The philosophy behind Murdoch’s firing of Tucker Carlson …

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
A little knowledge of the history of the global Murdoch media empire (which also owns the Wall Street Journal) gives us a better understanding of why it settled with Dominion Voting Systems and fired Tucker Carlson. If also gives insight into why “the game” will go on.


The ejection of Tucker Carlson is a classic “Reverse Ferret” by Rupert Murdoch

Walking up to the edge of what might destroy Fox News, and then doing an about-face, is the business strategy of the network’s owner…

It feels like forever thanks to the exhausting velocity of theories that seek to explain the downfall of cable television’s most famous host … Carlson was fired because of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit. Carlson was fired because he used the C-word…. Carlson was fired because even his colleagues at Fox despised him.

That’s just a partial list of the best guesses circulating in the media ether. While Carlson was probably felled by more than a single factor, these guesses are akin to the trees that obscure the proverbial forest. Rupert Murdoch, who founded Fox News, did what he often does at a moment of crisis, swiveling 180 degrees to secure his business empire. The move is famous enough to have an unusual name in Britain, where Murdoch first came to global prominence: the reverse ferret.

In the 1980s, Kelvin MacKenzie was the editor of Murdoch’s London tabloid The Sun, and he loved to describe his spiciest stories as putting a ferret down the pants of whichever celebrity or politician was targeted. But when a story turned out to be wrong or legally actionable, as often happened, MacKenzie burst out of his office and shouted to the newsroom, “Reverse ferret! Reverse ferret!” That meant one thing: The paper had to climb down immediately. After a string of fabricated stories about Elton John in 1988, for instance, The Sun paid the singer 1 million pounds and printed a headline on its front page that said, “SORRY ELTON.”

One of the sharpest Murdoch watchers, the Australian investigative journalist Neil Chenoweth, connected MacKenzie’s antics to his billionaire proprietor. “Rupert Murdoch’s entire business style may be characterized as a reverse ferret,” Chenoweth wrote more than 20 years ago. “Time and again when his plans have gone awry and he has found himself facing calamity, his superb survival skills have saved him. Just before he hits the wall, he does a little dummy, he feints this way and that, and then he sets off with undiminished speed in a new direction.” For instance, the right-wing Murdoch unexpectedly threw The Sun’s support to the Labor Party and Tony Blair in 1997, reportedly because then-Prime Minister John Major refused to back policies that Murdoch had pressed him on.

That kind of out-of-the-blue abandonment is basically what happened with Carlson, Fox’s biggest star and the pride and joy of not just Rupert Murdoch but also his son Lachlan, who runs the network on a daily basis. Both Murdochs had unusually close relationships with their favorite host — Carlson even dined with Rupert at the 92-year-old’s estate in Bel Air just a few weeks ago — until, all of a sudden, they didn’t. Carlson learned just a few minutes before the rest of us that his services were no longer required at Fox News.

This occurred a few days after another big reversal: Fox’s decision to pay $787.5 million in damages to Dominion for wrongfully reporting that its machines took votes away from then-President Donald Trump in 2020. The stop-the-steal ferret placed in America’s pants by Carlson and other Fox hosts, such as Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs, was suddenly extracted, and while it was major news across the country, Fox hardly mentioned it, just as the network said almost nothing about Carlson’s exit. The properly executed reverse ferret denies its own existence.

THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND this maneuver helps answer another question: What’s next for Fox? The consensus, expressed by journalist Brian Stelter, is that the Murdochs have learned to never again let a host become as extreme and beyond their control as Carlson. The Murdochs have a line of allowed mendacity, Stelter explained this week, and Carlson crossed it all the time; whoever replaces him will understand that you do not cross the line. Stelter, who is now working on his second book about Fox News, added, “I would like to believe that maybe Rupert Murdoch wants to drag his network back to a more reality-based place.”

That would defy the imperative of the reverse ferret. Glenn Beck got too wild and was reverse ferreted more than a decade ago. As NPR reported in 2011, “At long last, we have an answer to the enduring question: Is it possible for someone to be too incendiary, even for the Fox News channel?” Bill O’Reilly took Beck’s place as the network’s headliner, and when he eventually went too far (by sexually harassing women), he too was gone. Now, it’s Tucker Carlson’s turn. Throughout it all, Fox has made piles of money, billions and billions of dollars, far more than its rivals.

