The onslaught against pregnant women


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

You really need to see a psychiatrist :cuckoo:
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

You really need to see a psychiatrist :cuckoo:

more like old yeller.

Regardless we can see the depths Allie will go to fight against abortion. Even saying women should be able to smoke or drink if they are going to have the child....Which actually makes sense given who she is.
Unlike Peeballs, who thinks that women should be forcibly aborted, rather than deliver babies that may not be as perfect or deserving as he imagines himself to be.
BTW, stopping cold turkey apparently does more damage to the babies than continuing to use.

And there's little to no evidence that the amounts that the women are being prosecuted for actually DO damage babies.
Women who use drugs should be under constant supervision until she has the baby. Then it should be adopted by responsible parents.
This sounds like you should be more upset at the war on drugs than you are at liberals or abortion.

The war on drugs was started in 1972 after the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse reported that Cannabis prohibition is more harmful to American society than Cannabit itself. End the drug war and you'll end prosecutions for small amounts of marijuana, and then you can use those billions of dollars that are no longer spent on arresting and prosecuting people on a national education campaign warning about the dangers of alcohol and drug use on developing fetuses.

That is libtard logic.
It's just another step towards criminalizing pregnancy.
If you had read the article, you would know that they aren't just going after women with illegal drugs in their systems.

They're also prosecuting those for prescribed drugs.

So lets see the huge population of institutionalized crack babies that everybody said were going to happen? Where are they?

Oh year. Turns out it's actually quite rare for the babies of drug-addled mothers to have long-term issues that can be traced to in utero exposure to drugs.
Unlike Peeballs, who thinks that women should be forcibly aborted, rather than deliver babies that may not be as perfect or deserving as he imagines himself to be.

the only thing i think that should be forcibly aborted is you.
Beyond that i have no issue letting the woman decide for herself. Something you can't do

Creepy stalker faggot ^^^

hey neat! you dodged the statement for an insult....I win.
It's just another step towards criminalizing pregnancy.

sure it is....

She is paranoid delusional

for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

Taking the baby from crack moms is good thing.

Getting the infants born is a good thing.

What is your point?

That you don't like almost all abortion?

We know that.
My point is that it's ridiculous to claim it's okay to kill children, and to subject women to primitive and abusive procedures by under-qualified and brutal people operating under exactly zero oversight...and then claim that those same women should be thrown in jail if they dare to NOT get an abortion...because they're hurting their babies.

You don't care if FETUSES suffer pain..and there is exactly no evidence that a woman who smokes a joint a day is doing ANY damage to her why is it okay to incarcerate the mom and steal the *baby* in order to *protect* it in THIS instance?

Shouldn't you be stealing the babies and incarcerating the mothers who actually seek to KILL their babies?
It's psychotic.

Thank goodness people are waking up to how truly sick and twisted it is.
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

Taking the baby from crack moms is good thing.

Getting the infants born is a good thing.

What is your point?

That you don't like almost all abortion?

We know that.

Seriously? A positive drug test can rip apart a family BEFORE IT'S EVEN BORN?
Don't want to live in such a society.. Drug tests can detect consumption WEEKS before the test and don't tell you jackshit about chronic use or lifestyle..

The concept that submitting to medical help can criminalize your behaviour is chilling. And it needs to be fought.

Yes it's ugly to see a crack addicted newborn, but the drug use is a MEDICAL ISSUE between the patient and her doctor -- JUST LIKE THE DECISION to abort. Let's keep it that way..

PS -- follow-up studies on crack addicted babies don't show conclusive evidence of long range harm. There IS time for consueling and reform..

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