The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

3. The only fair way to totally compare Presidential Administrations time in office to other Presidents is to look at ALL the data for every month during the time involved and average it. That is the only accurate and objective way to make a comparison.

Ah, so differentiating between a president walking into office amid economic growth and walking into office amid Great Recession and turning that into stable, growing economy with full employment is NOT FAIR!

If you cannot tell a difference between an argument a total brainless politico tool would make and your own, guess what, you're it.

You don't understand the difference between cherry picking information and being unbiased and objective. The standard in the list is the same for all the Presidents regardless. Monthly unemployment added together and then averaged. That is unbiased and objective.
It's worse than unbiased -- it's useless. It can't differentiate between two presidents where one takes the unemployment rate from 4% to 10% at the same rate a president takes it from 10% to 4%; even though the former would be horrible while the latter would be great.

Even worse.... take two presidents....

President A inherits an unemployment rate at a healthy 4.0%. The rate increases every month at 0.2 points... after 4 years, the unemployment rate is up to 13.6% and he would get kicked out of office.

President B inherits an obscene rate at 23.0%. The rate decreases every month at 0.2 points... after 8 years, the unemployment rate is under 4% (where president A started) and the 22nd Amendment is repealed for such a jobs god.

Then along comes a moron like you who idiotically claims president A performed better regarding unemployment because his average of 8.9% is far lower than president B's 13.2% average. That it doesn't matter how one president destroyed the job market while the other saved it -- all that matters is that president A's average unemployment rate was lower.

Yeah, some people just can't be bothered with such pesky details.

Anyone who says Bush did a better job than Reagan in terms of unemployment needs to have their head examined.

For most of the time W was in office, it was easier for the average person on the street to get a job than it was when Reagan was in office. That is just a fact.

Half a fact....
Remember the Misery Index that Reagan inherited from Carter?
Let's see because I lived through it!
US Misery Index - Index by President
The end of Carter and start of Reagan the HIGHEST in history at 19.72!
So Reagan had a lot to overcome. Inflation and unemployment both historical highs at
the end of Carter and I stupidly enough voted for Carter the first time! Thinking this very smart nuclear engineer could be a good president. Instead we got the "sweater talks"... etc. Look up Carter "sweater talks"!!!
View attachment 138371
Stop lying. Unemployment was not at a historical high when Reagan became president. It was higher when Obama became president.
News Flash, Dodo! Obama came after Reagan!

Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
3. The only fair way to totally compare Presidential Administrations time in office to other Presidents is to look at ALL the data for every month during the time involved and average it. That is the only accurate and objective way to make a comparison.

Ah, so differentiating between a president walking into office amid economic growth and walking into office amid Great Recession and turning that into stable, growing economy with full employment is NOT FAIR!

If you cannot tell a difference between an argument a total brainless politico tool would make and your own, guess what, you're it.

You don't understand the difference between cherry picking information and being unbiased and objective. The standard in the list is the same for all the Presidents regardless. Monthly unemployment added together and then averaged. That is unbiased and objective.
It's worse than unbiased -- it's useless. It can't differentiate between two presidents where one takes the unemployment rate from 4% to 10% at the same rate a president takes it from 10% to 4%; even though the former would be horrible while the latter would be great.

Even worse.... take two presidents....

President A inherits an unemployment rate at a healthy 4.0%. The rate increases every month at 0.2 points... after 4 years, the unemployment rate is up to 13.6% and he would get kicked out of office.

President B inherits an obscene rate at 23.0%. The rate decreases every month at 0.2 points... after 8 years, the unemployment rate is under 4% (where president A started) and the 22nd Amendment is repealed for such a jobs god.

