The practical morality of abortion

If the Catholic Church can't tell you what is moral or immoral about birth control, by what authority do you presume to tell me that abortion is immoral?

The Authority......God....and his Commandments..."Thou shalt do no murder....."

God cannot even be demonstrated to exist. You wish impose a specific set of moral rules on people based on an imaginary being?

No. I believe that a baby is a human, and that killing an innocent human for convenience is wrong. God also says that.

God, actually, says no such thing. Men have told us what God has said, which is hearsay.

And abortion is wrong wether you believe in God or not....if you think abortion can be done, you can also murder anyone you want...since in your mind there is no Eternal Judge of our actions...the only reason not to murder people is those damn religious people.....who think it is wrong....

Then why don't you let women choose and deal with the eternal judge consequences on their own.
If the Catholic Church can't make your rules, why can you make mine?

I'm not, God did......

To the best of our knowledge, God is an imaginary supernatural being created by Men. All writings claiming to be the word of God are writings by Men.

And so.....abortion is wrong wether God exists or not. Do you think killing babies for convenience is the sign of an advanced culture?

I think providing a woman a reasonable window of opportunity to choose to terminate an unintended pregnancy is the sign of an advanced culture.

As long as the human is small enough you can murder it....

If there is no you say...why is murder wrong at any time?

Why will a mother wolf kill and eat baby rabbits, but she won't kill and eat her own pups? Is she religious?
The Authority......God....and his Commandments..."Thou shalt do no murder....."

God cannot even be demonstrated to exist. You wish impose a specific set of moral rules on people based on an imaginary being?

No. I believe that a baby is a human, and that killing an innocent human for convenience is wrong. God also says that.

God, actually, says no such thing. Men have told us what God has said, which is hearsay.

And abortion is wrong wether you believe in God or not....if you think abortion can be done, you can also murder anyone you want...since in your mind there is no Eternal Judge of our actions...the only reason not to murder people is those damn religious people.....who think it is wrong....

Then why don't you let women choose and deal with the eternal judge consequences on their own.

I believe in God and he says murder is wrong...I will not support the murder of innocent people where I can prevent it......
I'm not, God did......

To the best of our knowledge, God is an imaginary supernatural being created by Men. All writings claiming to be the word of God are writings by Men.

And so.....abortion is wrong wether God exists or not. Do you think killing babies for convenience is the sign of an advanced culture?

I think providing a woman a reasonable window of opportunity to choose to terminate an unintended pregnancy is the sign of an advanced culture.

As long as the human is small enough you can murder it....

If there is no you say...why is murder wrong at any time?

Why will a mother wolf kill and eat baby rabbits, but she won't kill and eat her own pups? Is she religious?

God gave them instincts for their survival.......and the male wolf might kill the cubs, I know cats will kill kittens....
If there is no murder wrong? Or is it just an opinion......
What if there is no God....what keeps people from killing other people? Kindness towards others...and where did that come from...non christian societies didn't seem to practice that......
Proof a 9 week old fetus is a life.

"Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri Martino has suffered a miscarriage.

The 30-year-old revealed in a hearbreaking blog post on Saturday that she had been nine weeks along in her second pregnancy when she lost the baby."

"'To anybody enduring similar heartache, I will tell you what I'm feeling and processing as a result of this loss: A lot of confusion, some anger, deep sadness, and also an immense amount of gratitude,' Eva wrote in the post."

Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri reveals she has had a miscarriage
The fertilized human egg has no intrinsic value. If you insist that it does, for whatever reason,

then you must concede that the unfertilized human egg has intrinsic value, as then does the sperm cell.

Then where are you at, 'morally'?
Come on that's a slow roller back to the pitcher.unfertalized eggs and pecker trackes are not unique,when the two meet and a whole totally into itself DNA ya got your new little human if left to nature will live,or not,this is easy shit here.
If a woman chooses to have an abortion it's nobody else's business except her's and that of the doctor performing the procedure.

Ahem. But then again, what of the father?

How is it moral (or fair) to leave the other half of the child's genome out of the decision? Surely, if the father wants the child, the woman can't simply override him and have an abortion anyway, can she?

Don't you see how one sided this is?
If a woman chooses to have an abortion it's nobody else's business except her's and that of the doctor performing the procedure.

Ahem. But then again, what of the father?

How is it moral (or fair) to leave the other half of the child's genome out of the decision? Surely, if the father wants the child, the woman can't simply override him and have an abortion anyway, can she?

Don't you see how one sided this is?

She's the one carrying it around for nine months. See how one sided that is?

Don't put the baby in her in the first place and then you won't need to worry about it. It's called responsibility.

Good societies survive people doing immoral things, but a good society cannot survive if it calls immoral things moral.

---End transcript---

All morality is a judgment call.


