The Party of "Do Nothing"


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
Recently before Congress Treasury Secretary Geithner responded to a question from Rep. Paul Ryan saying, "You are right to say we're not coming before you today to say 'we have a definitive solution to that long term problem.' What we do know is, we don't like yours."

As Guy Benson at Townhall put it:
Those two sentences speak to a mentality so bereft of intellectual vigor, so stunningly and candidly shallow, so thoroughly irresponsible, so politically myopic, selfish, and cowardly, that it should disqualify this crew from a second term in office. What a disgrace. Remember this moment the next time Democrats accuse the GOP of being the "do nothing," intransigent, "party of no."

Reason Foundation - Out of Control Policy Blog > Which is the "Do Nothing" Party?

So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.
What do you expect from a tax cheat who finds himself in charge of the IRS?

It ain't just Geithner, it's the whole democratic party from Obama on down. Too scared to lay it out there, they talk the talk about cutting deficits and then they come out with a bullshit budget that counts money we weren't going to spend over the next 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan as spending cuts!
Recently before Congress Treasury Secretary Geithner responded to a question from Rep. Paul Ryan saying, "You are right to say we're not coming before you today to say 'we have a definitive solution to that long term problem.' What we do know is, we don't like yours."

As Guy Benson at Townhall put it:
Those two sentences speak to a mentality so bereft of intellectual vigor, so stunningly and candidly shallow, so thoroughly irresponsible, so politically myopic, selfish, and cowardly, that it should disqualify this crew from a second term in office. What a disgrace. Remember this moment the next time Democrats accuse the GOP of being the "do nothing," intransigent, "party of no."

Reason Foundation - Out of Control Policy Blog > Which is the "Do Nothing" Party?

So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.
They don't want to do anything that might jeopardize votes.

That only proves, of course, that they put party over country.
So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.

Because that’s not their goal, that’s a partisan contrivance.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issues of spending and deficits, with the House taking lead, not the Executive.

Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.
Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.
How long has the DNC had you on staff?
They lost their guts in the election cycle just before 08. You know, when they promised to cut the deficit by half in 4 years.

They got NOTHING but empty promises, quickly followed up by free shit so you will forget about the EMPTY PROMISES.
Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.
How long has the DNC had you on staff?

He spews DNC propaganda for free.

Isn't that pathetic?
What do you expect from a tax cheat who finds himself in charge of the IRS?

It ain't just Geithner, it's the whole democratic party from Obama on down. Too scared to lay it out there, they talk the talk about cutting deficits and then they come out with a bullshit budget that counts money we weren't going to spend over the next 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan as spending cuts!

not having a budget, going on 3 years now is such an abrogation of responsibility only they could get away with it. the media is so willfully in the dem. back pocket its embarrassing. the new 5th column.
or better yet;

“If I’m part of a family that does not buy health insurance in violation of the president’s health care program, and I have to pay because of that, that is not a tax — that is not a tax on me?” Rep. Scott Garrett (R-N.J.) asked Zients, in an exchange that was promptly posted on YouTube, after Zients insisted the law doesn’t raise taxes.

“I’m not sure I’m following the question,” Zients said.

“If I make under $250,000 and I do not buy health insurance as I’m required to under the Affordable Health Care Act, is that a tax on me or is that not a tax on me?” Garrett said. “A moment ago you said there are no tax increases.”

“There aren’t,” Zients said.

“So that’s not a tax?” Garrett asked.

“No," Zients said.

In the lawsuit before the Supreme Court, however, the Obama administration is defending the individual mandate by saying the penalty for not getting health insurance is a tax. The mandate takes effect in 2014.

Read more: Did OMB director not get the mandate memo? - David Nather -

Watch President's Budget Director Contradict President's Legal Argument for Obamacare - YouTube
So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.

Because that’s not their goal, that’s a partisan contrivance.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issues of spending and deficits, with the House taking lead, not the Executive.

Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.

C'mon dude, this is ridiculous. There's no excuse for the Senate to put out their own plan and at least try to work out a compromise with the House version or the President's. The Senate only needs 51 votes to pass a budget, and they got 53. Don't be laying this on the House, they did send up a budget, whatever you think about it. So did the president, as ridiculous as it was; the Senate voted down last year's version 97-0, this year's version would probably result in the same outcome. What we have here is rank cowardice and irresponsibility on the part of the Senate, in the military we called it dereliction of duty.
So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.

