The Problem with Gays.

Read again jackass Luissa:

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival"

Is homosexuality fundamental to our existence and survival? Remember that two faggots can't reproduce so our exitence would be doomed with homosexuality.......

They were explaining why it was right, you fucking idiot! So I guess a sterile couple should not be able to get married either? Are you really that fucking stupid?Something is either a right or not a right.
Man, I will say it again. The Supreme court defined it as a "basic civil right", which MEANS it is a right not a privilage.

Still repeating the same lies again? Please find that quote and post it in its entirety so that the whole text is read in its proper context.

You are the fucking idiot, Bass. With that ruling they clasified marriage as a right, so no one could discrimnate. What do you think they are going to use when they make same sex marriage legal?

Fundamental to our existence and survival, two faggots bumping each other up the anus is not fundamental to our existence, however a man and woman having sex is.
Read again jackass Luissa:

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival"

Is homosexuality fundamental to our existence and survival? Remember that two faggots can't reproduce so our exitence would be doomed with homosexuality.......

They were explaining why it was right, you fucking idiot! So I guess a sterile couple should not be able to get married either? Are you really that fucking stupid?Something is either a right or not a right.

Thats wqhy they stated so, because it is fundamental to our existence and survival, please explain to the Bass how two faggots shagging eaching up the butt fits that equation. The absence of homosexuality will not doom the existence and survival of humans, so clearly the context of the text written implies hetreosexual marriages.
Marriage is not a right that just anyone has, get that through your thik profaggoty skull and quit repeating the same BS, just as polygamist can't marry and a brother can't marry his sister, the same applies to gays.

I didn't know we defined "basic civil rights". I guess it alright not define it regards to interracial marriage, but it is alright to define it when has to do with another group of people. Marriage is not a privilage, it is a right. And in this country everyone has equal rights, well at least they are suppose to.

Idiot. go back and read that same link you posted about the Loving case, it never defined marriage as a basic right moron and look at the reasons why the anti-interracial laws were struck down, because they were unconstitutional and violated due process of law because interracial marriages were regarded as criminal felonies.
What about sodomy laws? Same type of law, and should also be unconstitutional.
Still repeating the same lies again? Please find that quote and post it in its entirety so that the whole text is read in its proper context.

You are the fucking idiot, Bass. With that ruling they clasified marriage as a right, so no one could discrimnate. What do you think they are going to use when they make same sex marriage legal?

Fundamental to our existence and survival, two faggots bumping each other up the anus is not fundamental to our existence, however a man and woman having sex is.

So you do think a sterile couple should not be allowed to marry? You cannot discriminate against a couple because they cannot reproduce.
Still repeating the same lies again? Please find that quote and post it in its entirety so that the whole text is read in its proper context.

You are the fucking idiot, Bass. With that ruling they clasified marriage as a right, so no one could discrimnate. What do you think they are going to use when they make same sex marriage legal?

Fundamental to our existence and survival, two faggots bumping each other up the anus is not fundamental to our existence, however a man and woman having sex is.

So I guess you are for seperate but equal laws?
Look, MAN & WOMEN together is INSTINCT! Homosexuality is a result in environmental corruption. It is a CHOICE. When these laws were written they wrote them with the fact that gays were scarce. YOU ARE TAKING IT TOO LITERAL!
Let me guess, you also think the right to bare arms is making it so it's not illegal to have arms on your body? OH NO!!!! I AM GOING TO HAVE TO CUT MY LEGS OFF! They didn't say legs?
Homosexuality is TABOO! It's WRONG! For anybody to want to reward people for being wrong... Well, that is an exception to every other case of being wrong.
Can you at least admit that they are wrong?
What is right about it?Please tell me...
Look, MAN & WOMEN together is INSTINCT! Homosexuality is a result in environmental corruption. It is a CHOICE. When these laws were written they wrote them with the fact that gays were scarce. YOU ARE TAKING IT TOO LITERAL!
Let me guess, you also think the right to bare arms is making it so it's not illegal to have arms on your body? OH NO!!!! I AM GOING TO HAVE TO CUT MY LEGS OFF! They didn't say legs?
Homosexuality is TABOO! It's WRONG! For anybody to want to reward people for being wrong... Well, that is an exception to every other case of being wrong.
Can you at least admit that they are wrong?
What is right about it?Please tell me...

