The Problem with Gays.

Homosexuals aren't normal.
This is your opinion. Define 'normal.'
I command that gay unions be given all the rights and priviledges that hetero unions now enjoy.
Well, do what you will but that (calling them 'unions') is irrelevant in all states where gay marriage has been legalized, as they do refer to it as 'marriage.' You can argue, bay at the moon, whatever 'til the cows come home, but in the end your little pleas to not call their marriages 'marriages' will have no bearing on reality.

great---then if this great "reality" is so imminent there is nothing more to say about the subject.
Maybe we can give gays cheaper wedding licenses as a reparation present too. I'm sure we owe it to them. :lol:
"As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!"

If gay marriage LESSENS or THREATENS your marriage to your wife then it is NOT their fault it is YOUR OWN SEVERE lack of faith in your OWN marriage.
DAMN! You all hit this post HARD!
Look if anybody has a problem with ANYTHING I said in this post... WELL, Have fun enjoying your freedom of speech! THIS IS THE USA... You can do that.
I have not read one post that was for the gays, that broke anything I said. 99% of them are personal attacks and that's okay, it just shows that you don't have a point to make against me.
Some wise users on this board, said the main standpoint of this argument. That MARRIAGE is a PRIVILEGE!!!! Not a given. Just like any other PRIVILEGE there are standards. You have to learn to drive and prove it to get a driver's license.
In my first post, THERE WAS NOTHING in there that said I was a bigot. I clearly said that they are wrong... LETS BE HONEST... The penis does not belong there!!!! PLEASE! BE HONEST!! Does it really belong there?
I also said, that this is a problem and a mistake. Well, it is what lots of people lack... COMMON SENSE... You are not born GAY. It is a CHOICE! IF humans can be born gay, the percentile of gays would not really change. That is a bunch of crap that all of these people are in the closet!!!!! CRAP!
I also am getting lots of heat about the statement "majority of the people are for the gays". Well, all I can say is... If you don't believe me... Read this entire thread.

I beg you to tell me any part of my first post that was too harsh to be an opinion.
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Cold Fusion, the reason why I put this thread up... Or in your words, "The reason I care" is because this is the concept of this posting section. This is RELIGION AND ETHIC. The description say something of the point of talk about what is right and wrong. That's all I did.
I guess puting your opinion on ethics is only wrong when the majority believes in the other perspective.
If so, Cold Fusion, I am sorry that I stated my opinion. I guess this is the direction of this country... WHAT IS IT CALLED AGAIN??? WHEN YOU CAN'T STATE YOUR OPINION.... hmmmm.... OH! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! Communism!
Look-----if gays REALLY want the same rights as a married hetero couple wants they can achieve it by dumping the word " marriage". Its that fucking easy. The truth is that they really want MORE or they would have figured this out by now. The want me to look at them and see the same thing as when I look at a hetero couple and that dog ain't ever gonna hunt

I think you missed the point of my post.. They already have the same rights according to the constitution.. What I want to know is why you people want to violate someone's constitutional rights? Also refered to as civil rights..

Marriage is just a word and has no bearing on this issue..

The truth is, your a homophobe and you see it as your duty to descriminate and deny someone their civil rights without a viable and constitutional explination.. They want no more than any normal married couple wants.. They want their civil rights.. One day, they shall have them.. And like in the days of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote.. The days of the civil rights movement, the interacial marraige debate.. You people will lose.. You always do.. It is always the christians that wish to deny moral growth in our nation..

You have no arguement here..

It doesn't matter how you look at them.. I am sure that they don't give a shit how you look at them.. Just as I am sure that you don't give a dogs ass how I look at you..

See? Even you're stating that they're not normal, and you're supposedly in their corner.

That statement was inclusive of them.. They are normal and want what any normal couple would want.. Get it?
Look-----if gays REALLY want the same rights as a married hetero couple wants they can achieve it by dumping the word " marriage". Its that fucking easy. The truth is that they really want MORE or they would have figured this out by now. The want me to look at them and see the same thing as when I look at a hetero couple and that dog ain't ever gonna hunt

I think you missed the point of my post.. They already have the same rights according to the constitution.. What I want to know is why you people want to violate someone's constitutional rights? Also refered to as civil rights..

Marriage is just a word and has no bearing on this issue..

The truth is, your a homophobe and you see it as your duty to descriminate and deny someone their civil rights without a viable and constitutional explination.. They want no more than any normal married couple wants.. They want their civil rights.. One day, they shall have them.. And like in the days of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote.. The days of the civil rights movement, the interacial marraige debate.. You people will lose.. You always do.. It is always the christians that wish to deny moral growth in our nation..

You have no arguement here..

It doesn't matter how you look at them.. I am sure that they don't give a shit how you look at them.. Just as I am sure that you don't give a dogs ass how I look at you..

Marriage has no bearing on the issue :rofl::rofl::rofl:

you're funny--it seems like the word marriage is EXACTLY what's on every proposed ammendment

Are you reading impaired or something?? marriage is a word and has no bearing.. You can get married in a church or a J.O.P. can marry you.. In either case, you are married.. They want the same rights and privileges as any other married couple.. There is nothing wrong with that..

By my point stands.. Marriage is just a word and has no bearing in this debate..

Now how bout we get back to the whole 1st amendment thing and why you love to violate people's civil rights and how anti-american your views are??

