The Pandemic is Over

Maybe you should read your own fucking links before you post them then.
I went back and read your bluff is called.
You're liar, a damn liar and a partisan hack. 42 is not yet repealed and won't be until May 23:

Explainer: What is Title 42 and Its Effect on US Southern Border?

From the link:

What could happen at the border after May 23?

Luis Miranda, a CBP spokesperson, told VOA that officials will "simply go back to processing any encounters across the border the way we always have under Title 8, which is the immigration authority that has always been in place throughout the history of U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

Miranda said the U.S. government is expecting arrivals to increase at the southern border but added that those unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States will be removed.

"We've been planning for that. … And to process any encounters effectively, humanely. But ultimately, if someone is trying to come in without legal authorization and doesn't have the legal basis to stay, they will be placed in removal proceedings," he said.
You're liar, a damn liar and a partisan hack. 42 is not yet repealed and won't be until May 23:

Explainer: What is Title 42 and Its Effect on US Southern Border?

From the link:

What could happen at the border after May 23?

Luis Miranda, a CBP spokesperson, told VOA that officials will "simply go back to processing any encounters across the border the way we always have under Title 8, which is the immigration authority that has always been in place throughout the history of U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

Miranda said the U.S. government is expecting arrivals to increase at the southern border but added that those unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States will be removed.

"We've been planning for that. … And to process any encounters effectively, humanely. But ultimately, if someone is trying to come in without legal authorization and doesn't have the legal basis to stay, they will be placed in removal proceedings," he said.
I never said it was repealed.
They're going to let it expire.
The whole purpose of Title 42 was to expedite deportations back to Mexico, or their home countries.
The premise that your link gave doesn't hold water.
They claimed Title 42 just increased recidivism. Most of those illegals had to pay drug cartels as much as $5000 each to get to the border. Good luck trying to get another $5000. And once they get back to our border they still have to go thru the process.
The purpose of Title 42 was to make it easier to get rid of infected illegals instead of allowing them inside the United States and giving each one of them a day in court while bunging up immigration court under Title 8.....and in the process spread all kinds of diseases that had previously been eradicated and are currently becoming a problem after 50 years of almost zero cases.
It is idiot partisan shitheads who post the pandemic was a hoax, and that includes the former president.

The facts are we are in the third year of this pandemic and it will continue to take lives when assholes like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

Take a look at this link:

The first clues appear in sewer water. And those clues are piling up.

As the United States enters year three of the coronavirus pandemic, disease trackers are trying to stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving virus - by hunting for it in feces.

It appears LordBrownTrout is a shithead partisan idiot, one more member of the coterie named trumpanzee. The more fools the longer the virus will harm our economy and create families burying their kin.

Wow.....great comeback.
Sorry that you couldn't think up a rational response......basically because I totally hit a home-run.
And all your link showed was exactly what I was saying.

I bet you're one of those motherfuckers (like Biden) that wears a mask if it's a symbol....not a deterrent to the spread of diseases.
Your gutter use of "motherfuckers" is a home run too? A punk like you hides behind a keyboard as most cowards do.

You are part of the kooks who spread disease, both by your shit for brains and your spreading of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

I do wear a mask in doors of markets, and instead of taking my family into restaurants I use takeout; common sense until the virus is tamed by vaccinations. In fact I've had two shots and two booster shots, the last one two weeks ago.

Only stupid people, or those mass killers of innocents in schools, movie theaters, at concerts, in restaurants, etc. are tantamount to your effort to continue the pandemic to infect the virus by mocking medical doctors.
Your gutter use of "motherfuckers" is a home run too? A punk like you hides behind a keyboard as most cowards do.

You are part of the kooks who spread disease, both by your shit for brains and your spreading of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

I do wear a mask in doors of markets, and instead of taking my family into restaurants I use takeout; common sense until the virus is tamed by vaccinations. In fact I've had two shots and two booster shots, the last one two weeks ago.

Only stupid people, or those mass killers of innocents in schools, movie theaters, at concerts, in restaurants, etc. are tantamount to your effort to continue the pandemic to infect the virus by mocking medical doctors.

Your gutter use of "motherfuckers" is a home run too? A punk like you hides behind a keyboard as most cowards do.

You are part of the kooks who spread disease, both by your shit for brains and your spreading of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

I do wear a mask in doors of markets, and instead of taking my family into restaurants I use takeout; common sense until the virus is tamed by vaccinations. In fact I've had two shots and two booster shots, the last one two weeks ago.

Only stupid people, or those mass killers of innocents in schools, movie theaters, at concerts, in restaurants, etc. are tantamount to your effort to continue the pandemic to infect the virus by mocking medical doctors.
you're a dumb fuck
One of the things that amazes me is this narrative how awesome these shots are and cause no or few problems. Yet the reality of it says that's bullshit considering how many people I know who they or someone close had a bad reaction.

Somebody lyin' and it aint me.
You may not being lying, but you are surely brainwashed and posting fear mongering.
Q. Have you gotten a vaccine for the flu or Covid 19?
Q. Are you an antivaxxer?
Ah, the right wing ability to fantasy everything they don't like away.

Got a problem? Just blame it on someone else.

