The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. Calling it "privacy" doesn't change that fact.

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Interesting. If the uterus is not private, it must be public. Under the circumstances, I insist on public accommodation laws, I insist that I not be turned away for reasons of race, religion, or religious preference.

I was wondering what that "open for business" sign would look like?

Flashing pink neon signs?


Abortions can cause many health problems, but hey lets encourage this as a form of birth control to make the far left happy..

Lets encourage that we keep abortion legal as a last resort/option for someone who doesn't want a child. No one is using abortion as their way of birth control although I would maybe have an abortion if I had one drunken night where I made a mistake with some women who shouldn't be a mother and if she got prego I'd definately hope she got an abortion rather than ruin my life and raise a child improperly.

You anti abortion people want to force us to have to raise a child for 18 years if we make a mistake? FUCK YOU!

What a cretin you are.

Actually I'm half Spartan half Athenian thank you.

And for the record, if I had a baby today I would not have an abortion. I would want to have the baby. But in college I would have aborted. And I know many women who got abortions back in those days. Had they had to do it again, they would.

This is again you guys trying to control the message. You're trying to make abortion evil. It is not. Many American women get them every day. Stop demonizing them. Its the same thing you guys did to gay people. They are not evil, you are.

Besides, there is no god so having an abortion is no more than cracking a chicken egg.
We don't have the power to make something evil, though I'm flattered you think we have super powers. Abortion is the destruction of innocent life. It's murder, therefore intrinsically evil. Nobody can change that. All the innocent blood shed on earth will be avenged.

Is it murder when you crack open a chicken egg? What makes human life so precious you can't abort it in the first trimester? Remember I'm an atheist. I get why a born baby is a human life, but abortion seems to be a popular option in our secular society so besides god why else do you hate abortion?

Chicken eggs are sterile. Now you know.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?

Murdering Indians?

You're speaking of the Injuns that were massacreein' whites?

I understand that we're all suppose to bow to the God of PC... and accept by default that the Injuns were massacreed... but the injuns largely got what they had comin'. Were there abuses? Sure...


Now, you're a leftists... and Leftism rests ENTIRELY upon Relativism...

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

SOooo... knowing THAT... we can rest assured that it was YOUR Ideological predecessors that delivered those abuses... and with regard to the blacks and slavery, THOSE were YOUR DEMOCRAT PARTY Predecessors.

Which sorta makes one wonder, what in the hell you're talkin' about?
Us. Homo Sapiens, at least 50,000 years ago:

Human - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Really? What civilizations existed 20,000 years ago? Where's the archeological evidence of humanity?

Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.
Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

"The Man" is responsible... What the man is NOT, is the vessel which bears THE CONSEQUENCES of sex.

Ya see Scout, THAT is why woman HAVE a right to choose, with whom, when and where they allow a man to enter them sexually: WOMEN BEAR THE CONSEQUENCES FOR SEX.

Men can be legally required to bear some of the expenses... but MEN DO-NOT BEAR THE CONSEQUENCES OF SEX.

And that is why Scout... it is imperative for a woman to CHOOSE WISELY, with whom she has sex, so that she can be sure that THE MAN, will be with her to sustain her through gestation... to be there to train up the child to become a viable, productive member of society.

Because if she chooses poorly... SHE STILL BEARS THE CONSEQUENCE OF SEX.

Understand... ?
Really? What civilizations existed 20,000 years ago? Where's the archeological evidence of humanity?

Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.

You didn't post any proof, you idiot.

Read the article again.
I'm probably the only American Indian in this discussion. I have a wife and 4 beautiful children. I'll probably be a grandpa someday too, never having to worry about starving to death or dying in some pointless territorial war. Our encounter with the white man is the best thing that could have happened to us to end our primitive, meaningless existence. Thank you, white people.
A fetus is not a child. It would be called a child if it were. They're two different fucking things. Grow up, learn science, and stop trying to control women's bodies. The only body you have any right to is your own. You don't get to decide whether or not to force anyone to become or remain pregnant. You have no say in whether or when someone spawns. The only rights you have are to your own fucking self. Do you understand this? Do you understand that this is why nothing you said is even valid? They're not even real fucking opinions. You know they're wrong. You know why they're wrong. Now grow the fuck up and stop pretending to believe shit you have no right to believe.

All I will say is that more women need to learn to control their own bodies. Most pregnancies are not caused by rape.

Meanwhile, the left tries to control what we eat, as if that isn't personal. It's our bodies, right?

The left claims they should force people to eat better and not smoke because it costs money to treat illnesses, yet they bitch because tax payers don't foot the bill for the millions of unwanted pregnancies each year. Which is it? Does government have a say in our behavior to control costs or not? You can't have it both ways.

You can't force school children to eat the lame shit Michelle's program offers up and impose a bigger sin tax on smokes without preaching to kids that they need to smart enough to avoid getting pregnant.

The ACA will lower the incidence of abortions by providing contraception to women.

That is a good thing, right?
And I didn't request proof from you, dana, you idiot (I know, redundant). I know you're incapable of understanding such a basic request.
I'm probably the only American Indian in this discussion. I have a wife and 4 beautiful children. I'll probably be a grandpa someday too, never having to worry about starving to death or dying in some pointless territorial war. Our encounter with the white man is the best thing that could have happened to us to end our primitive, meaningless existence. Thank you, white people.