Oh... Wait?? We need to fix your reading impairment..

Hooked on Phonics | Learn to Read with Award-Winning Educational Programs

There you go.. That should help.. :eusa_whistle:
Cold Fusion, the reason why I put this thread up... Or in your words, "The reason I care" is because this is the concept of this posting section. This is RELIGION AND ETHIC. The description say something of the point of talk about what is right and wrong. That's all I did.
I guess puting your opinion on ethics is only wrong when the majority believes in the other perspective.
If so, Cold Fusion, I am sorry that I stated my opinion. I guess this is the direction of this country... WHAT IS IT CALLED AGAIN??? WHEN YOU CAN'T STATE YOUR OPINION.... hmmmm.... OH! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! Communism!

What's it called when you take OTHER people's rights away based on YOUR version of right and wrong..........hmmmm...OH! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! FACISM!
Except in this case there is no real separation.

In a sense there is

by this continued call to disallow the use of the term 'marriage' when the term applies aptly to what they are doing: joining in matrimony.

The fight over the use of the term is symbolic of something that is more significant:

the perpetuation of the notion that gays are not 'normal' (what the hell is that supposed to mean anyway?),

so that the condoning of marginalizing them can continue unabated.

It's not moral, not ethical or excusable under any circumstances.

Well, gays are not the norm but it just doesn't matter! :lol:

So some people want to argue about morality and others ironically insist on a word just to make a moral point, meanwhile the essence of the legality has nothing to do with morality.

Fighting an imaginary battle over a word is a wasted effort, IMO.

The essence of the law is what really effects their marginalization. Doesn't matter what anyone CALLS it as long as the legal consequences are not separate, they are equal.

You acknowledge they are not the norm and imply that they do in fact wánt something to be done special for them, in that case this is not an equal rights issue, its a special rights issue.
In a sense there is

by this continued call to disallow the use of the term 'marriage' when the term applies aptly to what they are doing: joining in matrimony.

The fight over the use of the term is symbolic of something that is more significant:

the perpetuation of the notion that gays are not 'normal' (what the hell is that supposed to mean anyway?),

so that the condoning of marginalizing them can continue unabated.

It's not moral, not ethical or excusable under any circumstances.

Well, gays are not the norm but it just doesn't matter! :lol:

So some people want to argue about morality and others ironically insist on a word just to make a moral point, meanwhile the essence of the legality has nothing to do with morality.

Fighting an imaginary battle over a word is a wasted effort, IMO.

The essence of the law is what really effects their marginalization. Doesn't matter what anyone CALLS it as long as the legal consequences are not separate, they are equal.

You acknowledge they are not the norm and imply that they do in fact wánt something to be done special for them, in that case this is not an equal rights issue, its a special rights issue.

It is not doing anything special for them, it is letting have a right that is denied to them.
I'm not sure I understand your point.

Does a married person have the civil right to have sex with whoever they please ?

giving the fact it is not against the law to cheat on your spouce, than do whatever floats your boat.

As if gay people have the most committed relationships, why are your pro-gay arguments always peppered with implications that straight people are all bad and gay people are these poor people just seeking love, in fact they are the most promiscuous of all so called "sexual orientations", don't project that myth that straight people do all these bad things are get away with it and or that the wrong that straight people do in terms of fidelity is not criticized because it is.
Does a married person have the civil right to have sex with whoever they please ?

giving the fact it is not against the law to cheat on your spouce, than do whatever floats your boat.

As if gay people have the most committed relationships, why are your pro-gay arguments always peppered with implications that straight people are all bad and gay people are these poor people just seeking love, in fact they are the most promiscuous of all so called "sexual orientations", don't project that myth that straight people do all these bad things are get away with it and or that the wrong that straight people do in terms of fidelity is not criticized because it is.
Don't think I said that in my post!
Keep projecting, it is fun!
it's all the same arguments, dillo. nothing more rational against gay marriage than existed with respect to inter-racial marriage, IMO.

wrong-----blacks NEVER demanded to be called white-----they only demanded the EQUAL rights that came with actually BEING white

Gays are not demanding to be straight, they are demanding the right to marry, which is a right not a privilage.

And marriage itself is not a right but a privilege.
Really? About as easy as 'separate but equal,' but most people know what that is all about. I gather you do not.

don't EVEN try to compare this to a racial thing------are you gay ?

it's all the same arguments, dillo. nothing more rational against gay marriage than existed with respect to inter-racial marriage, IMO.

Interracial marriage and gay marriage are not the same, in the Supreme Court decision that struck down the anti-interracial marriage laws, the Court said that it is illegal to make it a crime and felony for two people to married based on racial classifications, very far from what faggots are asking for.
wrong-----blacks NEVER demanded to be called white-----they only demanded the EQUAL rights that came with actually BEING white

Gays are not demanding to be straight, they are demanding the right to marry, which is a right not a privilage.

And marriage itself is not a right but a privilege.

The Supreme Court would disagree with you, which we have already established.
"basic civil right" is their exact words, are you saying the Supreme court is wrong?
Stick 'em back in the closet where they belong.

Don't give them the right to marry, and damn sure don't give them the right to raise children in that disgusting environment.

After all, the turd burglars and carpet munchers CHOOSE to live that disgusting lifestyle. The freaks definitely weren't born that way.
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