The Other 9-11—When Commies Tasted Their Own Medicine


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
On September 11, 1973 the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet slapped Fidel Castro so smartly that his Stalinist regime (and its dutiful U.S. Media minions) are still sniveling and sniffling and wiping away tears of shock, pain and humiliation.

True to form, The New York Times leads the sniveling. They just published an article decrying the Chilean “tragedy” (i.e. Chile saving itself from Castroism with a military coup and today the richest and freest nation in Latin America.) The article’s author Ariel Dorfman is a former advisor to Chile’s Marxist president and Castro acolyte Salvador Allende. This same “columnist,” by the way, proclaimed Che Guevara as “Hero and Icon of the Century!” for Time magazine back in 1999.

“To our American friend Herbert Matthews with gratitude,” beamed Fidel Castro during a visit to the New York Times offices in April 1959 to decorate their star Latin America reporter with a newly-minted Cuban medal. “Without the help of the New York Times, the Revolution in Cuba would never have been,” Castro congratulated.

For once, Fidel Castro wasn’t lying. In fact, our crackerjack State Department’s Latin America “experts” were in such thrall to the New York Times’ Herbert Matthews that a pre-requisite for U.S. ambassadors posted to Cuba in the late 50’s was a “briefing” by him!”​


The Other 9-11?When Commies Tasted Their Own Medicine - Humberto Fontova - Page 1
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

No, 100,000,000 people were killed in civil wars the Communists happen to have won.

It's not really the same thing.

Point was, the military overthrew a democratically elected government and murdered 6000 of its own citizens.

"But...but...but... Communism".
I have been married to my Chilean wife for 22 years, and we have discussed what Pinochet did that IMHO stopped communism from taking hold there and then.

I found out that the vast number of Chileans, including my wife, are not grateful for what Pinochet did. I have always defended Pinochet when her and her family and friends talked about it. BTW my wife's father was a detective back then and was friend's with Pinochet in a class they shared.

I have often reminded my wife that communism would have made life very different for her.

That's why we shouldn't interfere in other countries business, because when we put on trial or execute various leaders, we will ultimately end up with wishy-washy ones.
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6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

No, 100,000,000 people were killed in civil wars the Communists happen to have won.

It's not really the same thing.

Point was, the military overthrew a democratically elected government and murdered 6000 of its own citizens.

"But...but...but... Communism".

Hitler was democratically elected too.

And 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people DID die because of communism.




Already famous throughout Europe, this international bestseller plumbs recently opened archives in the former Soviet bloc to reveal the actual, practical accomplishments of Communism around the world: terror, torture, famine, mass deportations, and massacres. Astonishing in the sheer detail it amasses, the book is the first comprehensive attempt to catalogue and analyze the crimes of Communism over seventy years.

"Revolutions, like trees, must be judged by their fruit," Ignazio Silone wrote, and this is the standard the authors apply to the Communist experience—in the China of "the Great Helmsman," Kim Il Sung's Korea, Vietnam under "Uncle Ho" and Cuba under Castro, Ethiopia under Mengistu, Angola under Neto, and Afghanistan under Najibullah. The authors, all distinguished scholars based in Europe, document Communist crimes against humanity, but also crimes against national and universal culture, from Stalin's destruction of hundreds of churches in Moscow to Ceausescu's leveling of the historic heart of Bucharest to the widescale devastation visited on Chinese culture by Mao's Red Guards.


communists should be executed on sight, without mercy, without trial and without hesitation.

ALL of them.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

And, of course, an idiot and psychopath like you gets to define who is a 'commie'.
I have been married to my Chilean wife for 22 years, and we have discussed what Pinochet did that IMHO stopped communism from taking hold there and then.

I found out that the vast number of Chileans, including my wife, are not grateful for what Pinochet did. I have always defended Pinochet when her and her family and friends talked about it. BTW my wife's father was a detective back then and was friend's with Pinochet in a class they shared.

I have often reminded my wife that communism would have made life very different for her.

That's why we shouldn't interfere in other countries business, because when we put on trial or execute various leaders, we will ultimately end up with wishy-washy ones.

