The Post-Trump GOP


Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232

Stop lying and just admit Trump won all 538 votes, well lie and say that and tell them Newsmax has the real Electoral College Vote that Commie China has hidden from us...

In the end the GOP has two choices and it is to embrace Trumpism as the new Normal or finally come to their senses and move forward and purge that nonsense...
The later is a sick joke. Trumpism is 100 times better than Biden sleaze

Whatever you say...

Just remember to donate to the Election Defense Fund and scream the Election was stolen!!!
You mean the way you brainwashed minions scream it was "free and fair" every time you post?

Awww, again make sure to donate all your life earnings to Trump so he can keep the fight going and hopefully the GOP will move on and learn from this mistake...

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie

And just like that, you drop your previous lie and move on to an utterly unrelated topic.

YOu are just a troll. And an asshole. And a fucking coward.

No Lie

Biden won 306-232

I congratulated you in 2016 the morning Trump won by the same margin. Why can’t you do the same?

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie

And just like that, you drop your previous lie and move on to an utterly unrelated topic.

YOu are just a troll. And an asshole. And a fucking coward.

No Lie

Biden won 306-232

I congratulated you in 2016 the morning Trump won by the same margin. Why can’t you do the same?

Because they truly believe the election was stolen...

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
You're a dumb fuck.

My bad

I keep forgetting that Texas copied its flag from Puerto Rico
I'm sure there was fraud probably on the same level of other elections, but just not enough to flip even Wisc.

How do you know how much Fraud the D's committed, unless its investigated?

Maybe you are right, but until its actually looked at, its impossible to make that estimation.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time
I would love to try.

(note the continual antagonism, practically begging us to start a war.)

That is what the Confederacy said
That was also 160 years ago.

Please tell me you don't actually believe that it would turn out the same way. Surely, you're not that stupid.

Follow the money
The wealth of our nation is on the coasts
Oh fuck, these losers would STARVE without the welfare and Medicaid paid for with taxes from the progressive NE and Left Coast.
^^^ The most ridiculous post of the year, you all would be eating rats and each other
You are dead wrong in your assumptions. As a moderate Liberal I dislike the far left as much as I do the far right. Moderation and co- operation is needed to solve problems. I think Mitch MConnell is finding that out. A group of bi partisan Senators just showed him how.
People like throwing around this term "far left", but who exactly are they and what do they stand for?

I would define anyone that thinks it is cool to arrest some one for defending themselves from a violent mob, is "Far left".

A mob that was chasing him for shooting an unarmed man

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie

And just like that, you drop your previous lie and move on to an utterly unrelated topic.

YOu are just a troll. And an asshole. And a fucking coward.

No Lie

Biden won 306-232

I congratulated you in 2016 the morning Trump won by the same margin. Why can’t you do the same?

Because they truly believe the election was stolen...
We know it was stolen. Biden will always be known as the fraudulent president, or maybe the senile pedophile president.
You are dead wrong in your assumptions. As a moderate Liberal I dislike the far left as much as I do the far right. Moderation and co- operation is needed to solve problems. I think Mitch MConnell is finding that out. A group of bi partisan Senators just showed him how.
People like throwing around this term "far left", but who exactly are they and what do they stand for?

I would define anyone that thinks it is cool to arrest some one for defending themselves from a violent mob, is "Far left".

A mob that was chasing him for shooting an unarmed man
The man he shot was part of that mob. When you assault people, you have earned what you get when they start shooting. It's pathetic the way you fucking douchebags try to justify armed assault.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down
Bunk. He opposed it to fuck Trump.

Nobody wants to actually fuck tRump, believe that. It is why he has to pay the Stormy Daniels of the world.


Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie

And just like that, you drop your previous lie and move on to an utterly unrelated topic.

YOu are just a troll. And an asshole. And a fucking coward.

No Lie

Biden won 306-232

I congratulated you in 2016 the morning Trump won by the same margin. Why can’t you do the same?

Because they truly believe the election was stolen...
But they believe without evidence that is laughable and shown to be urban legend at best. So the outcome of the election is NOT something up to rational differences, and Trump really did lose because more LEGAL votes were cast for Biden.

I did have some empathy for Hillary voters, including my wife, because without Comey she most likely would have won. But she didn't, and her voters accepted it and moved on. (pun intended) I could have similar empathy for Trump supporters because without covid, which was not of his doing as was the antipathy towards him, he's most likely have won a second term going away.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
Trump is the GOP.
I disagree, the GOP is Wall Street, the Dems are sexual deviants and Trump is pro-US.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down

Never said he was completely useless. AFter all, when your side turned on him because he became a threat, and he won the Primaries,

I supported him for President, and defended him for the hysterical lies and wace baiting from people like you, on this very site.

Nice try, but it fails
Democrats voted against McCain and his positions.
We always respected his war record and service to our country.

It is Republicans who threw him under the bus.
What a lying piece of shit. Dims attacked McCain relentlessly when he was the nominee. They even attacked his war record.

Whenever Dims whine that they approved of some dead Republican, they always lie.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.

Stop giving me cause to be angry, and I will stop being angry.

Until then, go fuck yourself.
You are always so angry and always play the victim

You need to chill out and enjoy Biden’s America

Where me and mine are completely marginalized?

Nope. I will look forward to the first time that the violence hits close to home to you, and you start whining so I can point out that you thought this would be fun.

You won’t be marginalized

You are free to buy electric cars, eat tofu and hug any tree you wish

Your lies are dismissed we can see though your actions over the last few years, the Hellhole you people will turn this nation into.

Violent mobs ruling the streets. Big Tech censoring any dissent. Corrupt DA arresting people and railroading them to prison, while giving politically correct people passes for hte same behavior.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.

You will learn to love Biden’s America

I will never love the way fucktards like you, discriminate and oppress people like me.

And neither will the vast majority of people like me.

YOu like violent mobs in the streets? People will fight back.
Even angry Americans like you are welcome in Biden’s America

Your lies are dismissed.

Biden 306-232 is no lie

And just like that, you drop your previous lie and move on to an utterly unrelated topic.

YOu are just a troll. And an asshole. And a fucking coward.

No Lie

Biden won 306-232

I congratulated you in 2016 the morning Trump won by the same margin. Why can’t you do the same?

Because they truly believe the election was stolen...
But they believe without evidence that is laughable and shown to be urban legend at best. So the outcome of the election is NOT something up to rational differences, and Trump really did lose because more LEGAL votes were cast for Biden.

I did have some empathy for Hillary voters, including my wife, because without Comey she most likely would have won. But she didn't, and her voters accepted it and moved on. (pun intended) I could have similar empathy for Trump supporters because without covid, which was not of his doing as was the antipathy towards him, he's most likely have won a second term going away.
That's a patent lie.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down
Bunk. He opposed it to fuck Trump.

Nobody wants to actually fuck tRump, believe that. It is why he has to pay the Stormy Daniels of the world.


This is what women want1


This is what men want!
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down
Bunk. He opposed it to fuck Trump.

Nobody wants to actually fuck tRump, believe that. It is why he has to pay the Stormy Daniels of the world.


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