White males and White Christians to LIVE in America anymore they want them OUT.

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

George Floyd killing: peaceful protests sweep America as calls for racial justice reach new heights

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis."

Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete.

"Get rid of killer cops and protests will become obsolete."

No the protests aka rioting and looting would not become obsolete, this is because they WANT Whites and ESPECIALLY White males and White Christians basically DEAD, they do NOT want White males and White Christians to LIVE in America anymore they want them OUT.

The Insurrection leaders do not realize what a tragic mistake they are making.

The current majority ethnicity is their best -- and only -- friend in this country, in my opinion.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
Looters are one thing. But protesters that prevent commerce or stop people from getting to work are going to be in for a horrible surprise if they don't stop.

But I think that is the goal of these troublemakers.
They want the authorities to arrest anyone who pushes back.
The day will come that nobody will be around to arrest us.....and we'll be unleashed on your dumb asses.
So you are saying that the first amendment should be neutered because it sometimes causes an inconvenience? Let's take that philosophy and apply it to the second amendment shall we? Since you think the exercise of constitutional rights should never be a bother to someone else that opens up all sorts of avenues to take away your guns. Might as well just give them up like you think liberals should just give up free speech.
Like Bree's free speech?
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
My buddy here in the picture wants blacks to stop listening to the Massa's of black people who control what they think.

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

What a small mind.
Freedom of speech isn’t just for issues you like or support based on how your ideology.tells you how to think.
Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support.

Freedom of Speech? WHERE exactly within Freedom of Speech does it say these feral zoo animals have the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?

"Freedom of speech, equally also applies to issues you or your ideology does’t support."

You filthy hypocrite, you know FULL WELL that you Leftists POS aka Communist Filth DEMAND that ALL Conservative and Right-Wing ideology is supposed to NOT be allowed. All your Soy Boi and Tranny wastes of human skin across Shitter and Nosebook DEMAND that Conservatives and Right-Wingers are shut down, well guess what, not happening anymore, nobody NEEDS Shitter and Nosebook to spread the message anymore, there are other means to do that now. So GTFO you filthy Communist Troll Boi.
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So you are saying that the first amendment should be neutered because it sometimes causes an inconvenience?
Your an IDIOT of the highest order.. Speaking your mind does not give you the right to assault others or destroy property.. You speak if inconvience as if its your right to deprive others of thier earnings and property... Entitled little bitch!
Civil unrest occurs in even the most brutal police states. The best course of action is to just let these things play out like a natural disaster. No one can make this end one minute before it ends. Paradoxically, the more the authorities attack the protesters the longer it lasts.
Police States! These are Prog cities. Run by Progs. Rules by Progs. Laws by Progs. You kiss the azz of people who do not produce much while paying them off, and this is what you get. Its time to get with the program. It is not difficult. But then there goes that Uncle Tom stuff again. We can't have that. This whole nation is on pucker alert. And has been for many years. You business people that can, leave the cities. Unless you want to be blackmailed into going out of business. Giving back to the community that never ends. Its time to grow up my African American friends. But I will say, you have some points.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.

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