The Post-Trump GOP

Yeah, but I don't. So you're just wrong.
You strongly object to trump voters

which is why you keep attacking them
I've said it a thousand times: History has shown us that it's not the individual, it's those who enable him.

It may turn out that his presidency will have been a great thing, in that it may have been the ultimate cautionary tale.

I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
One of these days you may post something that's actually true or relevant.

Probably never, in your world.

Not much I can do about that.
And, you want to share a country with us....why?
It's a question I've never considered, so I couldn't tell you.
I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
Wolves who present themselves as wolves are easier to avoid

wolves dressed up as sheep are more of a threat

you pretend to be a non partisan moderate but reveal yourself as a lefty
He's always whining about "Wingers," and he's one of the biggest wingers in the forum.
Yeah, but I don't. So you're just wrong.
You strongly object to trump voters

which is why you keep attacking them
I've said it a thousand times: History has shown us that it's not the individual, it's those who enable him.

It may turn out that his presidency will have been a great thing, in that it may have been the ultimate cautionary tale.

I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
One of these days you may post something that's actually true or relevant.

Probably never, in your world.

Not much I can do about that.
And, you want to share a country with us....why?
It's a question I've never considered, so I couldn't tell you.
Wouldn't you be happier not sharing a county with people like us, whom you despise and ridicule constantly?

Wouldn't that be better. You don't need us, do you?
I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
Wolves who present themselves as wolves are easier to avoid

wolves dressed up as sheep are more of a threat

you pretend to be a non partisan moderate but reveal yourself as a lefty
He's always whining about "Wingers," and he's one of the biggest wingers in the forum.
100% FACT

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
You're a dumb fuck.

My bad

I keep forgetting that Texas copied its flag from Puerto Rico
Please, keep it up.

You're making it sooooo much easier. We're nearly at 30% in favor of secession and war. Keep building our numbers.

Like I said, we will enjoy kicking your ass again
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
There is no evidence election was
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
the link i provided is the authoritative source: US election infrastructure committee and counsel.

I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
Wolves who present themselves as wolves are easier to avoid

wolves dressed up as sheep are more of a threat

you pretend to be a non partisan moderate but reveal yourself as a lefty
And again, you're just wrong. So wrong, in fact, that all I have to do is post the second line of my sig to prove you wrong.

Thusly: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

You people have absolutely no understanding of my politics, but you seem to revel in your ignorance.
You remind me of my local newspaper before the internent became the center of debate

the so-called journalists were far left flaming libs like you

but even if they got a hundred letters of protest from conservatives they could lways count on one liberal complaint

and to them 100 to 1 proved they were down the middle
I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
Wolves who present themselves as wolves are easier to avoid

wolves dressed up as sheep are more of a threat

you pretend to be a non partisan moderate but reveal yourself as a lefty
And again, you're just wrong. So wrong, in fact, that all I have to do is post the second line of my sig to prove you wrong.

Thusly: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

You people have absolutely no understanding of my politics, but you seem to revel in your ignorance.
You're always attacking "wingers," so who do you think you're fooling?
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
There is no evidence election was
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
the link i provided is the authoritative source: US election infrastructure committee and counsel.


You mean evidence that would be acceptable in a court of law?

No, you ain’t got any
Yeah, but I don't. So you're just wrong.
You strongly object to trump voters

which is why you keep attacking them
I've said it a thousand times: History has shown us that it's not the individual, it's those who enable him.

It may turn out that his presidency will have been a great thing, in that it may have been the ultimate cautionary tale.

I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
One of these days you may post something that's actually true or relevant.

Probably never, in your world.

Not much I can do about that.
And, you want to share a country with us....why?
It's a question I've never considered, so I couldn't tell you.
Wouldn't you be happier not sharing a county with people like us, whom you despise and ridicule constantly?

Wouldn't that be better. You don't need us, do you?
But I don't despise you, even though the other day you were demanding my home address with the inference that you would either assault or murder me. It's just not an emotion that afflicts me.

I really don't know what you're after here, but I do know this is tedious. I'm just not like you.
I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
Wolves who present themselves as wolves are easier to avoid

wolves dressed up as sheep are more of a threat

you pretend to be a non partisan moderate but reveal yourself as a lefty
And again, you're just wrong. So wrong, in fact, that all I have to do is post the second line of my sig to prove you wrong.

Thusly: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:

You people have absolutely no understanding of my politics, but you seem to revel in your ignorance.
You're always attacking "wingers," so who do you think you're fooling?
"Wingers" exist on both ends.

I guess I'm not surprised that one got past you.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
You're a dumb fuck.

