The Pandemic is Over

You are not only ignorant, you are stubborn and have simple statements.

Herein is a comprehensive look at Title 42:

When you don't read the link you will reply as simpletons do and claim, "Oh, CBS. it must be fake news"!

But it seems clear to me that Title 42 is totally illegal because for health defensive purposes, all that is needed is a 12 day quarantine period?
It is idiot partisan shitheads who post the pandemic was a hoax, and that includes the former president.

The facts are we are in the third year of this pandemic and it will continue to take lives when assholes like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

Take a look at this link:

The first clues appear in sewer water. And those clues are piling up.

As the United States enters year three of the coronavirus pandemic, disease trackers are trying to stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving virus - by hunting for it in feces.

But we have always known several ways to end any and all epidemics in just a couple of weeks.
For those epidemics that are very lethal, like Ebola, you do full quarantine with contract tracing.
Ebola lasted less than 2 weeks.
Covid is less infectious and lethal, so the easiest way to end it in 2 weeks is to deliberately infect all volunteers under 40. It would have been over so quickly, the death toll would have been less than a tenth what it is now.
Still have to be vaxxed to come here from another country - legally that is, federal worker vax mandate back in effect, and still have to wear face diapers in airports and on planes. Not over at all.

The purpose of "flattening the curve" is not to end it, but instead to keep it going forever, by ensuring enough do not have recovery immunity already.
The vax does nothing.
How could it, when the whole point of the spike protein is to mimic our own exosome spike protein, and our immune system can not remember or trigger on a spike protein so similar to our own exosome spike protein?
Its even simpler than that.
When the US bought all the southern states, like FL, TX, AZ, CA, UT, NV, NM, etc., it signed treaties allowing full access.
We can not legally keep the natives out.
And the reason they want to come here is that we have installed brutal dictatorship in their countries, that they are trying to escape.
So either way, our immigration restrictions are not moral or legal.
See: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Article X and it's deleted seems to rebut that the restrictions of immigration are legal. As to moral, whose to judge.

Printable Version
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Digital History ID 1141

Annotation: In early 1848, following the United States capture and occupation of Mexico City, negotiations drew up a preliminary draft of the treaty. After revision by the Senate, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in the Villa de Guadalupe across from the shrine dedicateed to Mexico's patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe, was ratified by both governments later that year. In return for the northern third of Mexico, the United States agreed to pay $15 million and to assume up to $3.25 million in claims by its citizens against the Mexican government. The treaty guaranteeded Mexicans newly absorbed into the United States and to their descendants certain political rights, including land rights.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave Mexicans the right to remain in United States territory or to move to Mexico. About three thousand chose to move, but the overwhelming majority decided to stay. These people could choose to retain Mexican citizenship or become citizens of the United States. The treaty explicitly guaranteed Mexican Americans "the right to their property, language, and culture." The United States Senate revised Article IX, which guaranteed Mexicans civil and political rights (substituting wording from the treaty acquiring Louisiana territory from France), and deleted Article X, which protected Mexican land grants.
See: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Article X and it's deleted seems to rebut that the restrictions of immigration are legal. As to moral, whose to judge.

Printable Version
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Digital History ID 1141

Annotation: In early 1848, following the United States capture and occupation of Mexico City, negotiations drew up a preliminary draft of the treaty. After revision by the Senate, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in the Villa de Guadalupe across from the shrine dedicateed to Mexico's patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe, was ratified by both governments later that year. In return for the northern third of Mexico, the United States agreed to pay $15 million and to assume up to $3.25 million in claims by its citizens against the Mexican government. The treaty guaranteeded Mexicans newly absorbed into the United States and to their descendants certain political rights, including land rights.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave Mexicans the right to remain in United States territory or to move to Mexico. About three thousand chose to move, but the overwhelming majority decided to stay. These people could choose to retain Mexican citizenship or become citizens of the United States. The treaty explicitly guaranteed Mexican Americans "the right to their property, language, and culture." The United States Senate revised Article IX, which guaranteed Mexicans civil and political rights (substituting wording from the treaty acquiring Louisiana territory from France), and deleted Article X, which protected Mexican land grants.