The lucrative dialectic of the ferret/reverse ferret is the spring mechanism for Murdoch’s business success. That’s because the kind of right-wing propaganda that makes the greatest amount of money is not reality-based; it’s how we got birtherism, the war on Christmas, Seth Rich, ivermectin, the “great replacement theory,” and election denialism. Walking up to the edge of what might destroy them, and doing an about-face that might involve paying off an aggrieved party, is not a mistake but a business strategy.

It is magical thinking to believe that Rupert and Lachlan have any interest in abandoning a strategy that constitutes their DNA. The Murdochs will not save us from the Murdochs.

The Ejection of Tucker Carlson Is a Classic âReverse Ferretâ by Rupert Murdoch
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He want's Carlson to be more powerful and hates reality. I assume that's what you said. Unless you hate reality.
No, that — whatever you meant — was not my point or the author’s. Murdoch doesn’t care if Tucker or his “political carnival show” fades away or becomes more powerful.

Murdoch follows the money. For decades in the U.S. and Great Britain the big money and largest readership (and advertising income) has long been in pushing rightwing disinformation, hysteria, and old fashioned tabloid journalism.

Murdoch succeeded admirably with Tucker — from a financial point of view. But he finally realized that even in the U.S.A., where normally it is hard to win big money suits against media conglomerates for libel or defamation, his company was heading for big trouble and a big money payout.

3/4 of a billion dollars is not so much for Murdock’s empire, and the revelations that might come out in a trial could lead to a more damaging loss of readership, and a much bigger payout.

So … “Reverse Ferret!”
No, that — whatever you meant — was not my point or the author’s. Murdoch doesn’t care if Tucker or his “political carnival show” fades away or becomes more powerful.

Murdoch follows the money. For decades in the U.S. and Great Britain the big money and largest readership (and advertising income) has long been in pushing rightwing disinformation, hysteria, and old fashioned tabloid journalism.

Murdoch succeeded admirably with Tucker — from a financial point of view. But he finally realized that even in the U.S.A., where normally it is hard to win big money suits against media conglomerates for libel or defamation, his company was heading for big trouble and a big money payout.

3/4 of a billion dollars is not so much for Murdock’s empire, and the revelations that might come out in a trial could lead to a more damaging loss of readership, and a much bigger payout.

So … “Reverse Ferret!”
Dude. Follows the money mean nothing after letting Carlson go. Their is no trial. It's as legit as the retard dominion trial. It's not legit.
A little knowledge of the history of the global Murdoch media empire (which also owns the Wall Street Journal) gives us a better understanding of why it settled with Dominion Voting Systems and fired Tucker Carlson. If also gives insight into why “the game” will go on.


The ejection of Tucker Carlson is a classic “Reverse Ferret” by Rupert Murdoch

Walking up to the edge of what might destroy Fox News, and then doing an about-face, is the business strategy of the network’s owner…

It feels like forever thanks to the exhausting velocity of theories that seek to explain the downfall of cable television’s most famous host … Carlson was fired because of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit. Carlson was fired because he used the C-word…. Carlson was fired because even his colleagues at Fox despised him.

That’s just a partial list of the best guesses circulating in the media ether. While Carlson was probably felled by more than a single factor, these guesses are akin to the trees that obscure the proverbial forest. Rupert Murdoch, who founded Fox News, did what he often does at a moment of crisis, swiveling 180 degrees to secure his business empire. The move is famous enough to have an unusual name in Britain, where Murdoch first came to global prominence: the reverse ferret.

In the 1980s, Kelvin MacKenzie was the editor of Murdoch’s London tabloid The Sun, and he loved to describe his spiciest stories as putting a ferret down the pants of whichever celebrity or politician was targeted. But when a story turned out to be wrong or legally actionable, as often happened, MacKenzie burst out of his office and shouted to the newsroom, “Reverse ferret! Reverse ferret!” That meant one thing: The paper had to climb down immediately. After a string of fabricated stories about Elton John in 1988, for instance, The Sun paid the singer 1 million pounds and printed a headline on its front page that said, “SORRY ELTON.”

One of the sharpest Murdoch watchers, the Australian investigative journalist Neil Chenoweth, connected MacKenzie’s antics to his billionaire proprietor. “Rupert Murdoch’s entire business style may be characterized as a reverse ferret,” Chenoweth wrote more than 20 years ago. “Time and again when his plans have gone awry and he has found himself facing calamity, his superb survival skills have saved him. Just before he hits the wall, he does a little dummy, he feints this way and that, and then he sets off with undiminished speed in a new direction.” For instance, the right-wing Murdoch unexpectedly threw The Sun’s support to the Labor Party and Tony Blair in 1997, reportedly because then-Prime Minister John Major refused to back policies that Murdoch had pressed him on.

