The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you.

And yes that is a far left trait. How does it feel to support that which you claim to be against?

Until you learn how babies are made, you really don't have a say in this.

And when you do learn that it takes both a man and woman to cause pregnancy, you still don't have a say in it - unless its you who is pregnant.

Once again the far left drones show they are about promoting their religion by derailing threads..

That's just the thing. You right wing anti abortion nuts have taken over and controlled the conversation for far too long. Making people feel guilty about their decision to abort. But when it's your kid who can either go off to college or stay home and raise a child, you sneak her away to the very same abortion clinic you picket. Stop it.

Look how dumb religions are: In Pakistan Birth Control And Religion Clash NPR

We need better birth control policies.

Foreign Policy Without Birth Control Planet Doomed NPR

Then we will have less unwanted pregnancies. Anyone got a problem with lowering the number of unwanted pregnancies?

And you prove why the far left religion is the most dangerous on the planet..

We already have too many people on this planet. It is time people stop having so many children. We're over populating the planet. Using up all the natural resources. HA! I remember a right winger said I was worrying for nothing about over population. I knew they're theory that the numbers would eventually top off was not true.

They said the number of people living on the planet would reach around 9 billion by 2050 and then level off. Now everything has changed: Rather than leveling off, the population size will continue to grow, reaching 10 billion or more at century's end.

Why is this happening? Put simply, fertility rates. Across much of the world, women are having fewer children, but in African countries, the decline is far slower than expected. Part of this shift was supposed to come from preferences about family size and better access to family planning to make that possible. Sadly, however, that access hasn't come.

Uganda — with one of the highest numbers of AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa — is projected to almost triple its population by 2050.

Consider this: In the first five months of this year, the world population grew by enough to equal all the AIDS deaths since the epidemic began 30 years ago.

If the world doesn't begin investing far more seriously in family planning, much of our progress fighting poverty in sub-Saharan Africa over the last half-century could be lost.

I say we have the same problem in our inner city ghettos here in America. So get them the IUD, Pill or rubbers but if those things fail there's always abortion. Thanks to science and a non religious country/government that has common sense.

Isn't it hysterical?


"Well ya know, sexual intercourse causes babies... maybe, we should not be using sex as recreation."





See the problem... .
If a man wants a child then he should have one with a woman who wants to have a child with him. Not force a woman.


Cite... the posts where this is happening, or concede through your failure to do so, that you're advancing that which you KNOW to be FALSE, as truth.

oh they maintain that denying a parent the option of slaughtering their offspring is the same as *forcing* them to be pregnant.


Yep... such is the nature of the lowly Relativist... they're evil.
Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

They can't understand how stupid and ridiculous their statements are.

If women are supposed to remain virgins until they marry, who are all those single men going to have sex with to sow their wild oats?

Meanwhile millions of American children are growing up without their dad's love.

It's just fine for men to turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood but it's not ok for women to have sex before marriage and they're not supposed to have any freedom to choose when and how many children they have.
Sounds like a lot of feminist tripe. Women are the gate keepers, the ones who will decide when a child is brought into the world, with whom, and under what circumstances. With great power comes great responsibility. If her choices led to the creation of life, she cannot erase her mistake by killing it. Men too must take full responsibility for their choice to create life by supporting that life into adulthood. That's why a lot of men pressure their girlfriends to abort, so they can get off the hook. That's how many abortions happen, a child is murdered because its parents conspired against its life to duck their responsibilities. So this isn't a "male" thing. Leave the feminist nonsense out.
Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.

Agreed! The mental midget that believes that your uterus is public property also demanded evidence only to run away and hide when the links were provided. I suspect that godaholics are allergic to facts. :D

So true.

They can't even post something intelligent to refute what I posted. All they do is personally attack.

They're just like little children. A ten year old child seems to have more intelligence and maturity than they do.

What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.

Agreed! The mental midget that believes that your uterus is public property also demanded evidence only to run away and hide when the links were provided. I suspect that godaholics are allergic to facts. :D

So true.