I am taking a "right" too literal? Are you fucking kidding me with that crap?
And show me proof that they have proven it is a choice? And don't us some right wing christian propaganda bullshit to back up your claim.
And I will not admit they are wrong, it is not my place to tell someone what they can do with their life.
Basically Luissa has produced no evidence that homosexual marriage if enacted, would be fundamental to our existence and survival therefore the Loving case cannot be invoked to make a case for gay marriage.
Basically Luissa has produced no evidence that homosexual marriage if enacted, would be fundamental to our existence and survival therefore the Loving case cannot be invoked to make a case for gay marriage.

They clasified marriage as a right not a privilage, what do you not get about that?
So you never answered, are you for sterile people have their right to marry taken away?
And are you for seperate but equal laws?
Luissa, it's okay... You can admit you are wrong.
You are human like the rest of us.
If you are mixed up about the answer of wrong or right...
Answer this question:
Is the organ known as the penis, of any use inside of the asshole of another human?
If you answer no... Then they are using the penis WRONG.
Then, that would obviously mean they are wrong.
"SORRY HOMOS! NO SOUP FOR YOU! I know it sucks... Because todays special was a hot bowl of Marriage.
Luissa, it's okay... You can admit you are wrong.
You are human like the rest of us.
If you are mixed up about the answer of wrong or right...
Answer this question:
Is the organ known as the penis, of any use inside of the asshole of another human?
If you answer no... Then they are using the penis WRONG.
Then, that would obviously mean they are wrong.
"SORRY HOMOS! NO SOUP FOR YOU! I know it sucks... Because todays special was a hot bowl of Marriage.

Why would God make it feel good then? And stimulating the protest which is what anal sex does, promotes a healthy prostate.
OMG! Is that your answer?
Was it no?
Luissa, there are lots of people out there that think have sex with children, Dogs, Mailboxes...(Seeing if your paying attention) FEELS GOOD! Why would God do that to them? Why would got make it feel good you say?

You are now implying that having sex with children, animals, and HELL WHY NOT, MAILBOXES!!!!!! are okay.
Luissa, please tell me that's not the case?
I am stating there is biological reasons why it feels good to have anal sex. Stimulating the penis or rectum, stimulates the prostrate which causes an orgasm. This also applies in women.
If God didn't want it to be natural, why would he allow anal sex to cause an orgasm?
Having sex with children stimulates a penis and rectum.
Having sex with animals stimulates a penis and rectum.
Having sex with a mailbox stimulates a penis... UMMM... OKay just a penis

AGAIN! Are you telling me that sex with animals and children are okay?
Please answer the question.
You didn't answer the question.
I think you are at a dead end.
Luissa, I think you now see my argument.
If I enlightened one person. It was worth the time.

Just don't end the argument with an insult. When you end it like you put that last post... It looks like to the other people who have the same standpoint as yourself that you lost. Again, this is my opinion. I am having a friendly discussion with you. Nothing Harsh or mean. I hope you understand.
You didn't answer the question.
I think you are at a dead end.
Luissa, I think you now see my argument.
If I enlightened one person. It was worth the time.

Just don't end the argument with an insult. When you end it like you put that last post... It looks like to the other people who have the same standpoint as yourself that you lost. Again, this is my opinion. I am having a friendly discussion with you. Nothing Harsh or mean. I hope you understand.

I don't see your point at all, children are not of age of consent so that does not prove your point. Plus I never stated having sex without persmission is right.
And if you want to have sex with mailbox, go right ahead. I would make sure it was your own, you don't want to be charged with mail fraud.
Having sex with children stimulates a penis and rectum.
Having sex with animals stimulates a penis and rectum.
Having sex with a mailbox stimulates a penis... UMMM... OKay just a penis
I would say, if I were you, of the three above, if you are looking for an uncomplicated life I would stick with the mail box, you can always get the postman/woman to stick his finger up your arse. I hope my advice helps:eusa_angel:

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