Oh yeah, you spelled it RIGHT out for me. You didn't have any factual errors at ALL in that post. :lol:

Factual errors ?



Name one, idiot.

What planet do you live on?

Beyond your grammatical errors you asserted that Ron Paul will destroy Israel.

Are you familiar with the word "totalitarian" because you certainly sound like one.

Yours is the usual vacuous assertions that have zero credibility...i.e., did ya have your meds, yet ? etc.,

Then, the only thing that you repetitively zero in on is crap like my spelling: ie., Obamarrhoidal, BTW ain't a spelling error. Admittedly, there may be some typos in some of my multiple paragraph posts.....maybe even in some shorter posts ....that can happen to anyone.

RP's unequivocal position is that "WE MUST MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS". It is a helluva lot more reasonable to assume that the Political Idiot RP would consider GOING TO WAR FOR ANOTHER COUNTRY as not "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

This cheap bullshit about "Totalitarian" and your idiotic "opinion" about me in that regard is comparable to me asking you if you knew what "SURRENDER" meant, and that you sound like you want to SURRENDER to the Muslim fucks.
Oh yeah, you spelled it RIGHT out for me. You didn't have any factual errors at ALL in that post. :lol:

Factual errors ?



Name one, idiot.

What planet do you live on?

Beyond your grammatical errors you asserted that Ron Paul will destroy Israel.

Are you familiar with the word "totalitarian" because you certainly sound like one.

gay trauma is pretty nuts...

but, ron paul and his boys really do hate israel. there's a reason that the randians and the kkk'ers like him. he also happens to know zip, zilch, nada about the constitution and, unfortunately, his brand of ignorance has infected a pretty fair percentage of the electorate.
It's exactly for these reasons that Ron Paul's supporters encourage him. It's not the subject matter that's imprtant, but the fact that he wants to leave it up to the states to decide things for themselves instead of having an overly fat and bloated federal government like Obama and his Communist loving administration has been pushing for.

I don't buy this. Israel is our Ally, we're obligated to defend them. RP knows that.

The Political Idiot RP's ideas on this issue are carved in marble: He unequivocally insists on the issue of MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

Going to WAR for another country, is most definitely NOT "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS" !!!

Ron Paul would make it clear that if any of our interests are fucked with he will bombard those who attacked with an assortment of bombs many nations didn't know exist.

We have the capabilities to do that, we don't because progressives and most republicans are pussies.

Terrorism wouldn't exist if we turned a small area into glass because the governments a) who encourage the terrorist bullshit and b) look the other way when it occurs would take it seriously then and they would surrender or would aggressively hunt terrorists and take the issue seriously.

You're godlike ability to read exactly what's on the Political Idiot's Rp's mind ....minute by minute matter what his STATEMENTS on the issue are ASTOUNDING !!!! .......and, actually FULL OF SHIT !!!
OK....I've heard your positions.

I responded to them.

I feel like I'm getting to the point where I'm walloping a dead horse.

Carry on between you......have fun (if you can).

Probably will be back......probably, much later.

Just one thing more: Ron Paul's idiocy is also documented by another thread I'm starting. Has to do with The Political Idiot RP's comment on the "REPUBLICAN NOMINEES DEBATE" about his moronic and clueless performance on the subject of CUBA ....... i.e. that for Chrissakes we are not even talking to CUBA !!!
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It's exactly for these reasons that Ron Paul's supporters encourage him. It's not the subject matter that's imprtant, but the fact that he wants to leave it up to the states to decide things for themselves instead of having an overly fat and bloated federal government like Obama and his Communist loving administration has been pushing for.

I don't buy this. Israel is our Ally, we're obligated to defend them. RP knows that.

The Political Idiot RP's ideas on this issue are carved in marble: He unequivocally insists on the issue of MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

Going to WAR for another country, is most definitely NOT "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS" !!!

Ron Paul would make it clear that if any of our interests are fucked with he will bombard those who attacked with an assortment of bombs many nations didn't know exist.

We have the capabilities to do that, we don't because progressives and most republicans are pussies.

