The Party of Hate and Fear

The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

Joe pointed out that liberals were spying for the USSR and even gave Stalin the bomb. That makes him a hero in anybody's book. When Joe asked them if they were communists they took the 5th. Can you guess why?
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well stupid stupid stupid liberal, Democrats are in office and the situation has gown incredibly worse. Obama starting with an apology tour to the JV team and now we are anticipating a WMD attack.
this fits right in with the thread and the person who posted


Liberal friends are so infuriating, Logical discourse is almost entirely lost upon them: We can’t change their brains – we can’t change their minds
The Liberal Gene
Dr. Brad Lyles -- Bio and Archives December 10, 2015

I’m not making this up.

Donald Trump’s Muslim Proposal inflamed so much passion among Liberals they unconsciously revealed themselves to be the wild-eyed, emotional, illogical sorts we always knew them to be. The hysteria was so widespread, however, it begged further investigation into the eons-old question: Where do Liberals come from?

At last, we have an answer: The Liberal Gene.

Admit it, Liberals infuriate Conservatives because Liberals think emotionally rather than logically. Consequently, when you point out a Liberal’s illogic, they become emotional rather than logically considering the allegation. This makes it impossible to argue affectively with a liberal. The unspoken message conveyed to the Liberal, the inescapable message is, upon any topic, “Why are you so ignorant?”

This insulting ignorance message is unavoidable, since were a Liberal to consider political stances logically, he or she would immediately find all their desired ends (national security, care for the poor, children, and the environment) would best be achieved via Conservative means. And, once this dawned upon them, they would have to admit what a fool they’d been all along to think so irrationally up to that point. Of course, no one is easily persuaded to acknowledge they’ve been a fool. So, the Liberal v Conservative warfare continues.

Liberals think Conservatives are monopoly top-hat people, selfish, unimaginative, uncaring. Conservatives think Liberals are like impetuous school children, all too ready to let their emotions rule their cognitions. Yet…each class has multiple friends within the other. Our severe caricatures of each other never seem borne out, however, in our friends. Instead, Liberals and Conservatives alike tell themselves their friends of the other persuasion are truly nice people, not really of the offending ilk. So, too, for family members.

ALL the Truth and the article here:
The Liberal Gene

too bad the GOP of today seems to lack the Constitution gene.
Yet another illustration of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat need to demonize their opponents rather than address facts and enter into a rational discussion on the issues of the day.

Republicans present a dozen rational, cultural, moral, biological, Constitutional, and practical reasons why thousands of years of legal precedents should not be thrown out the window to sanction gay "marriage." Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of bigoted HOMOPHOBES! (Made up insulting slur).

Republicans suggest that the existing immigration laws of the US ought to be enforced (restricting entry to people who are permitted, legally, to be here), and noting the dramatically higher rates of serious crime among the community of people in this country illegally. Democrats' reponse: You are a bunch of paranoid RACISTS! (a rather bizarre claim, given that Mexicans are Caucasian).

Republicans note the conspicuous number of attacks by Young Muslim Men on innocents around the world, and suggest that we take off the blinders and scrutinize this particular group a little more closely. Democrats' response: You are all a bunch of xenophobic, neurotic, racist bigots!

Do you see a pattern here? Rational argument vs. name-calling.

Where would the Republican Party be without the ability to turn on those least able to defend themselves, point a finger and say.....There is your problem!

It is the poorest citizens who are responsible for the economic collapse
Same sex couples who are taking away our freedom
Mexicans who are responsible for our crime
Muslims who want to kill us in our sleep

Who will save us?
Why thankfully, we have Republicans to protect us

When you or a member of your family is shot or blown up by a muslim terrorist, then you might understand. I hope that does not happen, but the probability of more San Bernardinos is real.

LOL.... but but but...those families that lost their loved ones thru mass murder- including 20 children that ended up looking like a bloody pile of rags should be overlooked because well that's different.
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First off, Joe McCarthy smeared no one. He was right in the vast majority of cases. His methods were not nearly as bad as the ones his enemies used against him. See M. Stanton Evans' definitive 600-plus-page book Blacklisted By History.

Second, Republican fears about liberals using gay marriage to infringe on religious liberty have been proven valid--in spades. Even some gay liberals have protested that the gay rights crowd seems bent on "shredding any concept of religious liberty."

Third, the only people preaching hatred and intolerance toward anyone who disagrees with them are left-wing fire-eaters like you.
When you or a member of your family is shot or blown up by a muslim terrorist, then you might understand. I hope that does not happen, but the probability of more San Bernardinos is real.

My family is more in danger from some thug in the street than a Muslim terrorist

We had 8500 murders last year with maybe a few dozen coming from jihad. Yet Republicans no attention to the worst murder rate in the industrialized world. Pay no attention to Sandy Hook, Charleston, Aurora

It is the Muslims you need to fear....and Republicans are here to protect you

That's politics for you, but it works both ways.

