The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

What's your point?

"Ayn Rand did it, so it must be ok...?"

Taking seriously one's responsibility for the life one conceives, IS what separates human beings from the animal kingdom... which is saddled with adherence to their base instincts, thus it is YOU who is advocating that human females are merely breeding stock... which can only be relived of the burden, through the mass murder of their off-spring.

You people truly are helpless.

Wow, there's this weird thing where you guys project your stupidity onto others.

Reality check. Abortion laws that you guys love are the product of when a woman WAS property. We don't want the property enjoying her sexuality, do we?


You're helpless...

Taking seriously one's responsibility for the life one conceives, IS what separates human beings from the animal kingdom... which is saddled with adherence to their base instincts, thus it is YOU who is advocating that human females are merely breeding stock... which can only be relived of the burden, through the mass murder of their off-spring.
Grow up, learn that no one wants to "control women's bodies" and that's not what this is about. Reasonable people who want to reach a solution our civilized society can accept, are not impressed with militant-style protest chants. Ethical and moral people in society are not going to accept exterminating a million Americans every year out of vanity and convenience. That won't happen forever, we will eventually put an end to it because it's not right and we know it's not.

Here's the problem.

No society has ever been able to outlaw abortion effectively.

Maybe you need to look up Romania's attempt to outlaw abortion AND birth control. It failed, miserably. Women found ways to get abortions in a Communist Dictatorship determined to stop them.

There's nothing to outlawing abortion. The Legislature passes a bill and the President signs it into law.

You're therefore crying that abortion will never completely be stopped.

Law does not seek to stop crime. Law seeks to serve justice for those who are injured by crime.

No charge for the education.
Taking seriously one's responsibility for the life one conceives, IS what separates human beings from the animal kingdom... which is saddled with adherence to their base instincts, thus it is YOU who is advocating that human females are merely breeding stock... which can only be relived of the burden, through the mass murder of their off-spring.

Hey, these women ARE taking responsibility. THey are not having babies they can't raise.

Taking seriously one's responsibility for the life one conceives, IS what separates human beings from the animal kingdom... which is saddled with adherence to their base instincts, thus it is YOU who is advocating that human females are merely breeding stock... which can only be relived of the burden, through the mass murder of their off-spring.

Hey, these women ARE taking responsibility. THey are not having babies they can't raise.


Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.
Abortion protects pimps and makes the sex slave trade tick. Abortion is the tool by which women can be used for sex, yet never lay a claim against the men who use them. The abortion industry kills, mutilates and tortures women, for the sake of men who abuse women. It is the armor behind which abusers function in anonymity, and with absolutely no accountability.

So of course you're going to call me nasty names if I threaten it. I bet you wish you could hit me. Or throw me in the stirrups, eh? Show me who's boss?
1. Pimps existed before Roe v Wade.
2. The vast majority of women who get an abortion do it for one of two reasons: either they couldn't afford it, or they weren't mentally ready. It's that simple.
3. Abortion frees women to use men for sex back. Anyone can fuck anyone without fear of becoming a parent until they're ready for it. It has nothing to do with abuse. What defends abuse is forcing her to carry her father's baby just because you think it's okay.
4. You don't threaten it in any way. Face it. Support for this is only increasing as people become more educated. Your side is going to lose. There's no other way this can work out. You're just trying to drag as many women as possible down with you.
5. There have been exactly zero violent pro-choicers. There have been numerous violent anti-choicers. You people shoot doctors and blow up hospitals. You people harass the women you claim to care about outside of the clinic and lie to them about your "pregnancy crisis centers" that aren't even staffed with certified personnel. We learn the actual laws around it, protest when you murder us, and shield women exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to bodily autonomy from your stones and hate. It's not even comparable.
No society has ever been able to outlaw abortion effectively.

I didn't say anything about "outlawing abortion." I personally couldn't support such a notion because of what you are saying. I believe abortion should be made very rare and not "on-demand." I think it is a ruse to claim "abortion rights" as a women's issue without having any regard whatsoever to the effects of abortion on the mental health of those who chose them. Especially late term abortions, where the mother has no doubt in her mind she is killing her unborn child. It is repugnant to me that we've developed this culture in society who thinks this is a right women have that needs protecting.

We have a right as humans to stand up for the injustices against the innocent.
Ah, the abortion is infanticide or murder argument.

Legally it is just not so.
I don't think anyone would argue that point. But we do know that legality changes with public opinion, as was the case with slavery and banning abortions.

Legislating morality is never a good idea.
Legislating immorality is even worse.
It isn't up to you to decide what is moral or immoral for anyone else. Live by your own morals and let others live by theirs.
1. Pimps existed before Roe v Wade.

Yep... So did Abortion.

2. The vast majority of women who get an abortion do it for one of two reasons: either they couldn't afford it, or they weren't mentally ready. It's that simple.
'IT'? You mean they murdered the child they conceived through their own willful actions... which they CHOSE to do, despite being unable to afford or were net mentally prepared for?

Golly... IF murdering their baby was 'doable', then choosing to NOT have intercourse, was also doable... yet she didn't make the choice to not do "IT".

3. Abortion frees women to use men for sex back.

Sadly, that's not a sound moral justification for taking another's life. But MAN! If it were... you'd have one helluva fine argument there.
Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.

Murder is: the morally unjustified taking of human life. Taking a life because that life is an inconvenience is not a sound moral justification.

That's a fact of sound reason.

But, in fairness... as a Relativist, there's no way you could have known that.
Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.

Murder is: the morally unjustified taking of human life. Taking a life because that life is an inconvenience is not a sound moral justification.

