The Pandemic is Over

Those jobs will come back.

The question is, what to do with all the office space that is no longer being rented? Some can be converted to apartments/condos, but that won't work everywhere.

They won't come back to the office areas in question, unless there is severe demand for residential occupancy.
Hey, I am not complaining about you all beating up Biden over it, goodness knows he has messed up everything he has tried, but pick a narrative and stick to it.

Either the pandemic is over or Biden has made it worse. It cannot be both at the same time.
Are you advocating conservatives accept the hivemind like you liberal quacks? No thanks.
To me it's going to be government overreaction to any health scare, unless lessons are learned from this round.

The government does what the government does, not sure anything changes that.

The changes in the work place will be more lasting and have so many things they impact.

We have already talked about the impact on urban areas. Though look at places like Boise Id that has exploded with Tech folks that no longer have to go to the office. Real estate there is starting to make Cali look cheap.

It is said that people find friends at work or church. I have good friends I work with, but had we not spent time in the office we would not have become friends. Anyone new that now joins our office will sort of always be an outsider as they will not get that face time in person we all had.

People without an already strong support system will struggle if they are remote workers. They will have to find something to take the place of the social aspects of working. I have gotten far more involved with my American Legion post in the last year or so.
Are you advocating conservatives accept the hivemind like you liberal quacks? No thanks.

Oh please.

First off there is not a conservative on this board.

Second, the right is just as bad as the left with the hivemind, just look at what happens to anyone that dares to cross your dear leader Trump.
The government does what the government does, not sure anything changes that.

The changes in the work place will be more lasting and have so many things they impact.

We have already talked about the impact on urban areas. Though look at places like Boise Id that has exploded with Tech folks that no longer have to go to the office. Real estate there is starting to make Cali look cheap.

It is said that people find friends at work or church. I have good friends I work with, but had we not spent time in the office we would not have become friends. Anyone new that now joins our office will sort of always be an outsider as they will not get that face time in person we all had.

People without an already strong support system will struggle if they are remote workers. They will have to find something to take the place of the social aspects of working. I have gotten far more involved with my American Legion post in the last year or so.

And as families get smaller you will have less relatives as a support structure.
Hey, I am not complaining about you all beating up Biden over it, goodness knows he has messed up everything he has tried, but pick a narrative and stick to it.

Either the pandemic is over or Biden has made it worse. It cannot be both at the same time.
So get this. Right before Trump was inaugurated Obama removed the ban on gain of function research, Fauci goes to Wuhan to teach The Chinese how to make Bioweapons, and The Pentagon funds gain of function research in Wuhan through a 3rd party.

Oh please.

First off there is not a conservative on this board.

Second, the right is just as bad as the left with the hivemind, just look at what happens to anyone that dares to cross your dear leader Trump.
Apparently the right is not as bad, as you are confused by the fact there is more than one opinion on the matter of covid.

On a board like this many on the right will support Trump just to spite you folks.
The Pandemic can’t be over. It can never be over. If it’s over my employer is going to start making me come into the office a couple times a week rather than working remotely all the time. I far prefer my 40 foot commute from bed to desk over my hour long ride to the office.
My employer was a "must work from office" type. Pandemic hit, we started working from home, and productivity went up. I now work remote, and not expected to go back when it is over. As far as myself, I have changed nothing with the pandemic. I refuse to live in fear as life isn't worth living that way.
Liberal Democrats won't admit it, but the pandemic is over.

---The Left Wants the Pandemic While America Is Over It---

That's good news for the 1.4 million people in American alone who caught covid over the last 2 days...

That's good news for the 1.4 million people in American alone who caught covid over the last 2 days...

It might be more accurate to say the "novel" part of the pandemic is over. between vaccinations and virus attenuation, the mortality is much lower than the early part of the pandemic, and also to be fair many of the high co-morbidity people who were most at risk have already died.

If the virus is just a bad cold/light flu (as it was for me, my siblings, my mother and others I know) then the procedures used earlier in the true novel pandemic stage aren't needed anymore.

At this point it's promote vaccines/boosters, tell people to stay home when sick, and treat any cases requiring more than self medication as you would any URI with extra complications.
Obama, Fauci and The Pentagon planned and implemented a Bio Weapons attack on America.

Remember when Trump and the parroting rubes said after November 3, 2020 we would not hear any more about Covid?


But you lined up and took your orange man snake juice. Lol
Obama, Fauci and The Pentagon planned and implemented a Bio Weapons attack on America.

That article was from last June, Stumpy, and it was debunked shortly after.
For sure. No more lunch crowd to feed.
I thought the same thing, but found out that many of my friends and coworkers that live elsewhere are still go out to eat on a regular bases. I have saved a lot of money eating at home. It doesn't make up for Biden's inflation, but every bit helps.
That's good news for the 1.4 million people in American alone who caught covid over the last 2 days...

According to CDC figures the mortality rate for COVID is 0.00085% or 85 out of 100,000.

Of all the deaths, 75% of the deaths had 4 or more comorbidities, so COVID did not cause their deaths. Another 24% of deaths had 3 comorbidities.

Essentially out of the 85 out of 100,000 deaths, only 1% was solely attributed to COVID.

Then we see more lying by SOTOMYWHORE in SCOTUS, and we find out Obama, Fauci and The Pentagon funded COVID 19 creation and one has to wonder if they intentionally had it released to hijack our elections and Defraud Democracy.

Based on their history of Evil, and Election Fraud, anyone with a brain would say yes, they stole the election.

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