My bad

I keep forgetting that Texas copied its flag from Puerto Rico
Please, keep it up.

You're making it sooooo much easier. We're nearly at 30% in favor of secession and war. Keep building our numbers.

Like I said, we will enjoy kicking your ass again
"We?" You've never been anywhere near a battlefield. Who do you think you're fooling?
Yeah, but I don't. So you're just wrong.
You strongly object to trump voters

which is why you keep attacking them
I've said it a thousand times: History has shown us that it's not the individual, it's those who enable him.

It may turn out that his presidency will have been a great thing, in that it may have been the ultimate cautionary tale.

I don't know why you spend so much time worrying about me. I guess I should be flattered, but I don't get it.
One of these days you may post something that's actually true or relevant.

Probably never, in your world.

Not much I can do about that.
And, you want to share a country with us....why?
It's a question I've never considered, so I couldn't tell you.
Wouldn't you be happier not sharing a county with people like us, whom you despise and ridicule constantly?

Wouldn't that be better. You don't need us, do you?
But I don't despise you, even though the other day you were demanding my home address with the inference that you would either assault or murder me. It's just not an emotion that afflicts me.

I really don't know what you're after here, but I do know this is tedious. I'm just not like you.
Yeah, right, because you're not a "winger?"
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

I don't see how the current itteration of the Republican Party can continue to exist. They have no platform, no plan, they just want to whine about white grievance and do nothing. And they've have utterly abandoned the Constitution in an effort to retain while male dominance of the government and the nation's wealth, at any cost.

When you look at it, Trump didn't manage the affairs of the country at all - other than to cut taxes, and offend your allies. He cut all regulations regardless of their use or purpose causing the quality of both air and water to deteriorate, but it did nothing to improve job creation.

His fiscal policies accelerated the rise of the oligarchs and concentration of wealth at the top, at the expense of an ever shrinking middle class. 8 million people have fallen into poverty since the start of this pandemic, while Trump pushes the nation to get back to work, and tries to cut off aid to the unemployed.

The Republican Party had no platform or 2nd term plan going into the 2020 election, other than whatever Trump decides to do, we're with him. But the electorate, at large, is exhausted and burned out by the chaos in Washington, and by the dysfunction in Congress. Trump really had no plan for after the inauguration either so he just winged it throughout and accomplished very little other than to wreck everything he laid his hands on.

The principle job of government is crisis management, and Republicans are really poor at management of anything. That's why all of the cities are run by Democrats. Look at what passes for crisis management in the pandemic in red states.

Republicans used to have a lot of economic ideas, most of them parroting Milton Friedman and his Chigaco School of Economics free market plan, which eliminated all government regulation of the prices and labour and allowed the "libertarian market" to decide, on the premise that the net result would be an equitable distribution of capital.

Republicans are quick to point to Venzuela, and other South American hellholes as proof positive of the failures of "socialism", but the current economy inequity, poverty and second world nations status of South America is a direct result of Milton Friedman and his capitalism unchained policies. Prices rose, wages dropped, and when the crash came, millions were thrown into poverty, while the rich made out like bandits, using the crashes to further supress wages as desperate people will accept any amount of money rather than starve.

Right now Republicans are trying to cut off unemployment benefits, which Mitch McConnell says will "discourage workers" from taking jobs that pay less than the $2000 a month the government is paying. In Canada, my younger family and friends are complaining they aren't being "allowed" to work, because the $2000 per month isn't really enough to maintain their current lifestyles.

While Americans are trying to get back to "normal", the rest of the world is moving toward what "normal" will look like as we get control of the virus. The Republican Party is trying to end the Republic and establish authoritarian white male rule, to suppress the will of the people. I don't know how you can salvage the GOP from that, or even that you should.

I think the Lincoln Party Republicans need to start their own Party, but one which is working for the good of all of the people, as set out in the Constitution, rather than seeking to pervert the Constitution to the will of the elite. A party with an actual Platform, and programs other than cut taxes, spent money on the military, and put it all on the credit card, because that's not working. Nor is the supression of racial minorities.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
You're a dumb fuck.

My bad

I keep forgetting that Texas copied its flag from Puerto Rico
Please, keep it up.

You're making it sooooo much easier. We're nearly at 30% in favor of secession and war. Keep building our numbers.

Like I said, we will enjoy kicking your ass again
"We?" You've never been anywhere near a battlefield. Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither have you, FingerBoi.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

I don't see how the current itteration of the Republican Party can continue to exist. They have no platform, no plan, they just want to whine about white grievance and do nothing. And they've have utterly abandoned the Constitution in an effort to retain while male dominance of the government and the nation's wealth, at any cost.