Now the new anti-gun strategy from DumBama is to blame Republicans for letting people on the No Fly list be able to purchase firearms. When in hell has there ever been a murder from a person who was on the No Fly list that legally bought a gun and killed somebody?

When in hell has there ever been a murder from a native born Muslim with a good job?

I have no issue with notifying someone they are on the no fly list and why they are listed. I have no problem with allowing access to the legal system to get yourself off the list

But allowing those on the list with unfettered access to the weapons of their choice is insane

So we should deny people who were put on a list by some bureaucrat access to weapons or any other constitutional right? If they shouldn't purchase guns, they shouldn't vote either. Don't you think?

Yes we should.....a temporary restriction in purchasing firearms while their status is being resolved is a small inconvenience

I would think those potential gun owners would want to be scrutinized. I really like it when a cashier actually asks to see my ID when I charge something...because I don't have a signature on the back- instead I have ' check picture ID'... that SHOULD be what they do.
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The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Libs are the party of slavery and segregation and still segregate today by grouping ethnicities, races etc and offering up trinkets to secure their votes. In essence, bondage into perpetuity. Libs hate america and her people.

Why don't you tell us more about those plantations?

Here's a refresher for RW:

A Brief History of the Democratic Party by William P. Meyers, HTML format

Don't forget how racist woodrow wilson was and how that extended into the dem hate with segregation in the 1950's and 60's. Libs have quite a bit to apologize for.

They were carpetbaggers... :desk:Tell the class how the GOP of today is still the party of Lincoln... Teddy Roosevelt... Barry Goldwater....:scared1:
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well I agree.

But BOTH parties are controlled by the War Party.

After all it was Obama who attacked Syria causing 9,000,000 international refugees.

The Demopublicans are guilty as charged.

The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well I agree.

But BOTH parties are controlled by the War Party.

After all it was Obama who attacked Syria causing 9,000,000 international refugees.

The Demopublicans are guilty as charged.

Try again.....Syria was in civil war
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well I agree.

But BOTH parties are controlled by the War Party.

After all it was Obama who attacked Syria causing 9,000,000 international refugees.

The Demopublicans are guilty as charged.

Try again.....Syria was in civil war

Try again.

Syria was victimized by "our" friends , Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Israel wants to steal Syrian territory and become a regional power.

Saudi Arabia wants Assad replaced by a Sunni puppet.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials

The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well I agree.

But BOTH parties are controlled by the War Party.

After all it was Obama who attacked Syria causing 9,000,000 international refugees.

The Demopublicans are guilty as charged.

Try again.....Syria was in civil war

Try again.

Syria was victimized by "our" friends , Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Israel wants to steal Syrian territory and become a regional power.

Saudi Arabia wants Assad replaced by a Sunni puppet.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials
Syria paid a price for dictatorial rule
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

Well I agree.

But BOTH parties are controlled by the War Party.

After all it was Obama who attacked Syria causing 9,000,000 international refugees.

The Demopublicans are guilty as charged.

Try again.....Syria was in civil war

Try again.

Syria was victimized by "our" friends , Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Israel wants to steal Syrian territory and become a regional power.

Saudi Arabia wants Assad replaced by a Sunni puppet.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials
Syria paid a price for dictatorial rule

Syria paid the price for being Israel's neighbor.

Syria also paid the price because a lot of military officers who were previously affiliated with Saddam had nothing to do. They traveled to Syria and became the "Syrian Resistance" - seeking to depose Assad. The Obama Administration liked them , gave them cash and firearms and presto they becase Dae'sh aka ISIS.

.Can you say blowback?

The former neighbor of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook reportedly spoke to regulars at his job about “sleeper cells just waiting” to attack the United States.

A frequent customer at Morgan’s Tavern, where Enrique Marquez worked, told The New York Times on Friday that nobody took Marquez seriously when he spoke of terror attacks and had no clue he was a figure in the investigation into the massacre at an Inland Regional Center office building that left 14 people dead.

“We took it as a joke. When you look at the kid and talk to him, no one would take him seriously about that,” Nick Rodriguez told The Times.

Maybe we have reason to be fearful.....
The numbers are going up with more Americans thinking Obama is not up
to the task of protecting them.
“We took it as a joke. When you look at the kid and talk to him, no one would take him seriously about that,” Nick Rodriguez told The Times.
Liberalism has fractured our society into 1000 pieces. We no longer have a common Republican culture with common Republican values. The vacuum is filled by 1000 oddball ways to view life. This is not freedom but ignorance and disintegration. We lock our doors at night now to lock out liberalism.

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