The political spectrum

I guess since I support capitalism, I am living in a dreamworld but it isnt prsacticed anywhere, so it doesnt actually exist :rofl:
why is it people dont read their own shit when it proves them wrong??

it says right there in your link that its political disorder,,

how can there be disorder if it doesnt exist??

What is the most common factor ?

No government, no authority

When people say there was anarchy is the senate because it became disorderly, that is more of a euphemism because the order and the authority is still present in any government body is it not?
I guess since I support capitalism, I am living in a dreamworld but it isnt prsacticed anywhere, so it doesnt actually exist :rofl:

Capitalism in its purest form does not exist.

It's like when people use the word socialism to describe a government program.
Doesn't matter.

If there is order imposed then there is no anarchy.

If no one has more power than another then murder is accepted.

If this society has any laws at all it is not anarchistic.
Who said that was an order or law? You simply made that up.
Anarchist social contract : Do onto others
Where is the govt in that?

More fairy tales that have never exited in human history.

In reality the anarchist social contract is "Do onto others before they do unto you"
Yourself. Your entire community.

Yourself? You're the police, judge, and executioner? Are you like "Judge-Dread", going around hurting people if they break their contract with you? There are no official legislative bodies, no courts of law, or police in your anarchist society? What if there are people who don't recognize your property rights, that are only recognized by you and not everyone in your anarchist society? Whose going to protect you from me, the cult leader, who has almost half (40%) of the community considering him their guru and king?
Yourself? You're the police, judge, and executioner? Are you like "Judge-Dread", going around hurting people if they break their contract with you? There are no official legislative bodies, no courts of law, or police in your anarchist society? What if there are people who don't recognize your property rights, that are only recognized by you and not everyone in your anarchist society? Whose going to protect you from me, the cult leader, who has almost half (40%) of the community considering him their guru and king?
Doesnt sound like an anarchist society at all.
Doesnt sound like an anarchist society at all.
Anarchist "society" is an oxymoron. To have a society you need to have a system in place, that can establish the rules for social contracts, and the ability to enforce and protect them and your rights. If you don't have that in place, it's the law of the jungle. Might makes right. You have chaos, no law and order.
Anarchist "society" is an oxymoron. To have a society you need to have a system that can establish the rules for social contracts, and the ability to enforce and protect them and your rights. If you don't have that in place, it's the law of the jungle. Might makes right. You have chaos, no law and order.

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