The Political Gorilla in the room for the GOP and it ain't the shutdown


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.
Immigration Reform = Codespeak for Shamnesty

Our immigration system and laws are just fine.

They just aren't being enforced, and the borders aren't being adequately protected.

By either side.

The Republicans want the low-cost near-slave labor.

The Democrats want millions of grateful future voters.

Both parties are acting against the best interests of the United States and its People.

Both parties are acting like what they have become - Vote Whores.

We don't need Immigration Reform.

We need 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remove from United States sovereign soil.

We need to create conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens (no housing, jobs, banking, services, etc.) so that they will leave under their own power and at their own expense.

Self-deportation is the answer.
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Ya cause we should reward illegal activity by making it legal. What part of the fact it doesn't work don't you grasp? In the 80's we amnestied 3 million with the idea it would solve the problem now we have 10 to 20 million, lets double down and do the same stupid shit that attracts even more, hell at this rate we might as well just declare all Mexican citizens are US Citizens.
You don't even need to go after Pablo selling oranges on street corners to do it. go after the employers and people who house illegals. Make it so painful for enablers that illegals have to go elsewhere just to get a roof over their head because nobody will offer them one. Cut off federal funding for any so-called sanctuary city. If those towns want to openly ignore the law, then they can do without federal funding for sewers and police and whatnot.

We have the means to do this easily, but not the political will because neither party cares about the US, they only care about themselves.
Immigration Reform = Codespeak for Shamnesty

Our immigration system and laws are just fine.

They just aren't being enforced, and the borders aren't being adequately protected.

By either side.

The Republicans want the low-cost near-slave labor.

The Democrats want millions of grateful future voters.

Both parties are acting against the best interests of the United States and its People.

Both parties are acting like what they have become - Vote Whores.

We don't need Immigration Reform.

We need 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remove from United States sovereign soil.

We need to create conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens (no housing, jobs, banking, services, etc.) so that they will leave under their own power and at their own expense.

Self-deportation is the answer.

Ahhh yes! The good old GOP!!:lol:
Ya cause we should reward illegal activity by making it legal. What part of the fact it doesn't work don't you grasp? In the 80's we amnestied 3 million with the idea it would solve the problem now we have 10 to 20 million, lets double down and do the same stupid shit that attracts even more, hell at this rate we might as well just declare all Mexican citizens are US Citizens.
Why not annex Mexico and get it over with? ;)
Isn't it lovely your fellow country men and women AND those ELECTED Democrats are rooting AGAINST YOU LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS?

but remember, they say they CARE about YOU...

so what we have 7.4% UNEMPLOYMENT...the commies need the bodies for the votes and to contribute to their FASCIST government program, the Unaffordable Insurance scam called, ObambamCare

they are saying, the rest of you CITIZENS can GO TO HELL
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The language of anti-immigrant folks denies the access they need to keep the world as they see it.

They do not communicate (consider Fox or Rush or drudge) with the more young, dark, and female components of our society, who fear the TPM.

The bluing of the country will continue until the GOP changes culturally and demographically.
Isn't it lovely your fellow country men and women AND those ELECTED Democrats are rooting AGAINST YOU LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS?

but remember, they say they CARE about YOU...

so what we have 7.4% UNEMPLOYMENT...the commies need the bodies for the votes and to contribute to their FASCIST government program, the Unaffordable Insurance scam called, ObambamCare

they are saying, the rest of you CITIZENS can GO TO HELL
The Political Class against the working class...ain't it grand?

It's sick. WE are living in tyranny...NOW.
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.

you are an UnAmercian teabgging puke who hates this country and your fellow country men and women in it... there is no if's and's or but's about it

you don't have to kick me out this thread I'm out of this hateful garbage
The language of anti-immigrant folks denies the access they need to keep the world as they see it.

They do not communicate (consider Fox or Rush or drudge) with the more young, dark, and female components of our society, who fear the TPM.

The bluing of the country will continue until the GOP changes culturally and demographically.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by turning our backs and letting the dregs of the Third World just squat here. It doesn't make America a better place to be the dumping off point for the New World's poverty just so the politicians can get a few more votes or campaign contributions.
"...Ahhh yes! The good old GOP!!"


Substitute 'Immigration Policy' for 'Foreign Policy' and the imagery still works very nicely...

Personally, I think both sides of the aisle are to blame, but, since you're throwing rocks at one side, from a partisan seat...
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Ya cause we should reward illegal activity by making it legal. What part of the fact it doesn't work don't you grasp? In the 80's we amnestied 3 million with the idea it would solve the problem now we have 10 to 20 million, lets double down and do the same stupid shit that attracts even more, hell at this rate we might as well just declare all Mexican citizens are US Citizens.
Why not annex Mexico and get it over with? ;)

The intent is for Mexico to annex the US.
The language of anti-immigrant folks denies the access they need to keep the world as they see it.

They do not communicate (consider Fox or Rush or drudge) with the more young, dark, and female components of our society, who fear the TPM.

The bluing of the country will continue until the GOP changes culturally and demographically.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by turning our backs and letting the dregs of the Third World just squat here. It doesn't make America a better place to be the dumping off point for the New World's poverty just so the politicians can get a few more votes or campaign contributions.

But since that is not the case, what is your point?
Ya cause we should reward illegal activity by making it legal. What part of the fact it doesn't work don't you grasp? In the 80's we amnestied 3 million with the idea it would solve the problem now we have 10 to 20 million, lets double down and do the same stupid shit that attracts even more, hell at this rate we might as well just declare all Mexican citizens are US Citizens.
Why not annex Mexico and get it over with? ;)

The intent is for Mexico to annex the US.
Then it would be mutual, wouldn't it? ;) :eusa_shhh:
The language of anti-immigrant folks denies the access they need to keep the world as they see it.

They do not communicate (consider Fox or Rush or drudge) with the more young, dark, and female components of our society, who fear the TPM.

The bluing of the country will continue until the GOP changes culturally and demographically.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by turning our backs and letting the dregs of the Third World just squat here. It doesn't make America a better place to be the dumping off point for the New World's poverty just so the politicians can get a few more votes or campaign contributions.
Exactly. More dependents living off the dole...and more voters that have access to OUR property...(Treasury)...
Ya cause we should reward illegal activity by making it legal. What part of the fact it doesn't work don't you grasp? In the 80's we amnestied 3 million with the idea it would solve the problem now we have 10 to 20 million, lets double down and do the same stupid shit that attracts even more, hell at this rate we might as well just declare all Mexican citizens are US Citizens.
Why not annex Mexico and get it over with? ;)

Don't you think Mexico would object?

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