The Pandemic is Over

I thought the same thing, but found out that many of my friends and coworkers that live elsewhere are still go out to eat on a regular bases. I have saved a lot of money eating at home. It doesn't make up for Biden's inflation, but every bit helps.

In the past the downtown places had a pretty captive lunch crowd of all those that filled the office buildings. A lot of these people are now working from home and that business is lost.

We to eat out a pretty good amount, but with the raises by both the wife and I it makes up for any inflation not to mention the savings of driving 75,000 less miles a year
One of the things that amazes me is this narrative how awesome these shots are and cause no or few problems. Yet the reality of it says that's bullshit considering how many people I know who they or someone close had a bad reaction.

Somebody lyin' and it aint me.
Remember when Trump and the parroting rubes said after November 3, 2020 we would not hear any more about Covid?
If Beijing Biden hadn't stolen the election, covid would have been forgotten a year ago. We wouldn't even remember what year covid was.
If Beijing Biden hadn't stolen the election, covid would have been forgotten a year ago. We wouldn't even remember what year covid was.
Because they accelerated testing to inflate the numbers, they can make a power grab and try to convince people they are in "grave danger" because their is a "surge"

There is no surge. 85% of the new cases are Omicron. The Mortality Rate is 85 per 100,000 per The CDC which is 0.00085%.

75% of the deaths had 4 comorbidities
24% of the deaths had 1-3 comorbidities
Only 1% of all COVID claimed deaths were actually caused by COVID.

So another narrative, and another hoax they started is now falling apart. Do you wonder why they try so hard to censor everyone even soliciting the help of Big Tech? Because if people are armed with Truth, they do not believe a LIE!
Hey, I am not complaining about you all beating up Biden over it, goodness knows he has messed up everything he has tried, but pick a narrative and stick to it.

Either the pandemic is over or Biden has made it worse. It cannot be both at the same time.
Pandemic has been.over a while. The panic porn is worse.
There was no pandemic. It was all a scam with death as a result.
The left right diagram posted by The Original Tree, is not valid.
Describing politics by left handed and right handed is stupid.
The German Reich was correct to attempt the rescue of Syro-Aryan-Christian Israel from the terrible ravages of anti-Christ Talmudism/Communism. Heroic Germany would have accomplished it, but STUPID UK & USA love the enemies of Christ and spent many billions of dollars saving Stalin and his murdering gangs.
On top of that it was STUPID USA & UK who made it easy for PRINCE GOG’S cruel despotic Bolshevik invasion and revolution to kill the Russian Czar as the national officer of the Syro-Aryan-Christian-Israelite nation of Russia
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There was no pandemic. It was all a scam with death as a result.
With Brandon in office get used to it. Now it's war in the Ukraine. What about our border. I would say invoke the 25 th but do we really want to see that dumb bitch as president! I don't think so. In other words, we are fucked until the midterm elections, and we have to vote out the squad and rhinos to accomplish this.
The pandemic is over when the Democrites/Hypocrats say it's over.
It is idiot partisan shitheads who post the pandemic was a hoax, and that includes the former president.

The facts are we are in the third year of this pandemic and it will continue to take lives when assholes like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

Take a look at this link:

The first clues appear in sewer water. And those clues are piling up.

As the United States enters year three of the coronavirus pandemic, disease trackers are trying to stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving virus - by hunting for it in feces.
It is idiot partisan shitheads who post the pandemic was a hoax, and that includes the former president.

The facts are we are in the third year of this pandemic and it will continue to take lives when assholes like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

Take a look at this link:

The first clues appear in sewer water. And those clues are piling up.

As the United States enters year three of the coronavirus pandemic, disease trackers are trying to stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving virus - by hunting for it in feces.
It appears LordBrownTrout is a shithead partisan idiot, one more member of the coterie named trumpanzee. The more fools the longer the virus will harm our economy and create families burying their kin.
It is idiot partisan shitheads who post the pandemic was a hoax, and that includes the former president.

The facts are we are in the third year of this pandemic and it will continue to take lives when assholes like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

Take a look at this link:

The first clues appear in sewer water. And those clues are piling up.

As the United States enters year three of the coronavirus pandemic, disease trackers are trying to stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving virus - by hunting for it in feces.
The cold and the flu also take lives (130,000/yr)....but we aren't destroying the economy to act like we're trying to fight it.
Not to mention the fact, DUMBASS,.....
........Biden is not renewing Title 42 to prevent illegals from entering the country if they have an infectious disease like basically....he's been pulling our leg all along.
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The cold and the flu also take lives (130,000/yr)....but we aren't destroying the economy to act like we're trying to fight it.
Not to mention the fact, DUMBASS,.....

Biden is not renewing Title 42 to prevent illegals from entering the country if they have an infectious disease like basically....he's been pulling our leg all along.
You're an idiot.

You're an idiot.

Wow.....great comeback.
Sorry that you couldn't think up a rational response......basically because I totally hit a home-run.
And all your link showed was exactly what I was saying.

I bet you're one of those motherfuckers (like Biden) that wears a mask if it's a symbol....not a deterrent to the spread of diseases.
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Wow.....great comeback.
Sorry that you couldn't think up a rational response......basically because I totally hit a home-run.
Because of this I don't feel the need to read your shit reference.
LOL you have no clue as to 42. And ignorance is your very only strength.
Still have to be vaxxed to come here from another country - legally that is, federal worker vax mandate back in effect, and still have to wear face diapers in airports and on planes. Not over at all.

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