The Post-Trump GOP

Well, in your world, in your reality, those would definitely be "the corrupt Old Boy RINOs", sure.

I wouldn't try to convince you of anything outside of your world. Stipulated.
Oh but you are trying to convince someone by avoiding reality

maybe you are trying to convince yourself that trump voters dont matter and its all about trump personally

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses
Wayyyyell, we'un figgerd rat that even if Linkun didn't steal all our slaves, his 'lection sorta sealed the deal on slavery as an 'merican instahtushun. LOL
This is the attitude that will keep the anger heightened to the point where Texas will finally leave.

So, keep it up.

oh my, I quiver with fear of loser wannabe victims like you.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America
And you wonder why we are angry.

An honest question: Why are you angry? And what are the grievances you want politicians to address?

1. Very angry.

2. At this time, IMO, this election was a referendum on whether people like me, are even allowed to have and/or advocate for their interests or if such behavior is taboo, to be shut down with all the means of oppress at the hands of the Left up to and including mob violence or arrest.

3. But I could go on for hours about more specific policies that I feel have been harmful to me and mine, which were only passed because of a complete contempt for people like me.

So, what are people like who are "people like you", and what are your general interests?

If I understand you correctly, it's a matter of identity for you, is that right? What makes "people like you" different from people who supported Biden?

No, I said what it is a matter of.

You ignored what I said, and tried to spin it, so that you have an excuse to dismiss it.

Why did you do that? Also, oddly ironic, considering you are asking me "why so mad?"
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

Look, the eastern part of my country was under the control of REAL communists for more than 40 years. And it wasn't funny. My father grew up there.

They didn't allow anybody to get out of the country and shot those who tried at the fortified border. In each school and workplace, they installed snitches to watch over their co-workers. There was no freedom of speech and a joke to the wrong people could end you in jail.

All the economy was nationalized and private enterprisers disowned without compensation. If you didn't show "political reliability", or if you were engaged in church work, you were not allowed to colleges and universities. And the economy was so poor that most of the time, people were happy when there were apples to buy, rather than bananas.

THIS is what REAL communism looks like.

Communism ain't "the taxes are a little too high for my taste". :/
Like Trump, these folks seemingly only know how to think and speak in comical hyperbole.

That's another thing you have to try to translate. At some point, you give up.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

Look, the eastern part of my country was under the control of REAL communists for more than 40 years. And it wasn't funny. My father grew up there.

They didn't allow anybody to get out of the country and shot those who tried at the fortified border. In each school and workplace, they installed snitches to watch over their co-workers. There was no freedom of speech and a joke to the wrong people could end you in jail.

All the economy was nationalized and private enterprisers disowned without compensation. If you didn't show "political reliability", or if you were engaged in church work, you were not allowed to colleges and universities. And the economy was so poor that most of the time, people were happy when there were apples to buy, rather than bananas.

THIS is what REAL communism looks like.

Communism ain't "the taxes are a little too high for my taste". :/
Like Trump, these folks seemingly only know how to think and speak in comical hyperbole.

That's another thing you have to try to translate. At some point, you give up.

Says the man openly advocating permanently marginalizing his enemies.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
Without Trump, the GOP will go back to being the spineless do-nothing punching bags for the left that they were before him.

With unpunished election fraud and disgust from Trump supporters, it’s unlikely that any actual conservative will ever win another election.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish
Well, in your world, in your reality, those would definitely be "the corrupt Old Boy RINOs", sure.

I wouldn't try to convince you of anything outside of your world. Stipulated.
Oh but you are trying to convince someone by avoiding reality

maybe you are trying to convince yourself that trump voters dont matter and its all about trump personally
Quite the opposite. Trump is just one person. The problem is those who enable him.

As we have seen before in history.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.
Well, in your world, in your reality, those would definitely be "the corrupt Old Boy RINOs", sure.

I wouldn't try to convince you of anything outside of your world. Stipulated.
Oh but you are trying to convince someone by avoiding reality

maybe you are trying to convince yourself that trump voters dont matter and its all about trump personally
Quite the opposite. Trump is just one person. The problem is those who enable him.

As we have seen before in history.

We did not "enable" him. We supported him politically, for political reasons.

Your inability to be honest on even this little thing, is a sign of how dysfunctional you are.
Well, in your world, in your reality, those would definitely be "the corrupt Old Boy RINOs", sure.

I wouldn't try to convince you of anything outside of your world. Stipulated.
Oh but you are trying to convince someone by avoiding reality

maybe you are trying to convince yourself that trump voters dont matter and its all about trump personally
Quite the opposite. Trump is just one person. The problem is those who enable him.

As we have seen before in history.

We did not "enable" him. We supported him politically, for political reasons.

Your inability to be honest on even this little thing, is a sign of how dysfunctional you are.
So stating my opinion is lying?

This is why I don't bother any more. We exist in two different worlds.

I don't know what you get out of this leg-humping, but I think it's boring.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

Who is "you and your's" and who is "marginalizing" you?

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