That kind of out-of-the-blue abandonment is basically what happened with Carlson, Fox’s biggest star and the pride and joy of not just Rupert Murdoch but also his son Lachlan, who runs the network on a daily basis. Both Murdochs had unusually close relationships with their favorite host — Carlson even dined with Rupert at the 92-year-old’s estate in Bel Air just a few weeks ago — until, all of a sudden, they didn’t. Carlson learned just a few minutes before the rest of us that his services were no longer required at Fox News.

This occurred a few days after another big reversal: Fox’s decision to pay $787.5 million in damages to Dominion for wrongfully reporting that its machines took votes away from then-President Donald Trump in 2020. The stop-the-steal ferret placed in America’s pants by Carlson and other Fox hosts, such as Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs, was suddenly extracted, and while it was major news across the country, Fox hardly mentioned it, just as the network said almost nothing about Carlson’s exit. The properly executed reverse ferret denies its own existence.

THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND this maneuver helps answer another question: What’s next for Fox? The consensus, expressed by journalist Brian Stelter, is that the Murdochs have learned to never again let a host become as extreme and beyond their control as Carlson. The Murdochs have a line of allowed mendacity, Stelter explained this week, and Carlson crossed it all the time; whoever replaces him will understand that you do not cross the line. Stelter, who is now working on his second book about Fox News, added, “I would like to believe that maybe Rupert Murdoch wants to drag his network back to a more reality-based place.”

That would defy the imperative of the reverse ferret. Glenn Beck got too wild and was reverse ferreted more than a decade ago. As NPR reported in 2011, “At long last, we have an answer to the enduring question: Is it possible for someone to be too incendiary, even for the Fox News channel?” Bill O’Reilly took Beck’s place as the network’s headliner, and when he eventually went too far (by sexually harassing women), he too was gone. Now, it’s Tucker Carlson’s turn. Throughout it all, Fox has made piles of money, billions and billions of dollars, far more than its rivals.

The lucrative dialectic of the ferret/reverse ferret is the spring mechanism for Murdoch’s business success. That’s because the kind of right-wing propaganda that makes the greatest amount of money is not reality-based; it’s how we got birtherism, the war on Christmas, Seth Rich, ivermectin, the “great replacement theory,” and election denialism. Walking up to the edge of what might destroy them, and doing an about-face that might involve paying off an aggrieved party, is not a mistake but a business strategy.

It is magical thinking to believe that Rupert and Lachlan have any interest in abandoning a strategy that constitutes their DNA. The Murdochs will not save us from the Murdochs.

The Ejection of Tucker Carlson Is a Classic âReverse Ferretâ by Rupert Murdoch
Which is why Fox isn't news, it's entertainment for conservatives; a lie factory with contempt for facts and the truth.
He want's Carlson to be more powerful and hates reality. I assume that's what you said. Unless you hate reality.
Reverse ferret!

I don’t think you guys peddle reality.
All speculation.

After Schumer and AOC xalled for his silence and de-platforming, how do we know the Biden administration / Democrats didn't threaten Murdoch with using every federal agency possible to f* hi over unless he fired Carlson?

All speculation.

After Schumer and AOC called for his silence and de-platforming, how do we know the Biden administration / Democrats didn't threaten Murdoch with using every federal agency possible to f* hi over unless he fired Carlson?


You can imagine anything you want.

But your speculation hardly fits what we know of the history of Murdoch’s empire and its activities in the past, whereas the OP article is all about that history. Democrats have long hated Carlson’s demagogery and tried to embarrass and pressure Fox — to no avail. The Murdochs never gave an inch but kept pursuing their profitable strategy of “tabloid” or “yellow press” “entertainment journalism” and the Fox Empire continued to grow.

It was only after embarrassing emails were uncovered that showed Fox management’s knowledge of the lies and duplicity of Carlson and other anchors, which arose from Dominion Voting company’s lawsuit, that Murdoch wavered. That lawsuit also showed signs that even more embarrassing evidence might emerge if a trial proceeded and witnesses were forced to testify.

Soooo … “Murdoch and Sons” just did what they have cynically done so often in the past in Britain and other countries where there are much stronger media defamation and slander laws … “reverse ferret!”

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