That's a fact of sound reason.

But, in fairness... as a Relativist, there's no way you could have known that.

Nope. "Murder" is The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse. Consequently, the word has no relevance in this discussion at all.
Ah, the abortion is infanticide or murder argument.

Legally it is just not so.
I don't think anyone would argue that point. But we do know that legality changes with public opinion, as was the case with slavery and banning abortions.

Legislating morality is never a good idea.
Legislating immorality is even worse.
It isn't up to you to decide what is moral or immoral for anyone else. Live by your own morals and let others live by theirs.

Actually it is...

The "Don't Judge" ruse, is a feckless misnomer of Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

Your claim that morality is individual is nonsense. You have no right to take the life of another human being because they're an inconvenience to you.

Your claim is beyond specious... where one is truly entitled to take the life of the most innocent and defenseless of human beings, then there is nothing on which you could ever hope to rest a rightful claim to your life, where you are ever found to be a inconvenience to another. As you're vastly less innocent and you have at least some means to defend yourself.

If you can't understand that one irrefutable point of reason, then you are literally unsuited for freedom.
Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.

Murder is: the morally unjustified taking of human life. Taking a life because that life is an inconvenience is not a sound moral justification.

That's a fact of sound reason.

But, in fairness... as a Relativist, there's no way you could have known that.

Nope. "Murder" is The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse. Consequently, the word has no relevance in this discussion at all.

And what is the law, if it is not serving justice? And what is justice if it does not serve a soundly reasoned moral end?

Your argument lacks the depth of your own shadow. This is readily demonstrated by simply setting you on the tip of your sad little petard; wherein the law is changed to provide for the legal taking of Leftist Life.

When I kicked in your door with a legal warrant for your summary execution, you would not be walking gently into the night, you'd be demanding your innocence and wetting yourself in panic, flailing in a desperate attempt to defend yourself... and you'd call that murder.

Deny it... but everyone reading this knows that self-evident truth, whether they have the strength of character to admit it or not, is dependent upon their means to reason objectively. Those incapable of that, are simple sociopaths... therein defining the problem.
Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.

Murder is: the morally unjustified taking of human life. Taking a life because that life is an inconvenience is not a sound moral justification.

That's a fact of sound reason.

But, in fairness... as a Relativist, there's no way you could have known that.

Nope. "Murder" is The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse. Consequently, the word has no relevance in this discussion at all.

And what is the law, if it is not serving justice? And what is justice if it does not serve a soundly reasoned moral end?

Your argument lacks the depth of your own shadow. This is readily demonstrated by simply setting you on the tip of your sad little petard; wherein the law is changed to provide for the legal taking of Leftist Life.

When I kicked in your door with a legal warrant for your summary execution, you would not be walking gently into the night, you'd be demanding your innocence and wetting yourself in panic, flailing in a desperate attempt to defend yourself... and you'd call that murder.

Deny it... but everyone reading this knows that self-evident truth, whether they have the strength of character to admit it or not, is dependent upon their means to reason objectively. Those incapable of that, are simple sociopaths... therein defining the problem.

It is true, that you can claim that abortion is "murder" on this board. However, that does not change the fact that it is NOT murder in a court of law. I suggest that you stick to the meaning of words as defined by dictionaries, and rephrase your position along the lines of, "I find abortion to be morally indefensible". That way, you would not be accused of putting your own spin on the English language in order to twist it to meet your agenda, and using emotionally inflammatory statements that are not technically true..
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Life begins when a seed is planted and begins to sprout. That does not mean that if you cut down a seedling, you are destroying a bean. You are destroying the potential for the seedling to grow into a bean.


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Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.
So if someone murdered you...

No harm no foul because it can only be called murder by context of belief in superstitions and sky fairies.

Got it!

Nice knowing you.
Life begins when a seed is planted and begins to sprout. That does not mean that if you cut down a seedling, you are destroying a bean. You are destroying the potential for the seedling to grow into a bean.



And that is where the title of the thread comes in.
I didn't say anything about "outlawing abortion." I personally couldn't support such a notion because of what you are saying. I believe abortion should be made very rare and not "on-demand." I think it is a ruse to claim "abortion rights" as a women's issue without having any regard whatsoever to the effects of abortion on the mental health of those who chose them. Especially late term abortions, where the mother has no doubt in her mind she is killing her unborn child. It is repugnant to me that we've developed this culture in society who thinks this is a right women have that needs protecting.

We have a right as humans to stand up for the injustices against the innocent.

Nobody has a late term abortion (actually a "late" abortion, there's no such thing as 'Late term".) unless something has gone wrong with the pregnancy.

In fact, 99% of abortions are performed before the 20th week.

And, yes, the right of a woman to make this decision SHOULD be protected from people who want to impose thier bronze age superstitions on them. No one should make that decision but the woman and her doctor.
Murder is not taking responsibility...

Murder is avoiding responsibility, in the harshest of terms; there is no more egregious means to avoid responsibility.

Problem is "Murder" is your opinion, not based on anything other than your bronze age superstitions.
So if someone murdered you...

No harm no foul because it can only be called murder by context of belief in superstitions and sky fairies.

Got it!

Nice knowing you.

Are you some kind of fucking retard?
Murder is: the morally unjustified taking of human life. Taking a life because that life is an inconvenience is not a sound moral justification.

That's a fact of sound reason.

But, in fairness... as a Relativist, there's no way you could have known that.

Okay. Fetuses still aren't human lives. They can't live separated from your body any more than an appendix or a tonsil. So abortion is more more murder than a tonsillectomy.

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