They can't even post something intelligent to refute what I posted. All they do is personally attack.

They're just like little children. A ten year old child seems to have more intelligence and maturity than they do.

No, we posted intelligent points. Do you think that ^^^^ is an intelligent, mature response? Because it isn't, and it's representative of all your tripe. What isn't outright lies is just nonsense.
Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

They can't understand how stupid and ridiculous their statements are.

If women are supposed to remain virgins until they marry, who are all those single men going to have sex with to sow their wild oats?

Meanwhile millions of American children are growing up without their dad's love.

It's just fine for men to turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood but it's not ok for women to have sex before marriage and they're not supposed to have any freedom to choose when and how many children they have.
Sounds like a lot of feminist tripe. Women are the gate keepers, the ones who will decide when a child is brought into the world, with whom, and under what circumstances. With great power comes great responsibility. If her choices led to the creation of life, she cannot erase her mistake by killing it. Men too must take full responsibility for their choice to create life by supporting that life into adulthood. That's why a lot of men pressure their girlfriends to abort, so they can get off the hook. That's how many abortions happen, a child is murdered because its parents conspired against its life to duck their responsibilities. So this isn't a "male" thing. Leave the feminist nonsense out.

Exactly. What they object to is the SCIENCE of creation.

Abortion is a tool by which men control women, it always has been. It allows them to treat women as chattel, to engage in casual sex with them, and then to walk away.

And almost 100 percent of the abortions that take place are taking place because some man doesn't want to support his kid..but still wants to use women as his personal sex toys. And the *feminists* who support abortion are supporting that.
Exactly. What they object to is the SCIENCE of creation.

Abortion is a tool by which men control women, it always has been. It allows them to treat women as chattel, to engage in casual sex with them, and then to walk away.

And almost 100 percent of the abortions that take place are taking place because some man doesn't want to support his kid..but still wants to use women as his personal sex toys. And the *feminists* who support abortion are supporting that.
You don't even know what feminism means. Get back in your sewer and pick up a dictionary. Feminism is only about women's rights. Protecting and expanding women's rights and preventing Patriarchy from denying them or making women subservient again. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE ONES TRYING TO ENSLAVE WOMEN. I cannot, cannot make it more simple for you. I can't break it down any more than that. You're the one trying to deny a woman freedom. You're the one trying to force a woman to spawn against her will just because you got pregnant, because you think sex is a crime and people who get laid as deserving of punishment. All I'm trying to do is preserve your rights. You won't let me because that would mean other women get rights too, and your internalized misogyny just can't handle that, can it? You just couldn't live with yourself knowing other women got to have abortions just like you did.
Exactly. What they object to is the SCIENCE of creation.

Abortion is a tool by which men control women, it always has been. It allows them to treat women as chattel, to engage in casual sex with them, and then to walk away.

And almost 100 percent of the abortions that take place are taking place because some man doesn't want to support his kid..but still wants to use women as his personal sex toys. And the *feminists* who support abortion are supporting that.
You don't even know what feminism means. Get back in your sewer and pick up a dictionary. Feminism is only about women's rights. Protecting and expanding women's rights and preventing Patriarchy from denying them or making women subservient again. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE ONES TRYING TO ENSLAVE WOMEN. I cannot, cannot make it more simple for you. I can't break it down any more than that. You're the one trying to deny a woman freedom. You're the one trying to force a woman to spawn against her will just because you got pregnant, because you think sex is a crime and people who get laid as deserving of punishment. All I'm trying to do is preserve your rights. You won't let me because that would mean other women get rights too, and your internalized misogyny just can't handle that, can it? You just couldn't live with yourself knowing other women got to have abortions just like you did.
Why is it you Leftist string together quatrains of slogans and platitudes and pass it off as an argument? What, are you running for Congress so you have to dumb down your rhetoric to the lowest common denominator? You've gotten so used to making up rights, you think if you yell "rights" then that consigns anyone who disagrees as the enemy of civil liberties. The problem is when one group insists that their rights trump all others. So if a baby has a right to life, its father and relatives a right to not have it murdered, then if anyone else gets their rights respect it deprives women of their rights? The idea that anyone has an absolute right is estranged to American thinking and becomes itself a form of tyranny because of necessity it suppresses all others.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

They can't understand how stupid and ridiculous their statements are.

