The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

I don’t think for an instant they wanted to shoot him. They wanted to scare him with weapons in order to detain him. That is a felony and there is no way to get out of it or deny it.

And no matter what AA does while the felony against him is in progress he is the victim of aggravated assault. And in Georgia if a person is killed during a felony, murder is automatically tacked on.
not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

I don’t think for an instant they wanted to shoot him. They wanted to scare him with weapons in order to detain him. That is a felony and there is no way to get out of it or deny it.

And no matter what AA does while the felony against him is in progress he is the victim of aggravated assault. And in Georgia if a person is killed during a felony, murder is automatically tacked on.
to bad for him he chose to attack them and get shot,, if he would have complied he could sue them and now be rich instead of dead,,
At 12 minutes 45 seconds you can clearly see that Travis McMichael fired AFTER he was attacked by arbery

You can literally see the shot blast in the air just AFTER Travis McMichael is shoved backwards by the attack

What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
that would be true if arberry didnt attack him and try and take his gun,,
Arbery reacted to being accosted by McMichaels. If Arbery had had a gun and shot him he would have been justified. You don't get to attack someone and then claim self defense.
Give me the exact time stamp when the McMichaels "attacked" arbery in a video
because they asked him several times to stop and talk,,,

No, TM shouldered his weapon and told AA to get on the ground and Roddy tried to cut him off with his truck as a weapon that resulted in a collision with a pedestrian.

If the attackers told AA they just wanted to talk and AA declined they should have put their weapons down, maybe taken some photos of him for the cops, and let him go.

But they didn’t and now they are on trial for aggravated assault and murder. And they shouid be.
What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
the moment someone tries to grab your firearm they become an immediate and deadly threat

The McMichaels had 12 minutes to shoot arbery before he attacked them and didn't because they had no intention to

arbery is an experienced Street criminal that comes from a family full of criminals... he knew damn good and well why they were chasing him

Your best chance for defense is claiming that his mental retardation caused him to panic and overreact to the pressure the McMichaels put on him and had arbery pulled out a legal firearm and killed all three of his pursuers I would completely support that because he had a reasonable belief that he could be hurt especially considering the fact that he is mentally retarded...the trouble is when you attack someone that hasn't committed a criminal act against you you open the door to their claim of self-defense and no matter how desperate and loud you scream from the top of the mountain at no point in the video can anyone find a frame where Travis or Gregory McMichael is aiming a firearm at arberry until the moment where he attacks

in fact even during and after the attack Travis never takes true aim at Arberry as the shotgun is held in a low position as it is fired... in fact it's even difficult to prove that Travis pulled the trigger himself has pulling on a loaded long rifle can cause it to go off quite easily however I'm convinced he was pulling the trigger intentionally because he was being attacked by a suicidal Criminal
because they asked him several times to stop and talk,,,

No, TM shouldered his weapon and told AA to get on the ground and Roddy tried to cut him off with his truck as a weapon that resulted in a collision with a pedestrian.

If the attackers told AA they just wanted to talk and AA declined they should have put their weapons down, maybe taken some photos of him for the cops, and let him go.

But they didn’t and now they are on trial for aggravated assault and murder. And they shouid be.
OH I'm sorry,,
I thought I was talking with an informed person,,,

you should read up on a topic before commenting on it,,,
because they asked him several times to stop and talk,,,

No, TM shouldered his weapon and told AA to get on the ground and Roddy tried to cut him off with his truck as a weapon that resulted in a collision with a pedestrian.

If the attackers told AA they just wanted to talk and AA declined they should have put their weapons down, maybe taken some photos of him for the cops, and let him go.

But they didn’t and now they are on trial for aggravated assault and murder. And they shouid be.
a civilized human being would have been engaged the McMichaels in conversation

Arberry never spoke a word because he did not want to talk to the cops

show me a photo of Travis McMichael aiming his shotgun at Arberry prior to the attack
because they asked him several times to stop and talk,,,

No, TM shouldered his weapon and told AA to get on the ground and Roddy tried to cut him off with his truck as a weapon that resulted in a collision with a pedestrian.

If the attackers told AA they just wanted to talk and AA declined they should have put their weapons down, maybe taken some photos of him for the cops, and let him go.