Except that deleting Article X decades later is illegal and causes the states in question to revert back to Mexico then.
The US can not legally force Mexican land owners in these purchased territories from remaining Mexican citizens, with full travel rights. Nor can the US at all restrict travel of customers, employees, relatives, etc., who want to visit these Mexican citizens with land grants inside the US.
Sorry, I am far left, but it is obvious the CDC is deliberately keeping the covid pandemic and preventing it from ending.
For a pandemic to end, you have to reach herd immunity, and you want to do that as quickly as possible.
That is because the number you need to recover and end the epidemic is lower early on, and keeps increasing over time. So the lowest death toll is if you actually encourage spread among those who will most likely survive it, during the initial spike. When you "flatten the curve", you prevent herd immunity and in effect keep deliberately reinfecting, by conserving easy hosts. No epidemic then can ever end. It is forced to go on forever.
The CDC is doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.
Never "flatten the curve".
If an epidemic is extremely lethal, you don't just "flatten the curve", you do a full quarantine lockdown with contact tracing, like we did for Ebola. That can end any epidemic in less than 2 weeks. But is expensive.

You're living in your own fantasy world.

You're assuming that herd immunity will work. You don't actually look at the reality. I have family members who have had covid at least twice. If you can get it repeatedly, there's not such thing as "herd immunity".
You're living in your own fantasy world.

You're assuming that herd immunity will work. You don't actually look at the reality. I have family members who have had covid at least twice. If you can get it repeatedly, there's not such thing as "herd immunity".

That is silly.
If herd immunity did not always work, then all animal species would have gone extinct hundreds of millions of years ago.
There is absolutely no way that herd immunity could ever NOT work.
It is just that with something very lethal, like Ebola, then full quarantine is faster and less deaths.
But "flattening the curve" is NEVER better.
All that does is make any epidemic MUCH WORSE by giving it more time to spread deeper and wider.

If you can get the flu twice, and you can, that does NOT at all change herd immunity.
The point of herd immunity is NOT that the you can't get infected any more, but that you don't die.
The flu used to kill the majority of the population.
Now it does not.
Liberal Democrats won't admit it, but the pandemic is over.

---The Left Wants the Pandemic While America Is Over It---

The pandemic will be over when the virus stops killing people & making them sick, not because people are tired of it, dumbass.

If you pansies weren't afraid of the vaccine we would be well on the road to being over this.
That is silly.
If herd immunity did not always work, then all animal species would have gone extinct hundreds of millions of years ago.
There is absolutely no way that herd immunity could ever NOT work.
It is just that with something very lethal, like Ebola, then full quarantine is faster and less deaths.
But "flattening the curve" is NEVER better.
All that does is make any epidemic MUCH WORSE by giving it more time to spread deeper and wider.

If you can get the flu twice, and you can, that does NOT at all change herd immunity.
The point of herd immunity is NOT that the you can't get infected any more, but that you don't die.
The flu used to kill the majority of the population.
Now it does not.

I didn't say herd immunity doesn't work. I said herd immunity doesn't work for the CORONAVIRUS.

"As a country, we had reached this point against some formidable viruses, such as rubella and measles. We thought we could get there with Covid-19. We were probably wrong."

""The concept of classical herd immunity may not apply to Covid-19," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview with CNN."

If I remember rightly, you're the person who claimed (wrongly) that the coronavirus would have been over in a matter of weeks had we just done nothing about it.

You can get the flu twice. Generally because you're getting different strains of the virus. Herd immunity exists because a lot of people have had the flu and can't get that strain again.

But you can get the SAME STRAIN of the coronavirus twice, immunity doesn't last that long, not long enough for herd immunity.

But don't let the facts get in the way of a bullshit story, hey?

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