If women are supposed to remain virgins until they marry, who are all those single men going to have sex with to sow their wild oats?

Meanwhile millions of American children are growing up without their dad's love.

It's just fine for men to turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood but it's not ok for women to have sex before marriage and they're not supposed to have any freedom to choose when and how many children they have.
Sounds like a lot of feminist tripe. Women are the gate keepers, the ones who will decide when a child is brought into the world, with whom, and under what circumstances. With great power comes great responsibility. If her choices led to the creation of life, she cannot erase her mistake by killing it. Men too must take full responsibility for their choice to create life by supporting that life into adulthood. That's why a lot of men pressure their girlfriends to abort, so they can get off the hook. That's how many abortions happen, a child is murdered because its parents conspired against its life to duck their responsibilities. So this isn't a "male" thing. Leave the feminist nonsense out.

Exactly. What they object to is the SCIENCE of creation.

Abortion is a tool by which men control women, it always has been. It allows them to treat women as chattel, to engage in casual sex with them, and then to walk away.

And almost 100 percent of the abortions that take place are taking place because some man doesn't want to support his kid..but still wants to use women as his personal sex toys. And the *feminists* who support abortion are supporting that.
And it has far reaching consequences we rarely discuss. How many nations with abortion are not replacing their numbers through procreation? All of them! We're no different than any other society that died out because they passed their children through the fires of Molech or killed them off in pointless wars. We're not special as to escape their fate if we murder our children like they did. Right now there are Amazon tribes that bury their children alive to appease some deity and they're on the verge of becoming extinct, not able to connect the dots any better than we're doing. "Choose life" God told the Israelites, "that you may live, you and your children."

This is why we reject the culture of death.
Exactly. What they object to is the SCIENCE of creation.

Abortion is a tool by which men control women, it always has been. It allows them to treat women as chattel, to engage in casual sex with them, and then to walk away.

And almost 100 percent of the abortions that take place are taking place because some man doesn't want to support his kid..but still wants to use women as his personal sex toys. And the *feminists* who support abortion are supporting that.
You don't even know what feminism means. Get back in your sewer and pick up a dictionary. Feminism is only about women's rights. Protecting and expanding women's rights and preventing Patriarchy from denying them or making women subservient again. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE ONES TRYING TO ENSLAVE WOMEN. I cannot, cannot make it more simple for you. I can't break it down any more than that. You're the one trying to deny a woman freedom. You're the one trying to force a woman to spawn against her will just because you got pregnant, because you think sex is a crime and people who get laid as deserving of punishment. All I'm trying to do is preserve your rights. You won't let me because that would mean other women get rights too, and your internalized misogyny just can't handle that, can it? You just couldn't live with yourself knowing other women got to have abortions just like you did.

Abortion protects pimps and makes the sex slave trade tick. Abortion is the tool by which women can be used for sex, yet never lay a claim against the men who use them. The abortion industry kills, mutilates and tortures women, for the sake of men who abuse women. It is the armor behind which abusers function in anonymity, and with absolutely no accountability.

So of course you're going to call me nasty names if I threaten it. I bet you wish you could hit me. Or throw me in the stirrups, eh? Show me who's boss?
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?
Actually religious leaders were on the front lines of the abolition movement, the first to make contact with native people not with a gun, but with the gospel, and you people have proven just as eager for war as anyone. to all that.

On both front lines, at that:

"The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence."
-- Robert E. Lee; from letter to Mary Anne Lee (27 December 1856)
And still nothing from those hostile to privacy right as to a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

Hostility to privacy rights is expressed most profoundly, wherein the right is used as a means to cloak immoral behavior which ends the life of innocent, defenseless human beings.

Ya see Scamp... where people use privacy to do such things, they forfeit their right to privacy.

