The political spectrum

Who or what defines rights? Who determined that a community can't establish the rights of its members and government institutions? If you answer that God provides us with our rights. What deity are you appealing to? The Christian God?

"God given rights" has nothing to do with religion. They're just talking about freedom, free will. We're born with the capacity for volition, and, absent of any interference, we have the freedom to act. The point of the phrase is to point out that we have freedom without the government. It's not granting it too us. Jefferson was trying to say that we create government to protect our freedom. Not to tell everyone how to live.
Doesn't matter.

If there is order imposed then there is no anarchy.

If no one has more power than another then murder is accepted.

If this society has any laws at all it is not anarchistic.
You’re speaking as if words are supposed to have any actual meaning.

Tsk tsk. This is contrary to the liberal orthodoxy. It’s blasphemy. You must repent sinner.

Anarchy calls for it. I don’t think anybody really imagines that anarchy is workable.
I think that we'll almost certainly grow out of government, and it will be viewed as barbaric. But we're not ready yet. People have to first get over the idea that the government is there to force their preferences on others.
I think that we'll almost certainly grow out of government, and it will be viewed as barbaric. But we're not ready yet. People have to first get over the idea that the government is there to force their preferences on others.
I see your political view as utopian and utterly unrealistic.

As long as any person feels entitled to some item or product, it seems logical to assume that he or she will simply take it.

If there is no government there defining and enforcing a concept of “ownership,” then if that individual simply “takes” it from me, his possession makes him the “owner.” But

He best not assume that he will have it when he needs it. Because, there’s nothing to prevent me or someone else from simply taking it from him.

You think human nature about such things is likely to end any time soon?
You obviously are confused if you believe a community of people can exist without laws and a means to enforce them.
Why cant they?
How do you explain Zomia?
Or many pre-colonial indian tribes?
Or look at what the Makhnovsists did/were going to do before they got conquered.
It certainly can happen. Probably not on a large scale like USA but it can. Not everyone is a needy, entitled POS :thup:
Why cant they?
How do you explain Zomia?
Or many pre-colonial indian tribes?
Or look at what the Makhnovsists did/were going to do before they got conquered.
It certainly can happen. Probably not on a large scale like USA but it can. Not everyone is a needy, entitled POS :thup:
Indian tribes had laws and rules and if one broke them, one would get disciplined if not scalped. You're dumb if you think human beings can live in a community without rules or any leadership. You live in a fantasy world.
Indian tribes had laws and rules and if one broke them, one would get disciplined if not scalped.
All of them? Good luck proving it. I have read about tribes that had no leaders and no laws. If someone did something bad, their entire community came after them.
You're dumb if you think human beings can live in a community without rules or any leadership.
Coming from you, that isnt the least bit an insult. And you are also super religious. You live your entire life being ruled and in fear. Of course your mind is not open to other possibilities.
All of them? Good luck proving it. I have read about tribes that had no leaders and no laws. If someone did something bad, their entire community came after them.

Coming from you, that isnt the least bit an insult. And you are also super religious. You live your entire life being ruled and in fear. Of course your mind is not open to other possibilities.

You're the one claiming native americans lived in communities without rules and hence had no rules to enforce. The burden of proof is upon you, not me. You said that if someone did something "bad", the whole community would come after them. That implies that the community has clearly defined rules, if not there would be no way of identifying or enforcing rules against what is "bad".
Anarchist "society" is a contradiction in terms. To have a society there needs to be a system in place that can establish the rules for social contracts and the ability to enforce and protect them and people's rights. If that is not in place, it's the law of the jungle. Might makes right. You have chaos, no law and order.
The Spectrum Treats People Like Inanimate Objects

Because of the confusion presented by reality, people naturally seek some kind of authority; that is inevitable. But mentally inferior authority aggressively imposes itself and has an overwhelming and destructive influence. So anarchy is a vacuum that has to be filled and won't exist for long. The more anarchy, the more tyranny will follow.

Knowing what would happen, Lenin intentionally eliminated the use of money. When that economic anarchy collapsed, he used it as an excuse to impose a command economy, which was only accepted because he enforced it with murder and the influence of massive and monopolistic mind-control..

But it just as bad to use that abuse as a reason to go back to anarchy. So TNHarley's pushing Big Government as a false opposite of what he preaches is a clue that he has nothing. That is a strawman that proves nothing about the alternatives, especially when the spectrum itself is a tool of mind-control.

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