I see. Government leaders that do not murder their own citizens are wishy-washy. Well, I guess we know what you have in mind for this nation.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

And, of course, you get to define who is a 'commie'. You are an idiot and a psychopath.
100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

No, 100,000,000 people were killed in civil wars the Communists happen to have won.

It's not really the same thing.

Point was, the military overthrew a democratically elected government and murdered 6000 of its own citizens.

"But...but...but... Communism".

Hitler was democratically elected too.

And 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people DID die because of communism.

No, they really didn't. The USSR did not kill half its own population under the communists...

The Black Book of Communism is absurd propaganda, not taken seriously by any history professional.


communists should be executed on sight, without mercy, without trial and without hesitation.

ALL of them.

Funny, I feel the same way about stupid bible thumpers, but then that would be harsh.
On September 11, 1973 the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet slapped Fidel Castro so smartly that his Stalinist regime (and its dutiful U.S. Media minions) are still sniveling and sniffling and wiping away tears of shock, pain and humiliation.

True to form, The New York Times leads the sniveling. They just published an article decrying the Chilean “tragedy” (i.e. Chile saving itself from Castroism with a military coup and today the richest and freest nation in Latin America.) The article’s author Ariel Dorfman is a former advisor to Chile’s Marxist president and Castro acolyte Salvador Allende. This same “columnist,” by the way, proclaimed Che Guevara as “Hero and Icon of the Century!” for Time magazine back in 1999.

“To our American friend Herbert Matthews with gratitude,” beamed Fidel Castro during a visit to the New York Times offices in April 1959 to decorate their star Latin America reporter with a newly-minted Cuban medal. “Without the help of the New York Times, the Revolution in Cuba would never have been,” Castro congratulated.

For once, Fidel Castro wasn’t lying. In fact, our crackerjack State Department’s Latin America “experts” were in such thrall to the New York Times’ Herbert Matthews that a pre-requisite for U.S. ambassadors posted to Cuba in the late 50’s was a “briefing” by him!”​


The Other 9-11?When Commies Tasted Their Own Medicine - Humberto Fontova - Page 1

Egad, once again Pattycake demostrates how truly idiotic his world views are. Al Queda is and never has been communistic. And one can readily understand the hatred you have of democratically elected governments. So why don't you move to Somalia, because you will never see your kind of people in power in this nation.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

The official number is 3125, dipstick. And they weren't murdered. You don't count killing a traitor in a Civil War as a "murder." It's called getting what you deserve. These people were Stalinists in league with Cuba and the Soviet union. They were attempting to turn Chile into a Soviet client state.

Good riddance.
On September 11, 1973 the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet slapped Fidel Castro so smartly that his Stalinist regime (and its dutiful U.S. Media minions) are still sniveling and sniffling and wiping away tears of shock, pain and humiliation.

True to form, The New York Times leads the sniveling. They just published an article decrying the Chilean “tragedy” (i.e. Chile saving itself from Castroism with a military coup and today the richest and freest nation in Latin America.) The article’s author Ariel Dorfman is a former advisor to Chile’s Marxist president and Castro acolyte Salvador Allende. This same “columnist,” by the way, proclaimed Che Guevara as “Hero and Icon of the Century!” for Time magazine back in 1999.

“To our American friend Herbert Matthews with gratitude,” beamed Fidel Castro during a visit to the New York Times offices in April 1959 to decorate their star Latin America reporter with a newly-minted Cuban medal. “Without the help of the New York Times, the Revolution in Cuba would never have been,” Castro congratulated.

For once, Fidel Castro wasn’t lying. In fact, our crackerjack State Department’s Latin America “experts” were in such thrall to the New York Times’ Herbert Matthews that a pre-requisite for U.S. ambassadors posted to Cuba in the late 50’s was a “briefing” by him!”​


The Other 9-11?When Commies Tasted Their Own Medicine - Humberto Fontova - Page 1

Egad, once again Pattycake demostrates how truly idiotic his world views are. Al Queda is and never has been communistic. And one can readily understand the hatred you have of democratically elected governments. So why don't you move to Somalia, because you will never see your kind of people in power in this nation.

Mmmmm, where did I claim that Al QUeda was "communistic?"