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Interesting. If the uterus is not private, it must be public. Under the circumstances, I insist on public accommodation laws, I insist that I not be turned away for reasons of race, religion, or religious preference.

I was wondering what that "open for business" sign would look like?

Flashing pink neon signs?



Brings a whole new meaning to "body piercing"! ;)
Really? What civilizations existed 20,000 years ago? Where's the archeological evidence of humanity?

Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.
No. You didn't.
Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.
No. You didn't.

Plus she's copying me. I maintain that the left can't be she's picked it up and is pretending it's her line.
There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

They can't understand how stupid and ridiculous their statements are.

If women are supposed to remain virgins until they marry, who are all those single men going to have sex with to sow their wild oats?

Meanwhile millions of American children are growing up without their dad's love.

It's just fine for men to turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood but it's not ok for women to have sex before marriage and they're not supposed to have any freedom to choose when and how many children they have.
Really? What civilizations existed 20,000 years ago? Where's the archeological evidence of humanity?

Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down


What is so funny about scientific facts?

When you're proven wrong you just laugh. Typical.

KG prefers ignorance and superstition to factual knowledge. It is easier to twist to fit into her distorted view of the world.

kg asks for proof of humans being here 20 thousand years ago. I post proof that humans have been here over 4 million years.

You can't educated these people. They are proud of their ignorance and stupidity.

Agreed! The mental midget that believes that your uterus is public property also demanded evidence only to run away and hide when the links were provided. I suspect that godaholics are allergic to facts. :D
Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

They can't understand how stupid and ridiculous their statements are.

If women are supposed to remain virgins until they marry, who are all those single men going to have sex with to sow their wild oats?

Meanwhile millions of American children are growing up without their dad's love.

It's just fine for men to turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood but it's not ok for women to have sex before marriage and they're not supposed to have any freedom to choose when and how many children they have.

You poor thing.
There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.
Really? What about the man who doesn't want his child murdered? You on the demonic left have contrived a way to exclude him in the decision to kill a child that he helped create. You people have the blood of the innocent on your hands and your sphere of victims goes way beyond the tiny life you destroyed.

If a man wants a child then he should have one with a woman who wants to have a child with him. Not force a woman.

I haven't killed anything. I've never had an abortion and I never will. I believe in choice. Just because I never would have one doesn't mean that I can tell someone else they can't.

If you have to revert to insults and lies to attack me how valid are your claims? Why should anyone listen to what you say? You're just a liar who can't honestly debate any subject.

Which is typical for people like you.
... You right wing anti abortion nuts have taken over and controlled the conversation for far too long. Making people feel guilty about their decision to abort.

Guilt is a natural consequence of doing the wrong thing. The guilt is the intellectual manifestation which comes with the reality, that by having taken the life of another, without a sound moral justification, you have; quite by default, authorized others to take your life without a sound moral justification.

The guilt comes as the mind tries to plot a solution wherein it gropes for a means to defend against that justification... out of the natural instinct for self preservation.

Your entire position here is a similar rationalization.

You have a right to engage in sexual intercourse with whom ever you can talk into it. You have a responsibility that only do so when you're prepared to raise the child conceived through that act... .

Ya can't have both and not have guilt... unless you succumb to sociopathy wherein you lose the sense of responsibility for your actions, at which time you forfeit the right to remain free, because a sick mind is a threat to everyone.

Now at the moment, our culture is tolerating sick minds. But soon, we will pay an extreme price for that. As every culture which has ever done, has experienced.

In the wake of that catastrophe, tolerance for such will come to an end and people like you will either be eliminated or locked away, in places where no one wants to be.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.


I realize that children aren't important to the nutters but if you want to save money and heartache, safe, free and readily available bc is the answer.

Sorry you are wrong. They've done the study. Over 10 years of taking birth control and wearing rubbers you have about a 90% chance of getting prego. Using the IUD you're chances are like less than 5%. Lets go with what works. You can always take the IUD out when you are ready to have a baby. And I can't believe the pill is good for women who take it for 10 years. No wonder so many women are having trouble when they are ready later in life. They've been taking an anti baby pill for 10 years. Sorry, educate yourself on IUD's and how much better they are than your way.

Abortions can cause many health problems, but hey lets encourage this as a form of birth control to make the far left happy..

Lets encourage that we keep abortion legal as a last resort/option for someone who doesn't want a child. No one is using abortion as their way of birth control although I would maybe have an abortion if I had one drunken night where I made a mistake with some women who shouldn't be a mother and if she got prego I'd definately hope she got an abortion rather than ruin my life and raise a child improperly.

You anti abortion people want to force us to have to raise a child for 18 years if we make a mistake? FUCK YOU!

Here's a better idea... If you're prone to making poor decisions when you drink... don't drink and screw. If ya can't not drink and screw. Try not drinkin'... my guess is that clears up most of the problems.

Your children should not pay the price for your poor choices, with their life.
If a man wants a child then he should have one with a woman who wants to have a child with him. Not force a woman.


Cite... the posts where this is happening, or concede through your failure to do so, that you're advancing that which you KNOW to be FALSE, as truth.
If a man wants a child then he should have one with a woman who wants to have a child with him. Not force a woman.


Cite... the posts where this is happening, or concede through your failure to do so, that you're advancing that which you KNOW to be FALSE, as truth.

oh they maintain that denying a parent the option of slaughtering their offspring is the same as *forcing* them to be pregnant.


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