But they didn’t and now they are on trial for aggravated assault and murder. And they shouid be.
OH I'm sorry,,
I thought I was talking with an informed person,,,

you should read up on a topic before commenting on it,,,
They caught the news from the Oprah broadcast or perhaps The View while they were finishing off their Starbucks and became enraged

After exploding all over their social media networks about traumatic accusations of a racially-motivated murder they were exposed to more evidence that refuted these ridiculous claims but now hold on tight to their original position because they are too ashamed to admit they were so deeply wrong

There's also a chance that they hate guns Authority and southern white culture to such a degree that they'll do anything they can to impugn it

By their cowardly interpretation of Georgia law if you walked into your young daughter's bedroom and found a strange man rummaging through her underwear drawer it would be illegal for you to detain him because you didn't witness him commit a felony

If you saw a man run out of your neighbor's house covered in blood who locked eyes with you and then panicked it would be illegal for you to detain him because you did not witness him commit a felony

If you saw a man running away from a woman's unconscious body while clutching a purse after you stepped around the corner it would be illegal for you to detain him because you did not witness him commit a felony

All one has to do is Bounce this ridiculous interpretation up against some real world scenarios to figure out just how crazy it is

largely based on cowardness and Hate this ridiculous ethos is becoming more and more popular because our for-profit media apparatus has a financial incentive to enrage those who view their content because anger results in more hours of viewership and more ads clicked

The ridiculous narrative presented by the BLM crowd is not designed to win a criminal case but solely focused on garnering millions and millions of dollars through a fallacious narrative thanks to the phenomena of crowdfunding websites

One day when they write the post-mortem on the American civilization they will cite this era as a pivotal point where we should have known better then to let for-profit Media Drive false narratives and cause the Cascade of destructive events we are now experiencing
This is that frame.

This is the frame where you hear the first shot go off. I hear it one big step by TM to the right or about there feet. So let’s split the difference and visualize TM 18 about inches to the right when both men’s shadows are positioned as shown in the top

View attachment 436878
This is your frame where you hear the shot.
View attachment 436879
The frame you posted does not show AA running 90 degrees perpendicular to the centerline. It does not show AA grabbing the gun before being shot in the wrist area.

So why did you post it?

I don’t see AA’s Torso or links in your frame.

So I’ll ask again; where do you see AA turning a sharp 90 degree attack on TM and grabbing the shotgun before it goes off?
Don't you get videos on your device? You haven't seen the video, have you?

You certainly haven't posted the videos you are getting your pics from.
What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
that would be true if arberry didnt attack him and try and take his gun,,
Arbery reacted to being accosted by McMichaels. If Arbery had had a gun and shot him he would have been justified. You don't get to attack someone and then claim self defense.
arberry was never attacked,, and he knew they wanted to talk to him,,

not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

twisting these facts doesnt mean anything other than youre being dishonest about the chain of events,,
You come at me with a shotgun in your hand, you're going to get shot. You chase me around with a vehicle, you're going to get shot. They had no power to compel him to talk to them. And he probably knew what they really wanted was to beat the shit out of him.
Unlike you I actually live here (the incident was about 5 miles from my house).
Unlike you I actually have personal connections to some of the people involved.
Unlike you I've actually been trained in self defense law.
You're way out of your depth here?
What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
that would be true if arberry didnt attack him and try and take his gun,,
Arbery reacted to being accosted by McMichaels. If Arbery had had a gun and shot him he would have been justified. You don't get to attack someone and then claim self defense.
arberry was never attacked,, and he knew they wanted to talk to him,,

not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

twisting these facts doesnt mean anything other than youre being dishonest about the chain of events,,
You come at me with a shotgun in your hand, you're going to get shot. You chase me around with a vehicle, you're going to get shot. They had no power to compel him to talk to them. And he probably knew what they really wanted was to beat the shit out of him.
Unlike you I actually live here (the incident was about 5 miles from my house).
Unlike you I actually have personal connections to some of the people involved.
Unlike you I've actually been trained in self defense law.
You're way out of your depth here?
to bad arberry didnt submit so he could be alive and sue the shit out of them,,,
What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
that would be true if arberry didnt attack him and try and take his gun,,
Arbery reacted to being accosted by McMichaels. If Arbery had had a gun and shot him he would have been justified. You don't get to attack someone and then claim self defense.
arberry was never attacked,, and he knew they wanted to talk to him,,

