The political spectrum

Why do so many of you comment on the anarchist political theory when you have no fucking idea what it is? Seriously, whats the point?
Why do so many of you comment on the anarchist political theory when you have no fucking idea what it is? Seriously, whats the point?
Don't run away, don't cop-out. How can you have a community without a system in place to determine the rules everyone has to abide by and the means to enforce those rules, when broken? Explain.
A mother’s story of escaping the gender cult... “I am no longer a true believer. This experience…has felt like leaving a cult, a cult that would have me sacrifice my child to the gods of gender ideology, in the name of social justice & collective liberation”

"social justice" is a cult designed for those on the secular left
A mother’s story of escaping the gender cult... “I am no longer a true believer. This experience…has felt like leaving a cult, a cult that would have me sacrifice my child to the gods of gender ideology, in the name of social justice & collective liberation”

"social justice" is a cult designed for those on the secular left
There's good social justice and bad social justice. God in the Bible, is the ultimate social justice warrior.
A mother’s story of escaping the gender cult... “I am no longer a true believer. This experience…has felt like leaving a cult, a cult that would have me sacrifice my child to the gods of gender ideology, in the name of social justice & collective liberation”

"social justice" is a cult designed for those on the secular left
Nothing more than a cult
You can have a society without a government. A society is nothing more than a community. A group of people.
Do you understand now, so I can move on?

How can you have a community without rules? Your rights are protected by community rules and the means to enforce those rules.
Definitely. The babies of the wicked, are future monsters. God the author of life can choose to wipe out the wicked with their babies. The babies go to heaven, the parents go to hell where they belong.
Of course, that has no basis in reality.
It's an untenable theory
It is fantasy

Utopian nonsense.
Thats fine. Call it what you want. You should still at least know a little bit about it before arguing against it.
You are looking at the theory like its chaos or something. It isnt.

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