The political spectrum

No society can exist without some form of government.

Even a communal society has some form of government.

If your imaginary society require a unanimous agreement of all members for anything then you have a government.

If your imaginary society by unanimous agreement bans any activity then you have a government

Anarchism can have no laws, no agreed upon course of action no prohibited activities.

If a society was truly anarchistic people could just take anything they wanted from anyone because theft could not be illegal since you need some form of government to make and enforce laws.
How many definitions of anarchy are there?
As many as people make up I spose. Which one are you using? Seriously. If we're using different definitions, we're just talking past each other. Which some of you seem to really enjoy. But I don't.
As it has been said so many times in this thread, you dont understand anarchy.
Anarchy is a community, a society. It just lacks government. Government doesnt make a society, it can just be apart of it.
Do you think anarchy is just each home doing their own thing? No trading or bartering? No cook outs? No roads or infrastructure? Anarchy replaces government with voluntary institutions, that doesnt mean it isnt a society.
Read a fucking book.
And those voluntary institutions do what?

Create and enforce laws? Regulate behaviors of people in the society?

In your anarchistic society a Thieves' Guild could be a "voluntary" association and would have to be allowed to exist. Assassinations and murders would have to be permitted since no laws against them could be enacted and enforced.

Like I said an anarchistic society cannot exist.
projecting again?

What a little puss you turned out to be.

Just put me on ignore if you cannot deal with someone that will not bow down to you
Its your stupidity. And your consistent lack of awareness. Not you being argumentative.
If i didnt want that, I wouldnt be making threads, or even being on a political forum. Would I?
Scrapping 200 years of political thought just to blame every bad thing in human governance on the left might be the most retarded thing the right has ever done.
Socialism and all of it's offshoots has killed more people than any socioeconomic system in history and has accomplished this achievement in less than 200 years.
As many as people make up I spose. Which one are you using? Seriously. If we're using different definitions, we're just talking past each other. Which some of you seem to really enjoy. But I don't.
post # 355
Its your stupidity. And your consistent lack of awareness. Not you being argumentative.
If i didnt want that, I wouldnt be making threads, or even being on a political forum. Would I?

You make threads so people will come tell you how amazing you are and so you can attack everyone that does not bow down to you and your amazing intellect.
So what have we learned class?
We have learned there is no representation for the right in this country.
The political spectrum, which is a scale of OPPOSITES, is tyranny on the extreme left, anarchy on the extreme right.
Golfing Gator lets other people decide his own reality.
Mintrut is a fuckin lunatic.
No one can refute the OP, they can just say "nuh uh"
You are all dismissed.
You can delude yourself into thinking right-wingers can't be tyrannical or authoratarians. In Saudi Arabia, they're not leftists, they're theocratic right-wingers, similar to many Christian nationalists. There are dictators in Africa, in Asia, and in Latin America, that aren't leftists. I support Bukele, the president of El Salvador, and he's a right-wing, Evangelical authoritarian:

He's saving El Salvador with a necessary heavy, violent hand.

Both the left and the right can be authoritarian and tyrannical.
No society can exist without some form of government.
That's the presumption that anarchists question. But of course that depends on how you define anarchy, which you still resist doing. I guess it just more fun to be vague. You can't really be proven wrong then.
You can delude yourself into thinking right-wingers can't be tyrannical or authoratarians. In Saudi Arabia, they're not leftists, they're theocratic right-wingers, similar to many Christian nationalists. There are dictators in Africa, in Asia, and in Latin America, that aren't leftists. I support Bukele, the president of El Salvador, and he's a right-wing, Evangelical authoritarian:

He's saving El Salvador with a necessary heavy, violent hand.

Both the left and the right can be authoritarian and tyrannical.

"Right wing" as defined by whom?
Wrong. Again. There is no "guy with power"

You also dont understand what "society" means

Look if your society has a way to agree on any common rules, laws etc. that is a form government for that society.

And there is always a guy or a group with power in any society.

In your anarchistic "society" there could be honest barter but there could also be forcible theft, slavery, rape etc because there is no governing body to pass and enforce laws.

The second people get together to write and agree upon a code of conduct for that "society" you have government.
That's the presumption that anarchists question. But of course that depends on how you define anarchy, which you still resist doing. I guess it just more fun to be vague. You can't really be proven wrong then.
I gave you the post with the definition I am using.
You can delude yourself into thinking right-wingers can't be tyrannical or authoratarians. In Saudi Arabia, they're not leftists, they're theocratic right-wingers, similar to many Christian nationalists. There are dictators in Africa, in Asia, and in Latin America, that aren't leftists. I support Bukele, the president of El Salvador, and he's a right-wing, Evangelical authoritarian:

He's saving El Salvador with a necessary heavy, violent hand.

Both the left and the right can be authoritarian and tyrannical.

Dictators are leftists. Saudia Arabia is a leftist Nation.
Being a theocrat doesnt automatically define a persons ideology. Thats just something stupid people tell you.
There were five definitions in the link you provided. Which one are you using? And why are you being so evasive about it?

: absence of government
: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
the city's descent into anarchy

: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

: absence or denial of any authority or established order
anarchy prevailed in the war zone

: absence of order : DISORDER
not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature—Israel Shenker

There are 2 definitions and they both apply.

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