The Post-Trump GOP

Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain Saved the ACA with his final vote in the Senate. Being a decent man who was getting the best Health care in the World unlike that skunk Steve Scalise after getting the same health care stood in front of the WH laughing that he voted to take it away from millions of others.
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain Saved the ACA with his final vote in the Senate. Being a decent man who was getting the best Health care in the World unlike that skunk Steve Scalise after getting the same health care stood in front of the WH laughing that he voted to take it away from millions of others.
The ACA cost twice as much as the healthcare we had before. Only a moron would want to keep it.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses
Of course liberals don't start civil war threads … YOU WON. But think what its like to be us. We couldn't even feed ourselves without slaves. And then, after you freed them, we had to pass laws making sure they didn't get educations and couldn't leave, so they'd keep working to feed us. And THEN after the more energetic (and useful) ones got away cause of you guys needing cheap labor in two world wars, we'd have starved unless you spent trillions on defense bases down here. Imagine what that did to our self-confidence!!!! Clinging to myths about how good we were when we had slaves is all we HAVE!!! Show some compassion!!!!!! MAGA
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

The chances of that are somewhere between zero and nil.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses
Of course liberals don't start civil war threads … YOU WON. But think what its like to be us. We couldn't even feed ourselves without slaves. And then, after you freed them, we had to pass laws making sure they didn't get educations and couldn't leave, so they'd keep working to feed us. And THEN after the more energetic (and useful) ones got away cause of you guys needing cheap labor in two world wars, we'd have starved unless you spent trillions on defense bases down here. Imagine what that did to our self-confidence!!!! Clinging to myths about how good we were when we had slaves is all we HAVE!!! Show some compassion!!!!!! MAGA
typical leftwing douche accusing Trump supporters of agreeing with slavery.

"Asshole" must be your middle name.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

From the standpoint of the Lincoln Project, their key has to be to fight against any investigation of the 2020 election- giving the Trump Base the idea that they lost, tough shit and no one care about the election integrity is a key to getting them to withdraw from politics.

The 2nd point that the LP folks should do is to put a lot of money and influence into the Georgia Senate races. If the D's capture the Senate, they will be able to admit new liberal states, make illegal aliens into voting citizens, give the vote to 16 year olds and felons, etc. Whatever needs to be done to make pursuing political power pointless for any future Trump wannabes.

Running separate candidates is sort of stupid, I can't see that as much of a strategy.

But the Republican Party can be recaptured by the Romney/Kasich wing of the party as they adapt to the position of 2nd place finishers in their ivory towers and think tanks.
I wish you guys would quit thinking John Kasich is a moderate, Religious guy. He developed this persona after leaving scandal after scandal in Charter Schpools.He decimated Education to fund them. He is worse than DeVoss.

This is the absolute truth. He was an absolute blight on the working class for Ohio.


Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

So you don't think the "psychos" will leave the Republican Party to the Moderates if they think its a quixotic effort to gain power?
I don't know. The Trumpsters have the power right now, and the job will be to marginalize them just enough.

Will that happen? I don't know. It may split the party in two literally, and you'll all receive Thank You Cards from the Democrats.

I don't see the Republican Party splitting up. I think the base will just stand down. There isn't anyone other than Trump with the vision, and visibility and Public relations acumen to really stand a chance against the media.

If the GOP nominates a Romney or Kasich in 2024, I can't imagine at this point in time bothering to cast a ballot.
Neither Romney not Kasich have a chance in hell of getting the nomination. They've shown their true colors.

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the only ones who have a chance. Good men, but I doubt they know how to fight.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

Damn right he won and he even got the mail-in votes of the Space Alien Chimps that vacation on Mars!

Now with that written and you most likely believing I am being serious I will write my honest opinion what is next for the GOP and if they can rid themselves of Trumpism then they will be fine and win in 2022 and 2024 but if they keep on the road of Trumpism, well they lose my vote except if Harris is the Presidential candidate for the Democrats then I will vote GOP unless it is Trump and then I will go third party...
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.

Look, I tried to be respectful, but I'm not in the mood of being called names.

And no, disagreeing that the very basis of a constitutional republic -- free elections! -- are suited to determine who should govern the country, is not just some disagreement, it shows that you hate freedom and give a shit about the Constitution.

Now that may be your opinion, but I'd say any true American who believes in American values has any reason to call you an anti-constitutional traitor.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

So you don't think the "psychos" will leave the Republican Party to the Moderates if they think its a quixotic effort to gain power?
I don't know. The Trumpsters have the power right now, and the job will be to marginalize them just enough.

Will that happen? I don't know. It may split the party in two literally, and you'll all receive Thank You Cards from the Democrats.

I don't see the Republican Party splitting up. I think the base will just stand down. There isn't anyone other than Trump with the vision, and visibility and Public relations acumen to really stand a chance against the media.

If the GOP nominates a Romney or Kasich in 2024, I can't imagine at this point in time bothering to cast a ballot.
Neither Romney not Kasich have a chance in hell of getting the nomination. They've shown their true colors.

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the only ones who have a chance. Good men, but I doubt they know how to fight.
Rand Paul is certifiable batshit crazy
Ted Cruz sold his manhood to Donald J Trump. He keeps it in a jar

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie
Quite the opposite. Trump is just one person. The problem is those who enable him.
But your side keeps babbling about how much you hate trump without mentioning that who you really hate is yrump voters

and you avoid admitting that democrat voter fraud is a crime against 74 million plus American citizens
Quite the opposite. Trump is just one person. The problem is those who enable him.
But your side keeps babbling about how much you hate trump without mentioning that who you really hate is yrump voters

and you avoid admitting that democrat voter fraud is a crime against 74 million plus American citizens
Talk to someone who hates, not me.

Voter fraud is a crime. It just didn't happen here. You have been lied to.

I don't require your agreement.

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