The Party of Hate and Fear

Yet another illustration of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat need to demonize their opponents rather than address facts and enter into a rational discussion on the issues of the day.

Republicans present a dozen rational, cultural, moral, biological, Constitutional, and practical reasons why thousands of years of legal precedents should not be thrown out the window to sanction gay "marriage." Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of bigoted HOMOPHOBES! (Made up insulting slur).

Republicans suggest that the existing immigration laws of the US ought to be enforced (restricting entry to people who are permitted, legally, to be here), and noting the dramatically higher rates of serious crime among the community of people in this country illegally. Democrats' reponse: You are a bunch of paranoid RACISTS! (a rather bizarre claim, given that Mexicans are Caucasian).

Republicans note the conspicuous number of attacks by Young Muslim Men on innocents around the world, and suggest that we take off the blinders and scrutinize this particular group a little more closely. Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of xenophobic, neurotic, racist bigots!

Do you see a pattern here? Rational argument vs. name-calling.
hey Goopers white scared and angry is no way to go through life....get some sun purchase some testicles and relax the liberals are gonna get you no matter what you do LOL
look folks; you can listen to all this hate spewed at you and about you which is FALSE all the time, or you look at the facts staring you right in the face

I'm not buying into that Islam is the religion of peace. when you see poll after poll showing they'd prefer Sharia law over all others, including ours.

took this off another site just now
51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law
25% American Muslims Okay With Violence Against Infidels
SHOCK Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels

The following data is taken specifically from here:
Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth
And is a small snapshot of all the polls and data listed. See the link above for the complete list.
World Public Opinion:
61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.
Pew Research (2007):
26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).
Pew Research (2011):
8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).
Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism
Pew Research (2007):
Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified
The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (66% disagree).
The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015):
25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the “global Jihad (64% disagree).

from the site:
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists' Doctrine of ...


Pew Poll: Majority Of Muslims In Most Islamic Countries Favor Sharia Law…


No surprise.

Via Pew:

all of it here
Pew Poll: Majority Of Muslims In Most Islamic Countries Favor Sharia Law… | Weasel Zippers
You should have posted Trump's impersonation... it's a fitting RW response.
That really is a good one lol. Thing is, that's ACTUALLY Rderp :lol:

No kidding, really? So then I guess that makes it acceptable? Got it.

Too difficult for you? LOL. ^^^Irony at its best^^^

that's ok...:itsok: I didn't think you could figure that one out either....
That really is a good one lol. Thing is, that's ACTUALLY Rderp :lol:

No kidding, really? So then I guess that makes it acceptable? Got it.

Too difficult for you? LOL. ^^^Irony at its best^^^

that's ok...:itsok: I didn't think you could figure that one out either....
No, I got it. I think you need to take the corncob out of your ass and lighten up :gay:
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us
If only FDR had imported lots of Germans and Japanese during WWII, all would have been wonderful....but sadly, he was a party to hate and fear.

Absolutely...FDR should have ignored the histrionics of Conservative Jew haters and allowed more Jewish refugees into the country. But the Jew haters won out

FDR also should have ignored the fear mongerers and haters who insisted that loyal Japanese Americans needed to be locked up.....sounds alot like Trump doesn't it?
No kidding, really? So then I guess that makes it acceptable? Got it.

Too difficult for you? LOL. ^^^Irony at its best^^^

that's ok...:itsok: I didn't think you could figure that one out either....
No, I got it. I think you need to take the corncob out of your ass and lighten up :gay:

you sure that corncob reference & the limpwrist emoji actually works with a female poster?

Too difficult for you? LOL. ^^^Irony at its best^^^

that's ok...:itsok: I didn't think you could figure that one out either....
No, I got it. I think you need to take the corncob out of your ass and lighten up :gay:

you sure that corncob reference & the limpwrist emoji actually works with a female poster?
I look at the sexes equally :lol:
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us
If only FDR had imported lots of Germans and Japanese during WWII, all would have been wonderful....but sadly, he was a party to hate and fear.

Absolutely...FDR should have ignored the histrionics of Conservative Jew haters and allowed more Jewish refugees into the country. But the Jew haters won out

FDR also should have ignored the fear mongerers and haters who insisted that loyal Japanese Americans needed to be locked up.....sounds alot like Trump doesn't it?
You have that upside down Leftnutter, as you often do. Let me explain.

FDR needed to import lots of Nazis and Shinto you understand now? Sadly...I fear your brain damaged brain, can't comprehend.
Yet another illustration of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat need to demonize their opponents rather than address facts and enter into a rational discussion on the issues of the day.

Republicans present a dozen rational, cultural, moral, biological, Constitutional, and practical reasons why thousands of years of legal precedents should not be thrown out the window to sanction gay "marriage." Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of bigoted HOMOPHOBES! (Made up insulting slur).

Republicans suggest that the existing immigration laws of the US ought to be enforced (restricting entry to people who are permitted, legally, to be here), and noting the dramatically higher rates of serious crime among the community of people in this country illegally. Democrats' reponse: You are a bunch of paranoid RACISTS! (a rather bizarre claim, given that Mexicans are Caucasian).

Republicans note the conspicuous number of attacks by Young Muslim Men on innocents around the world, and suggest that we take off the blinders and scrutinize this particular group a little more closely. Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of xenophobic, neurotic, racist bigots!

Do you see a pattern here? Rational argument vs. name-calling.

Where would the Republican Party be without the ability to turn on those least able to defend themselves, point a finger and say.....There is your problem!