Terrorism wouldn't exist if we turned a small area into glass because the governments a) who encourage the terrorist bullshit and b) look the other way when it occurs would take it seriously then and they would surrender or would aggressively hunt terrorists and take the issue seriously.

actually paul has made it clear, along with his fellow idiots, that he doesn't believe there is *anything* worth fighting and dying for.

and thinking if you're nice to terrorists, they'll go away is imbecilic. you think spain did anything to warrant its subway system being bombed?

i really dislike you for making me agree with gay trauma... well kind of.
Ron Paul knows little about Constitutional case law but he’s absolutely correct when it comes to American foreign policy, which there should be as little of as possible.

Because states have the constitutional right to do such per the Tenth Amendment.

I see you share Paul’s ignorance of the Constitution.

Fortunately the Supreme Court disagrees with you both:

From the beginning and for many years, the [Tenth A]mendment has been construed as not depriving the national government of authority to resort to all means for the exercise of a granted power which are appropriate and plainly adapted to the permitted end.

US v Darby (1941).

I know Paul is old but not that old.

And both you and Paul never heard of the 14th Amendment.

Progressives believe this nation was founded in 1913.

And conservatives act as if it is 1913.

Ron Paul is the only candidate that's serious about giving the country back to the people and the state(s).

He will immediately do that without question.

So, he’s running for dictator?

Do you really believe the shit you spew?

The entire libertarian philosophy is based on the constitution and a punk like you has the fucking audacity to claim classical liberals don't understand the document - one of which is intelligent enough to become a medical doctor.

Then you attempt to assert that I'm wrong or libertarians are wrong because 5/9 dickhead are tyrant federalists??
RP's unequivocal position is that "WE MUST MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS". It is a helluva lot more reasonable to assume that the Political Idiot RP would consider GOING TO WAR FOR ANOTHER COUNTRY as not "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

Is there something wrong with your keyboard? It looks like your caps lock is sticking or something.

Ron Paul loves you.
Ouch, another anti-RP noobs gettin owned.

I love it when someone says "I hate RP for xxxxx reason" only to find out he never took any of those positions...
The Political Idiot RP's ideas on this issue are carved in marble: He unequivocally insists on the issue of MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

Going to WAR for another country, is most definitely NOT "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS" !!!

Ron Paul would make it clear that if any of our interests are fucked with he will bombard those who attacked with an assortment of bombs many nations didn't know exist.

We have the capabilities to do that, we don't because progressives and most republicans are pussies.

Terrorism wouldn't exist if we turned a small area into glass because the governments a) who encourage the terrorist bullshit and b) look the other way when it occurs would take it seriously then and they would surrender or would aggressively hunt terrorists and take the issue seriously.

actually paul has made it clear, along with his fellow idiots, that he doesn't believe there is *anything* worth fighting and dying for.

and thinking if you're nice to terrorists, they'll go away is imbecilic. you think spain did anything to warrant its subway system being bombed?

i really dislike you for making me agree with gay trauma... well kind of.

Do you think Ron Paul would just sit there watching our enemies attack our foreign assets?

Do you think he will say: "yeah I have no problem with murdering 200,000 Iranian civilians if Iranian Sharia Islamic militants attempt to destroy Israel?"

That would be a libertarian approach to global issues.
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Ron Paul would make it clear that if any of our interests are fucked with he will bombard those who attacked with an assortment of bombs many nations didn't know exist.

We have the capabilities to do that, we don't because progressives and most republicans are pussies.

Terrorism wouldn't exist if we turned a small area into glass because the governments a) who encourage the terrorist bullshit and b) look the other way when it occurs would take it seriously then and they would surrender or would aggressively hunt terrorists and take the issue seriously.

actually paul has made it clear, along with his fellow idiots, that he doesn't believe there is *anything* worth fighting and dying for.

and thinking if you're nice to terrorists, they'll go away is imbecilic. you think spain did anything to warrant its subway system being bombed?

i really dislike you for making me agree with gay trauma... well kind of.

Do you think Ron Paul would just sit there watching our enemies attack our foreign assets?

Do you think he will say: "yeah I have no problem with murdering 200,000 Iranian civilians if Iranian Sharia Islamic militants attempt to destroy Israel?"

