The Perquisites of Emoluments: Any Would Call A Heightened Impeachment Basis


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Quid Pro Quos of the Trump deals and phone calls are at the forefront again. The exchange of US Treasure for personal aggrandizement is confirmed. The matter is U.S. Defense dollars in exchange for investigation of a political rival. The lack of honor in the matter of North Korea can be tossed in. The North Koreans could be said to have accused the Trump Administration of failure at Quid Pro Quo. No material goods or end of sanctions appears to have happened, per their perception: Aka, Trump made a crappy deal.

The Ukraine quid pro quo is illegal.

In a heartbeat comes the clear violation of the Constitutional Emoluments clause. Trump is claiming no personal gain from the G-7 event--compared to other competitor locations, not selected(?). So in USA-Hollywood-Internet world: All the free advertising goes to the Trump Family Zingers.

There is no direct payment--at cost or less--but the perquisite gain is clear and obvious: Free Media Time at the top of the news hours. A Perq is, "a gain or profit incidental to a regular salary or wage," (dictionary stuff). It is also a "gratuity or tip," or something "Held or claimed as an exclusive right or possession," (same stuff, different guise. . .or different Pelosi(?)). Trump awarded himself the exclusive.

The competitors do not gain the free advertising from the exclusive schedule of the G-7 event: Comparing and Contrasting. The scheduling is an actual incidental gain directed, from the White House: Wherein the personal benefit accrues to the President, Trump.

Then there is the widespread clear collusion of participation in the Crimes Against Humanity in the matter of the Kurds. The Kurds and their babies were given an Ultimatum: And in the iterim time-frame the atrocities continue unabated. The details of the deal were confirmed by both Vice President Pence and all those family members(?)--obvious even to Republicans. The Turkish Foreign Minister proclaimed the actual victory, created by the Trump Administration: Participatory in that victory, and as applied.

Something, "Quid Pro Quo" arises, even again. The White House Chief of Staff as so-noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations not thought G-7--Comparing and Contrasting! (Quid Pro Quo as usual!))
Look, let's embrace the reality of where we are, america's illusions have worn thin. The constitution is meaningless other than, like the bible, as a blunt instrument with which to bludgeon political opponents with.

How many non-constitutionally sanctioned wars do we have up an running? And when was our last constitutionally sanctioned war? Concentrated wealth and authoritarianism does whatever it wants in america and we do absolutely nothing about it. We let war criminals walk free and watch them recycled back into governmental positions and punditry to push more non-constitutionally sanctioned wars. We are in real time allowing Jeffery Epstein's recruiters, one with ties to Israeli intelligence, walk free from pimping children to our privileged aristocracy. And this is hardly the first time.

The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators attempted to expose the network in 1989 and 1990, but the legislators' efforts were followed by a rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering responses of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI and Justice Department, which effected an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.
The Franklin Scandal — A Story of Powerbrokers Child Abuse & Betrayal, by Nick Bryant

Not to worry, AG Barr knows how to cover up these things, he was involved in the cover up of this one above as well.
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The Quid Pro Quos of the Trump deals and phone calls are at the forefront again. The exchange of US Treasure for personal aggrandizement is confirmed. The matter is U.S. Defense dollars in exchange for investigation of a political rival. The lack of honor in the matter of North Korea can be tossed in. The North Koreans could be said to have accused the Trump Administration of failure at Quid Pro Quo. No material goods or end of sanctions appears to have happened, per their perception: Aka, Trump made a crappy deal.

The Ukraine quid pro quo is illegal.

In a heartbeat comes the clear violation of the Constitutional Emoluments clause. Trump is claiming no personal gain from the G-7 event--compared to other competitor locations, not selected(?). So in USA-Hollywood-Internet world: All the free advertising goes to the Trump Family Zingers.

There is no direct payment--at cost or less--but the perquisite gain is clear and obvious: Free Media Time at the top of the news hours. A Perq is, "a gain or profit incidental to a regular salary or wage," (dictionary stuff). It is also a "gratuity or tip," or something "Held or claimed as an exclusive right or possession," (same stuff, different guise. . .or different Pelosi(?)). Trump awarded himself the exclusive.

The competitors do not gain the free advertising from the exclusive schedule of the G-7 event: Comparing and Contrasting. The scheduling is an actual incidental gain directed, from the White House: Wherein the personal benefit accrues to the President, Trump.

Then there is the widespread clear collusion of participation in the Crimes Against Humanity in the matter of the Kurds. The Kurds and their babies were given an Ultimatum: And in the iterim time-frame the atrocities continue unabated. The details of the deal were confirmed by both Vice President Pence and all those family members(?)--obvious even to Republicans. The Turkish Foreign Minister proclaimed the actual victory, created by the Trump Administration: Participatory in that victory, and as applied.

Something, "Quid Pro Quo" arises, even again. The White House Chief of Staff as so-noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations not thought G-7--Comparing and Contrasting! (Quid Pro Quo as usual!))
Only because trolls and the fake media keep printing lies.
The Quid Pro Quos of the Trump deals and phone calls are at the forefront again. The exchange of US Treasure for personal aggrandizement is confirmed. The matter is U.S. Defense dollars in exchange for investigation of a political rival. The lack of honor in the matter of North Korea can be tossed in. The North Koreans could be said to have accused the Trump Administration of failure at Quid Pro Quo. No material goods or end of sanctions appears to have happened, per their perception: Aka, Trump made a crappy deal.