Then along comes a moron like you who idiotically claims president A performed better regarding unemployment because his average of 8.9% is far lower than president B's 13.2% average. That it doesn't matter how one president destroyed the job market while the other saved it -- all that matters is that president A's average unemployment rate was lower.
One way to fairly look at it though would be to look at the average as a percent of the starting rate. Let's say President A started at 4% and ended at 10% with an average of 7%. And B starts with 10%, ends at 4%, average of 7%. A's average is 75% higher than his start and B's is 30% lower than his start. So clearly B was more successful.
For most of the time W was in office, it was easier for the average person on the street to get a job than it was when Reagan was in office. That is just a fact.

Half a fact....
Remember the Misery Index that Reagan inherited from Carter?
Let's see because I lived through it!
US Misery Index - Index by President
The end of Carter and start of Reagan the HIGHEST in history at 19.72!
So Reagan had a lot to overcome. Inflation and unemployment both historical highs at
the end of Carter and I stupidly enough voted for Carter the first time! Thinking this very smart nuclear engineer could be a good president. Instead we got the "sweater talks"... etc. Look up Carter "sweater talks"!!!
View attachment 138371
Stop lying. Unemployment was not at a historical high when Reagan became president. It was higher when Obama became president.
News Flash, Dodo! Obama came after Reagan!

Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.
3. The only fair way to totally compare Presidential Administrations time in office to other Presidents is to look at ALL the data for every month during the time involved and average it. That is the only accurate and objective way to make a comparison.

Ah, so differentiating between a president walking into office amid economic growth and walking into office amid Great Recession and turning that into stable, growing economy with full employment is NOT FAIR!

If you cannot tell a difference between an argument a total brainless politico tool would make and your own, guess what, you're it.
The guy just proved he's a complete and utter idiot. He actually said it was easier for people to get a job while Bush was president than while Reagan was president. :eusa_doh:

Reagan added 16 million jobs while he was president. Bush added 1 million. And the population was smaller when Reagan was president. The numbers themselves show how much easier it was to find a job while Reagan was president.

You call me an idiot, yet you keep coming back to my thread. Interesting! When the unemployment is low in any given month, the probability you will get a job is higher than if the unemployment rate was high. On average, the unemployment rate was lower while Bush was in office than Reagan, meaning it was easier to get a job. There are more help wanted signs when the unemployment rate is 5% than when it is 8%.
I keep coming back because making fun of idiots on this forum is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Like here.... employment growth under Reagan was a healthy 17%. Under Bush, it was a paltry 1%. And that 1% was 100% government jobs. Yet you continue to make the idiotic claim that it was easier to get a job under Bush than under Reagan. :cuckoo:

By claiming it was easier because the unemployment rate was lower is basing it on the unemployment rate measuring job availability; which it doesn't.
Half a fact....
Remember the Misery Index that Reagan inherited from Carter?
Let's see because I lived through it!
US Misery Index - Index by President
The end of Carter and start of Reagan the HIGHEST in history at 19.72!
So Reagan had a lot to overcome. Inflation and unemployment both historical highs at
the end of Carter and I stupidly enough voted for Carter the first time! Thinking this very smart nuclear engineer could be a good president. Instead we got the "sweater talks"... etc. Look up Carter "sweater talks"!!!
View attachment 138371
Stop lying. Unemployment was not at a historical high when Reagan became president. It was higher when Obama became president.
News Flash, Dodo! Obama came after Reagan!

Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER.
Stop lying. Unemployment was not at a historical high when Reagan became president. It was higher when Obama became president.
News Flash, Dodo! Obama came after Reagan!

Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181
Great, as usual, you deviate. :eusa_doh:

What does any of that have to with me pointing out you were wrong when you claimed Reagan was handed a historically high unemployment rate?
And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181

Wow. Obama didn't face increasing unemployment, fucking seriously? Amid ~800,000 monthly job loss? no increasing unemployment? How stupid can you be to say that?



Yes Obama didn't have inflation problem, but I hear he did have NEAR COLLAPSE OF THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND REAL ESTATE MARKET to deal with.
News Flash, Dodo! Obama came after Reagan!

Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181
Great, as usual, you deviate. :eusa_doh:

What does any of that have to with me pointing out you were wrong when you claimed Reagan was handed a historically high unemployment rate?
Simple. Let's keep it simple for you.

Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier?
When he was “driving” it, he could make a 1 degree change in the direction of the ship every couple of seconds. That meant that in roughly 3-5 miles, depending on the speed of the ship, Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier? | Jon Schallert

And so too with unemployment rates. If the business environment is deteriorating as it did under Carter, just because Reagan was inaugurated two month later
doesn't mean OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!
So the same thing with Obama. But the difference between Reagan/Trump and Carter/Obama is that Reagan/Trump knew that hmmm who hires the most people?
Government or businesses??? Neither Carter and more so Obama seem to know that. I mean when was the last time a president said these anti business comments?

Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did it go about doing that? Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook...)
So these are ALL REAL statements made by the truly economic moron who didn't ever seem to realize that businesses hire people!
People/businesses pay payroll taxes. People/businesses pay income taxes. So the more people employed the more TAX revenue!
Damn simple but how could any business under Obama especially ever plan to grow faced with this challenge?
Every year economist Clyde Wade Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP! The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
And then you have a president like Obama who does the below!
I mean please doesn't the reality of Obama's economic ignorance mean anything to you because IT MEANT Trillions in wasted money complying with inane rules and regulations which meant fewer jobs because some idiots like Obama just don't get it!


And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181

Wow. Obama didn't face increasing unemployment, fucking seriously? Amid ~800,000 monthly job loss? no increasing unemployment? How stupid can you be to say that?



Yes Obama didn't have inflation problem, but I hear he did have NEAR COLLAPSE OF THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND REAL ESTATE MARKET to deal with.
Obama had to deal with deflation in 2009.
Easy to find the facts..
The unemployment rate has varied from as low as 1% during World War I to as high as 25% during the Great Depression.
More recently, it reached peaks of 10.8% in November 1982
and 10.0% in October 2009.
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181
Great, as usual, you deviate. :eusa_doh:

What does any of that have to with me pointing out you were wrong when you claimed Reagan was handed a historically high unemployment rate?
Simple. Let's keep it simple for you.

Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier?
When he was “driving” it, he could make a 1 degree change in the direction of the ship every couple of seconds. That meant that in roughly 3-5 miles, depending on the speed of the ship, Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier? | Jon Schallert

And so too with unemployment rates. If the business environment is deteriorating as it did under Carter, just because Reagan was inaugurated two month later
doesn't mean OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!
So the same thing with Obama. But the difference between Reagan/Trump and Carter/Obama is that Reagan/Trump knew that hmmm who hires the most people?
Government or businesses??? Neither Carter and more so Obama seem to know that. I mean when was the last time a president said these anti business comments?

Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did it go about doing that? Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook...)
So these are ALL REAL statements made by the truly economic moron who didn't ever seem to realize that businesses hire people!
People/businesses pay payroll taxes. People/businesses pay income taxes. So the more people employed the more TAX revenue!
Damn simple but how could any business under Obama especially ever plan to grow faced with this challenge?
Every year economist Clyde Wade Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP! The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
And then you have a president like Obama who does the below!
I mean please doesn't the reality of Obama's economic ignorance mean anything to you because IT MEANT Trillions in wasted money complying with inane rules and regulations which meant fewer jobs because some idiots like Obama just don't get it!

View attachment 139214
Umm... the unemployment rate was dropping slowly for the first half of 1981. It did not increase "immediately," as you falsely portray.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
My statement applied to Faun's implication that Reagan"s Unemployment Rate could not have been a historical high because Obama's was higher. The fact that Obama's rate surpassed Reagan's does not mean that Reagan's was not previously a historical high.
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181
Great, as usual, you deviate. :eusa_doh:

What does any of that have to with me pointing out you were wrong when you claimed Reagan was handed a historically high unemployment rate?
Simple. Let's keep it simple for you.

Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier?
When he was “driving” it, he could make a 1 degree change in the direction of the ship every couple of seconds. That meant that in roughly 3-5 miles, depending on the speed of the ship, Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier? | Jon Schallert

And so too with unemployment rates. If the business environment is deteriorating as it did under Carter, just because Reagan was inaugurated two month later
doesn't mean OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!
So the same thing with Obama. But the difference between Reagan/Trump and Carter/Obama is that Reagan/Trump knew that hmmm who hires the most people?
Government or businesses??? Neither Carter and more so Obama seem to know that. I mean when was the last time a president said these anti business comments?

Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did it go about doing that? Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook...)
So these are ALL REAL statements made by the truly economic moron who didn't ever seem to realize that businesses hire people!
People/businesses pay payroll taxes. People/businesses pay income taxes. So the more people employed the more TAX revenue!
Damn simple but how could any business under Obama especially ever plan to grow faced with this challenge?
Every year economist Clyde Wade Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP! The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
And then you have a president like Obama who does the below!
I mean please doesn't the reality of Obama's economic ignorance mean anything to you because IT MEANT Trillions in wasted money complying with inane rules and regulations which meant fewer jobs because some idiots like Obama just don't get it!

View attachment 139214
Umm... the unemployment rate was dropping slowly for the first half of 1981. It did not increase "immediately," as you falsely portray.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I KNOW that you really are something!
I wrote: "OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!" Facetiously expecting a more intelligent response from people.
I DIDN"T "portray" that with any facts because I was hoping smarter people would comprehend that unemployment LIKE a aircraft carrier takes time to slow and
to turn! But you didn't get the analogy did you? Went right over your head!
AGAIN for simplicity... The unemployment rate under Carter was as this chart shows:
It went down under Carter BUT idiots like you don't seem to look at the BIG picture...i.e. it takes time for the job market to turn around! It doesn't happen overnight as
you think!
Last edited:
Umm.... even not factoring in Obama, the unemployment rate was still not at a historical high when Reagan became president. Carter inherited an unemployment rate equally as high before him.

You are right.
Nixon was faced with the gas lines in 1973 which from personal awareness as I am 74 years old having lived through Carter's 4 years (which I voted for Carter also!).
This was truly a malaise on the country.
From Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

BUT Carter did NOT address that. Carter blamed Americans. And then this was passed on to Reagan who had to face not only growing unemployment but rising
Obama faced NEITHER. View attachment 139181
Great, as usual, you deviate. :eusa_doh:

What does any of that have to with me pointing out you were wrong when you claimed Reagan was handed a historically high unemployment rate?
Simple. Let's keep it simple for you.

Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier?
When he was “driving” it, he could make a 1 degree change in the direction of the ship every couple of seconds. That meant that in roughly 3-5 miles, depending on the speed of the ship, Can Your Business Change its Course like an Aircraft Carrier? | Jon Schallert

And so too with unemployment rates. If the business environment is deteriorating as it did under Carter, just because Reagan was inaugurated two month later
doesn't mean OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!
So the same thing with Obama. But the difference between Reagan/Trump and Carter/Obama is that Reagan/Trump knew that hmmm who hires the most people?
Government or businesses??? Neither Carter and more so Obama seem to know that. I mean when was the last time a president said these anti business comments?

Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did it go about doing that? Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook...)
So these are ALL REAL statements made by the truly economic moron who didn't ever seem to realize that businesses hire people!
People/businesses pay payroll taxes. People/businesses pay income taxes. So the more people employed the more TAX revenue!
Damn simple but how could any business under Obama especially ever plan to grow faced with this challenge?
Every year economist Clyde Wade Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP! The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
And then you have a president like Obama who does the below!
I mean please doesn't the reality of Obama's economic ignorance mean anything to you because IT MEANT Trillions in wasted money complying with inane rules and regulations which meant fewer jobs because some idiots like Obama just don't get it!