As for democracy, it's a self limiting disease. It's only a matter of time until it blows up and we're are back to living under an autocratic government. Democracy is a license for the bottom 51% of the population to loot the top 49%. It can only end in disaster. Allowing a welfare queen as much say in running the country as the CEO of a billion dollar company is a prescription for societal suicide.
No, 100,000,000 people were killed in civil wars the Communists happen to have won.

It's not really the same thing.

Point was, the military overthrew a democratically elected government and murdered 6000 of its own citizens.

"But...but...but... Communism".

Hitler was democratically elected too.

And 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people DID die because of communism.

No, they really didn't. The USSR did not kill half its own population under the communists...

The Black Book of Communism is absurd propaganda, not taken seriously by any history professional.

The Soviet Union killed closer to 1/4 of its population. It's a documented fact. We know you don't like people telling the truth about the social system you admire. The black book of communism is take very seriously by all the pinko history professors. That's why they do everything in their power to ignore it or discredit it.


communists should be executed on sight, without mercy, without trial and without hesitation.

ALL of them.

Funny, I feel the same way about stupid bible thumpers, but then that would be harsh.[/QUOTE]

The difference is that communists are murdering thugs. Bible thumpers never harmed anyone. Like all communists, you want to murder innocent people, not the guilty.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people were murdered by communist scum during the 20th Century.

I'll take the trade-off. In fact, I think communists everywhere should be subject to summary execution whenever and wherever they're found on the spot. I consider them less than human, less valuable to civilization than my dog.

Not fair.... Less valuable than my dog's turds.

And, of course, you get to define who is a 'commie'. You are an idiot and a psychopath.

You don't actually expect communists to tell the truth about themselves, do you?
I have been married to my Chilean wife for 22 years, and we have discussed what Pinochet did that IMHO stopped communism from taking hold there and then.

I found out that the vast number of Chileans, including my wife, are not grateful for what Pinochet did. I have always defended Pinochet when her and her family and friends talked about it. BTW my wife's father was a detective back then and was friend's with Pinochet in a class they shared.

I have often reminded my wife that communism would have made life very different for her.

That's why we shouldn't interfere in other countries business, because when we put on trial or execute various leaders, we will ultimately end up with wishy-washy ones.

I see. Government leaders that do not murder their own citizens are wishy-washy. Well, I guess we know what you have in mind for this nation.

So you think Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton should have been put on trial for murder?
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

The official number is 3125, dipstick. And they weren't murdered. You don't count killing a traitor in a Civil War as a "murder." It's called getting what you deserve. These people were Stalinists in league with Cuba and the Soviet union. They were attempting to turn Chile into a Soviet client state.

Good riddance.

Oh, well, if you want to use THAT standard, then Stalin and Mao didn't kill anyone who didn't have it coming, either.

They were traitors in a civil war.

Here's the bottom line. Allende won election as President of Chile- TWICE. He actually made the foreign companies that were looting the resources of Chile pay a fair price.

And we killed him for it.

Not much to be proud of, really.
6000 Chileans were murdered by the Junta, and the country was a dictatorship for 30 years.

Only Toon Hall would see this as a good thing. Maybe they hope it happens here.

The official number is 3125, dipstick. And they weren't murdered. You don't count killing a traitor in a Civil War as a "murder." It's called getting what you deserve. These people were Stalinists in league with Cuba and the Soviet union. They were attempting to turn Chile into a Soviet client state.

Good riddance.

Oh, well, if you want to use THAT standard, then Stalin and Mao didn't kill anyone who didn't have it coming, either. Furthermore,

By 1973, 60% of Chile’s arable land had been stolen by Allende’s Marxist regime, often with the aid of Cuba-trained death squads. "In the final analysis only armed conflict will decide who is the victor!" added Allende’s governmental ally, Oscar Guillermo Garreton. “The class struggle always entails armed conflict. Understand me, the global strategy is always accomplished through arms!"

They were traitors in a civil war.