Can a society survive if it calls a woman's right to choose to abort a fetus 'moral'?

Yes or no?
So, why were so many Nazis executed after the war? Clearly laws were passed. Nazis followed those newly established laws ---- the Jews were at fault, or so it would seem were morality is a judgment call. I say Nazis were executed because God said, thou shall not murder. God and not government/society is the deciding factor.
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If a woman chooses to have an abortion it's nobody else's business except her's and that of the doctor performing the procedure.

Ahem. But then again, what of the father?

How is it moral (or fair) to leave the other half of the child's genome out of the decision? Surely, if the father wants the child, the woman can't simply override him and have an abortion anyway, can she?

Don't you see how one sided this is?

She's the one carrying it around for nine months. See how one sided that is?

Don't put the baby in her in the first place and then you won't need to worry about it. It's called responsibility.
I firmly believe that nearly all pregnancies are the result of pre-marital consensual sex. The percentage of documented rape victims who end up carrying a baby is very low. Most people simply do not wish to comprehend this because of the implications.
What if there is no God....what keeps people from killing other people? Kindness towards others...and where did that come from...non christian societies didn't seem to practice that......
If one is going to kill a developing baby because the mother was raped, then the rapist who perpetrated the crime should also pay with his life. If we cannot execute the convicted rapist, why should we execute the baby who is innocent of any crime? And if a woman is willing to destroy a developing baby within her but unwilling to have the male perpetrator hung, electrocuted, thrown in acid, or dismembered ---- is she not as evil as the rapist --- if not more so?

Is there no pity for the innocent? And when there is, doesn't that make the rape victim more noble in the eyes of God if not society?

4 Q's.
A1: The embryo or fetus is not yet a person.
A2: No.
A3: Yes, if a person.
A4: WTF?
The embryo or fetus is not yet a person.------------------- By WHOS definition?

By my practical definition.
Also, by law.
No SSN. No inheritance rights until born.
Like the adult/minor distinction ...
Minors have no rights to xx until a certain age.
A fetus has no rights until ... it becomes a person at birth.
She's the one carrying it around for nine months. See how one sided that is?

No. If not for the man, she wouldn't be carrying anything, Bro. The man and the woman each represent one half of that baby's genome. It's quite intriguing that we forget that the man starts the entire process of conception.

Don't put the baby in her in the first place and then you won't need to worry about it. It's called responsibility.

I agree with this. No need for abortions if you practice responsibility.
“Those who argue that the human fetus has no rights, say that a fetus is not a person. But even if you believe that, it doesn't mean the fetus has no intrinsic value or no rights.”

That an embryo/fetus has no rights is neither an 'argument' nor a 'belief,' it's a settled and accepted fact of Constitutional law:

'”[T]he unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." Id., at 162. Accordingly, an abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life."'

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Consequently, the Court in its wisdom has appropriately left the matter for each individual to decide for himself, in accordance with his own good conscience and good faith, where the Constitution prohibits the state from compelling citizens to believe one way or another through force of law, and a woman's protected liberty of privacy is immune from attack by the state.

Citizens are therefore allowed to believe that abortion is 'immoral,' or that an embryo/fetus has 'rights,' and refrain from having an abortion accordingly, or advocate in the context of private society that abortion is 'wrong'; citizens are also at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion, provided such a solution comports with the Constitution and its case law.

That the practice of abortion must end is not at issue, at issue is the means by which that will be achieved, as not to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Hate to break it to you:

First, in the case you cite, the court upheld all but one of the restrictions in that Pennsylvania law:

"In a bitter, 5-to-4 decision, the Court again reaffirmed Roe, but it upheld most of the Pennsylvania provisions. For the first time, the justices imposed a new standard to determine the validity of laws restricting abortions. The new standard asks whether a state abortion regulation has the purpose or effect of imposing an "undue burden," which is defined as a "substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion before the fetus attains viability." Under this standard, the only provision to fail the undue-burden test was the husband notification requirement. The opinion for the Court was unique: It was crafted and authored by three justices."

Planned Parenthood v. Casey | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Second, we have the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which acknowledges the personhood of a human fetus in the womb. Moreover, two years prior to the case you cite, the Supreme Court upheld a Missouri Law which stated that "unborn children have protectable interests in life, health, and well-being."

The SCOTUS ruling is below.

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 492 US 490 (1989)

Learn to read and recite case law you idiot. Stop acting like a wannabe constitutional scholar.
Again, these are your beliefs, you're entitled to your beliefs, and the Constitution protects your right to believe as you see fit, however subjective and personal those beliefs might be.

And there are those who don't agree with your beliefs, who likewise enjoy Constitutional protections with regard to their beliefs, where their beliefs are immune from attack by the state.

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