Sorry, I am far left, but it is obvious the CDC is deliberately keeping the covid pandemic and preventing it from ending.
For a pandemic to end, you have to reach herd immunity, and you want to do that as quickly as possible.
That is because the number you need to recover and end the epidemic is lower early on, and keeps increasing over time. So the lowest death toll is if you actually encourage spread among those who will most likely survive it, during the initial spike. When you "flatten the curve", you prevent herd immunity and in effect keep deliberately reinfecting, by conserving easy hosts. No epidemic then can ever end. It is forced to go on forever.
The CDC is doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.
Never "flatten the curve".
If an epidemic is extremely lethal, you don't just "flatten the curve", you do a full quarantine lockdown with contact tracing, like we did for Ebola. That can end any epidemic in less than 2 weeks. But is expensive.
You may not being lying, but you are surely brainwashed and posting fear mongering.
Q. Have you gotten a vaccine for the flu or Covid 19?
Q. Are you an antivaxxer?

I have gotten the Moderna vaccine, and the 2nd one almost killed me.
About 12 hours later, all extremities suddenly ice cold, with convulsive shivering to the point I could not stand up.
Then throwing up every 4 hours for days.
Weak and headache for months.

Think about it.
There is no dead virus in this vax like normal vaccines.
Instead there are tiny mRNA instructions that can infiltrate you own cells and get them to grow spike proteins.
That is crazy because there is no control.
Those tiny mRNA instructions can easily get into the blood stream instead of staying in the arm muscle.
And where ever they grow spike proteins, will be attacked by the immune system.
If that is the heart of brain, you die.
If it is limbs, you need amputations or die.

These mRNA injections have to be the stupidest and most risky injections of all time.
Tell that to the survivors and those who bury the dead.

It's amazing that so many of the people on your side of the aisle are so stupid.

The lowest death toll comes from ending any epidemic as quickly as possible.
There are several methods of doing that which only take a few weeks.
The death toll does not get smaller when you "flatten the curve" because then it just lasts longer, spreads further, and kills more.
Whenever an epidemic lasts more than a few weeks, then you can tell it is deliberately being spread by the government.
Compare Ebola with covid.
Ebola is much more infectious and lethal, and yet it only lasted 2 weeks in the US.
I never said it was repealed.
They're going to let it expire.
The whole purpose of Title 42 was to expedite deportations back to Mexico, or their home countries.
The premise that your link gave doesn't hold water.
They claimed Title 42 just increased recidivism. Most of those illegals had to pay drug cartels as much as $5000 each to get to the border. Good luck trying to get another $5000. And once they get back to our border they still have to go thru the process.
The purpose of Title 42 was to make it easier to get rid of infected illegals instead of allowing them inside the United States and giving each one of them a day in court while bunging up immigration court under Title 8.....and in the process spread all kinds of diseases that had previously been eradicated and are currently becoming a problem after 50 years of almost zero cases.
More Bullshit.

Q. How do they know who is infected and who is not?
A. By following immigration laws

Q. How do you know that they are not running from gangs and criminal activities in these less than safe countries?
A. Children and their mothers

Q. Have you read Immigration law?
A. No, nor did trump.

Your gutter use of "motherfuckers" is a home run too? A punk like you hides behind a keyboard as most cowards do.

You are part of the kooks who spread disease, both by your shit for brains and your spreading of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

I do wear a mask in doors of markets, and instead of taking my family into restaurants I use takeout; common sense until the virus is tamed by vaccinations. In fact I've had two shots and two booster shots, the last one two weeks ago.

Only stupid people, or those mass killers of innocents in schools, movie theaters, at concerts, in restaurants, etc. are tantamount to your effort to continue the pandemic to infect the virus by mocking medical doctors.
That's big talk coming from a wimp who hides behind his keyboard.
And your projection of your sins upon me is just Democrat/Marxism 101.
More Bullshit.

Q. How do they know who is infected and who is not?
A. By following immigration laws

Q. How do you know that they are not running from gangs and criminal activities in these less than safe countries?
A. Children and their mothers

Q. Have you read Immigration law?
A. No, nor did trump.

Considering the fact that Biden is pulling Title 42 while dumping millions of infected illegals in our cities....I think that he's either a lying idiot or a mass-murderer. He would be the latter if the pandemic was genuine.
FYI, I don't know anyone who came down with COVID....much less died from it.
More Bullshit.

Q. How do they know who is infected and who is not?
A. By following immigration laws

Q. How do you know that they are not running from gangs and criminal activities in these less than safe countries?
A. Children and their mothers

Q. Have you read Immigration law?
A. No, nor did trump.

Its even simpler than that.
When the US bought all the southern states, like FL, TX, AZ, CA, UT, NV, NM, etc., it signed treaties allowing full access.
We can not legally keep the natives out.
And the reason they want to come here is that we have installed brutal dictatorship in their countries, that they are trying to escape.
So either way, our immigration restrictions are not moral or legal.
Considering the fact that Biden is pulling Title 42 while dumping millions of infected illegals in our cities....I think that he's either a lying idiot or a mass-murderer. He would be the latter if the pandemic was genuine.
FYI, I don't know anyone who came down with COVID....much less died from it.
You are not only ignorant, you are stubborn and have simple statements.

Herein is a comprehensive look at Title 42:

When you don't read the link you will reply as simpletons do and claim, "Oh, CBS. it must be fake news"!

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