When you look at it, Trump didn't manage the affairs of the country at all - other than to cut taxes, and offend your allies. He cut all regulations regardless of their use or purpose causing the quality of both air and water to deteriorate, but it did nothing to improve job creation.

His fiscal policies accelerated the rise of the oligarchs and concentration of wealth at the top, at the expense of an ever shrinking middle class. 8 million people have fallen into poverty since the start of this pandemic, while Trump pushes the nation to get back to work, and tries to cut off aid to the unemployed.

The Republican Party had no platform or 2nd term plan going into the 2020 election, other than whatever Trump decides to do, we're with him. But the electorate, at large, is exhausted and burned out by the chaos in Washington, and by the dysfunction in Congress. Trump really had no plan for after the inauguration either so he just winged it throughout and accomplished very little other than to wreck everything he laid his hands on.

The principle job of government is crisis management, and Republicans are really poor at management of anything. That's why all of the cities are run by Democrats. Look at what passes for crisis management in the pandemic in red states.

Republicans used to have a lot of economic ideas, most of them parroting Milton Friedman and his Chigaco School of Economics free market plan, which eliminated all government regulation of the prices and labour and allowed the "libertarian market" to decide, on the premise that the net result would be an equitable distribution of capital.

Republicans are quick to point to Venzuela, and other South American hellholes as proof positive of the failures of "socialism", but the current economy inequity, poverty and second world nations status of South America is a direct result of Milton Friedman and his capitalism unchained policies. Prices rose, wages dropped, and when the crash came, millions were thrown into poverty, while the rich made out like bandits, using the crashes to further supress wages as desperate people will accept any amount of money rather than starve.

Right now Republicans are trying to cut off unemployment benefits, which Mitch McConnell says will "discourage workers" from taking jobs that pay less than the $2000 a month the government is paying. In Canada, my younger family and friends are complaining they aren't being "allowed" to work, because the $2000 per month isn't really enough to maintain their current lifestyles.

While Americans are trying to get back to "normal", the rest of the world is moving toward what "normal" will look like as we get control of the virus. The Republican Party is trying to end the Republic and establish authoritarian white male rule, to suppress the will of the people. I don't know how you can salvage the GOP from that, or even that you should.

I think the Lincoln Party Republicans need to start their own Party, but one which is working for the good of all of the people, as set out in the Constitution, rather than seeking to pervert the Constitution to the will of the elite. A party with an actual Platform, and programs other than cut taxes, spent money on the military, and put it all on the credit card, because that's not working. Nor is the supression of racial minorities.

Lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, , lie, lie, lie, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Sounds fun
We will kick your asses just like the last time

So, you do want a civil war. Good to know. So, Rightwiner, any further complaints about some leftard getting run over by a car, or beat down by cops, will be met with laughter, because you have admitted that you want such shit and lots and lots more of it.

Must remember to ridicule RW, in this regard.

I haven’t seen a liberal start a Civil War thread.......that would be sore loser MAGAs

But I laugh, because we would kick you asses

My perspective in not so much on winner or losing, but on the horrific suffering and waste to be caused by hte conflict.

All because fuckers like you, feel a need to oppress people like me.

I hope karma is a real thing. Because you would have built up a mountain of karmic debt to pay off. And I hope I get to see it.
You are always so angry

Stop playing the victim and move on with your life.
That's what we want to do. Let us move a separate nation....
We keep the flag
As long as we can keep this flag, that's fine.

The Puerto Rico Flag?
You're a dumb fuck.

My bad

I keep forgetting that Texas copied its flag from Puerto Rico
Please, keep it up.

You're making it sooooo much easier. We're nearly at 30% in favor of secession and war. Keep building our numbers.

Like I said, we will enjoy kicking your ass again
"We?" You've never been anywhere near a battlefield. Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither have you, FingerBoi.
I'm not the one boasting about "kicking their asses," Dingbat.
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
There is no evidence election was
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
"The clear will of the people" my ass. The election was a swindle. It wasn't "free" by any stretch of the imagination.

Even if it was the clear will of the people, disagreeing is not a crime, you Nazi asshole.
according to elections infrastructure council and committees:

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
Do they teach you to keep repeating that lie in your propaganda training?

Of course they do.
the link i provided is the authoritative source: US election infrastructure committee and counsel.


You mean evidence that would be acceptable in a court of law?

No, you ain’t got any
All the evidence is acceptable in a court of law, moron.
Wingers" exist on both ends.

I guess I'm not surprised that one got past you.
I know you cant smell your own stink

but you have become a winger

while trump was in office I never saw you appeal to the left for unity and cooperation

but now that biden is almost in office suddenly you change your tune entirely

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