Uh . . . wrong. The civil war was over by 1919. Most of the people Stalin murdered met their fate long after that. The 20 million Kulaks Stalin deliberately starved to death died simply because Stalin wanted their land and they refused to leave. You see, that's how communism works: people are never willing to comply with confiscation of their property voluntarily, so murder is the means the state invariably uses to achieve its ends. Also, Stalin needed prison labor to achieve his economic plans, so millions of people were arrested arbitrarily to meet his quota of labor and sent to the Gulag to die.

You see, Joe, what you're doing is defending dirty despicable commies who wanted to impose this brutal system on the people of Chile. These people deserved killing as a matter of self-defense.

Here's the bottom line. Allende won election as President of Chile- TWICE. He actually made the foreign companies that were looting the resources of Chile pay a fair price.

And we killed him for it.

Allende committed suicide, moron. He nationalized the copper mines. Apparently, in Joespeak "making the foreign companies pay" means stealing their property. Furthermore:

By 1973, 60% of Chile’s arable land had been stolen by Allende’s Marxist regime, often with the aid of Cuba-trained death squads. "In the final analysis only armed conflict will decide who is the victor!" added Allende’s governmental ally, Oscar Guillermo Garreton. “The class struggle always entails armed conflict. Understand me, the global strategy is always accomplished through arms!"​

The Chilean legislature and Supreme Court had already declared Allende’s Marxism unconstitutional. So Allende was imposing his agenda by force against the will of the rest of the Democratically elected government and also against the will of the majority of Chileans his Cuban trained murder corps.

Not much to be proud of, really.

Not from the perspective of a dirty despicable commie like you, I suppose.
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Uh . . . wrong. The civil war was over by 1919. Most of the people Stalin murdered met their fate long after that. The 20 million Kulaks Stalin deliberately starved to death died simply because Stalin wanted their land and they refused to leave. You see, that's how communism works: people are never willing to comply with confiscation of their property voluntarily, so murder is the means the state invariably uses to achieve its ends. Also, Stalin needed prison labor to achieve his economic plans, so millions of people were arrested arbitrarily to meet his quota of labor and sent to the Gulag to die.

That's not true. The Russian Civil War and the Russian Polish War (which the Ukranians threw in with the Poles) continued on untll 1922.

Russian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And while the numbers were never as high as western propagandists claim. (Seriously, you spew this shit to a Russian, he'll look at you like you're retarded.)

You see, Joe, what you're doing is defending dirty despicable commies who wanted to impose this brutal system on the people of Chile. These people deserved killing as a matter of self-defense.

Really? So essentially, what you are saying is that it's okay to kill people who advocate a political system you don't like? Really? Did you notice who lost the last election? Do you really want to go there?

Here's the bottom line. Allende won election as President of Chile- TWICE. He actually made the foreign companies that were looting the resources of Chile pay a fair price.

And we killed him for it.

Allende committed suicide, moron. He nationalized the copper mines. Apparently, in Joespeak "making the foreign companies pay" means stealing their property. Furthermore:

By 1973, 60% of Chile’s arable land had been stolen by Allende’s Marxist regime, often with the aid of Cuba-trained death squads. "In the final analysis only armed conflict will decide who is the victor!" added Allende’s governmental ally, Oscar Guillermo Garreton. “The class struggle always entails armed conflict. Understand me, the global strategy is always accomplished through arms!"​

The Chilean legislature and Supreme Court had already declared Allende’s Marxism unconstitutional. So Allende was imposing his agenda by force against the will of the rest of the Democratically elected government and also against the will of the majority of Chileans his Cuban trained murder corps.

Not much to be proud of, really.

Not from the perspective of a dirty despicable commie like you, I suppose.

If overthrowing Allende was Soooooo popular, why did Pinochet then disband Congress and rule by decree for the next 17 years. Then before he left, he negotiated himself a blanket immunity so he couldn't be prosecuted by a future government. This is not the action of a guy who was acting on the popular rule.

Oh, and this from Wiki-

In 2004, Chilean Judge Juan Guzmán Tapia ruled that Pinochet was medically fit to stand trial and placed him under house arrest.[3] By the time of his death on 10 December 2006, about 300 criminal charges were still pending against him in Chile for numerous human rights violations, tax evasion, and embezzlement during his 17-year rule and afterwards.[12] Pinochet was accused of having corruptly amassed a wealth of US$28 million or more.[13]

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