View attachment 139214
Umm... the unemployment rate was dropping slowly for the first half of 1981. It did not increase "immediately," as you falsely portray.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I KNOW that you really are something!
I wrote: "OH wow unemployment rates STOP going down and immediately go up!" Facetiously expecting a more intelligent response from people.
I DIDN"T "portray" that with any facts because I was hoping smarter people would comprehend that unemployment LIKE a aircraft carrier takes time to slow and
to turn! But you didn't get the analogy did you? Went right over your head!
AGAIN for simplicity... The unemployment rate under Carter was has this chart shows:
It went down under Carter BUT idiots like you don't seem to look at the BIG picture...i.e. it takes time for the job market to turn around! It doesn't happen overnight as
you think!
View attachment 139276
You wanna see what immediate increase to unemployment really looks like?

1/2009: 7.8%
2/2009: 8.3% (+0.5)
3/2009: 8.7% (+0.4)
4/2009: 9.0% (+0.3)
5/2009: 9.4% (+0.4)
6/2009: 9.5% (+0.1)
7/2009: 9.5% (---)

Now compare that to what Reagan inherited...

1/1981: 7.5%
2/1981: 7.4% (-0.1)
3/1981: 7.4% (---)
4/1981: 7.2% (-0.2)
5/1981: 7.5% (+0.3)
6/1981: 7.5% (---)
7/1981: 7.2% (-0.3)
The monthly unemployment rate for July 2017 was 4.3%. This is the Seventh unemployment report with Trump in office, his Seventh month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate down from 4.52% in June to 4.49% in July.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.49%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 41 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.9% up from 62.8% in June.
The monthly unemployment rate for July 2017 was 4.3%. This is the Seventh unemployment report with Trump in office, his Seventh month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate down from 4.52% in June to 4.49% in July.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.49%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
... and just as meaningless as when you posted this last month.
The monthly unemployment rate for August 2017 was 4.4%. This is the Eighth unemployment report with Trump in office, his Eighth month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.49% in July to 4.48% in August.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.48%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 40 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.9% the same spot it was in July.
The monthly unemployment rate for September 2017 was 4.2%. This is the 9th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 9th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.48% in August to 4.44% in September.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.44%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 39 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 63.1%, up from 62.9% in August.
The monthly unemployment rate for September 2017 was 4.2%. This is the 9th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 9th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.48% in August to 4.44% in September.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.44%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 39 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 63.1%, up from 62.9% in August.

What is the REAL unemployment number? Remember that? You guys didn't believe the 5% unemployment number Obama had remember?

Unemployment numbers not 'phony' to Trump anymore - CNNPolitics

So thank you Obama. When unemployment was going lower and lower and lower on your watch, Republicans denied denied denied. Now they are basically admitting you were the man!!!

The monthly unemployment rate for September 2017 was 4.2%. This is the 9th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 9th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.48% in August to 4.44% in September.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Donald Trump: 4.44%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 39 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 63.1%, up from 62.9% in August.

Fact is Obama took the unemployment number down from 7.45 to 4%. Bush created the 7.45 number although I see you give him 5.27. Unemployment must have been really low when he first started and clearly you aren't giving Bush credit for all the people who lost their jobs because of him even after he left office. This list is a misleading joke.
The unemployment numbers candidate Donald Trump assailed for months on the campaign trail as "phony" and fictional are suddenly up to snuff.

The numbers haven't changed, nor has the Bureau of Labor Statistics' methodology for compiling them, but with the jobless rate ticking down and hiring on the rise, Trump is eager to point to the economic indicators as a sign that his presidency has been a boon for the economy.
"I talked to the President prior to this and he said to quote him very clearly: 'They may have been phony in the past, but it's very real now,' " Spicer said Friday from the White House podium, hours after the government announced 235,000 new jobs in February

Only 235,000? How pathetic. Remember Republicans? This is proof Republicans hold Democrats up to a much higher standard.

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