The Problem with Gays.

Big difference in the OP

rob a bank- you steal someone else's money
commit adultery, you hurt somebody else
these things infringe on other people's rights and life

if you are gay, you have consensual sex with another gay man, there is no infringing on other's life

morals are not absolute, they are subjective, and differ from culture to culture, even i different regions in the same country. Hence the OP claiming things wrong is just their subjective opinion and NOT fact
attraction is biological, based on nature-nurture, and not a conscious decision. You can like a person and become more attracted to them but no amount of liking can overcome someone who you find unattractive. Just like some men like tall women, blondes, some like big, some really skinny, etc. It's a preference, like taste in food, taste in movies, music, hobbies, etc.

You either are attracted to someone or you are not. Gay people are attracted to the same sex, while heteros to the opposite sex. Nothing WRONG about that.

The nature/nurture argument is the homophobic camp's greatest red herring and it does nothing but impede discursive progress. It doesn't matter if homosexuality is natural or a choice because it does not justify bigotry. The best way to respond to their bullshit is to agree and say "Okay, it's a choice. So what?"
Bl Zeebub, before you take sides. Read the entire thread. That's one thing somebody should always do. Look at the points tht are made. Don't just be a sheep and go with what everyone else is doing.
I use common sense.
It seems everybody wants to be compassionate to the gays. You want to praise them for being gay. Fine, why won't you go gay with them... The sane people would be welcome to ditch a feeble mind like yours. Just remember how you were put on this earth! Your mom and your dad. Not your DAD and your DAD.
have your testicles dropped yet?
Cold Fusion, ONCE AGAIN, this is the concept of this post. It is in the "RELIGION AND ETHICS : Talk about what's right and wrong" thread.
I laugh at the people that try to defend this with no facts. They insult you for they can't deny what is said.
AGAIN! What does human organ known as the penis do when it is up another man's ass? Is it of the correct use?
If you answered "Yes" and your only explanation is stimulation... Well, then you are for Men having sex with children, Men having sex with Animal, and men having sex with non-Living things.
Cold Fusion, ONCE AGAIN, this is the concept of this post. It is in the "RELIGION AND ETHICS : Talk about what's right and wrong" thread.
I laugh at the people that try to defend this with no facts. They insult you for they can't deny what is said.
AGAIN! What does human organ known as the penis do when it is up another man's ass? Is it of the correct use?
If you answered "Yes" and your only explanation is stimulation... Well, then you are for Men having sex with children, Men having sex with Animal, and men having sex with non-Living things.

Let me ask you something, did you live under power lines for a long extended period of time at some point? :eusa_eh:
Dogbert, you are EXACTLY what I am talking about. NO facts to say I am wrong... OH I almost forgot... You INSULT to cover the fact that I am right.
Dogbert, you are EXACTLY what I am talking about. NO facts to say I am wrong... OH I almost forgot... You INSULT to cover the fact that I am right.

You aren't right. I'm not trying to cover anything.

You act like your trolling bullshit is some original idea. This horse has been beaten to death, brought back to life, and then beaten to death again. Repeat that process a couple more hundred times.

Why don't you come up with a original idea and make a thread out of that?
Well, Why can't you answer any of these questions?
It's funny because if it's like beating a dead horse... You would have all the answers to why Gays are right! Yet, with all of the experience of the 100+ beatings... You can't answer why you are for the GAYS.
Maybe, it's because you do what every other person does. You copy the fashion, likes in music, you follow trends. YEAH THAT's IT! You are just FOLLOWING. Well, maybe one day you will see. Until then, have fun with the sheep attitude.
its a perversion..a fetish...and while I don't want to crucified anyone for their particular kinks.. personality flaws or disorders..I also don't see the need to hold pride days over it or march them down main street and teach our children it is a reasonable alternative
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.

You are a bigot and so is Eots! Just in case you were wondering.
Luissa you were also the person that implied that having sex with children was okay because "Why would god make it feel Good?".
If I am a bigot... You are a Pedophile.
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.

well they just cry bigot because thats what the media told them to has been professional marketed slickly packaged and sold as something it is not..
Luissa you were also the person that implied that having sex with children was okay because "Why would god make it feel Good?".
If I am a bigot... You are a Pedophile.
Please show me a quote where I said that it was alright to have sex with a child?
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.

well they just cry bigot because thats what the media told them to has been professional marketed slickly packaged and sold as something it is not..

Actually I knew not to judge gay people long before I watched the news, my parents taught me to except people and not to judge people for their lifestyle. They taught me to judge people on how they treated other people. And from that lesson I know you are a hypocrite.
Luissa... Go through the thread.

I asked you something of the effect of: Does the organ known as the penis do? Does it have any effect in the ass of another man? If not... Then, are they using the penis wrong?

Luissa, you answered something of the effect of: (Did not answer the question.)
Well then tell me this, Why would god make it feel good then?

I answered: Some people think that having sex with children, animals, and mailboxes (See if you are paying attention) FEEL GOOD! If you use your theory... Then is it okay to have sex with children? Animals? HELL WHY NOT Mailboxes?

Luissa later answered: (Did not answer the question.) I AM TIRED OF THIS OLD ARGUMENT!

Since you can not answer the question... I can only take that as a yes.
I am a bigot, of you are a pedophile... Well, have fun with those little kids luissa.. Oh yeah! ALL QUEERS NEED TO DIE!(I am being sarcastic)

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