That would be a libertarian approach to global issues.

i think he's an isolationist who would do absolutely nothing to help israel. he would say it isn't "our problem"... same as people made the holocaust a "jewish problem" and we didn't get into WW2 until after pearl harbor despite the carnage.

so yeah, i think he's pretty useless on that particular issue. not that i think it was any better to get into a war of choice based on pathetic lies in iraq.

why would you call them "terrorists" if its their GOVERNMENT who wants to destroy israel? just wondering. because this is the only issue i disagree with him on... it's just one among many that illustrate his naivete and ignorance.
The Political Idiot RP's ideas on this issue are carved in marble: He unequivocally insists on the issue of MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS !!!"

Going to WAR for another country, is most definitely NOT "MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS" !!!

Ron Paul would make it clear that if any of our interests are fucked with he will bombard those who attacked with an assortment of bombs many nations didn't know exist.

We have the capabilities to do that, we don't because progressives and most republicans are pussies.

Terrorism wouldn't exist if we turned a small area into glass because the governments a) who encourage the terrorist bullshit and b) look the other way when it occurs would take it seriously then and they would surrender or would aggressively hunt terrorists and take the issue seriously.

actually paul has made it clear, along with his fellow idiots, that he doesn't believe there is *anything* worth fighting and dying for.

and thinking if you're nice to terrorists, they'll go away is imbecilic. you think spain did anything to warrant its subway system being bombed?

i really dislike you for making me agree with gay trauma... well kind of.


I'll tell you what... If I were forced to vote for a GOP candidate... it would be Paul.

I still don't believe in the "anti-social" agenda of Conservatism.. I firmly believe that the true measure of society is how it treats it's weakest members... the last, the least, the littlest-Cardinal Roger Mahoney

however... if there's one thing that Paul stands for above the others is an equal disdain for Corporatism and Militarism.... so two out of three ain't bad- Jim Steinman
actually paul has made it clear, along with his fellow idiots, that he doesn't believe there is *anything* worth fighting and dying for.

and thinking if you're nice to terrorists, they'll go away is imbecilic. you think spain did anything to warrant its subway system being bombed?

i really dislike you for making me agree with gay trauma... well kind of.

Do you think Ron Paul would just sit there watching our enemies attack our foreign assets?

Do you think he will say: "yeah I have no problem with murdering 200,000 Iranian civilians if Iranian Sharia Islamic militants attempt to destroy Israel?"

That would be a libertarian approach to global issues.

i think he's an isolationist who would do absolutely nothing to help israel. he would say it isn't "our problem"... same as people made the holocaust a "jewish problem" and we didn't get into WW2 until after pearl harbor despite the carnage.

so yeah, i think he's pretty useless on that particular issue. not that i think it was any better to get into a war of choice based on pathetic lies in iraq.

why would you call them "terrorists" if its their GOVERNMENT who wants to destroy israel? just wondering. because this is the only issue i disagree with him on... it's just one among many that illustrate his naivete and ignorance.

Look out! Big news! Another dumb ass that does not even know what the fuck the word "isolationist" means past "insualt!"

Get the definition and show us all how RP is an "isolationist."
I already stated the more important issues that prove Ron Paul to be a POLITICAL IDIOT, and his followers (albeit, some having the best truly patriotic reasons) not far behind, as far as their Political Intelligence is concerned ...... in my other thread: "THE POLITICAL MORON, RON PAUL ".

The following is the link to another analyst who clearly DEMOLISHES the ignorant POLITICAL IDIOT RON PAUL w/r/t to CUBA.

Please note the idiotically ignorant comments of Ron Paul on the "REPUBLICAN NOMINEES DEBATE" regarding CUBA and for one of his more specific comments (paraphrased?): "Chrissakes,, we don't even talk to CUBA" ...... that got RP an almost standing ovation from his equally ignorant, clueless followers.

Here is the link to Humerto Fontova's analysis that should remove any doubt as to the Political Idiot Ron Paul's connection to REALITY:

History Lesson for Candidate Ron Paul - Humberto Fontova - Townhall Conservative
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It's not easy to "relax" when morons abound who (with otherwise good intentions) desire to actively annihilate one's beloved country.

Yeah, but see, that's nonsense.

Yeah, but see ...... apparently you are an Obamarrhoidal stooge who is going over the cliff following the REAL NONSENSE of your losing MONUMENTAL MARXIST, RACIST, MUSLIM PROTECTOR SAMBO OBAMBO.


And, for the billionth time, gaytrauma goes off the deep end!

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