It is the poorest citizens who are responsible for the economic collapse
Same sex couples who are taking away our freedom
Mexicans who are responsible for our crime
Muslims who want to kill us in our sleep

Who will save us?
Why thankfully, we have Republicans to protect us
Too difficult for you? LOL. ^^^Irony at its best^^^

that's ok...:itsok: I didn't think you could figure that one out either....
No, I got it. I think you need to take the corncob out of your ass and lighten up :gay:

you sure that corncob reference & the limpwrist emoji actually works with a female poster?
I look at the sexes equally :lol:

sure you do........... just like Hillary wasn't being sarcastic..... uh-huh.....
this fits right in with the thread and the person who posted


Liberal friends are so infuriating, Logical discourse is almost entirely lost upon them: We can’t change their brains – we can’t change their minds
The Liberal Gene
Dr. Brad Lyles -- Bio and Archives December 10, 2015

I’m not making this up.

Donald Trump’s Muslim Proposal inflamed so much passion among Liberals they unconsciously revealed themselves to be the wild-eyed, emotional, illogical sorts we always knew them to be. The hysteria was so widespread, however, it begged further investigation into the eons-old question: Where do Liberals come from?

At last, we have an answer: The Liberal Gene.

Admit it, Liberals infuriate Conservatives because Liberals think emotionally rather than logically. Consequently, when you point out a Liberal’s illogic, they become emotional rather than logically considering the allegation. This makes it impossible to argue affectively with a liberal. The unspoken message conveyed to the Liberal, the inescapable message is, upon any topic, “Why are you so ignorant?”

This insulting ignorance message is unavoidable, since were a Liberal to consider political stances logically, he or she would immediately find all their desired ends (national security, care for the poor, children, and the environment) would best be achieved via Conservative means. And, once this dawned upon them, they would have to admit what a fool they’d been all along to think so irrationally up to that point. Of course, no one is easily persuaded to acknowledge they’ve been a fool. So, the Liberal v Conservative warfare continues.

Liberals think Conservatives are monopoly top-hat people, selfish, unimaginative, uncaring. Conservatives think Liberals are like impetuous school children, all too ready to let their emotions rule their cognitions. Yet…each class has multiple friends within the other. Our severe caricatures of each other never seem borne out, however, in our friends. Instead, Liberals and Conservatives alike tell themselves their friends of the other persuasion are truly nice people, not really of the offending ilk. So, too, for family members.

ALL the Truth and the article here:
The Liberal Gene
Yet another illustration of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat need to demonize their opponents rather than address facts and enter into a rational discussion on the issues of the day.

Republicans present a dozen rational, cultural, moral, biological, Constitutional, and practical reasons why thousands of years of legal precedents should not be thrown out the window to sanction gay "marriage." Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of bigoted HOMOPHOBES! (Made up insulting slur).

Republicans suggest that the existing immigration laws of the US ought to be enforced (restricting entry to people who are permitted, legally, to be here), and noting the dramatically higher rates of serious crime among the community of people in this country illegally. Democrats' reponse: You are a bunch of paranoid RACISTS! (a rather bizarre claim, given that Mexicans are Caucasian).

Republicans note the conspicuous number of attacks by Young Muslim Men on innocents around the world, and suggest that we take off the blinders and scrutinize this particular group a little more closely. Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of xenophobic, neurotic, racist bigots!

Do you see a pattern here? Rational argument vs. name-calling.

Where would the Republican Party be without the ability to turn on those least able to defend themselves, point a finger and say.....There is your problem!

It is the poorest citizens who are responsible for the economic collapse
Same sex couples who are taking away our freedom
Mexicans who are responsible for our crime
Muslims who want to kill us in our sleep

Who will save us?
Why thankfully, we have Republicans to protect us

When you or a member of your family is shot or blown up by a muslim terrorist, then you might understand. I hope that does not happen, but the probability of more San Bernardinos is real.
this fits right in with the thread and the person who posted


Liberal friends are so infuriating, Logical discourse is almost entirely lost upon them: We can’t change their brains – we can’t change their minds
The Liberal Gene
Dr. Brad Lyles -- Bio and Archives December 10, 2015

I’m not making this up.

Donald Trump’s Muslim Proposal inflamed so much passion among Liberals they unconsciously revealed themselves to be the wild-eyed, emotional, illogical sorts we always knew them to be. The hysteria was so widespread, however, it begged further investigation into the eons-old question: Where do Liberals come from?

At last, we have an answer: The Liberal Gene.

Admit it, Liberals infuriate Conservatives because Liberals think emotionally rather than logically. Consequently, when you point out a Liberal’s illogic, they become emotional rather than logically considering the allegation. This makes it impossible to argue affectively with a liberal. The unspoken message conveyed to the Liberal, the inescapable message is, upon any topic, “Why are you so ignorant?”

This insulting ignorance message is unavoidable, since were a Liberal to consider political stances logically, he or she would immediately find all their desired ends (national security, care for the poor, children, and the environment) would best be achieved via Conservative means. And, once this dawned upon them, they would have to admit what a fool they’d been all along to think so irrationally up to that point. Of course, no one is easily persuaded to acknowledge they’ve been a fool. So, the Liberal v Conservative warfare continues.

Liberals think Conservatives are monopoly top-hat people, selfish, unimaginative, uncaring. Conservatives think Liberals are like impetuous school children, all too ready to let their emotions rule their cognitions. Yet…each class has multiple friends within the other. Our severe caricatures of each other never seem borne out, however, in our friends. Instead, Liberals and Conservatives alike tell themselves their friends of the other persuasion are truly nice people, not really of the offending ilk. So, too, for family members.

ALL the Truth and the article here:
The Liberal Gene

I have posted this before, thanks for reminding us that liberalism is a mental disease.

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