not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

twisting these facts doesnt mean anything other than youre being dishonest about the chain of events,,
You come at me with a shotgun in your hand, you're going to get shot. You chase me around with a vehicle, you're going to get shot. They had no power to compel him to talk to them. And he probably knew what they really wanted was to beat the shit out of him.
Unlike you I actually live here (the incident was about 5 miles from my house).
Unlike you I actually have personal connections to some of the people involved.
Unlike you I've actually been trained in self defense law.
You're way out of your depth here?
to bad arberry didnt submit so he could be alive and sue the shit out of them,,,
Why should Arbery have submitted to what was probably going to be a painful beating? What would he sue them for? They didnt really own anything. Or does the prospect of a black guy fighting back frighten you?
What sinks the argument that it was self defense is the sequence of events that led up to the shooting.

We covered this about thirty pages before. So let’s cover it one more time since it has slipped your memory.

Self Defense is allowed as a defense against criminal action. However, for it to be valid in the courts, in other words allowed by the Judge, the first thing you must do is not commit any crimes before the use of force. The McMichaels do not qualify. They committed two Felonies before the shooting. Not one, but two. These two criminal actions are what makes the charge for killing Arbury Felony Murder. They were committing Felonies before firing the weapon.

Where who was when does not matter. When and how Abury got shot doesn’t matter. The McMichaels were Felons before the shooting. They were committing Felonies.

This is the case in pretty much every situation where a Heroic RW shooter is held to account. Take the bar owner who committed suicide. Jake Gardner. Jake had a Concealed Weapons Permit, but let it expire. That meant he was carrying the weapon illegally. It is hard to explain that you were totally within the law, and your rights, in shooting someone when you were committing a crime for hours, or days, before hand.

Self Defense laws, like Stand Your Ground, are intended for people minding their own business who are accosted in their homes, or on the street, by hoods with no action to instigate it. The McMichaels were doing anything but minding their own business.

If I am going to the store, and a lunatic comes at me demanding my wallet and keys I can defend myself. If I am chasing the lunatic because I think he is a bad guy despite seeing him do nothing, then I am not minding my own business. Even if he has a warrant out for his arrest, as a citizen I have exactly zero authority to detain him. This guy could be a mass murderer, and all I can legally do is call the cops and say I see the bugger right here.

Why? Because I am not a Cop. Police are empowered through the legislature, and the people, to have greater authority than the average citizen. What is legal for a cop, is completely illegal for me. And that is the way it should be.
The magic phrase in self defense is that is allowed "to neutralize a threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others." Was McMichaels in reasonable fear when he shot Arbery? No. He had overwhelming force and numbers on his side. They caused the confrontation. They could easily have avoided it by simply following Arbery and waiting for the police, whom they had called at the beginning. It's a shit case as far as self defense.
that would be true if arberry didnt attack him and try and take his gun,,
Arbery reacted to being accosted by McMichaels. If Arbery had had a gun and shot him he would have been justified. You don't get to attack someone and then claim self defense.
arberry was never attacked,, and he knew they wanted to talk to him,,

not to mention if they were going to just shoot him they had several chances to do it,,,

twisting these facts doesnt mean anything other than youre being dishonest about the chain of events,,
You come at me with a shotgun in your hand, you're going to get shot. You chase me around with a vehicle, you're going to get shot. They had no power to compel him to talk to them. And he probably knew what they really wanted was to beat the shit out of him.
Unlike you I actually live here (the incident was about 5 miles from my house).
Unlike you I actually have personal connections to some of the people involved.
Unlike you I've actually been trained in self defense law.
You're way out of your depth here?
to bad arberry didnt submit so he could be alive and sue the shit out of them,,,
Why should Arbery have submitted to what was probably going to be a painful beating? What would he sue them for? They didnt really own anything. Or does the prospect of a black guy fighting back frighten you?
biggest reason why would be he would still be alive to sue them,,,

and how do you know they dont own anything???

your excuses are getting pathetic,,
a civilized human being would have been engaged the McMichaels in conversation

No. Civilized white human beings do not see an anonymous unarmed black man jogging on a public street, grab guns and try to detain him because they think he might be the guy they think committed a crime weeks and weeks before the day they kill him.

If you think that’s what civilized white gun owners should do you are pretty much an uncivilized racist.

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