Because that’s not their goal, that’s a partisan contrivance.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issues of spending and deficits, with the House taking lead, not the Executive.

Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.

We already know that this is not the case.

The Democrat Senate will not even discuss a budget. The House did exactly the job it's supposed to do and the Senate, under the leadership of the Big 0, is allowing the budget to lay idle and unreveiwed.

I hope that you are political hack committed to the furtherance of your party's profit at the expense of the population. If this is not the case then what you written above reveals you to be an idiot beyond any appeal of logic and good will.

The future weeps for us in view of your words.
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Recently before Congress Treasury Secretary Geithner responded to a question from Rep. Paul Ryan saying, "You are right to say we're not coming before you today to say 'we have a definitive solution to that long term problem.' What we do know is, we don't like yours."

As Guy Benson at Townhall put it:
Those two sentences speak to a mentality so bereft of intellectual vigor, so stunningly and candidly shallow, so thoroughly irresponsible, so politically myopic, selfish, and cowardly, that it should disqualify this crew from a second term in office. What a disgrace. Remember this moment the next time Democrats accuse the GOP of being the "do nothing," intransigent, "party of no."

Reason Foundation - Out of Control Policy Blog > Which is the "Do Nothing" Party?

So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.

Damn...that's a good one

Geitner nailed it and sent Ryan packing.
The Ryan plan is nothing but partisanship developed to sooth the Republican base
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When the Republicans told the Democrats to rewrite the health bill the response from Obama and the Dems was "you are obstructing" when the Dems in the Senate refuse to even send to committee budget bills from the House, that is according to Obama and the Democrats governance.
What do you expect from a tax cheat who finds himself in charge of the IRS?

It ain't just Geithner, it's the whole democratic party from Obama on down. Too scared to lay it out there, they talk the talk about cutting deficits and then they come out with a bullshit budget that counts money we weren't going to spend over the next 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan as spending cuts!

If they told the truth: we, the dems are trying to eliminate the Constitution, and replace it with an elite bunch of democrats as dictators, they would never be elected again. When they say: let's get those evil rich people, their followers miss it.
When the Republicans told the Democrats to rewrite the health bill the response from Obama and the Dems was "you are obstructing" when the Dems in the Senate refuse to even send to committee budget bills from the House, that is according to Obama and the Democrats governance.

The only reason the Republicans wanted the Healthcare bill rewritten was so that they could delay it until the Dems no longer had a Congressional majority. They did the same thing with Clintons healthcare bill and then stalled it for 15 years
So when exactly did the democrats lose their guts? How come they don't have the balls to say that we're never going to cut spending, we're never going to change the entitlement programs unless it's to make them bigger, and we don't care one iota how high the debt/deficits grow.

Because that’s not their goal, that’s a partisan contrivance.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issues of spending and deficits, with the House taking lead, not the Executive.

Now, if the House were to come up with a responsible, comprehensive plan, one that doesn’t attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, working class, and disabled, and devoid of partisan idiocy, the Administration would likely enter into talks in good faith to turn such a plan into law.

C'mon dude, this is ridiculous. There's no excuse for the Senate to put out their own plan and at least try to work out a compromise with the House version or the President's. The Senate only needs 51 votes to pass a budget, and they got 53. Don't be laying this on the House, they did send up a budget, whatever you think about it. So did the president, as ridiculous as it was; the Senate voted down last year's version 97-0, this year's version would probably result in the same outcome. What we have here is rank cowardice and irresponsibility on the part of the Senate, in the military we called it dereliction of duty.

Point of fact, the Dems need 60 votes to be able to have the vote where they need 51 because the GOP filibusters everything.

And the Dems do not have 60.
If the Republicans actually thought tax reform was a priority, where were they when the GIP had a president in the White House for 8 long year and with majorities in both Houses of Congress for 6.

Do you think that a GOP Treasury Secretary's response would have been any different, if the situation was reversed and there was a Republican president sitting in the White House?

Based on the last 4 years, John Boehner and the Republican House aren't the least bit interested in passing any progressive legislation that might improve the American economy and benefit the Democrats on November 6th.
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Point of fact, the Dems need 60 votes to be able to have the vote where they need 51 because the GOP filibusters everything.

And the Dems do not have 60.

Wrongo! You can't filibuster budget bills. They only need 51 votes to pass.

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