The Ukraine quid pro quo is illegal.

In a heartbeat comes the clear violation of the Constitutional Emoluments clause. Trump is claiming no personal gain from the G-7 event--compared to other competitor locations, not selected(?). So in USA-Hollywood-Internet world: All the free advertising goes to the Trump Family Zingers.

There is no direct payment--at cost or less--but the perquisite gain is clear and obvious: Free Media Time at the top of the news hours. A Perq is, "a gain or profit incidental to a regular salary or wage," (dictionary stuff). It is also a "gratuity or tip," or something "Held or claimed as an exclusive right or possession," (same stuff, different guise. . .or different Pelosi(?)). Trump awarded himself the exclusive.

The competitors do not gain the free advertising from the exclusive schedule of the G-7 event: Comparing and Contrasting. The scheduling is an actual incidental gain directed, from the White House: Wherein the personal benefit accrues to the President, Trump.

Then there is the widespread clear collusion of participation in the Crimes Against Humanity in the matter of the Kurds. The Kurds and their babies were given an Ultimatum: And in the iterim time-frame the atrocities continue unabated. The details of the deal were confirmed by both Vice President Pence and all those family members(?)--obvious even to Republicans. The Turkish Foreign Minister proclaimed the actual victory, created by the Trump Administration: Participatory in that victory, and as applied.

Something, "Quid Pro Quo" arises, even again. The White House Chief of Staff as so-noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations not thought G-7--Comparing and Contrasting! (Quid Pro Quo as usual!))
Only because trolls and the fake media keep printing lies.
The great lie is that america does not run upon corruption as a matter of course.
The House and Senate votes to remove Trump from office are able to negate an assertion that a legal structure, supportive of goods and services, no longer applies, or even exists. People do commerce and business, even today.

When Moses screwed up, in Deut 23:19-20: There was in fact reliance on a currency--basis in arithmetic. Israel was supposed to use it to screw non-Israelis into death and subservient denigration. It can be computed, and was clearly intended--not in support of deity existence, but in support of currency and commerce existence.

The Trump Abuse of Power flows from the Jewish atrocity of Deut. 23:19-20: And none are any more claiming it deity directed (?). Those especially are known as the Right Wing Clergy, Zealots and fanatics--still very skilled at the Moses Atrocity.

The Atrocity arithmetic of usury computing was shown in New Testament Gospels: Luke and Matthew 25:14-30: Never again to be repeated. Prophets and seers, fakirs and all other clergy: Ignored the arithmetic problem: Universally, going forward. It was the way of the world. Leisurely skill development would slowly happen. Poverty and misery even became currency-commerce, debtor's prisons. (Many still call it, "Welfare.") A business class would slowly arise. An Industrial class would slowly arise. Entire Totalitarian classes would arise in the early 20th century.

Commercial enterprise was everywhere in place, no difference now. The eradication of the Abusive Totalitarian Oppression created a world recognition--not just of war, in all civilizations--but of daily, currency commerce in all civilizations.

Tyrants were still outside the normal and usual course of long-lived business.

Matthew 25:14-30, follows its remedy: Matthew 20:1-16. At the end of the day, all participants could be awarded currency in equal amounts: And head for the markets, or the usury exchangers.

Abuse of Power was not alleged to be a part of it at all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations already know about BIA, even!).
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Do you people even understand what emoluments are?

a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

The constitution says;

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.

Nowhere in the constitution does it say the president may not ask for the cooperation of a foreign power in other areas.
A title of nobility is not directly an emolument, but is specifically prohibited. The acceptance of the concept of a host could be said implied. An advertising gift is a easily a present. Dirt on a potential rival is easily a present.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Actually, President is better bound to “ take care that the laws be faithfully executed," those of the United States.)
A title of nobility is not directly an emolument, but is specifically prohibited. The acceptance of the concept of a host could be said implied. An advertising gift is a easily a present. Dirt on a potential rival is easily a present.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Actually, President is better bound to “ take care that the laws be faithfully executed," those of the United States.)

A president is required to investigate suspicious activities by US citizens, such as Burisma Holdings, and the Biden call threatening the Ukraine into firing Shokin, the Inspector General.
Whether or not it also helps Trumps campaign is irrelevant.
Laughable Rigby5 poster fails at understanding what even James Crow Understands: Actually, the President is better bound to “ take care that the laws be faithfully executed," those of the United States. Anyone can add in international law, per direction from the US Senate.

Even tacitly inviting Ukraine to send in assassins to create some moment of clarity in any nation's elections is widespread not construed to be lawful. Then usurping Congressional appropriations authority in trade for something indirectly Completely: Associated with the appropriation is illegal. There is no "Investigate Joe Biden" in the Congressional mandate.

There is no "Due Process" provided in the Shamefully blatant attempt at atrocity--tacitly a part of the quid pro quo in the phone call--created in the phone call. There is no allegation or suspicion of wrongdoing from any national or international law enforcement organization.

Neither Congress nor Court: Offered a request, or corroboration: Of the phone call. No request of anything potentially internally to Ukraine--violent and lethal--is anywhere authorized in Constitution or subsequent statute. Example: Was famously alleged, CIA to be involved?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(There is no "Due Process," even in theft by cultural insensitivity--even ownership--of Lands of Many Nations!)
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