So, your advocacy must inevitably lead to the end to privacy itself, let alone a 'right' to be private.

There will come a reckoning... such evil cannot stand and as such, it will not.
A fetus is not a child. It would be called a child if it were. They're two different fucking things. Grow up, learn science, and stop trying to control women's bodies. The only body you have any right to is your own. You don't get to decide whether or not to force anyone to become or remain pregnant. You have no say in whether or when someone spawns. The only rights you have are to your own fucking self. Do you understand this? Do you understand that this is why nothing you said is even valid? They're not even real fucking opinions. You know they're wrong. You know why they're wrong. Now grow the fuck up and stop pretending to believe shit you have no right to believe.

All I will say is that more women need to learn to control their own bodies. Most pregnancies are not caused by rape.

Meanwhile, the left tries to control what we eat, as if that isn't personal. It's our bodies, right?

The left claims they should force people to eat better and not smoke because it costs money to treat illnesses, yet they bitch because tax payers don't foot the bill for the millions of unwanted pregnancies each year. Which is it? Does government have a say in our behavior to control costs or not? You can't have it both ways.

You can't force school children to eat the lame shit Michelle's program offers up and impose a bigger sin tax on smokes without preaching to kids that they need to smart enough to avoid getting pregnant.

The Palin kids are paid to do that.
Hey, it's cool when Progressives, to draw attention away from the fact they want to kill the offspring of poor people, attack the children of a political figure, instead.
So, I see on this thread that the real wrong is that people get abortions rather than abstain from sex.

I'm curious. how are you going to implement the solution? I mean, this is going to take one hell of a sales job to convince people to stop having sex. Will this be a billboard campaign?
What's your point?

"Ayn Rand did it, so it must be ok...?"

Taking seriously one's responsibility for the life one conceives, IS what separates human beings from the animal kingdom... which is saddled with adherence to their base instincts, thus it is YOU who is advocating that human females are merely breeding stock... which can only be relived of the burden, through the mass murder of their off-spring.

You people truly are helpless.

Wow, there's this weird thing where you guys project your stupidity onto others.

Reality check. Abortion laws that you guys love are the product of when a woman WAS property. We don't want the property enjoying her sexuality, do we?
A fetus is not a child. It would be called a child if it were. They're two different fucking things. Grow up, learn science, and stop trying to control women's bodies...

You're right, a fetus is not a child, a child is not an adolescent, an adolescent isn't an adult, an adult isn't a senior citizen. A fetus is a human being. It has not reached a particular stage of development as a human being which is the reason it has to be aborted. Learn science! Namely, Biology! Once that fertilized egg began reproducing cells it became an independent living human organism in the state of being.... ergo: A Human Being. The organism will continue being a human being until it expires.

Pretending it is anything else is a lie. It is in contradiction of science. As the OP pointed out, even Roe v Wade recognizes the fetus is a human life. In that case, they ruled the life was not of enough value to have rights.

Grow up, learn that no one wants to "control women's bodies" and that's not what this is about. Reasonable people who want to reach a solution our civilized society can accept, are not impressed with militant-style protest chants. Ethical and moral people in society are not going to accept exterminating a million Americans every year out of vanity and convenience. That won't happen forever, we will eventually put an end to it because it's not right and we know it's not.

Go ahead, hurl your little names and insults at me, I can take it. I don't mind one bit, because I am standing up for the innocent human beings without voices who cannot be heard. The most precious and innocent human life there is in the universe, as a matter of fact.
Grow up, learn that no one wants to "control women's bodies" and that's not what this is about. Reasonable people who want to reach a solution our civilized society can accept, are not impressed with militant-style protest chants. Ethical and moral people in society are not going to accept exterminating a million Americans every year out of vanity and convenience. That won't happen forever, we will eventually put an end to it because it's not right and we know it's not.

Here's the problem.

No society has ever been able to outlaw abortion effectively.

Maybe you need to look up Romania's attempt to outlaw abortion AND birth control. It failed, miserably. Women found ways to get abortions in a Communist Dictatorship determined to stop them.

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